Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening all,

    Well the weekend didn’t go according to plan, all NFDs in the end but not OTT, however the scales showed me well up this morning!
    Ah well 4 x 800 cals it is and see what happens!

    Watched the rugby over the weekend otherwise not much done. 3 jigsaws done, now on to the 1000 piece ones!

    No snow for us, just very cold. Would love to have some to ge able to take Tara out in it.

    Jean, very hard week for you, also the dread of the dates looming up, so it will be hopefully easier after Wednesday. I think someone has already said, that special dates and events in the first 12 months are the worst, as its still raw. As time heals, you develop more coping mechanisms. Be kind to yourself and do what it feels right for you to do x

    Hemmy, did you polish upstairs? I’ve lapsed with my chores…lol…maybe tomorrow!
    I’ve started another book, I have a pile to make my way through, but it’s not grabbing my interest. Might have to speed read it to the end and then pick another one.

    Dave, hope your FD went OK, considering you were up early. Have you a plan to be a bit more cautious tomorrow, as its super Tuesday!!

    Typh00, I love hot cross buns! Need to get some in for the freezer. Have you been playing your guitar?

    Minols, hope you have recovered after the busy weekend.

    Stay safe everyone x

    S.O.F.A Week 5

    Minols 1
    Typhoo 1
    Hemmy 1
    Kay 0.5
    Jo +0.5
    Nana +1

    SOFA To Date
    Jo 4.5
    Kay 4.5
    Minols 4
    Typhoo 4
    Nana 3.5
    HH 2
    Dave ? (Weighing in on 2/4)

    No it’s cob day tomorrow unless they have sold out. Not going to mother in law’s this week having covid vaccination on Friday.

    Hi FBBs Sounds like the fasters have done well today. Well done Xxxx

    Still no snow they keep forecasting it .. I am not a lover of this cold though .

    The curry was a nice change this evening … Fasting tomorrow..

    I never got the polishing done .. maybe tomorrow. Lol To think I bought some paint last week well .. pie in the sky to imagine that will get on the walls at the moment lolol. Sleep well all .. Stay safe. Xxxx

    SOFA Update – revised 🙊

    Minols 5
    Jo 4.5
    Kay 4.5
    Typh00 4
    Nana 3.5
    Hemmy 3
    HH 2

    Minols and Hemmy, are your totals right? I’ve been flicking back and too and may have got confused!

    To of the league Minols🏆

    Morning all!
    Jean- hugs to you…don’t expect too much of yourself, it’s still so early days…well done with your FD yesterday.
    Dave- was the Superbowl good? Did think about watching it, but too tired! Not sure how you’re staying awake with having to get up for Heidi! Enjoy your cobs today 😁
    Minols- looks like you’re doing something right to shift some pounds! Any snow for you?
    Typhoo- enjoy your guitar & well done yesterday fasting & a Tesco shop, very impressive!
    Hemmy- will join you with fasting today! You’re doing well, losing a steady amount! Hope Pips enjoyed not having a wash yesterday!
    Kay- shame no snow for you, enjoy those jigsaws! Hope an extra FD helps, I know that feeling…
    Nana- glad your back is easing, take care when you’re out. Well done with your FD, you did well with it being so cold!
    Chickened out of mine yesterday, too cold & other stuff happening…shorter walk for Xena, but the boys went out for a walk & took her with them- she’s so excited when she goes out with eldest that she pulls badly. Weird because his gf’s huskies all respect him & walk well for him, although they normally pull, even the big boy one! We walked to our local shops to get stuff for neighbours, seemed to spend lots of time trying to dry coats, hats, gloves etc…had more snow in the afternoon & evening. Saw mum in the afternoon too- it’s warmer at hers!
    Hopefully a FD for me today…

    Good morning everyone, Sainsbury’s shop in a moment.No snow today, had a little lady night but the sun is melting what little we had.Cobs if they haven’t all gone.Up early today after going to bed at 2-30 am.Going to Specsavers tomorrow to see about getting contact lens.HH you better strap on the hot water bottles 😁.Will take Heidi out now before we go shopping.No mother in law’s this week, we are going for the vaccination on Friday.

    Good morning

    We’ve had a few more inches of snow again overnight but as i went out yesterday I have no plans for going out.

