Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning All..
    A very beautiful day here, no hat or gloves and coat open, strange at 3 degrees…lovely walk at the park Charlie really does enjoy it, he’s shattered now ….good!

    Thinking of cleaning the car a bit of a hands and face wash 😂 still can’t bend too low I don’t think I will get to the wheel rims…

    Lamb dinner tonight, Yorkshire’s and roasties too…glass of wine.

    Fast day for me tomorrow must remember, I nearly forgot last week.

    Have a good Sunday what ever you decide to do…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon,I got to bed at 3-30 am🥴 Heidi got me up at 10am so I got my revenge,I let her go to sleep in her bed then woke her up to take her for a walk👿.Nice day here she had her fix in the churchyard.Seen the vicar a lady, didn’t know that. I am not a great church goer.Dont think there is ice hockey tonight so after 2 mornings of going to bed at 3-30 I may get an early night,2am😁

    Morning all

    Busy weekend, so sorry not to have been about. And by busy…I mean keeping the boys occuppied with chores and family time – the devil makes work for idle hands and all that!

    Kay – thanks for keeping tabs on the SOFA – I have nothing to report from last week, but I seem to remember that I often lose one week…then spend a week trying to make sure I keep that off! So hop[efully this week will see something shift again.

    Had a long chat with one of my sisters at the weekend – scared the living daylights out of me when she told me about how she spent 8 hours with a woman in labour who was symptomatic with covid…so stupid of me. Of course, I knwo that’s what we’re asking of our NHS all the time – but when it’s my sister I guess it brings it home. She had her vaccine last week, so a bit relieved. We lost a much loved member on Saturday night to covid.

    Off to check the boy’s list of work from the school – he’s coping really well with the maths, literracy and tech tasks…really sticking with them much better than last year. But I’ve just found it there’s also a long project he has to do…observation / conservation in the garden. Love the theory…but I don’t have time for the garden anyway, let alone trying to get his enthusiasm up about it! might need to persuade the OH that it would be a good weekend parenting task!


    Morning all!
    Minols- sounds like very hard work with your job & son’s as well! Hope you do lose something this week!
    Jean- very impressed at you getting the pressure washer out! My car needs a clean, but as it’s 4wd so doesn’t look out of place dirty so I don’t feel too bad! Was your lamb good?
    Dave- poor Heidi, getting your revenge like that! Did you eat any chocolate yesterday?
    Nana- hope it wasn’t too icy for your walk this morning?
    Is it a mass Monday FD? I’m doing an 800 cal day- hopefully! Just got back from a 2hr walk with Xena, very hungry! She is being very silly, her paws are itching & she keeps running around scatty & bouncing round the chairs! It was a different walk, but not sure what’s annoyed her!
    Hope everyone is okay & keep strong if you’re fasting!

    Afternoon All..
    We got caught in the rain this morning..bad timing..play date with Oreo…

    Fast day going ok..poached egg and tomatoes on toast tonight..not quite the best fd meal but it’s ok..

    A few jobs done, keeping busy, ironing, pan of Charlie’s veg done, fed the birds.

    A worry with your sister it does hit home…you are doing really well home schooling, do your best with the garden projects more time challenging…good idea to pass it 😂

    Lamb meal was very tasty, a lamb shank was already cooked in gravy out of the freezer area but easy for one..not a thing I would normally do..it was more than acceptable.
    I have a few outside things to do but it’s getting motivated..I have bought some winter pansies to go in pots for the cemetery, pots are on their way through Amazon…a Christmas tree to go in a larger pot too.
    Hope Xenia’s itchy feet calm down, I have won this time with the bad ear, I have got on top of it.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon wet yet again here, think I will build an ark.Heidi got her own back on me this morning👿.I would be ok if she could get down the stairs on her own but I won’t risk it. I push her up at night and hold on to her coming down. One of these days we will both fall down the stairs🥴.

    Salad for tea, just done Denise sausage poached egg and bacon for hers.Wish I was having that😋😋.Might have it tomorrow.

    Evening everyone a quick check in FD went well 770 calories for me today including my nightime choc options later on. Next one planned for Thursday.

