Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon!
    Jean- don’t look in the cupboards! You do plenty of walking so it’s never that lazy a day! Charlie is very lucky to have you 😀💗
    Nana- glad the sciatica is a bit better, good to keep walking…keep strong, hope the hunger goes!
    Minols- good luck with the homeschooling, is it half term next week?
    Typhoo- keep strong too, I do like a good thriller as well, but a non-fiction book to plough through first!
    Dave- are you fasting today as well, or tomorrow? Hope you have some drier weather…
    Hemmy- How old’s your dog? Both of you do some long walks!
    Kay- you’ve bern quiet, hope you’re all okay…
    A lovely bright day here, but the car was frozen first thing so took Xena to the park- we played with her ball for over an hour! Don’t often go in the morning as hubby takes her in the afternoons. Rang my HomeStart family, have cleaned the bathrooms & now my back is stiff so will sit for a bit. Fasting okay but am hungry! Salad tonight…not seeing mum today- sis is off & had a negative test yesterday so should be safe for her to see mum for one day!

    Good afternoon dry at the moment but rain predicted. Not a fast day today so had almost 500 calories already. Chicken stir-fry for tea tonight.

    I was premature when I made my statement about the rain stopping it’s still chucking it down out there.

    I’ve been busy shopping online for a guitar stand so I pick it up and play more so that’s helped take my mind away from food.


    I do like to read a good autobiography currently reading Thanks alot Mr Kibblewhite by Roger Daltrey.

    Hi FBBs .. a mild day again here but just gone very dark. Snow forecast weekend hopefully that is wrong. lol

    Left at 10.30am this morning back at 12.30 so a good walk. on my own today which was a nice change to do my own pace .. saw a flock of about a dozen wild deer really pretty with their little white bottoms. lol

    Pip sees them off but knows they outrun him its like he just makes the protective gesture.

    Hedgehogs … Pip is 9yrs old .. very fit and active… since a puppy he has run the fields everyday .. No fat on him at all.. just muscle.
    We do about 2 hours every morning but thats it just the one walk. Then about 4pm I go out in the garden throw for him for about 20 mins. After dinner we play The treat game he goes in his basket till I call him… i hide little treats all around the lounge he finds them . He knows where they all are as we have been doing it all his life. lolol

    Sym .. Just take it easy rest and spoil yourself .. you have been through a very tough time. One of the toughest in life I think. I find it hard getting motivated to do things at the moment.. getting adjusted again without Mum. Spring will help a lot it always does… new life.and hope.

    Typhoo .. I love reading too .. I go from mystery’s to war years .. to easy reading beach style . Love them all..lol

    Nanafixit Sciatica is soo very painful .. gentle exercise the way to go but I bet not easy when you are in pain. Take care…. oxo cube in hot water is good for curbing hunger ..

    Fast going well .. the plan hopefully is I have had 2 milk coffees .. and dinner will be 2 boiled eggs with a slice of toast soldiers with a bit of marmite. 2 satsumas. around 600 cals .. hoping for a good result tomorrow .. the fasts are making me feel good .. lighter. .

    Stay safe all …Good luck fasters… enjoy feasters.

    Before you put on a frown ..Make absolutely sure there are no smiles available. Xxxx

    Had a good walk with Heidi, not very far but for her it is. She’s asleep now recovering 😁.Can’t believe it’s still dry no rain. Steve & Minols -20 predicted in Scotland soon. Brrr.

    Evening All…
    Fast finished…two eggs with some toast kitchen closed…Charlie’s sulking as I have no biscuits with my cuppa…

    Short walk this evening, mild and pleasant…

    Lazy day again not me at all…just can’t get motivated…

    A very long walk for you this morning..I don’t think I could do two hours…you must miss your mum a lot she was always staying with you, Kirsty too now she is more busy, nice she has settled with her partner.

    Heidi not too good today, take it easy old girl…..

