Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good afternoon FBBS Xxxx

    Snowing quite heavy here .. walking was hard going this morning I think the worst walk for a long time. Fields are just like mud ponds.. I still managed an hour and a half.

    Hedgehogs… you are always soo busy doing for your family .. what lovely Mum daughter wife .. plus human Mum to doggie you must be .

    Nanafixit Well done on your pound loss yay. Its hard getting washing dry without a dryer .. like you I had one years a go
    but never bothered to replace it. I try to do a bit of washing every day to cope with the drying. Were you ok after your jab my friend felt really cold and a very bad head all the next day.

    Sym Well done keeping you weight stable thats brilliant. Get those bushes and ignore those neighbours dont let them get you down you dont need that. So good you have Charlie to focus on .. Honesty I really dont know what I would have done without my Pip. Now after 8yrs we have such a strong bond I love him and he me so much. He is what I see last thing at night and first in the morning. Take care stay safe

    Typoo 3 lbs… WOW Wow and Wow.. didn’t you do fantastically well good for you. The smaller plate must have worked. lol Will you have any treats this week-end now or keep on track. I am looking forward to a mini caramel egg tomorrow when I collect the papers. lol

    Hope everyone else is well Take care all stay safe. Peace begins with a smile.Xxxx


    I think i need to keep on track for now to get the maximum benefits from the fasts. I may treat myself for Easter to a nice egg but just the one 😇.

    I had a good plateful of pasta yesterday evening for my 600 calories maybe the smaller plate does work lol.

    Every success makes the next fast that little easier so looking forward to mine on Monday.

    Afternoon everyone and well done Typhoo.
    Hemmy just an achy arm at the moment but when my OH had his he had an achy arm plus a mild headache and a touch of feeling nauseous a couple of days afterwards. In our local newspaper today was a gentleman who was aged 104 and a half years old receiving his vaccination.
    Horrible weather here raining/alerting and a cold wind so going to sit and watch a film this afternoon.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Afternoon All..
    A village walk, this morning…the river up high and flooding, coming into our street, the village pumps were on taking it away…

    Upstairs clean finished..

    The fence is up it looks nice, a bit too short but looks awful because I can’t paint it..looking for 2 metre high bushes it’s a minefield looking…as I want something easy to look after……hoping Jacqui’s school gardener/friend can give some ideas..I need to take some pictures to show him what I need to cover.

    Well done on your 3 lb off a very good start….I will be fasting Monday…

    Lovely snow but hard to walk in..our park is a mud bath poor Charlie after his lovely shower at home, clean and sweet smelling..then the mud bath, it’s hard to know were to start to get him clean….
    The garden fence looks a bit of a mess, the bushes will take a few years to grow.
    Does Mr Pip sleep on your bed, Charlie does, we snuggle together 😂

    My sister feels quite unwell with the jab, very flu like and bad headaches, down and weepy. She needs to get out for a daily walk when she feels better, she us in most of the time.

    Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.

    Jean x

    Hemmy & Typhoo – well done on the weight loss! Nana & Kay too- all done well, except me 😂
    Windy & cold here, just a few snow flakes, mainly rain. Xena has stayed in her new bed, rather than her crate, but was very protective of it & very cross if anyone came near 😡 She refused to leave it to go out last thing, so of course needed to go out at 2am- was still being silly, so had to bribe her with chicken to go out, & stand out in the rain with her in my PJs! Has been okay today though! Have seen Mum again today, lots of wrapping up presents for sister’s birthday tomorrow; the boys have got her some but are rubbish at wrapping!
    Pizza tonight & the biscoff cheesecake I made yesterday!

    Good evening.Felt under the weather today, took second lot of painkillers so hopefully they will kick in soon. Steve week done on the 3lbs loss. Cold and windy here but dry for a change.

    Lazy day here today, consequence of a late night and alcohol 😆

    Getting fed up with all the rain now, looks like we have another week of it coming up…

    Jean, I’m sorry the bullying neighbours are still at it 😡. There will be something you can plant in front of the fence. Has he already painted it before putting it up or is he not painting it?