    My dinner last night was a very nice tin of vegetable soup care of Heinz with a bread roll which was perfect for this kind of weather.

    If anyone wants some snow I’m very happy and willing to send it down to you without any cost or charge 😝.

    Take care everyone.

    Morning All..
    A lovely snowy morning …feet’s kept lovely and clean always a bonus for Charlie…bought him a fleece neck warmer, it’s arrived I have lost his other, might have been thrown away…

    Pancakes for lunch, Nana’s hubby’s birthday so I thought I would join him on his birthday treat.

    I am trying to organise a gate so my nasty neighbour can keep out of my garden, he keeps leaving my other gate open, I am frightened Charlie goes walk about….I am sure he will kick off…

    Hope you have a good day today and get your coffee birthday cake made…hope your sciatica is improving.

    Hoping Heidi’s foots ok and there’s no glass in it…jab for me Thursday, jab for you Friday….hope the contacts are suitable and it goes well.

    Yes it’s all a learning curve, things just hit you when you are feeling ok..I suppose you learn to live with it. His Birthday tomorrow…I will always miss him, we just so matched each other.

    I am having more soup of late..I think it helps the calories..keep warm…we have enough snow thank you….

    Hoping the fasting is going well..I had a zoom coffee morning earlier, so no jobs for me as yet. Must start upstairs when the mood swings by…it’s just feels cold and the heating is blasting out…

    Goodness where did that come from..top of the board…amazed at 5 lbs a large amount..a big well done 😀

    Hope the fasting goes better today….you always do well…I agree coats, towels, Charlie’s coat all hanging about, you get fed up with it…roll on Spring…..hoping your friend is ok…

    Jean X

    Hi everyone…

    Loads of snow here – and still falling just now. Trying to decide the tactical moment for clearing the drive. OH went to work this morning and part cleared it. Do you wait until all the snow has fallen and struggle in and out. Or do you clear shen there’s a good break, knowing that probably there will be more, but you just hope it won’t be too much more? WHat do you think, Typhoo – you’re somewhere in the middle of the cenral belt?

    Current plan is to take the dog out in about an hour, and probably clear when I come back while I’ve still got daylight.

    Normal eating today and hopefully not over-doing it!

    Hi FBBs How is everyone day. Xxxx

    A sunny extremely cold day again here but no snow .. and thank you for the offer Typhoo but no thank to any snow. lolol

    Kay Yes that is my total thank you. I hope your 8oo day is going well

    Brads hope you managed to get your cobs.

    Hedgehogs.. Good luck with your fast today .. are you doing 800s too or 2 fasts.

    Sym… hope the day is going well for you and Charlie not too cold and nice meal later. .

    Minois .. hope you are having a quieter day today.

    Fast going well .. I had forgotten how good they made me feel.. Had 2 milky coffee and Its scrambled egg on toast this evening. About 600 cals. According to weight watchers chart I have 11lbs to lose for my height.

    Enjoy your day everyone whether fasting or feasting. Stay safe…

    When the destination seems far… believe in your own footsteps. Xxxx

    The good news is it’s finally got above freezing here but the bad news is it’s snowing quite heavily again.

    I don’t know I make a very generous offer to send snow and there’s no takers to help. 🤪

    Good luck to all those fasting today stay strong and warm.

    Stay safe everyone.

    No snow here and don’t want any. Sausage poached eggs and bacon for tea😋😋😋.

    Evening! FD good today, in the right frame of mind!
    Hemmy- hope yours has too, sounds like it! It’s been a near 800 cal day today, I’m thinking do ADF with that for now, adjusting to back on keto…
    Jean- of course you will still miss Steve, he was very special, extra hugs for tomorrow too… Pancakes sounded great!
    Nana- what have you started with hubby’s birthday- mentioned it here & mine’s asked for them valentines day!
    Typhoo- we have enough snow too, thanks! Keep warm too!
    Dave- hope the contacts help…
    Minols- hope you got the drive clear- did your son help? Can he go sledging anywhere near you? I cleared a path from the back door round the side gates, snowed again! Left it today, & no more snow!!
    Saw mum today- she got really moody about our rummikub games- she won overall, but I won the last one, & she was very cross! & kept making up strange rules 😂 Hubby’s taken son into work as obvs he can’t bike- roads better today than yesterday…
    Football on now, hubby’s a WHU fan, not obsessive though!