    I have Maxi ( dally) in US pulled his leg overnight and he can’t walk, he’s getting it massaged and hot water bottle on, see how he goes….
    I have Oscar ( King Charles Spaniel) an abscess up his bum, he’s on antibiotics and painkillers, daughter picked him up to take him outside, he was upstairs on a bed, her hands where full of ?? She dashed to the bathroom, it burst last through his fur, it was like a blood bath while she sorted him out in the bath. So two poorly boys here.

    Keep strong fasters..

    Jean x

    Shape yourself Jean or I will be round.Heidi slow now but still always ready for a walk. Might take her now.

    Hi everyone,
    I’ve just found this site. It looks amazing. I’ve tried every plan under the sun apart from this one. I bought the book fast diet and I’m intrigued and so ready to give it a good go. I need to lose nearly half my body weight but it doesn’t phase me it just has to be done.
    I’m looking forward to getting to now my fellow Brits. I’m form Bolton Lancashire

    Welcome Lorraine, it’s a good friendly bunch on here. Come on every day it does help. Not far from me. I am in Manchester.I have lost a few stone since coming on here.

    Hello Lorraine and welcome. As Dave said we’re a friendly bunch on here. I’m from Cambridgeshire. Don’t think about the whole amount just aim for small goals it’s easier and not as daunting. Good luck.
    Nana x

    Hi Lorraine & welcome on here- it’s good encouragement especially on GDs! Monday is a mass fast day, nearly all of us do that!
    Jean- Ewww, gross for your daughter! Hope both the grand-doggies get better soon!
    Hemmy- your Pips is doing well for 9! Would love a game in the garden but ours is so wet it’d be a mud bath! I do scent work with Xena, hide a bit of old sock round the garden, hard finding new hiding places! You must miss your mum so much- did she live with you?
    Dave- good that Heidi still wants to go out, little & often for her…
    Nana- hope your fast has gone okay?
    Typhoo- I don’t really like autobiographies- only one I’ve read in the Supervet’s- that was really interesting!
    Eggs here too, but with salad for me. FD gone okay, have made yummy seed crackers for tomorrow! Tesco order came okay, but I’ve forgotten a few bits, getting as bad as Mum! Youngest has got his new bike- a really lovely carbon racing bike, he tried it out & it only took him 20 mins to bike to work, so that’s not bad, it takes 15 mins to drive! No arguments about wearing a helmet thankfully, not like when he was younger! Keep strong this evening!

    Evening FBBS Xxxx

    A good day fasting .. hopefully a good result in the morning Lol

    Hi Loraine … Welcome and good luck. This is a good way of life.

    Sym and Hedgehogs.. I miss my Mum dreadfully in her nineties and very much as Kristy says ” Still had her marbles lol She had soo much wisdom .. had a saying for everything.
    I never thought I would miss the words ” I am only telling you for your own good” lol

    She lived in my local town 15 minutes way .. I picked her up on A Saturday lunch time .. we got her favourite ham rolls from a local shop then called at a charity warehouse on the way back. She stayed till Tuesday .. she worked in the garden when possible .. then we did her shop and she went home Tuesday .. She loved it. A good life. Went peacefully in her sleep.

    Sleep well everyone Xxxx

    Good morning

    I’m awake at stupid o’clock this morning that is the only downside with my fasting I don’t always sleep as well.

    Welcome Loraine you will find this is a very friendly forum and good luck with your fasting journey.

    Good luck anyone fasting today and keep safe everyone.

    On weigh in this morning I’ve lost 1lb was hoping for two but it’s still a positive.

    Hi all – especially Lorraine – lovely to have you with us.

    Like Typhoo, I’m lodging 1lb for the SOFA (Stone off for April challenge, Lorraine)…figure I’ll log it today cos of the Friday night takeaway, and then spend the next few days ‘protecting’ the loss!

    Nana – sciatica always sounds so dreadful…really hope it eases with gentle movement for you.

    Jean – your doge stories sound awaful…unlike Hemmy’s day with Mr Pip – what a brilliant day he has! Oud old boy is just as keen going out, and as reluctant coming home as ever…but spends 9-3 curled up asleep, 4-6 building his excitement levels for the man coming home and the smell of tea growing from the kitchen…then flops again after cleaning the pots! he doesn’t get his own food until last thing at night, so he dozes with half an ear open for the telly going off.