    HH, Xena is funny with her her beds isn’t she!
    Hemmy, don’t envy you getting rid of the fox poo smell! Why do they do it??

    Well done everyone who lost weight this week.
    Hemmy and Typh00, I don’t know if you are joining in with the aim of getting a stone off for April (SOFA) but well done both. Great start back.

    SOFA Week 4

    Nana 1
    Jo 2
    Kay 2
    Minols ?
    HH 0

    SOFA so far: JANUARY
    Nana 4.5
    Jo 5
    Kay 4
    Minols 3
    HH 2
    Dave ? (Weighing in on 2/4)

    Jean maintained ✔

    9 weeks to go 😉


    I would definitely be interested in trying to lose a stone for April, that’s an achievable goal I would think.

    It’s been wet here all day but luckily no snow and before anyone asks i don’t want any sending up here thankyou. 🤪😝

    Not as easy as you might think. But I am trying.

    Morning All…
    A lovely morning to walk, very hard underfoot, ended up going to the park I don’t usually at the weekend as it gets too busy…more people were arriving as I was leaving so well timed.

    Having breakfast and a cuppa, then a few jobs to do. I will be fasting tomorrow..

    A Happy Birthday to you today and to your sister 🎂..Have a lovely day. Shall you be meeting up.
    Xena is very funny being protected of things, they all have their strange bits.

    Are you feeling any better today, did you sleep?

    The fence us a teak colour both sides, wish it was a bit higher…I have looked at a few different bushes, instead of having it all the same, I think different evergreens, you can get different colours, a flowering Buddlier for the corner, 1.5 to 2 metres, for them all. He’s left my gate open twice, I have to keep checking I don’t want the boy on walk about!
    Hope you feel better today and you can get out for a walk..

    Join the SOFA, see if you can move the pounds 😀

    Have a good day, are Sundays easier through lockdown or are you still doing services?

    Jean x

    Good morning

    I got up had breakfast and that’s enough excitement for one day lol.

    I’m up for joining the sofa just need another 11 pounds to lose if I can lose one maybe two a week it’s very doable.

    All i have to do is stay strong and away from the chocolate,cakes and hot cross buns when I go shopping.

    Stay safe everyone.

    Good afternoon dry yet again not used to it not being wet.Happy birthday HH, your catching me now. Looks like there is snow in the sky, hope it passes over.

    Hi FBBs Xxxx

    A better day here although cold no wind, dry and brighter.

    Had a nice walk with my neighbour .. then it was getting the Sunday paper some cold
    roast beef and some fresh bread for a lunchtime sandwich.. Oh and my little caramel mini egg lol

    This year of lockdowns have made simple pleasures more enjoyable I think.

    Kay .. Yes please to joining SOFA .. I have about 12lbs to a stone to lose. I will be happy if I can achieve about a pound a week is that ok. It will keep me more motivated.

    Brads … Do you take Cider Vinegar I swear by it .. I have 2 tablespoons every morning in water with a spoonful of honey. My Australian neighbour put me on to it a few years ago ..I must admit touch wood with a few more vits as well my health is very good. Hope you feel better today .

    Typhoo Being Sunday is it a bit of Chocolate day lolol Just a square say. lol

    Hedgehogs .. Happy Birthday today … enjoy your special day.. Hope you get some lovely pressies Xx
    Sym ask at the garden centre fro quick growing shrubs .. ragged robin is one Or different shade of conifer look good long side each other. Hope you are having a good day and Charlie didn’t get to mucky ..

