Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hi everyone
    Missed a lot over the weekend! Beautiful here, and daily walks keepign us active. In fact, this mornign, the boy really struggled to get into his maths, so we just stopped and went out. Funny thing, came back and after the maths his next task was health and well-being – had to do a wee survey of how he feels before exercise and then after! Talk about timely! Also he’s studying the evacuees this term, so he gets a feel for how previous generations have had to tackle tough stuff.

    Kay – thanks for keeping tabs on us – your loss will come. You may have a load off this week as it can sometimes take a wee while to show after a good week.

    Time to make a coffee before the zoom discussion group. Once I get this done, I should have 2-3 days clear to get ahead on some writing…done too much talking/reading about the need to get it done – now just need to do it!!!


    PS Dave – just noticed the haggis reference. We had ‘haggis truffles’ from the butcher yesterday. Imagine a scotch egg but with haggis where the egg would be – yum!!!

    Good Afternoon FBBs Xxxx

    Oh what a glorious day we are having. Blue sky and lots of sunshine .. although still a fair bit of snow about here . We had quite a bit yesterday usually we seem to get away lightly with snow and storms.

    Pip loves it acts like a naughty child lol .. this morning he tugged to get away off lead… then pestering me to throw the snow. Even my friends little king Charles usually so very placid had the devil in him. lol .
    We had a smashing walk in the sunshine lots of chat while the dogs enjoyed themselves.

    Just had a disappointing sandwich for lunch cheese with some lettuce and tomato .. I dont usually buy salad in winter and only grill /fry tomatoes … just fancied a change and now I know why I dont bother …. no taste at all.
    When you are being careful trying to lose weight you need to have tasty food when you have a meal. lolol

    Brads .. I do so hope Heidi managed some of the chicken.

    Minois… I have never tried Haggis .. I will look it up and see what its made of.

    Sym .. Yes Kristy did have this partner when I was here before .. I struggled as I loved the one before . lolol I still do . Only I know that though. lolol
    FlowerPots get painted when looking tatty .lol

    Well haddock fishcake with melting cheese centre … homemade chips and peas for dinner

    FAST DAY TOMOZ for me. Any fasters today .. keep going you can do it.
    Eat less sugar. You’re sweet enough already.” Stay safe all. Xxxx

    Hemmy- I do love a cheese salad sarnie, needs a scraping of mayo in it though instead of butter, & black pepper! Glad the dogs (& you!) enjoyed their walk!
    Minols- happy Burns night to you! Very good timing with your walk today 😉 Hope that you can get some writing done, will your son be allowed TV/ computer games in the afternoon so you can get on?!
    Youngest son’s gf is ill today, so has to isolate until she gets a test- she’s quite anxious about that though so wouldn’t go to get one, is waiting for a postal one…he has gone there to isolate too as they’d seen each other anyway. Obvs can’t travel for his court case now, but apparently they can do it by video link now! Shame they didn’t do that ages ago! He’ll be relieved to get it out the way…But I’m not seeing mum to be on the safe side until we know definitely, so feel for her, maybe a walk together tomorrow outside, she’s not good at keeping a distance though!
    Fasting (800 cal) day going okay, but hungry! Ate too much at the weekend again, so doubt there’ll be much of a loss this week! Have burnt off some cals catching up with housework…
    Hope everyone’s okay x

    Hi, I’m in Horsham West Sussex and am going to have first fasting day of 5:2 from tomorrow was then thinking Thursday would be my 2nd day to fast giving me Wed,Fri-Mon normal.
    Can you let me know how you all space your fasting days for the best results?

    Evening All..
    I have had a good fast day…morning walk along the river very cold but hard under foot, no washing of Charlie as he kept clean.
    Late back and straight after breakfast, a zoom coffee morning.

    Planted daffodils on Steves grave, by the afternoon the ground was soft, threw the Xmas wreaths away, popping back to plant my winter petunias on Wednesday as weather is improving.

    The home schooling looks as if it’s all going well. It must be so hard to do,

    No snow here I am sure Charlie would love it, he came from Glasgow so I am sure he would have seen it.
    I don’t mind a cheese sandwich, the lettuce and tomatoes can be quite tasteless in winter…a nice bit of chutney for me..