    Chilled-ish day today cos workign all day tomorrow at a conference thing.


    Morning all!
    Typhoo- well done on the pound off…I don’t sleep well on FDs either unless I do a run of 800 cal ones.
    Hemmy- how lovely that you had that time with your Mum & that she had all her marbles! My Mum lives round the corner which is great, but she has dementia now 😞 She loves her garden too.
    Enjoyed my breakfast this morning!
    Had a lovely heath walk with Xena- found a tick on her afterwards, ugh!

    Morning All…
    A wet mild walk but quite nice…river walk then went out of the village on another road, not so nice for Charlie, so I re tracked back onto the river walk again so he go off lead again…

    I have lost 1lb this week quite surprised as I have over eaten on a few things..must think a bit more before I eat….day off today 😀

    Welcome…snap I have tried every diet going….when I realised this was my way of life….two carrier bags of diet books went to charity shop!…
    I have lost 32lbs and kept it off most of this last year…I have been in this group for I think 6 years and come on here every day. I am from Easy Yorkshire.
    I am maintaining now but still have to have the help of my friends on here…lots of ups and downs of life which we support each other with as it all impacts on weight.

    You haven’t made your seed crackers for a while….new bike sounds good, nice he can get to work easier, how long does he wait before he can drive again?
    A bit of shopping for me before the change of the weather..

    I feel as if I know your mum as we were always talking about her….she had a good life although she is missed and loved.
    It’s a hard week for me ahead, our Wedding Anniversary on 7th Sunday, Steves birthday on 10th Wednesday.

    I don’t know why but my sleep is not good these last few weeks…I always sleep like a log. Rest up today..
    Well done on your pound off…

    Zoom meditation class at 11am…then shopping..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone and well done to Typhoo and Minols on losing weight this week. Sadly I’ve gained a 1lb despite being good but I think it’s down to reduced walking and taking Ibuprofen over the last few days for the sciatica pain but I know it’s only a blip on my weight loss journey.
    A lovely sunny morning here at the moment but we have snow forecast over the weekend. Indian takeaway again for my Friday night treat.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone. Weekend at last yay! I’ve had a busy morning at school but home now to carry on virtually!
    I have decided fast days will be Monday and Wednesday. I’m still looking through this site, so much useful information. It is great.
    Have a great day everyone 🙂

    Good morning everyone Heidi got me up at 9, didn’t get to bed until 2-45am😵.Heidi was eating at 2-15am I missed a goal in the hockey watching her incase she tried to go upstairs on her own. Fast day today hopefully, shopping day to do off to mother in law’s now then shopping.Denise said they are doing very well in Manchester with the vaccine so could be getting it soon.

    Welcome Loraine, I echo what’s already been said! Hopefully you will find it a bit easier being part of the group.

    Lots of us not sleeping well at the moment, maybe as things move on and we have more things to focus on, it will improve. Although I was awake till 2am I think I had about 8 hours and only remember walking up at once, so that’s a huge improvement!

    Only half pound for me this week but at least its in the right direction. Well done everyone else for losing too!

    I will do the S.O.F.A update once everyone has logged in 😀

    Looks like a turn in the weather for us all over the weekend, although the forecasts do seem to be a bit hit and miss at the moment, well more than normal.

    Hemmy, sounds like you had lovely times with your mum. I remember you talking about your weekends.

    I can’t wait for this lockdown to be eased so I can go and visit my mum in North Wales. It’s been a long 12 months…

    Minols, have a good day ahead of busy one tomorrow.

    Nana, enjoy your Friday night takeaway.

    Jean, hope it’s quiet when you go shopping. One of us needs to pop out at some stage, either today or tomorrow, to pick up some beer/cider 😆 Six nations rugby starts this weekend!!

    Typh00, when’s the next FD for you, weekend off?