    A nice easy day now .. feet up reading the paper and book. I have the other Gammon steak with pineapple tonight for dinner so a restful day

    Take care all say safe . “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Xxxx

    Jean- glad you could avoid others at the park & stayed on your feet! Is the hortible neighbour coming in to do the fence, was that why he left the gate open? 😡
    Dave- hope you feel better soon…was the steak good last night?
    Kay- thanks on the SOFA update- have to say at the rate I lose I doubt I’d get a stone off by then, but next week will certainly start with a proper big push! I think you’ve got as much rain at the moment as Dave normally has!!
    Typhoo- you’ve had a good start with the weight loss at least! I agree, a tempting time of year though!
    Hemmy- enjoy your lunch & the chocolate! Nice to have had company for your walk!
    Minols- hopefully not too busy a day, & hope all the tech works!
    Thanks for the birthday wishes! I’ve had loads of cards, some lovely flowers, donations to dog rescue, smellies, candles…so very lucky! Popped round to Mum’s with sis to have cake in the garden, then neice, nephew & his partner called round too, against the rules but several of her neighbours don’t seem to worry so hopefully no-one would mind! The neighbour’s dog got out & came to say hello too, she’s the cutest Jack Russell you’ve ever seen! A lazy afternoon then cooking my own dinner tonight- not letting the men lose to mess up my kitchen- or my food!

    Got a few things done, then a 10 min snooze before daughter woke me up 😂 we were both snuggling on the settee…

    Thinking about tonight’s dinner, some beef I think already cooked to go out of the freezer into a dinner.

    A bit of motivation with the others it all helps. SOFA challenge..everyone loosing what they want…

    How are you feeling? Any better…

    Your day sounds sorted..a bit of reading for me in a minute…enjoy your gammon tonight, that’s something I could buy…hard thinking when it’s for one…but I am getting in the swing.

    He was in his own garden there was no need to come into mine!..he could have shut the gate and not leave it open…too cold for people at the park, a few more coming as I was leaving..good to walk on the hard ground and no wash for Charlie always a bonus 😂
    A lovely get together in mums garden, it’s the best you can do….you have to live as well…have a lovely day and meal tonight.

    Jean x

    Still not 100% but just carry on, nothing else to do. Just been out with Heidi and it’s cold, brrrr.Roast beef for tea with Yorkshire pudding 😋😋.I made the pud mixture and left it in the fridge.

    It’s a Linda McCartney vegetarian pie plenty of cauliflower, Broccoli and Brussels for my tea and then I start my fast.

    After the positive result i had yesterday I’m quite looking forward to this one but I may change my mind tomorrow when I’m in the middle of it. 😝

    Typhoo Have you had the Linda McCartney veg pies before. I have some in my freezer
    but never had them yet . I would be interested to know if you find them tasty.

    Are you doing 800 cals per day or 2x 500. 3 pounds was a good loss last week for you.
    Good luck with tomorrows fast … Tuesday Thurs for me. Xxxx

    Hedgehogs… glad you had a lovely afternoon.
    Your family obviously know your taste they are mine too. Love flowers and candles especially. lol

    Hope your day finished with a lovely meal by you leaving a clean kitchen. lol .

    Brads hope you enjoyed your Roast beef. Did Heidi get some too. lol

    Sym.. The gammon steaks are from Tesco but think most stores do them.. chiller section These come 2 in a pack a sprinkling of cheese and a ring of pineapple. Had one in the week and the other today .. Little potatoes and a pack of fine green beans that did me the 2 days.

    Now alone I am not faffing about doing things from scratch very often like i did when Mum and Kristy were here. I think after all the years of the kitchen I just go for the easy simple route. lol

    I often buy a M&S meal deal at the weekend for 2 which includes wine. Main .. side and desert .. then I have it over Sat.. Sun works out £5-6 per day including a bottle of wine. Spoiling me time with no washing up much . lolol

    Stay safe everyone. Dont for get you are worth it. Xxxx

    Well that’s me stuffed I think I may have over done it with the very generous amount of veggies. Luckily I’m not eating much tomorrow.


    I’ve had the Linda McCartney pies before and would recommend them to anyone and they’re quite tasty to me at least.