    A worry for your son, hope they are both negative ..a video call at least will put it to bed and he will know the outcome.

    I do the usual Monday and Thursday but it is really how it fits into your lifestyle, one day between is good. I always weigh on a Friday morning, and I also have Friday off eat whatever I want, a cake, fish and chips maybe a couple of wines..then the other non fast days don’t over do the eating and no naughties.
    It’s so easy to do and the weight will move..good luck.

    Jean x

    Evening everyone a quick check in didn’t have my usual fd as I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind but only had 982 calories so that’s not so bad but will do a FD tomorrow though. It’s been a lovely day weather wise so made the most of it and had an extra long walk.
    Pjg61 welcome we’re a friendly bunch on here. Dr Moseley when he introduced 5:2 recommended having Mon and Thurs as your FD’s but it’s entirely up to you how you do them and what works best for you.Good luck.
    Minols hope you get your tasks completed in the next couple of days. Like the sound of haggis truffles.
    Hedgehogs a worry for your sons girlfriend hope it’s a negative result.
    Hemmy I love a cheese sandwich.
    Well done to those of you who have completed a FD today. Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x


    I’ve decided to do 4 x 800 cals and today has gone well, so 3 left!

    Minols, sounds like you have the home schooling under control. Hopefully you will get ahead with the writing too.

    Hemmy, I love a cheese sandwich, but I wouldn’t bother with the salad at the moment. I’m with Jean, maybe chutney or pickle or like HH, mayo and lots of black pepper.

    Jean, nice you’ve been able to put the daffodils in. I do hope the weather does get a bit warmer although it has been sunny here today and pleasant.

    HH, let’s hope sons girlfriend has a negative result. Naughty though…..

    Nana, sounds like you have had a low day anyway but if you do fast tomorrow, good luck.

    Pjg61, welcome! Yes thats what MM first suggested, 2 FDs spread out in the week. Good luck!

    Going to find something to watch, either recorded or catch up, and an early night after an interrupted night last night.


    Hemmy, Heidi had all the chicken and lots of chews but nothing so far today, must be her fast day. She tries to bark at me which means I have to go into the kitchen and sit down and watch her eat🤪. Minols I had pan haggerty for tea. I had to Google it because I had no idea what it was.The postman calls Heidi s seal because that’s what she sounds like when she barks😁

    Fasting today so nil by mouth as I know once I eat it would only make things more difficult for me.
    Other than feeling a little colder than usual it’s going okay.

    To all those fasting today remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Welcome back😁Typh00

    MOrning all – and welcome pjg61. My top tip for FDs is to come on here lots during the actual day if you can…even if it’s just to get how you’re feelign out of your head and through your fingertips. And if you’re struggling, there’s often someone around who will quickly get back to you and pick you up.
    How did yesterday’s fasters do?
    I’m managing to keep my nfd lighter than usual just now, but struggling to do an entire fd with the boy off. Maybe tomorrow.

    Morning All..
    A good hours river walk, lovely hard ground instead of the mud bath at times…should of thought of it earlier…
    Charlie ate before we left as he asked for it….unfortunately when we came home he’s sat near his dish wanting his meal, he had forgotten he had eaten….big eyes 👀 looking at me..thankfully he’s wrapped up and asleep now 😂..

    A bit of washing finished not sure what to do today..

    Fast day went well yesterday….too busy to think food.

    Hope your fast day goes well today, best thing to leave it and start again if on a bad day…

    A new plan of attack…good luck on day 2…hope it’s better for weigh in..

    Pan haggerty..a new one for you…must of been basic 😂!!….no idea what it is…😂

    Welcome back…good luck on your fasting day….are you staying with us?

    A bad year for you on the fasting…I know you like the boy at school for it to work…try your hardest 😀

    Have a good day whatever you find to do….

    Jean x

    Good morning all: my fast was slightly extended this morning as I didn’t want to get out of bed, all i could smell when I got in bed last night was hot cross buns which I don’t have in the house right now.

    Other than that and having very cold feet no idea why that happens it was a good fast.