    I’ve decided to have a calorie counted day today, TDEE is 1545, so that’s my aim.
    Tomorrow I will have a day off and eat what I like.
    Sun and Mon will be 800 FDs,
    Tues 1545 cals again
    Wed, Thurs 800 FDs
    Hopefully = GOOD WEIGH IN ON FRIDAY!!

    Off to colour my hair and then going to start a jigsaw, people are jigsaw swapping in the village and I fancy doing one, not done one in years!

    Have a good Friday all x

    Well done to minols and Jean on your pound loss it’s another step closer to your end goal.

    I haven’t been sleeping so well the last couple of weeks i don’t know if it’s just because of everything going on in the world at the moment or the time of year.


    I’ve done my two days fasting this week so the next one will be Monday.

    Stay safe everyone

    Afternoon All..
    A good zoom meditation class..popped to shops to top up before the weather changes..

    Daughter is popping for a couple of hours, then a Charlie walk.

    Enjoy your Indian this evening…you have had a bad week, your walking is lower…no worries on weight,tomorrow is another day…just get yourself better.

    Good you have planned your week…hard work for you at the moment..my daughters in school she is shattered at times…have a good weekend break if you can…

    Hope MIL is good and you get your shopping in…no news on my vaccine at the moment ..Manchester is doing well…

    Half a pound us half a pound…it’s good…..hope you find a good jigsaw you can do…enjoy the rugby.

    Have a good weekend hope your guitar stand arrives..

    Have a good weekend, try and take a bit of you time…did I say well done on the pound off 😀

    Tick season..it’s a bit early….

    Jean x

    Hi FBBS Hope you are all well. Xxxx

    A bright mild day here so far. Still sooo muddy out walking its good exercise on the leg muscles keeping boots on. lol .

    Pip does well but its the breed though .. springers never stop .. My old springer was playing with his frisbee the morning of the day he passed.

    So pleased the scales showed a 1 lb loss this morning… So on track.

    Tyhpoo Well done on your LB Loss. I think abnormal times have made sleeping hard. Such a change of the way of life we knew.

    Minois Well done on your LB loss Oh I love the routine of your old boy .. What would we do without them about us. All the choicest bits of food go to my old boy I bet yours too . lol

    Hedgehogs… Its lovely you have your mum near and can keep an eye out for her. The garden is so reassuring and relaxing good she enjoys that. Better weather soon.
    Ohh ticks are awful things.. lucky you found it. Did you twist it out.
    Pets at Home do a brilliant spray for dogs .. Tea tree skin calm . I always use it after a tick or graze.

    Sym .. Well done on the 1LB .. It is hard the first year going through the events you shared together.. You have done Christmas .. this week ahead not easy.. treat your self kindly .. put yourself on holiday for the week .. A few treats … relaxing. Take care.

    Nana .. the most important thing is to look after your health you have had a tough week with pain. Enjoy your take away tonight tomorrow is another day.

    Loraine .. I am from Oxfordshire/Northants/Buckinghamshire Borders .. can be in them all in 30 minutes. lol Been on 5-2 about 6 yrs with a few stops .. the best way of life. Hopefully you will enjoy it too.

    Brads.. Vaccine is going well. A friend had hers yesterday at Oxford stadium. Amazing the places they are using. Hopefully you get yours soon.

    Kay.. Well done on your half a pound Oh kay that been a long time not seeing your Mum. Things seem to be improving so hopefully not too long now.
    It s a good idea to shake the food plans up a bit. Kristy has a personal trainer twice a week.. Stretching .. yoga ..etc.. he has done a plan for her and its 1600 cals per day.. I thought it seems high it will be interesting to see how she does.

    Take care all stay safe. There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness. Xxxx

    Hemmy…..posts crossed .

    Very muddy walks all around..better the hard ground…poor Charlie hates his feet being washed….my shops were very quiet so pleased on that in and out quick……

    Well done on your pound off…you have the scales moving and you are soon back in the swing….

    Have a good weekend..
    Jean x

    Kay – love a jigsaw! I’ve done a couple in lockdown. Strangely distracting and calming at the same time.