    I had a lovely meal too last night & was very stuffed, so hoping today’s FD is easier! Son has taken Xena out for a run, we’ll go out for a walk when they get back…More hair cutting later- against my better judgement I did eldest’s hair as he wanted it, he now accepts he should’ve let me do it my way & wants me to do a tidy up on it!
    Seeing mum later…

    Quick fdrop in – double service and graveside this mornign. people we loved so both happy and sad. Full lives well lived. Just doing the tech wind up having had zoom participants and recorded it!
    Just 1lb off last week.
    Catch you all later

    A pound off is a good result Stomach is really aching now 😫.Hemmy I will give the cider vinegar a try, anything to feel better. I had all this pain before Christmas and had 2 telephone appointments with gp,plus an ultrasound and they resulted in nothing. The virus is still very high so if you go into hospital there is always a chance you don’t come out so it’s a worry.Took painkillers, taking the full amount at the moment.

    Hi Brads …

    If you have low stomach acid, for example, you may experience bloating due to bacteria buildup in your stomach. This can happen when food isn’t broken down. Because ACV may help increase stomach acid and may also be antimicrobial in nature, it could theoretically help.

    I get mine from Holland and Barrett own make .. Or Amazon.. Braggs cider Vinegar BUT IT MUST BE ” WITH MOTHER” not just Cider Vinegar . I take two tablespoons in water with a bit of honey. Best to start at 1 Try it . Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely river walk this morning, very bright and crispy..

    Fast day for me..small breakfast and a couple of drinks all going well…

    Well done on the pound off…double funeral must take it out of you, sad time…

    Hair cuts always iffy, it’s easy to want some thing different I always like to go with what’s already there.
    Hope you trimmed it more to his liking…

    Try the vinegar I have a friend who swears by it for all sorts of things..

    I am not keen on veggie stuff..are you a veggie or just like the pies?

    I am having more easy stuff far from what I used to do…I have bulk cooked and frozen meals, my curry for one, but my beef is still for two people. My daughter suggested M&S but with lockdown a bit too far to travel, sounds some lovely stuff. What day do they start doing the weekend deals with wine? any idea.

    How is your fast day doing…have you had your walk this morning..

    Walk shortly, might have soup tonight for a change…maybe a slice of toast for afters 😂

    Keep strong fasters…

    Jean x

    Hi FBBS Xxxx

    How is it going today every one.

    A dry day here but chilly and still very muddy .. A lovely 2 hour walk on my own today. Since last year I have a few different peeps that will walk with me.
    It is lovely to have company but sometimes just to wander along at will and just be is oh so very peaceful.

    Tonight a Jacket potatoes cheese and beans a feast day. How is the fasting going everyone on the Monday fast. .

    Anyone fasting tomoz with me. lol.

    Typhoo .. Thanks for the feedback on the pies .. I will look forward to one this week.
    Hopefully your fast and day is going well and the start of another brilliant week for you.

    Hedgehogs .. Glad you enjoyed your meal to finish your special day … Hope the hair turns out ok .. Mum always knows best lolo.

    Minios Well done on your lb off last week.

    Hope everyone else is doing well Stay safe all

    A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. Xxxx

    Sym …. Crossed posts lol Xxxx

    The M&S deals are not every week but I look on their site click into deals in the food

    section it tells you if there is a deal on and gives you the choices.

    I often split it all around different days.. use a side for one day meal .. and often its a small whole chicken for 2/3 which I might freeze for Kristy here. Its good food and you get a bottle of wine inc .. Of course and its” not just any old food ” lolol Xxxx

    Afternoon all

    The weather isn’t too bad today and fortunately the snow they keep forecasting hasn’t arrived but they will get it right one day.

    The good news is the clocks go forward at the end of next month so can look forward to the lighter and warmer days.