    Good morning all

    I don’t think we have had any more snow overnight just as well as I can’t give the stuff away though I think more is forecast over the weekend.

    On a positive note though it’s a great excuse for staying in and doing a hobby or something you find interesting to do.

    Stay safe and warm everyone.

    Good morning everyone,-2 here when I got up. It’s warming up now it’s gone to zero. Fast day today but up to early so it will be a long day🤪.

    Typh00!!! Send some down to me please. I’ve not had any!!

    Too cold to do anything again today, although the sun is shining. Oh well, there are another 2 jigsaws waiting to be started 😆

    Another 800 day for me. Harder work when it’s cold – as stodgy carbs are appealing!

    HH, well done for getting back into the fasting.

    Dave, interested to hear how you get on at your contact lens appointment.

    Jean, hugs for today, another sad reminder. Try and pick out some happy memories if you can x

    Just discovered why Tara was quiet outside! She’s been digging at a corner of the lawn! Obviously got the scent of something 🙈
    Luckily it’s not muddy so paw cleaning was OK!

    Keep warm and safe everyone.

    Fasters stay strong and non fasters stay mindful.


    It’s warming up here it’s only minus 1 instead of the minus 5 when I woke up this morning have to be careful not to get over excited and find the suncream and shorts.


    I’ll put some snow in the post and send it down to you, I can’t remember the last time I attempted a jigsaw not sure if I have the patience.

    Stay warm,safe and strong everyone

    Hi FBBs Xxxx Lovely sunny day but at 1 deg rather nippy. lol

    A good walk with just me and Pips no one is venturing out unless they need too.

    A good fast day yesterday … keep going todays fasters you can eat what you fancy tomorrow.

    Sym .. My thoughts are with you today .. be kind and gentle with yourself… Take care Xx

    Brads .. It will be a long day for you today..

    Typhoo.. Its going up to 10deg here next week .. we will think its summer lol

    Kay .. it is to cold to think about any projects at the moment .. just staying warm and safe is enough. .. Oh and concentrating on fasting lol

    Hedgehogs hope your fast went well yesterday and you found it easier.

    Minois .. hope you managed to clear the snow and no more replaced it.

    Take care and stay safe all …. Keep going, because you didn’t come this far to just come this far.Xxxx

    Jean- thinking of you…
    Dave- hope the appt goes well for your contact lenses & don’t get tempted by the crusty cobs!
    Kay- enjoy the jigsaws! I can’t lean over them without hurting my neck, but used to enjoy them…hope Tara hasn’t dug too big a hole! Keep strong…
    Minols- much snow?!
    Typhoo- enjoy your day in, hope you can find enough to do!
    Hemmy- hope you enjoyed your quiet walk! I imagine you being in a lovely old cottage with roses round the door, as you’re in a village- what’s your home like?!
    Trying not too eat too much but a long day- hubby was up at 5am to take son to work, luckily not too much more snow, & hopefully the roads will clear soon so he can bike! A bit stuck for walking Xena- pavements really icy & she does pull if we go to the park, the footpaths round the fields blocked both ways with snow drifts, smaller roads to the forest or heath will be bad…
    Made flapjack for youngest- I was very good & haven’t had any, not even licked the spoon! Mum says she’ll be okay on her own, so had the day free, have made a start on the motorbike picture for a birthday cake I’ve been asked to do- hope it turns out okay 😱
    Keep strong fasters- my turn tomorrow!

    Evening everyone didn’t post yesterday as it was ohs birthday and I really ate a lot more than I should have. Back on it today and have had 985 calories and am planning on a FD tomorrow.
    Snow has all melted here now but the temperature is falling down quite quickly.
    Jean been thinking about you today it’s not been an easy few days for you.
    Hedgehogs love Flapjack – might have to make some at the weekend.
    Take care all of you when out walking your dogs in the snowy conditions.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    A lovely river walk this morning cold and crispy, small amount of snow…clean feet when we arrived home.

    My beautiful Steves birthday today, I have been ok…our anniversary seemed to make me more upset as it was our day.