    Because I’m working tomorrow, went to Tesco at lunchtime…busiest it’s been in ages. I’ll definitely be back to first thing in the morning after that!

    Weather still vile for the second walk in a little while. It’s the boy’s turn to choose the takeawya – KFC tonight – and a movie.


    Kay I always try to be a minimum of 500 under my tdee.I have have the full allowance I have never lost a gramm.Hemmy I used to like going to Sandy lane Cowley for the speedway.Until it closed.They are doing very well with the vaccination in Manchester, might get a letter soon.

    Good morning

    I bought some hot cross buns yesterday but am being good and only eating two after my evening meal so will be gone by the next time my fast comes around.

    Slept like a baby last night and woke up at 7am I turned my phone off a good hour before bed so think that probably helped.

    Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe

    Morning All…
    What an awful day….a very very wet walk, everything in the washer when home, Charlie’s towels, buff and coat, just easier, so wet we might as well start again…

    Sat thinking what to do….cooking seems to be having the pull….cheese scones and fish cakes for the freezer…I will see…

    Just booked my injection appointment its Thursday, a bit wary as the weather forecast was snow and awful, checked the weather again back to rain so no problem ..I hope..

    I agree you must choose your times…then you crash in on a busy time…I go to Lidl but they don’t have the cleaning stations, it makes me go to Tesco for safety.
    Enjoy your KFC tonight….you have just reminded me I was thinking of pizza delivery tonight, fish cakes would be calling if they get made 😂

    You are doing really well..keep going, hope your letter comes soon…

    Glad you slept well…another bad night for me although I did go back off and slept in to 8.30….I don’t know why….I don’t like hot cross buns so I am ok with that..Easter eggs are a different story…

    Have a good weekend everyone…
    Jean x

    Quick post, internet so slow again!
    We stayed dry for our walk, lots of other walkers out but enough space…washed my boots & waxed them, fiddly job so took ages! Cook big breakfasts for the boys, now youngest is cooking his lunch! Seeing Mum soon.

    Jean I never use the cleaning stations, if you think about it all the people that use it some could have covid,I keep a small bottle of sanitizer in my pocket, have to make sure you was it off before stroking Charlie, it’s bad for dogs.I don’t like hot cross buns either but as you say Easter eggs😋😋😋😋.HH unplug your router and leave it for ten minutes then plug it back in, your router gets full of junk so this cleans it out you should try and do this once a week or at least once a month.

    Good afternoon FBBS and what a beauty of a one too. Xxxx

    After a foggy start its been brilliant warm sunshine .. feels like springs arrived. Snowdrops looking lovely and daffs in bud.
    Still very muddy on the fields but no ponds of puddles.

    Late lunch as refitting a toilet seat .. instructions naff but internet help is brilliant. Feel elated managing to do it. lolol Doesn’t take much to please me. lol.

    Minois … Hope your weather is kinder today.. and you all enjoyed your takeaway.

    Brads … We are a very sporting area as the speedway was always popular ….a local lad that did well was very much supported years ago. . Plus we have Silverstone nearby too. I use my own sanitizer ..safer.

    Tyhpoo… Good to get a decent nights sleep really makes the difference. I love hot cross buns too .. with thick anchor butter. lolol I still have a Christmas cake so maybe for Easter. lol Enjoy the rest of your buns .

    Sym … Did you make your fish cakes and cheese scones. Yummy . lol .. A no cook day for me cold roast beef sarnies tonight and my satsumas. Plus a tot or two of my sloe gin. lol
    Good you have your injection date through .. hopefully the weather will be kind.

    Hedgehogs … How on earth do you manage to stay on track with all the food you cook for your boys. Enjoy your afternoon with Mum.

    Kay … How is it going for you .. enjoy your day whatever you are doing.

    Take care all stay safe … It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.Xxxx

    Hi All

    Here is a high quality smoothie that really helps to burn/drop 3 pounds in Three days. You wont believe what my mother look like.