    I’m vegetarian and have been for almost twenty years but even us veggies can put on the pounds with too many cakes, chocolate, biscuits and the like lol.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Evening everyone have scraped in 798 calories on my FD. I find doing 800 calories easier than 500 calories for me so I lose weight slower but it’s working.
    Jean had a Tesco online shop delivery first thing then we we had our daily constitutional walk which was much more pleasant as there wasn’t as many people about as yesterday.
    Minols well done on your loss.
    Hope everyone else has had a good FD.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Will done Nana,I am on 666 at the moment 👹. But due a cuppa so add 20 for that. Been a good FD.

    It hasn’t been too difficult a fasting day but still looking forward to my breakfast tomorrow morning.. I do believe the weekends positive result has helped with that.

    I always have a teaspoon of milk in my coffee or tea on fast days i haven’t got used to the taste of anything without yet.


    666 that’s a beastly number of calories for anyone 🤪

    Early morning all…one more very full day and then I’ll take it a little easier tomorrow.

    HH – missed your birthday – hope you had a lovely one.

    No fasting today – still too tired and too much to do, so need my porridge! The boy go off with doing practically no work yesterday, so once he’s up it’s nose to the grindstone today!! He was tucked in a room at the church, and then in the car are at the graveside, but I was really proud to have him stand at my side as the hearses came into the cemetery.

    I thought we were getting snow overnight, but just peaked otu the window and nothing so far…fingers crossed, as I want to make our walk a quick stride up to the butchers later.

    Right, enough prevaricating, I got up at this ‘ungodly hour’ (ha ha) for a reason…one more sermon to write for this month – honestly, pinning my backside to the chair has been a nightmare! So undisciplined!


    SOFA update: JANUARY
    Nana 4.5
    Jo 5
    Kay 4
    Minols 4
    Typh00 3
    Hemmy 2
    HH 2
    Dave ? (Weighing in on 2/4)

    Jean maintained ✔

    9 weeks to go 😉

    A couple of days of nothing-ness.

    Minols, buckle down and get writing. The boy too 😁


    Minols- glad your funerals are done, hope son can catch up today! Well done with the pound off 👍
    Jean- M&S ready meals seem to be good, Have tried them occasionally, if you get the chance to go! Alot of the ones Mum gets from Sainsburys seem to be good too.
    Hemmy- a 2hr walk is great, a bit too muddy for that for me today, but I have just ordered some new wellies which will hopefully be comfy enough for long walks!
    Typhoo- well done on your FD yesterday, & Nana!
    Dave- poor you with this stomach pain! I know what you mean about the hospitals & Covid, I wouldn’t want to have to go in now…
    Kay- how are the games going with Tara?
    Been to our local shop today, thankfully it was quiet- youngest has a week’s holiday & is eating loads, he needs to though! So more supplies needed! Rang my old homestart family- a very hard time for her, all the 4 boys are difficult…going to Mum’s shortly, then will try out my new steam mop- the last one broke after 9 months!
    Not a FD today!

    Afternoon All..
    A snowy day and lots of fun at the park..Charlie shivering when we got back to the car…all gone now very cold out.

    A lazy day for me not doing a lot..a beef meal for 2 tonight, out of the freezer, enough for another day.

    Hope you got to the shops walking and up very early working…hope the snow stays away..

    A good update on SOFA..well done to everyone, all looks good.

    I have shopped in the village, it will do for now….only milk, eggs and potatoes……good luck on your new mop such excitement 😂..nothing else to look forward to…hope mums ok today…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon

    Still no snow here but have been out and it’s very cold i should have worn a hat but got home and had a nice cuppa.

    The few calories i can have on my fast day is definitely helpful at the moment just to get through the evening.

    Stay strong and safe everyone.

    Hi FBBs how is everyone today Xxxx

    A much milder day here at 12deg a nice walk with a friend .. still very flooded in the fields and bridle path but lovely it was warmer. Coats undone today. lol

    Going well so far on the fast .. just had a milk coffee this morning and a Coop cottage pie this evening 450 cals .. so should come in around just over 600 cals. All being well. lol

    I have found already though that my stomach has shrunk a bit already compared to last week Fast. The slice of lemon water sipping does help a lot I think as it did before.