    Hedgehogs walk was ice free by the time we went out as we had a Tesco online shop delivery first thing. As it wasn’t icy we walked a bit further than usual.Thinking about not having walks on a Sunday anymore for the time being as it’s so busy around our village with walkers and they’re not locals either. The road that leads to our culdesac was like a car park. I appreciate the need to exercise so we’ll just not bother and leave them too it.
    Minols a worry with your sister. Daughter is doing home schooling with her eldest grandson who’s five and a half via zoom at the moment as both his parents are key workers but when they tried to get him into school they we’re told that their wasn’t room for him so daughter is caring for him and his younger three year old brother.
    No rain here at the moment but it’s on the way.
    Hope everyone else has had a good day whether fasting or not and enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Too cold for me for salad, prefer cooked veg.

    Back on a FD. Although think we are all fasting today!

    Yuk wet day today and I’ve not done anything, apart from some dog training!
    I’ve signed up for a 7 day training challenge with live videos etc. Day 1 has gone ok, all about building up the engagement with you by using games and food!

    More horrible weather due in by the looks of the weather.

    Minols, it sounds like hard work juggling everything. And not the best weather to help the boy with an outdoor project!

    Hope everyone has had a positive fasting day.


    Good afternoon everyone wet again🐤🐥.Got to bed at 2-50am and Heidi got me up at 9am so she could have a drink👿.Done the shopping at Sainsbury’s, everyone had a mask on so that’s good. Roll on getting the vaccine.

    Kay- the dog training sounds good- is that with your trainer or just one you found online?
    Jean- sounds like you’re keeping busy, lamb shanks are a good idea. How are the zoom meetings going?
    Dave- be careful on those stairs! Enjoy your bacon & eggs if you have it today! Will be interesting to see what happens when more have the vaccine- as it doesn’t stop people actually getting covid I think the masks will be here to stay, it’ll be like flu with seasonal outbreaks, & the government scientists have said we’ll still have restrictions next autumn & winter…
    Minols- hope you manage to get some of your work done today! Is your OH likely to be working from home any more?
    Nana- well done with your FD, don’t blame you avoiding the crowds with your Sunday walks!
    Went out later than usual as I went out with a friend from Church- hubby was horrified at her driving when she tried to park in the drive! We were out for 2 hours, stayed dry but the footpath down to the forest is a mud bath now! Off to see Mum soon- she’s already tested me in a flap about getting her vaccination again…I might not have any hair left by the time I get home!
    Hopefully an 800 cal day, although trying a new veggie curry recipe tonight, so haven’t worked out the cals yet…

    Hi Everyone hope you are all keeping safe and well Xxxx

    Long time no see. A very active and trying year for us all last year.

    I lost my lovely 94 year old Mum in March and as some of you know by your experience it was a very trying time with the final situation adding to the grief.

    Life goes on though .. I have my lovely Kristy and my faithful Mr Pips so I am still very blessed.

    So here i am about a stone over the weight I left here .. mostly put on since the beginning of December.. mince pies etc lol so onwards and downwards for the spring.

    Believe you can and you are half way there . Xxxx

    Hi hemmy, nice to see you back! Are you joining the SOFA- stone off for April?!
    Sorry to hear about your mum…

    Evening All..

    Zoom meeting was a bit boring for me, all talk about Scrabble, Whist and Bridge not my thing, a few different people, next one Monday.
    A bit of shopping all exciting…
    Two wet walks…

    Sounds a funny drive..maybe you drive next time…2 hours a long walk sounds good.
    Talking to my sister she has got a letter about her jab this morning, 25 mins continuously talking about it…if she was going on holiday I could understand it…we have such a sad life with nothing happening.

    Hemmy ..
    Lovely to hear from you and have you back on board..so sorry to hear on your mum passing she was a good age.
    I lost my lovely Steve in October to lung cancer, he had a rough three years with a few other different things. I am devastated we were soulmates and did everything together. I am trying to get on with life on my own again, it’s so very hard.
    I have Charlie our Dalmatian, we have had him two years now he was a rescue, he is keeping me busy and sane. His birthday is on Friday he will be 5.

    Hope the training video goes well…Dogs behaving Badly tonight will be a good watch for Tara..reacting and barking at other dogs.

    Hygienist tomorrow for me an exciting morning out 😬

    To bed shortly..

    Jean x

    Good morning FBBs

    Hi Hedgehogs .. I am hoping to just lose a few ounces or at the most a pound a week. Start off doing one fast day a week at about 500-600 cals. That is the plan anyway lolol .. as we all know life happens with cake etc.
    I have just finished all opened Xmas stuff thank goodness.