    The good news is i haven’t gained too much weight since I was last here.

    Thanks Dave for the welcome back.

    Thanks Jean for the welcome back,

    As Take That once sang Im back for good lol.

    Morning all!
    Hi pjg61 & welcome! Monday is a good day to do a FD- there are usually lots of us so you’ll have company! I’ve always had to do alternate day fasting or 4 or5 800cal days, but that’s just me!
    Jean- frozen solid round here too, so much less mud to wade through! Glad you’ve got Steve’s grave tidied & planted…
    Minols- keep strong, great if you can do well with lower nfd’s.
    Dave- is Denise making you a cake for tomorrow? Or a nice meal planned?
    Kay- well done with the 800cal days, I’ll be joining you, er, apart from today!! Yes, son’s been naughty seeing his gf, but they do work together so it seems daft to not be able to see each other after work! Did you find anything to watch on TV?
    Hemmy- hope your dinner was better than lunch- it sounded good!
    Nana- hope you’re FD goes well today & well done keeping yesterday low!
    Typhoo- nice to have you back☺
    Had a bad night, gave up at 4.30am & was already hungry, so my 2nd 800 day was cancelled! Going to see mum in the garden shortly, although she doesn’t sound too keen- I think she’s having an off day…will wrap up warm!

    Welcome back Typhoo/Steve! How fantastic you haven’t gained much since you were last here!
    As you can see, most of us still here 😃
    Are you already back to your full fasting??

    It must be more difficult with the boy at home and juggling work. But on the other hand, you could turn the busy-ness into ideal environment for fasting 😆

    HH, another fd cancelled. Back to it tomorrow 👍

    Nana, I’ve with you today. We can do it!

    Dave, I thought you would be joining us today, with it being a definite nfd tomorrow!

    Jean, naughty Charlie, trying it on 😄

    One of the houses opposite us is having a conservatory built and there are 2 workmen back and to, which is unsettling Tara. She keeps gruffing and occasionally barking at them so we are constantly trying to distract her or have the blind drawn. Hard work and definitely testing the distraction games we have learnt 😆

    Another grey yuk day with not much planned. Roll on the spring!!!

    We have a Morrisons delivery tonight, just waiting to see if there are going to be any substitutions. I’ve done a big shop, just need to find room for it all 🤣

    Think I might play a bit on xbox…keeps me busy and my mind off food. I’m getting engrossed with The Elder Scrolls at the moment 😁


    Good afternoon FBBs Xxxx

    A different weather day today with no lovely sunshine here.

    Quite an eventful walk as my friends car got stuck in the ice at the gate to the fields where we walk. So I had to pop home and get a shovel to get her out. lol Think we used more cals on that than the walking .lol

    Welcome pjg61 .. I have just returned to the thread .. I usually fast Tues and Thurs weigh Fri .. It s whatever suits the best. Good luck.

    Minois It must be very hard working and home schooling for parents. Hopefully soon some light at the end of the tunnel.

    Brads So very pleased to hear Heidi ate the chicken and chews… These furry friends are so very precious to us.

    Typhoo I am enjoying being back hope you are too .. Good luck.

    Nanafixit You did well yesterday with Cals best to abort a fast if not in the mood. how is today going .

    Kay good luck with the 4×800 its best to shake things up a bit so it doesn’t get boring and same old I think in the these times its important especially to try new ways/things.

    Hedgehogs are you still doing the Keto along side fasting. Those 800 days seem a good idea.. Hope you find your Mum in good spirits .. roll on spring and warmer weather.

    Sym.. Charlie sounds like he likes his food lolol I spoil Pip so much now I am alone. He gets quite naughty defiant at times. Mum kept him in order as the last few years she had stayed here every weekend.

    Well Fast day going well .. I had a full fat milk coffee as usual for breakfast then again for lunch .. tonight I m having my favourite fasting meal of a fried egg sandwich and fruit. So should be within 600 cals. I will see how I go tomorrow with weighing whether I do Thurs or not as over a week by the time I weigh Fri.
    I am ok so far .. going to clean my brass which I hate. lolol

    Stay safe everyone To lengthen your life, shorten your meals. Xxxx

    Good afternoon been to Sainsbury’s,quiet a few in today. All wareing masks. It’s been raining for hours here, never seems to stop 😫.Sick if all the rain, think I will win the lottery and move abroad.