    Lots of phone calls and some lovely flowers from my step daughters, to share with Steve as the weather improves, too cold for flowers at the moment.

    Did you clear the drive..I used to quite enjoy that and a lot of the street too 😂

    Hope the contacts go well, just a bit of practice…

    Do you play the guitar well or is it the learning stage..hope you don’t upset the neighbours…

    You are doing well with all the jigsaws I am very impressed..hope the 800 days are going ok…

    Well done on your fast day yesterday..mine again Thursday these do spin around quick..A very cold night for us all..hot water bottle will be out…

    Motorbike cake sounds a bit difficult…all your cakes look good…flapjacks lovely I do like them, have you tried them with black treacle or half and half with golden syrup…it’s like bonfire night!!..you have had a lot more snow than us..all gone now here…

    A good birthday and treats yesterday..lovely walking in the hard crispy conditions..I have been a lot better today..

    Thanks everybody for your kinds wishes..

    Jean x

    Well done Sym getting through todays milestone. Xxxx

    So lovely to get the flowers from your stepdaughters so very thoughtful.

    Sleep tight and dont let the bed bugs bite and see you on the morrow for a fasting day.


    Good morning all,

    It’s a very chilly minus nine here so I’m glad not to be going anywhere today.


    Im still learning how to play the guitar so it’s strictly unplugged at the moment so my neighbours are very very safe and I’m sure happy.

    Fasting day for me I’m sure they’re coming around much quicker than usual.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Stay safe,warm and strong all

    Morning All…
    What a surprising walk this morning at -6 but so beautiful and mild, kept to the riverbank didn’t see a soul..until getting into the village then a few people about.

    I have got my shopping snow boots out, so much better for not slipping a good German pair !…they feel like slippers so light in weight…warm and waterproof….strange I have 5 pairs of boots and never really wear them, all nice and new sat in their boxes, I am naughty….

    Jab day for me, a day out to Pontefract, a pop into Tesco…

    Fast day for me…

    The guitar will keep you busy..good for your neighbours 😂

    Have a good fast day, anyone else who is joining me and Typhoo

    Jean x

    Afternoon all!
    Jean- hope that it goes okay having the vaccination…nice for you to have flowers yesterday, that the girls thought of you. Hope your FD goes okay…
    Typhoo- definitely a day for staying warm- can’t remember how far up you are, hubby thought he heard on the news it was -21°?! Glad you’re thinking of the neighbours!
    Minols- hope you’re keeping okay too!
    Dave- how are the contact lenses?
    Nana- nice to have a day off for birthdays, & good idea to ease back in gradually!
    Hemmy- hope your FD goes quickly! Enjoy your walk with Pip…
    Kay- how are your 800cal days going? & the jigsaws!
    Had a little more snow overnight, so a bit easier to walk, wore Xena out at the park, a new ball so it was easy to see in the snow! We were just clearing the drive when our asda delivery came- a mix up as he was supposed to be going to sister’s first, we didn’t plan to both get deliveries at the same time, it’s happened before! Twins! Sis is seeing mum, her test was negative again. Getting on with the motorbike pic, so fiddly, have to do a bit & leave it to dry…
    Fasting going okay, quite hungry but in the right mindset today!

    Hi FBBs Xxxx How is everyone on this intensely cold day.

    Very pretty with the sunshine but oh so very cold. . At least another day with no muddy wet towels. lol

    I must admit i dont at all feel inclined to do much as such after the morning walk then a sit at lunchtime. .

    I have just read a childrens story/tale written by an artistic neighbour .. she has written it for her grandchild .. illustrated it as well . Its so lovely and will capture a child’s imagination .. hopefully she will try to get it published. It would be lovely as she cant get about very well and its given her something of interest to do.

    Fasting today and going well so far . lol

    Sym .. hope your jab goes well and you have no after nasties. You can do plenty of walking with all those boots… they were ” made for walking” lolol Hope your fast is going well.

    Hedgehogs.. I would imagine it to be nice having a twin sister .. comforting. Were you always close as children ?

    Yes my cottage is an old one around 200 yrs… it was the Coach House to a hunting lodge.

    Hope your fast is going well.

    Typhoo … lovely to learn an instrument .. hopefully its not too hard going. Minus 9 is very brrrr. lol Good luck with your fasting.