    If you want an interested, you can check check it out for free to result that fit your busy schedule article which contains lot of information : https://linksly.co/zumK

    Evening All..
    A very very wet walk again…other dogs knock going out but Charles is ok when we get going…

    I ended up cooking chicken legs and mince for the boy, including chopping carrots..still it’s only just gone in the oven feeling a bit guilty I think…reading and phone calls this afternoon…lazy really..

    My boots are desperate for dubbin, seems always wet..wellies on this evening might have a go later if dry from this morning…hope mum was ok was it a games day?

    I never thought of that… I do have gel in my pocket usually..looking forward to a few Easter eggs…

    Your weather much better than ours…just had a flood alert through on my phone…lots of puddles about already…very muddy too.
    I need a new toilet seat a job for me too….Steve just too poorly to fix it…
    A no cook day for me..boiled egg chopped with salad cream one of my favourites and maybe peaches and cream..a search in the drinks cupboard for something different 😂…..by the way 2 gammons bought and frozen..

    Enjoy the rugby hope you found a zoom crowd….

    Is it a curry night or something different…

    Enjoy your boys choice tonight KFC…

    Are you watching the rugby, are you a sports person…

    A quick call to the States I missed a call while walking..I don’t usually speak at the weekend they are always busy, sports and gymnastics for the children….

    Jean x

    Hockey tonight so a 3am bedtime.

    Morning all!
    Jean- hugs for you, a difficult day, hope you can manage some happy memories…I do like egg salad, but not sure about it on a Saturday!
    Dave- will try unplugging the router- if there’s ever 10 mins when it’s not in use! I think it’s mostly both boys at home as well, youngest watching netflix & eldest gaming…enjoy your hockey!
    Hemmy- sounds like a lovely afternoon in the sun, & well done on the loo seat! You’ve done well with your Christmas cake still intact!
    Typhoo- enjoy a lazy weekend!
    Nana- how’s the back? Hope it’s settles soon…
    Minols- hope that your service goes well today.
    Kay- is your leg all better now? Sorry, I keep forgetting to ask! Did you enjoy the rugby?
    Sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone!
    Wet out but then snow, came down hard enough to lay, very cold walk, gave up round the field as it was a bog, playing ball at the park not very successful either as it got buried in the snow! Then as soon as we got home eldest decided he was going for a walk, so he took Xena out again, she loves going out with him! Trying to warm up now, quite glad we can do Church at home! Cooking a roast this afternoon.
    Have a good day all!

    Good morning

    It’s a cold February morning here but I have no plans on going out .my guitar stand arrived yesterday so have no have no excuses for not playing now it’s not living in a case.


    I didn’t watch the rugby was going to watch it on catch up but decided against given the result.

    Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone.

    Good afternoon everyone, no snow here but the odd flake is falling.Got to bed at 2-45 this morning, may watch the Superbowl tonight. Heidi just meet a big dog that went for her, normally she just ignores them when it happens but not this time she put it in its place. Freezing outside so nice to get into a warm house. HH unplug your router when you go to bed.

    Hi FBBS bright cold very windy day. No snow yet. Xxxx

    A very cold walk this morning … glad to get back in the warm. lol

    I was pleased with my weight this morning so will go careful today. Just had my lunch sandwich and little caramel egg treat.

    Some salmon fillet tonight with small potatoes .. and broccoli bit of lemon and parsley mayo. Icecream.

    Hedgehogs .. this Xmas cake is a Tesco one its dated upto today 7th will it keep longer do you think.. would it be ok till the end of the month..

    Sym… I enjoyed my Gammons.. they were two in a pack with pineapple rings.. oven cooked it ..
    Hope you had good dry walk I dont do much today as my Granny always said Sunday was a day of rest.

    Take care all stay safe “Contentment is natural wealth; luxury is artificial poverty. Xxxx

    It’s been a really tough day today, my Wedding Anniversary after Steves passing. Very upset all day, I didn’t expect it to effect me like it has.

    Jean x

    Oh Sym .. Xxxx So very sorry its been such a hard day.

    You were such a pair together two halves. It is always so very hurtful those first anniversary’s etc.

    I know its often said but time does heal .. you are doing so well .. Charlie loves and needs you.