    I’m back to full fasting as still have two stone to lose or i would like to lose at least.

    My breakfast this morning was a very warm bowl of porridge just what I need on a cold wet morning and not a sign of Goldilocks or the three bears.

    I haven’t haven’t had a fried egg sandwich in years was one of my favourite things as a teenager.

    Evening All..
    I had a baking day, plain scones and cheese scones for the freezer…I enjoyed two cheese scones….

    I planted my plants on Steves grave, so all done for the moment. Play date at the park at 8am if I manage to get up, hair colour for me and a shhhhh B a t h for Charlie…😱

    Good you can get in full swing again fasting, let’s get your couple of stone moving….

    Hope your visit to Mums went well and she realises why you can’t go inside. I can’t blame your son going to gf, when they work together, some rules seem daft.

    Neighbours opposite are having a new kitchen, Charlie is on watch duty, a bit of barking but he got told off.
    I have a Morrison order tomorrow, I am going to tweak it add some veggies for Charlie.

    Goodness hope you both and the car was ok, that’s a worry. You seem to have got in the swing again with fasting, once done I think it’s easy..well done.

    How has your day gone…lots of juggling..just do what you can…

    Jean x

    Good Evening FBBS Xxxx

    A good FD today… I hope anyone else fasting was ok with their day.

    Hedgehogs did you manage the 800 today .

    I remembered I have to have something tasty to look forward too to keep me on track for FD .

    Soup last Thursday was ok but it never really hits the spot with me. I have never had breakfast since starting FD a few years ago. So not eating from 6pm dinner till 1pm the following day every day .

    I find the whole cream milk mug of coffee fills me till lunch more than cereal or toast. Then drinking loads of water with a slice of fresh lemon helps too when fasting. .

    .Today a fast day just had a coffee again for lunch then the gorgeous fried egg sandwich. Tasty with a smear of HP sauce.

    Typhoo Lolol Go for it you are really missing out. lol

    Raining here so hopefully snow will all be gone by morning.

    Take care and keep safe all.. Nite Nite dont let the bed bugs bite. Xxxx

    Good afternoon forgot to charge my phone so on my laptop. Dry here for a change. Not slept well had a pain in my stomach all night😫.Took some painkillers.So hopefully they will kick in. What are you all up to?

    Good afternoon it’s looking a little Marti Pellow(wet wet wet) here for all you younger people ask your parents.

    Forecast is snow over the next few days so we’ll wait and see what happens.

    Non fasting day today but to everyone fasting good luck, enjoy the lack of washing up. 😝

    Afternoon everyone had a good FD yesterday. Next one tomorrow. Hemmy had to have a fried egg sandwich today for my lunch after your post – ages since I’d had one and it was so good !
    Happy birthday Dave – a shame about the stomach. Hopefully the painkillers are working now.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    A good Walk at the park the boys play very hard ..

    Hair coloured, then I got Charlie in the shower he was a good boy, smells sweeter…

    Up early tomorrow I have a zoom presentation to watch, all about three missing lighthouse men about 1890 they just disappeared…..see how it goes starts at 10.15 so have to get the boy out early and breakfast eaten, might miss as it’s fast day.

    My horrible neighbour has stated he is replacing the fence and I am not allowed to paint it, the good news is if he sticks to what he says, it’s staying where it is.
    I have just painted all my fences in grey and the decking tidying for the house move, ( which is not happening now) so I shall have one side brown…he is such a prat…so I shall have to do it all brown or on his section plant a loads of trees or bushes in front of the fence!!
    I must not get stressed it’s not worth it!

    I might try your idea of a big coffee on fast day, eat something later. It’s been a lovely mild day here…

    Happy Birthday hope you have had a lovely day. Hope you are feeling better.

    I am with you tomorrow…I have lots of housework to catch up with so I could be busy…

    A couple things off my order..thing is one is Charlie’s chicken legs, that means I have to go to shops to buy them! ! So it’s not worked well for me…see how it works out after delivery doesn’t seem good though..a lot more expensive than Lidl…worth a try.