    Sym.. So very sorry your life was turned upside down with the loss of your lovely soulmate Steve.
    It is very hard to bear .. So good you have Charlie doggie he will take care of you and see you through.

    Mr Pip was 5 months old when I lost Andrew .. hard to believe 8yrs go. He has really kept me focused and sane…
    You are a very strong woman and will go forward when the time is right for you. .
    The walking is brilliant a wonderful natural medicine.

    I will do my fast day tomorrow get myself geared up today making some soup .. use all the old veg.

    Well better get on a 2 hr walk across the oh so very muddy fields ending in soggy wet towels once again. ( I wouldn’t change it for the world) lol

    Have a good day everyone ..Stay foolish to stay sane.Xx

    Morning all!
    Jean- you are doing amazingly well I think, as Hemmy says you’re very strong…shame about the zoom this time, never been into bridge either, people seem to take that very seriously! Hope the dentist appt all okay & the cleaning isn’t too bad!
    Hemmy- how do you keep up with the soggy dog towels? The dog sitter who looks after our Xena sometimes has an industrial washing machine & tumble dryer, a good idea 😂
    Minols, Kay, Nana- hope you’re all okay 😁
    Another 800 cal day for me, although lots of tempting stuff about at home 😣
    Had a good walk with Xena, no rain here yet! Seeing mum again this afternoon; she keeps saying I don’t have to come round every day but then says she’s happy for me to come round! She’s got a date for her vaccination; she had been so frantic trying to get one, she’d even got up in the middle of the night & tried ringing the number 😱, she’d been round to our doctors surgery which has been closed for nearly a year, & round to our little pharmacy as well a couple of times asking…very weird!

    HI all – and so lovely to see you again, Hemmy…look forward to many encouraging wee pithy sayings!

    Cold – so cold and samp up here! Have an agreement with the boy that I have achoice of lunchtime tv…childishly excited. No FD here today, but probably tomorrow and /or Friday.

    Have been too tired to do the overnight work I need to…need to get a run at it! SO I’ll try and clear the decks today.


    Good afternoon hungry now,40 calories so far, still raining☔. Better have my tea now football starts at 6pm.

    Evening All…

    Two good walks a bit wet but not storm force. Rivers very high getting worse tomorrow coming of the high land. I shall be ok, wellies on for walks.

    I am fasting again tomorrow.

    You are fasting with the throng tomorrow…I have only just started to fast again as I have not been eating since Steves passing. My appetite is coming back…Charlie keeps me busy and my days pass quickly but it is very strange at times. Good Mr Pips is well and keeping you fit.

    Steve made me strong again, he was so good and thoughtful, he gave me my confidence back..although I don’t always feel like it….but I know I am.
    Poor mum in a flap and my sister too about the vaccine..we will all get done.

    Hope you enjoyed your lunch time TV..something nice I hope..

    Enjoy your footy tonight…well done on Denise’s loss, a big well done.

    Jean x

    Great to see you back here Hemmy! As you can see, we are still here, some maintaining and some have regained some weight, so you are not on your own!
    Sorry to hear about your mum. Hope Kristy and Mr Pips are ok.

    Tara is on a 7 day boot camp 😁 Its with a Devon based company that we already knew of, and its all via videos and Facebook live sessions. Basically its playing games to build on focus and confidence etc, so we will see how it goes!

    FD today and haven’t had much but haven’t counted the calories, roughly 500-600 cals. Lowish day tomorrow and FD on Friday. Good luck for tomorrow fasters!

    Weather is bad, particularly for those of you up north. Saying that its rained hard and solid here all day. It was very hard to get Tara outside!

    Minols, hope you get on top of the work. Excited about lunchtime tv???? Hmmm.. 😶
    Are you still doing the King, Prince, Peasant eating in the day?

    Off to catch up with Taras learning and homework…


    Evening everyone, sounds like you’ve had a lot of rain Dave. Not much rain here at the moment but quite windy.
    Minols what was your lunchtime TV choice.
    Hello Hemmy and welcome back sorry to hear about your mum.
    No FD for me today have had a lovely homemade macaroni cheese. Well done to those of you who have. My turn tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.

    Hi FBBs Xxxx

    Thank you everyone for your lovely welcome back.