    Kay Thank you for the update. Hope you are having a good day.

    H H You really do need good wellies with all the rain we keep getting. Snowdrops out though now and I see some daffs coming through in bud .. always a sign of hope and spring.

    Sym… I shop in the village a lot too. Do a big shop every few weeks to go and look around although not much open at the Mo. Then shop in my village as well. Its good to shop locally to keep the shops open. Sooo miss the charity shops and Garden centre lunches. lol

    Tyhpoo Hope your day is going well.. Good to escape the snow .. nice and pretty when it arrives but then quickly the slush and bad travel..

    Minois Hope you made it to the butchers ok .. Got you work done and dusted.

    Good fasting .. and feasting .. Stay safe all

    It always seems impossible until it is done. Xxxx

    Evening All..
    A short walk this evening as a long one this morning and play through the day…make it an easy day..

    Beef in a box from the freezer, chippy was smelling and calling this evening so chips finished my lovely meal…er wine on the side.

    Keep strong nearly finished…hope the snow kept away…ours turned to rain so most of the snow has gone but very cold..

    So very cold here..your weather is much warmer, hope the pie was nice and finished your fast day well…
    I have more beef left for tomorrow maybe with a jacket ..I really miss my cafes. Charlie and I used to go to the cafe at the park once a week for brunch, I do miss it…I just love cafes and lunches out…meeting friends and chatting..

    Jean x

    Good evening everyone.Took Heidi out but the rain was that heavy we can’t back in. Will try again around 10pm.

    Good afternoon.Fast day today, had to much yesterday. Only 20 calories so far but feeling hungry now. I must try and cut down on non fast days especially on Tuesday’s.Weather is dry for a change so I will take Heidi out again without getting soaked.

    Foul, foul day here today. I don’t mind wild and windy, but add in the rain/sleet and I’m not churffed to own a dog! A cat would let me sit by the fire…

    Had my main food at lunch…an omlette for protein, and then I had to bake a part-baked roll in order to film a ‘communion’ for Sunday – my life is so strange these days! So I got to eat that, too!

    I’ll probably just have a mug of stock tonight and that will be a fast day done!

    Dave – envious of your dry walks today!


    Evening All..
    A lovely play walk at the park..the boys had a good run..

    A very lazy wasteful day must move more tomorrow..

    I will be fasting Thursday…

    Poor you getting soaked, 5 mins earlier you would have missed it…you are having a good fast day ..well done.

    Your weather sounds awful…nice food on a fast day even a bit of warm bread…

    Mild dry walk tonight for us, another new puppy on the block…Charlie ignores puppies although they all seem to like him like a rash. 😂

    Beef dinner and Yorkshire’s tonight…before the fast…

    Have a good evening..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs How is everyone today. Xxxx

    A beautiful spring like day here .. very mild again but see all goes downhill once again this week-end. Funny as all seems to change then.. not fair on younger neighbours that are working all week.

    A good fast yesterday .. I am pleased with how it is going.. It really does help being here among like minded friends. Sometimes though you have to break off as life gets in the way. lol

    I am very fortunate as a neighbour is also geared up to lose about the same weight as me .. so on our walk we boost each other. Harder for her as like some of you she cooks every evening for a husband and son with big appetites.

    Sym … the beef and Jacket sound wonderful .. I bet Charlie is a very handsome boy.. that is a really pretty gorgeous looking breed.

    I too have days I could call wasteful but since reading an article in the Sunday supplement saying .. We should just all look after ourselves at the moment dont try to achieve anything other than keeping ourselves mind body healthy through this Pandemic… Thats an achievement in its self… its so true.

    Brads … think we all have been there eating too much on non fast days. Its like sort of relief. lol

    Glad the weather for you and Heidi is better today. Not nice walking in the rain.

    Minois… Sorry you have had a bad weather day .. spring around the corner hopefully. Nothing like the smell and taste of fresh bread .. love it Of course with thick butter lolol.