    Hope the day had a good out come 🤞…

    Are you fasting with us tomorrow? How’s things going….

    How are you going….water fast tomorrow?

    Take care keep safe..

    Jean x

    Hi Hemmy and Typhoo (Steve). I started here May 2019 and lost two stone. Kept it off with the help of my lovely friends on here but have had a rough time since end October and have put nearly a stone back on.
    Getting fat and unfit doesn’t solve any problems so am trying to get myself back together. Managed a fast day today (720 cals)

    Hi to everyone else. Oh Jean not the nasty neighbours again! As you say rise above it!

    Hi FBBS how are you all today. Xxxx

    Well a much better day warmer and all snow gone. Unfortunately though back to a muddy Mr Pip and wet towels . lol

    Well after my good fast day yesterday .. I went to pot today lol. Decided as I had a £7 off coupon for Tesco and hadn’t been there for a while to do a big shop.

    I didn’t intend to but bought a big crusty tiger bread roll thing… plus 2 fresh cream vanilla slices.. all very naughty and I knew I should not be doing it. lolol

    Came back never had lunch till 2pm .. ate most of the roll with a chunk of red Leicester and Walkers my favorite pickled onions.. A vanilla slice . SOOOO
    Decided dinner should have been Tesco gammon steak and pineapple.. But that will wait till Friday now.
    So all I had for dinner was the other slice. lol I feel full I suppose all day not too bad but not healthy food. FASTING tomoz lol

    Happy Birthday Brads did you have a cake?

    Typhoo Hope you are enjoying your feasting day.

    Nanafixit .. I reckon as I get older I like simple tasty food best Glad you enjoyed that egg sandwich.lol See you tomorrow fasting day.

    Sym all glammed up with your hair colour now .. Dont stress over your neighbour you can paint the fence what colour you like your side. You are coping so well .. some people dont appreciate how hard it is to adjust after losing a soul mate. I still struggle at times after 8yrs. Try the milk coffee tomorrow. Its about a pint of milk over breakfast and lunch I do mine in a big breakfast cup.

    Stay safe everyone Tough times never last … but tough people do. Xxxx

    MelFish I just saw your post Xx Well done today with your fast.

    Thing is you know you can do it you have already proved it. Go girl. Xxxx

    Morning all

    Up writing at 4 to get a complete run at a piece. Now I can relax into helpign the boy and some less tricky work. May even manage a catch up nap after this afternoon’s discussion group. Still two big pieces to write that will need two more night time sessions…but if I can pootle along on the prep for them between long multiplication and conversational French, then it should be do-able!

    Run out of food in the house (meal-type food – a lovely friend dropped a lemaon and courgette loaf on the doorstep – who knew something so healthy sounding could be so delicisouly cake-y!), so I’ll need to swing by the butchers for sausage and bacon and then make pan haggerty tonight. Mustn’t go overboard before tomorrow’s – gulp – weigh in!

    Soggy day for the dog walking today…think it might be the same for everyone?

    Good grief Minols I don’t know how you do it! Hoping the writing goes to plan and things ease a bit.

    Thats the 2nd time I’ve heard pan haggerty this week….what is it?

    Yes another wet day. Windy here too.

    Dig in deep today everyone for weigh in tomorrow!


    Afternoon all,

    After Monday’s fast and feeling a little light headed in the evening I’ve decided to break myself in easier and have one meal instead of nil by mouth.

    I’m planning to fast tomorrow as I ate late yesterday evening so more practical to skip what would be a fast today.

    No snow has arrived in my part of Scotland so hopefully it will miss me completely.

    Hi Kay – yum is what it is!
    I’ve got a recipe from the Hairy Bikers Diet book. So you fry an onion and some chopped up bacon. Tip those out of the way and put thin slices of potato into the pan, some salt and pepper, then put spread the onion and bacon over the top, place carrot slices on top of that, lots of seasoning all the time, and then another layer of potato slices. make up some stock, and pour it gently in to just cover everything, and put a lid on it for 30 minus or so on a gentle heat. Once it’s nearly dried out, grate chees over the top and whack it under the grill for a few minutes…absolute heaven!