    Do just what you feel like .. have good cry .. go to bed .. just look after yourself.

    Its so hard I know so well everyone can do the noises .. be so good but it just feels like you are in there on your own. It does get better. Take care lovely lady Xxxx

    It will be a difficult week Jean but as they say time is a great healer and we are all here if you need us.🤗🤗🤗

    Good morning

    The weather people have finally got the forecast correct as it’s looking very white here we had a good blanket of snow last night.

    It’s another fasting day for me today I’ve just got in from Tesco’s but I was very good and just got the essentials.


    I’m sorry you have had a very rough weekend and as others have said time can be a great healer and we’re here for you.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Stay safe everyone

    Afternoon All…
    A busy morning, a snowy walk, house insurance done on phone a long job, car service organised, washing in and Charlie’s veggies are cooking.

    I am fasting today, I will have a coffee for lunch…sit down now for a bit…snuggle with the boy…..I had a small breakfast, egg and tomatoes on toast this evening.

    Very bad day yesterday…I feel much better today…..just to get over Steves birthday on Wednesday….

    Thank you kind words..looking forward to my gammon in the week…I would eat the cake as long as it tastes good..Xmas cake lasts for ages…

    SIL was watching Super Bowl they had friends over….

    Keep stronger today I am fasting with you..white over here too, snow keeps starting and stopping…heavy at times….good thing for snow Charlie’s feet keep clean…

    Thanks everyone..don’t know what I would do without you…🤗

    Jean x

    Hi All – keeping it low today – an omlette a little while agao, and then hoepfully just a small portion of something orother this evening! But very tired after the weekedn.

    Jean – you’ll be feeling a bit wiped out, I guess, and fasting too – take care, m’dear. Wednesday will not be good, but the anticipation of it is also rough…get through this week – you’re in our hearts, so if your feet drag, jump on here and let us help you.


    Good afternoon got to bed at 3-15am😵 then Heidi got me up at 9am😵😵🤪. Will be another late night tonight, ice hockey 😵😵😵.Fast day today and feeling hungry already but will stay strong 💪.

    Hi FBBs Xxxx An extremely cold day for walking so we keep it a bit shorter this morning about an hour and a half.

    Still no snow as such a few flurries here and there. The good thing about being frozen it was a clean Mr Pips for the first time in ages. lol

    No fast for me today … so a curry for dinner tonight… Only an uncle bens jar one.. and rice pouch .

    Trying to get motivated to polish upstairs maybe I will or maybe I wont. I have a good book. lolol

    Keep going Fasters .. you know you can do it you have already proved it.
    Take care and Stay safe all ..

    As always, laughter remains the best medicine. Xxxx

    Hi All…

    Fasting going ok..kept busy…we will be walking at 4, I will be really for eating then…

    The special days seem to hit you, I wasn’t expecting it as bad yesterday…you sound as if you are doing well on your low day..keep safe in this snowy weather you always get it bad up north…

    Another late night with hockey..keep strong..don’t know how you do it…

    We did a hours walk this morning, a bit shorter tonight..I have been playing with him to keep him busy..enjoy your curry this evening, you will be fasting tomorrow?..I have found another book to read, my sister gives me loads in carrier bags, she reads lots and fast.
    Did you clean and polish or not..tomorrow is another day….as mine is still waiting..

    Jean x

    Evening everyone, managed a nice walk I the snow this morning but it was slippy so took it extra slow so as not to fall over plus didn’t want to risk aggravating my sciatica pain which has eased of late. My FD today has been hard as I was really hungry and so cold but I stuck it out and have had 680 calories. Tomorrow is OH birthday so am going to make him his favourite cake which is a Coffee and Walnut sponge and he has requested Pancakes for his Birthday meal so a lot of calories will be consumed 😉
    Jean we’re always here for you 😘
    Hope everyone else has had a good day whether fasting or not and keep safe.
    Nana x

    Well done Nana,I am on 576 at the moment,add a few cups of tea and a hot chocolate to that so I should be ok and under 800.

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