    How is everyone else doing .. fasters good luck feasters enjoy your meal. Stay safe all.

    Live life to the fullest and focus on
    the positive. Xxxx

    Good evening all

    It’s been another miserable wet day here definitely a day for staying inside with a good book in the warm.

    Fast day for me tomorrow which I’m looking forward to doing and hopefully the scales will be very kind to me at the weekend. I’ll be happy with any loss as it would be a positive.

    Jean- funny the puppies like Charlie! Xena will mostly ignore any dogs while she’s at the park, obsessed with her ball!
    Hemmy- I like the idea of not feeling guilty about lazy days! Well done with your FDS, good your tummy’s shrinking! Good too to have a friend with you, is she doing 5:2 as well?
    Dave- why are Tuesday’s bad for food? Is it because it’s a shopping day?
    Minols- home made bread, yum! Communion should be several times a week!
    Nana- how’s your sciatica? Hope it’s improved…
    Typhoo- nice that you can stay in & keep warm! What do you like reading?
    Eaten too much today- going back on keto tomorrow, so eating things I won’t be able to…I don’t think I’ll be contributing to the SOFA again this week! Shall do a FD tomorrow, as well as keto. Had a lovely walk with Xena this morning, it was so mild! Mum was walking with a friend today so had an afternoon off! Have caught up with some housework, we had to pop into our nearest little town for a couple of bits, oh, the excitement!


    I do enjoy reading a good thriller but otherwise almost anything with a good story.

    I’ll be looking to add to the sofa this weekend and hopefully closer to the magic stone loss before April.

    One smaller meal for me tomorrow but it’s worth it to be healthier and fitter, if I lose two pounds i think I’ll be under thirteen stone for the first time in years.

    Morning All..

    A fasting day for me…

    A good long walk out the village, along the fields a very quiet road, Charlie on long lead, he came back very muddy but I think he enjoyed it for a change.

    We have very mild weather enjoying it at the moment, change for the weekend…snow.
    Lovely you have a neighbour who wants to loose weight similar to you, tempt her onto the 5.2….it is hard if cooking for a family.
    Charlie I think is handsome but of course I am bias..he has a lovely nature and always very close to me now although he can have his moments, very much like children…he gets very spoilt with my cooking.

    Always good snuggled in with a book….I am fasting too today.

    Charlie acts as if..’I make them I don’t look after them’..he is good with them but he tries to ignores them 😂..nice to have a day off from Mum…my daughter may come tomorrow it depends on the weather..

    Nothing planned for the day, wasteful day yesterday so must do something. Charlie’s jumper needs stitching, the hem on one sleeve he’s caught with his paw, just drying on the radiator at the moment, so a later job.

    Jean x

    Morning all

    I think it’s actually stopped raining so I can put the rubber dinghy away again.

    Not feeling too hungry right now either which I’m happy with and hopefully will last until around 5pm when I plan on eating.


    I’m trying to keep busy too but not much to do really unless I get really bored I’m sure there’s housework needs doing.

    Good luck everyone fasting today remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Morning everyone just😉
    A FD today and I’m feeling really hungry now so thought I’d post on here to remind myself that others of you are also fasting today.
    Hedgehogs sciatica pain has eased slightly and I’ve been keeping up my daily constitutional walk albeit a lot slower and not as far. A nice warm bath before bed helps also.
    Jean nothing wrong with a wasteful day I’m having quite a few lately.
    Hope those of you fasting are having a good one. Also hope everyone stays safe.
    Nana x

    I am still sat not moving..as you say housework always some about..I have walked 8 km this morning so not feeling so guilty. A few phone calls done.

    All going good up to now, a small breakfast and a cuppa.

    The sciatica is so painful, I had it for three months my hip right down to my toes..take care..you want lots of TLC
    I am on top of everything unless I go into cupboards..I am not that bored yet…😂

    Keep strong everyone…

    Jean x

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