    There was me thinking Pan Haggerty was The Governess from The Chase 😝🤪😂

    Minols this is the exact one I did, by the hairy bikers.I googled pan haggerty and that came up. Denise finished it off last night. I didn’t put cheese on the top though. Still got stomach pains didn’t sleep much last night. Back to rain again here🥴

    Lol Typh00!

    Now I know Minols! I thought you’d had it too Dave and same recipe!
    Sounds nice but not for me as I don’t eat bacon.

    Dave, are you still taking your aloe Vera? Bad news it’s started back up again.

    My final day of 4 x 800 today. Bit harder today but determined to stay strong and report a loss tomorrow!
    Hope other faster are keeping strong too.

    Typh00 I think that could be a wise decision if its been a while since you fasted. Your body will struggle with the sudden shock of no sugar, or cals even. I’m sure you will be back into it soon though.

    I’m getting less and less motivated or interested in doing anything. I do have a sudden burst and do something but otherwise I’m mostly just sat on the sofa. It’s not good and I need to break it.
    I don’t like these dark wet days either.

    Typh00, I can’t believe you are in Scotland and haven’t had any snow 😲. Down here in Cornwall, fair enough but I thought everywhere north had had some.

    Off to put the kettle on and take out something for tea. Can’t believe it’s almost 4pm actually!


    Evening everyone last FD of January for me have had 780 calories 🤞the scales will be kind to me tomorrow.
    Minols I like the sound of pan haggerty will have to give it a try.
    Have been very lazy today apart from our usual daily constitutional walk.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe and I hope those of you who have completed a FD today have been successful.
    Nana x

    Evening all!
    Sorry not been on much, not the easiest of weeks…not done very well with the fasting either, just 2×800 cal days, so no loss to report for the SOFA!
    Dave- a worry your stomach starting up again, hope it gets better quickly, at least the tests you had showed nothing wrong last time…
    Tammy- hope your results are all okay…
    Mel- thinking of you today, you did well to fast yesterday!
    Jean- nice to have some zoom things to join in with! Were you pleased with your hair? A shame with the fence- our neighbours painted their side of our fence mauve last summer- luckily it hasn’t run through or hubby would’ve been hopping mad! I was very tempted to wait til they’d finished it & then tell them we might change it! I’d put shrubs up to cover it, or some trellis ( we did posts our side & trellis to cover the back fence when those neighbours cut everything back their side & could see straight through!)
    Kay- good to have some games & ideas for amusing Tara! Did you watch Dogs Behaving Badly? He makes it look so easy!
    Minols- I’m surprised your writing makes any sense, doing it at 4am! & I definitely couldn’t fast or have low days, not with an early start like that!
    Nana- well done with your FDs this week, hope the scales are kind tomorrow!
    Typhoo- well done with your fast, a good idea to ease into liquid only fasts. How did you not know what pan haggerty is being north of the border?!
    Hemmy- not sure I fancy a fried egg sarnie, but on toast is fine, that seems daft!! Not back to keto yet- I stopped for our holiday, then it was nearly Christmas…will go back soon but it is hard!
    Have a good evening all!

    Evening All..
    I have been busy all day so it’s been a good fast day, zoom meeting this morning and downstairs cleaning all finished…two walks forCharlie.

    Your time will come..too much happening at the moment 🤗

    Neighbours have told me not to paint the fence, it’s in the law so I can’t touch it…I shall plant bushes in front and hope they grow quick..more of a spread along the fence than I big circle. My garden is small so can’t have big round bushes.
    I forgot my coffee today but must try it…

    Hope the haggerty went down well..I suppose the french is the boys not yours….yes lots of wet walking weather and with wellies on….

    Good idea to miss a day….have a good one tomorrow…

    Is your tummy still causing problems..need to go back to doctors…

    Weigh in for us both tomorrow…I think the time is passing by so quick, 14 weeks since Steve passed, I just can’t believe it…hope you found something nice for tea…

    Jean x


    Well done on your fast..enjoy your evening..