    Nanafixit.. After your celebrations is it back to fasting for you today. Its always hard after having some treats to get back into it again. You have to enjoy life though.

    Fasters keep going we can do this … Take care and stay safe all ….
    Being different isn’t a bad thing.
    It just means you’re brave enough to be yourself. Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone it’s been a lovely bright sunny day here but very cold.
    Yes Hemmy I’m on a FD today but struggling with it. Daughter and son in law dropped by to leave ohs birthday present from them with a lovely card from them and also one from our two great grandsons who’d written inside the card themselves. Sent the rest of the birthday cake back with them so temptation to eat any safely removed.
    Hedgehogs we we’re always getting ohs
    Late twins post , takeaways and even had a skip left on our drive once whilst we were out at our previous address. Late twin lived at No1 Close and we were No1 Way.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x


    It was-21 in the highlands last night I believe luckily I’m not that high up in the country, was cold enough as it was when I went to bed at midnight the temperature was -7.

    Learning guitar is very hard on your fingertips until you build your calluses but it’s definitely worth it.

    I have had a tin of vegetable soup again today and used up some mixed vegetables from the freezer to make it a little more filling.

    Stay safe and warm everyone

    Good evening after a struggle putting my contact lenses in I finally managed it. Got to take them out at 10pm.Fast day and I am on 800 calories so will be a little over after a cuppa or two.

    Hi FBBs Xxxx

    A good fast .. just 2 milk coffees and eggs on toast this evening. So around 600 cals. Hoping for good result for the morning s weigh. We can but hope says she . lolol

    Nanafixit.. how did it go in the end were you ok it is cold for fasting .. good you sent the cake back with your family. Lovely your great grandsons had written in your card .. times to treasure.

    Typhoo .. A can of soup with added veg is a good choice for a fast my other go too. That and eggs I keep it simple lolol. When here before my favorite was a bacon and egg sandwich lolol I have to have something I enjoy.

    Brads .. I am sure you will soon get the hang of the lenses.. they are brilliant.

    Sounds like your 800 day is going well.

    Sym .. hope you are ok after your jab.

    Nite nite all.. sleep well, Xxxx

    Evening All…
    So cold the walk this afternoon, I got chatting to someone for 30 mins I had to be excused and walk, Charlie was shivering..

    Jab went well, didn’t hurt…all seems well at the moment no sore arm as yet..

    So funny you get sisters things as a mix up…annoying for you I suppose…hope the cake turns out well…

    The book sounds delightful, she should get it printed….I researched my family tree over 10 years and I got 6 books printed, 5 for my grandchildren and one for me. My earliest date was back to about 1720.

    Well done on your good fast day…mines gone well too about 650 cals

    Too cold for outside visiting, good you could send your cake with them..

    Goodness glad it’s not -21 here…That’s cold…

    Good luck on taking out 10 pm contact lenses …it can only get easier…

    Well it’s bed time for us, I am quite tired tonight..

    Jean x

    Good morning all

    I was awake at what the hell o’clock this morning, who knew there was a six am you learn something new every day.

    Another fast day completed and almost time to step on the scales to see if anything has been lost this week.


    Before i started started my weight loss journey sausage sandwiches were one of my favourite things to eat but keep it to moderation now.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember to keep warm and stay safe.

    The scales were very nice to me again this week as I have lost another 1lb.

    Good morning everyone,I got a cold nose pushed into my face. Heidi saying it’s time to get up😵.The annoying thing is she gets me up then comes downstairs and gets in her bed and goes to sleep.No snow here but freezing,0°C.

    Afternoon All..
    A good river walk, a bit chilly….meditation class that was the last one this morning , it’s been very relaxing, I really must try and continue even for 30 mins.

    Chicken and mushrooms this evening debating in a red wine sauce or a creamy white??..new potatoes.

    Just had some of your snow Tyhpoo stop throwing it this way!!…stopped now.

    I am waking up between 5am and 6 am, just a bit early..a good sausage sandwich is always good, a touch of tomato sauce…well done on your 1lb off…nice and steady..

    Nothing like a cold nose😂….hope all goes well for your injections …

    Take care…weekend arriving for the workers, much the same for the rest of us…have a good one.