    I think the bushes is a good idea it’s finding the right ones…can’t attach trellis either!! Just read again, on your own posts…They are a pain in the bum, I hope they don’t start on me when the plants go in….
    Hair good, next time a change of make, see how it goes I think it may be a bit lighter..I couldn’t eat a fried egg sarnie, on toast fine, I am with you on that one.

    Have a good evening ..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs xxxx

    Like we would say in little ole Oxfordshire ” How have you all been doing my ducks” lol

    A decent FD here .. had an omelette for dinner tonight .. plus the rest of the tasteless lettuce jazzed up with some garlic lemon mayo .

    It was ok but I am a carbs girl. lol Think its a good week though starting back. Probably lost water to a certain extent.

    Need to lose about 14 lbs to be happy maybe a bit more. Need to have a good leeway.
    By what ever means I am going to get back to my good weight by spring /summer. The feeling is sooo good getting into your clothes well worth it.

    It is so much easier though when its just yourself to cater for.

    Sym… I dont understand at all that you cannot paint a fence your side. In 50 yrs of properties never ever heard of such a law. Blimey do the other side paint it then
    and keep it up to scratch to your liking by law.
    Glad you have had a good day .. yes try the coffee it works. .

    Hedgehogs … I think it is extra hard to get back to things at the moment.. not much to distract us .. to look forward too.
    I am really missing the charity shopping days with a garden centre lunch to follow. lol Hopefully not too long.

    Hope all the fasters managed their fast ok and all the feasters enjoyed their day

    Stay safe everyone…. Do not fear failure .. rather fear not trying. Xxxx

    Good evening all

    Are we all now eating the 800 calories for fasting days as in Michael’s latest book or sticking with the older recommendation?

    I am now sipping on my lemon water it gives it a little flavour instead of plain water.

    To all those joining me in fasting tomorrow good luck and remember it’s only for one day and then we will eat normally.

    If your neighbour puts up the fence it’s theirs, they can give you permission to paint it..but ours state we don’t paint or hang things on, or it’s criminal damage and he will take me to court…..we have had solicitors involved as they have been bullying us for two years they are the neighbours from hell! They wanted to move the fence two feet into our garden it got nasty, he says he will leave it where it is but he still disagrees with the boundary..it’s been there for 24 years!! He’s just stupid.
    Life’s too short to have these problems, poor Steve so ill for two years had all this to put up with, they frighten me, we wanted to move our house was sold found a new one but it was too late..had to cancel everything due to Steves outcome.

    Definitely 5.2 for me it’s ingrained into my system…lemon water gives me water work problems or cystitis. Weigh in and day off for me tomorrow ….I need to go to the bank, remembering a good chippy near by???umm..maybe

    Have a good evening…I am on my way to bed shortly had a terrible nights sleep last night, busy head crap neighbours!…hoping Steve might give them a few visits !😱

    Jean x

    Afternoon all,

    2lb off me, so I’ll take that, making 4lb off for January.

    Just nipped to morrisond for a couple of bits but I’m sat in the car whilst Neil shops, hadn’t realised they asking people to shop alone…that’s good, I’m glad.
    Going to drive back on coast road, its virtually the same mileage, maybe 1 mile more. If its quietish we may pull in to stretch our legs on the beach and let Tara have a sniff.

    Not eaten yet today so that’s a good start to a NFD.
    I need to decide whether to switch to ADF or repeat what I’ve done this week.

    Hope everyone is OK.


    Hi FBBs how is it going everyone. Xxxx

    Kay well done on your 2lb loss Yay .. How wonderful living near the sea my dream. Enjoy your day Xx

    Sooo chuffed as the scales gave a 2 lbs loss this morning for me too. .
    Really pleased as I did have a few hiccups getting back in the mode.
    I will be able to enjoy my gammon steak this evening and relax with a glass of wine or 2 .

    Sym .. What an awful time for you with those neighbours you really dont need that. What a pity you were unable to move from them.
    I have never realised you cannot paint the fence your side by law. You would imagine that they would be happy for you to keep your side up in good order.

    There are some strange folk about these days to say the least . Big hugs to you.Xx

    Hope everyone is having a good day.. Pip rolled in Fox Poo on top of being muddy already OMG I do hate that smell will never get used to it. lolol

    Stay safe all.. The secret of happiness is to admire without desiring. Xxxx

    Afternoon all!
    Kay- well done with your 2lbs off! Hope you have a nice drive & beach walk!
    Jean- you just don’t need the hassle with those neighbours…at least they’re not trying to move the fence 😣 enjoy the chippy if you go!
    Typhoo- hope your FD goes well- I try to do 4 or 5 fds a week so do the 800cals, if I did less it’d be 500.
    Dave- hope your stomach is better? & hope MIL doesn’t ply you with biscuits!
    Hemmy- the mayo sounded very good, use up the lettuce! My clothes are getting a bit tight too…
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Busy morning- the walk I planned in my head wasn’t that long, but in reality was 90 minutes, then hair cuts for my 3 menfolk, cooked brunch for youngest as he’s on lates, washing up, washing on, washed the kitchen floor…we have more damp patches on the outside wall, having to move stuff away, can a damp course fail? House is 30-40 years old 😵 Going to put a different bed next to Xena’s crate, which will upset her, see which she prefers, it gets really damp behind her crate as she likes it all covered & dark…
    Now off to see mum again- sister’s just messaged to say she’s seen mum in the garden, & mum’s been for a walk with a friend, so needn’t really go, but didn’t know that when I offered to go over 😰 have plenty to do at home!

    Afternoon everyone, Kay & Hemmy well done on your losses I managed a 1lb which makes it 4&1/2lbs for the month.
    Had my Covid vaccination this morning and have been catching up with the washing which was overlowing out of the laundry basket. I used to have a washer/dryer combined due to lack of space in our kitchen but as it broke down quite often I only have a washing machine now so am finding it difficult to get the washing dry. Roll on spring.
    Sounds like you’ve all had a busy day so far.
    Hedgehogs we’re going to be having an Indian takeaway tonight for our Friday night treat.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon all

    Well done Kay and Hemmy on your 2lb weight loss i will be very happy tomorrow morning if the scales are that kind to me.

    I have a very cunning plan for my meal later I’m going to use a smaller plate to eat from to hopefully fool my eyes and stomach into thinking my dinner is more than it actually is.

    Good luck to all fasters and to everyone else enjoy your opportunity to eat normally.


    Well done on your 1lb loss it’s a positive result and every little bit counts towards your goal weight.

    Evening All…

    A very busy day..this mornings walk I decided on the park..good job as the river was full and 5” deep where I get on the river bank..a lot of paddling for the boy so a good choice..

    A meditation class, then went through to Hull to put a cheque in the bank, the girl wasn’t very friendly she thought I should have put in at the post office, a high price cheque I would rather take by hand!
    A quick visit to daughter as she left work early, she was on her way to see me but I went to her..( we are in a bubble)
    A late dark walk..

    Settled now having a wine..at weigh in I stayed the same so pleased at that as maintaining…

    Well done on your 2 pounds off..enjoy your walk on the beach, a bit of a blow and fresh air, it will do you good..

    Well done on 2 lbs off, a really good start….we don’t do fox poo up to now, although he looked like he had a mud bath…not good after his proper shower!!
    Neighbours are awful and quite frightening, bullies!..I think the fence will go up tomorrow but I am already looking for bushes, shame if they go too high as they will go in the shade!!..they have not thought it through. I think 2 metres sounds good…I am a bad girl.
    Gammon sounds lovely..enjoy.

    The hairdressers on duty again 😂..I cut the back of my daughters hair…shame on your damp patches I don’t know much about that, Steve would have helped and had an idea why..good luck on Xenia’s bed, hope she likes it…


    Hope the jab went well and you are not aching too much…seems a lot of people are getting done around here all of a sudden, mine is still pending..enjoy your Indian tonight, I missed out on fish and chips maybe next week…

    I have used a smaller plate for a long time now…hope the weigh in tomorrow is kind 🤞

    Enjoy the weekend everyone…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone

    Yesterday’s fast was much easier for eating a small meal and even stopped me from feeling as cold.

    The good news is I have lost 3lbs this week so that’s the final goal moving a little closer but still some work to do.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

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