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone was pleased to see a one and a half pounds loss shown on the scales this morning. Can’t understand why as I’ve had pancakes and birthday cake this week. Very cold here have to keep going outside to break the ice on the birds water bowl most mornings and again in the afternoon.
    An early start Dave hope all goes well with the vaccinations this afternoon.
    Take away curry this evening planned plus a glass of wine or two.
    Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Hi FBBs Xxxx

    Another very cold day .. ground absolutely frozen . A clean Mr Pips again though so a bonus. lol

    I was pleased to see another 1 lb loss this morning. Soooo I ask myself where the hell did 2x2lb bags of sugar sit on me. lolol

    Typhoo…. Well done on your pound … You could have a sausage sandwich now. lol

    Sym.. Meditation is so good .. you never realise how much junk we keep thinking all the time. Our poor minds must constantly want a good declutter.

    Brads .. How are your contacts today.. do they feel ok.

    Nanafixit… Well done on your 1 1/2 lbs loss thats brilliant. See we can have our Birth day cake and eat it lol Enjoy your curry and wine. Its Friday night Yay .

    I must say so far I am finding it easier this time .. maybe as I now realise you can have some leeway to enjoy some treat days but its best to do proper fast days. Yay we can do this we have all done it before loads of times.

    Just enjoyed 2 chunks of some lovely fresh sour dough 3 cheese loaf with homemade soup. Simple but very tasty. Fishcake and homemade chips tonight. With a tipple of something. lol

    Keep going fasters .. Take care stay safe Life will always be filled with challenges so just be happy. Xxxx

    Well done on the scales..a bit more than usual…should have more treats😂 and birthdays…enjoy your curry evening…might have a glass of wine myself…

    Freezing here too…a touch of snow which wasn’t forecast….I am not looking forward to tonight’s walk, I don’t often say that.

    Well done on your loss, 4 lbs off since you have been back a really good start…soon get the 11 lb off.
    Lovely meal for you tonight, sour bread sounds good too…

    Chicken and mushrooms in a white sauce or red wine sauce, not sure yet and new potatoes, peas..

    Jean x

    Well done Nana and Hemmy on your weight loss this week that’s another step closer to your goal.

    If i had some bread or rolls I could have been very tempted by the thought of sausage sandwiches with ketchup but fortunately there’s none in the house and it’s looking very icy outside so not going anywhere.

    Not sure what I’m having for dinner yet but nothing as fancy as Jean with a wine sauce 😝 or a bottle of wine.

    Stay safe and warm everyone

    Hi everyone – tonnes of show still lying around – not the motivation to clearit that there was last Beast from the East cos no-one really needs their cars! Really hoping it will melt / wash away after the weekend, though, without freezing too much in the process!

    Not declaring a weight yet…might be a consolidation week. Hopefully I’ve done enough struggling up and down the hill in the snow to mitigate for the hot chocolates I get at the top!

    I’ve had a nice slow work day. I prioritised the boy’s stuff – second world war, whcih I used to teach, so thoroughly indulged myself…the poor boy!

    Had a first last night – sat down to a meeting I had to chair for 5 others on zoom, opened the room at 6.50 for 7 o’clock…at 7.10, trawled through my emails to check what the time of the meeting was…stayed with the room open catching up on some other things until 7.45…NO-ONE turned up! never had everyone forget a meeting before, and I have email proof that I’d called the meeting for 7pm!!!

    Takeaway and a movie night tonight…just one ‘report’ to draft and I might just do it with bubbles!


    Mine nothing fancy but delicious..I did the red wine sauce in the end and a glass of red too..
    Strange cooking for one, Steve would have enjoyed it…💕

    How ever does everyone forget a meeting..you poor love…hope you managed to clear your emails,,,let’s hope the snow soon clears we still have a lot of snow and ice about..Sunday is the day when the weather changes..hope it soon clears..

    Have a good weekend

    Jean x

    Minols- shame about the zoom meeting, where did they all go?! Hope your snow soon goes, ours too, too icy now! Hot chocolate is definitely called for!
    Nana- well done on your loss! All very strange, but enjoy it! Enjoy the takeaway tonight!
    Hemmy- well done with your loss too! Keep warm today…your cottage sounds heavenly!
    Typhoo- please don’t talk about sausage sarnies! Making me hungry 😂 Well done for your pound too!
    Dave- hope all goes well today…naughty Heidi waking you up!
    Another good game at the park with Xena, but a really icy walk, went over again, not her fault this time & she did make a fuss of me, no injuries to report. Roads & some pavements are a few inches thick of solid ice, think it’ll take a while to thaw…Hair cut again for youngest, saw mum this afternoon & then spent a while playing with Xena- she’d been too tired to play much with hubby at the park, & then livened up when I got back!
    Haven’t eaten too much today but the carbs have added up somehow…
    Have a good evening!

    Well done to all those who have lost this week. I gained 0.5lb so have to more careful on NFDs.

    Minols, is that bath bubbles or grape bubbles??

    Typh00, you didn’t throw the snow far enough to reach me!

    Week 6 SOFA
    Typhoo -1
    Hemmy -1
    Nana -1.5
    Jo -2
    HH -1
    Kay +0.5

    So updated numbers are:-

    Jo 6.5
    Minols 5
    Typh00 5
    Nana 5
    Hemmy 4
    Kay 4
    HH 3

    9 Weigh ins left!! 😱

    Thank you Kay for the update. Xx Enjoy your week-end… are you just chilling out. Was it you that lived in Warwickshire … I am really missing going to Stratford to my favorite tearoom .

    Typhoo .. we will all be wanting these sausage sarnies now. lol Mine with brown sauce please. lol

    Sym… your dinner sounded divine .. did you do white or red wine sauce .Enjoy your wine. I am feeling good as having 2 glasses of white half mixed with tonic water. Seems a waste I know lolol but I dont want to get the flavour for wine again especially Merlot. lol

    Minois .. Sorry your Zoom never Zoomed .. Thats a lot of snow you have there for shoveling. Hopefully will melt soon.

    Hedgehogs .. Be careful with slipping up you dont want to hurt your back or break something. I think on top of all the restrictions we have all had enough of this abnormally cold weather now .

    Brads .. hope your day has gone well.

    Nanafixit a good week all round for you with celebrations and your good loss.. I hope your sciatica is behaving.. I dont expect the weather helps..take care.

    Enjoy your evening all.. Anyone fasting over the week-end. lol Xxxx

    Vaccination was ok not had contacts in today I was driving so kept my glasses on when we went for the vaccination.Brown sauce on bacon or sausage, ketchup on burgers.I had the Pfizer vaccine, all seems ok no aches or pains. No snow here so don’t send me any Steve. Will take Heidi out at 10pm, it’s very cold here with the wind chill.

    Morning all

    It’s still very icy and cold outside not the best conditions unless you’re Torvill and Dean doing the Bolero down the street.


    I’m sorry i will try and throw the snow a little harder so it reaches your part of the country 😝.


    As soon as this snow disappears i may have to make a trip to Tesco so I can make a sausage sandwich, I can almost taste it now lol.

    Stay safe,stay warm and strong everyone

    Morning All…
    Absolutely freezing here, so glad to be home and warm…

    Duvet day I think…two bits of washing done, takes the guilt off 😂

    I can see you taking up hairdressing when the lockdowns over…you must be very good if they keep coming back…😂..hope the tips are good!
    Take care on the ice, you are worse than me….

    Kay’s in Cornwall….
    I am with you on the coffee shops I am really missing them..we have a lovely one at the park, Charlie can go in we go usually for brunch, he would make a good manager he cries till his meal is served😂😱..they do love him.
    Chicken in red wine sauce, it was tasty..I am still enjoying a red wine, a bottle lasts three days or a bit more, I have bought a couple of pink thinking it will be lighter.

    Glad the vaccine went well..the queuing wasn’t so good…hope Heidi has started eating again..

    Really cold here, you must be worse than us..my daughter in Houston was having -13 last night, it’s years since so cold there.
    I have enough stuff in to keep away from shops…hope you can get out soon, if you want too 😂

    Jean x

    Good afternoon Heidi got me up early as usual. Took her out, it’s freezing -2 brrr.Not to bad my shoulder where I had the jab, better than the flu jab. Heidi had her food at 1-30 am🤯😵. She’s just had half a bowl of today’s food already.

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