    What a day its been .. not stopped raining here . The fields are very water logged they really will need some drying out now.
    Its very mild though and the bulbs are coming up well. Snowdrops out in some sheltered parts of the village. Spring is around the corner yay.

    H H Wet towels are always on the go here lol .. I dont have a dryer just have to manage on heated towel rail then finish on rads although I know its not recommended. lol Xxxx

    Sym .. I am glad your appetite is coming back.. you need to stay well. I am gearing up for my fast day tomoz Xxxx

    Kay So glad to see you are still here .. its lovely to chat with like minded people while losing weight. ( Hopefully ) lol

    Thank you everyone. Kindness is everything Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A very cold and sunny walk this morning at the park. The sky was blue with black sky on the horizon, we were lucky no rain.

    Smoke alarm started bleeping in the night, had to fiddle with it and it stopped, very disturbed sleep…the job of the morning was to sort it out with a new battery it’s connected to the electric so not straight forward. After a couple of goes and thinking about it I managed it…😀

    All cleaning, floor washing and dusting done throughout …just tomorrow the lounge to do.

    Fasting has gone fine too busy to think about food…homemade tomato soup for lunch with a small slice of bread….bacon tonight with egg possibly…

    Waiting for Katie to ring, then walk time…days seem to pass quickly…

    Glad the training is going well…

    Hoping your days been busy and your fasting going well….

    Sister has her jab appointment 28th, next week at the local racecourse, so she is happy it’s local.

    How are you doing on your first fast day?…yes lots of bulbs showing, bought my first daffs at the weekend for my kitchen window sill, I do like Spring. Lots of water and mud here, took Charlie by surprise when I washed him at the park this morning, took a flask of warm water and a bowl …I need a bit larger bottle but it worked well, possibly a litre size, an old screen wash bottle I thought….

    How is your weather any better you got the worse I think…still someone told me it was very heavy snow here at midnight last night, I was of course asleep by then.

    Keep strong everyone….

    Jean x

    HI all

    Snow today!

    Lunchtime tv yesterday was Bargain Hunt – the boy was not impressed with my choice!

    Today has been way too much zoom…my head is buzzing, and I still have a meeting tonight. Could really do without the tinny, noisey speakers. And I know the bunch on tonight will be really poor on zoom etiquette!

    However, such a busy day means I have managed to fast – starving now! I still need to take my boy through his maths, and then rustle up a tomato based pasta sauce that will be my first calories today.


    Afternoon all!
    Jean- well done with the smoke alarm! & glad your FDs going quickly. I probably should take water with me to wipe Xena down, but most of the places we park to walk in the forest etc are muddy anyway, so not going to get her very clean! Don’t forget the bacon tonight!
    Kay- the doggy boot camp sounds good, hope it helps! Was it very expensive? I’ve slipped a bit doing the mental stuff with Xena, she has calmed down now though, sometimes after training she gets quite hyped up, so maybe I should leave her while she’s quiet!
    Hemmy- hope your FD goes well & you can keep busy…
    Dave- awful weather for you yesterday & overnight, hope it’s better today.
    Minols- not sure the TV at lunchtime is that much of a prize 😂 Have you managed to get OH to take on your son’s garden project?! Spoke to my Homestart family today- 2 children with online lessons, & 2 year old twins to keep out of mischief while helping the older 2, no fun!
    Nana- how’s the fasting going? Not easy when it’s cold! Is Poppy enjoying having the children every day?
    Having a mum-free day; though I could catch up & get lots done, but after walking Xena, rang my HS family, spent ages doing our online shop, had to go to Boots…so not much time left! Easy dinner tonight though so will do some ironing in a minute. Been really hungry today, I can’t face doing a 5th 800cal day tomorrow! Trying to decide if a jacket potato & beans is worth the cals for dinner tonight, especially without cheese as well!
    Keep strong fasters!

    Afternoon FBBs Xxxx

    A wild day here .. internet only just on .. been off all morning.
    Lots of damage in the village and some flooding .. peeps finding neighbours belongings in their gardens. lol

    Been busy and doing well so far .. One big full fat milk mug of coffee this morning .. A bowl of veg soup for lunch and will be the same for dinner .. Hoping that will be ok.

    Sym… Obviously dogs can not be bathed every day .. what I do with Pip is when I get back I get a watering can of warm water and just wash him off underneath with a micro cloth Then towel dry and quick indoors. I have always done that. Always loads of towels on the car sets. lol

    Those fire alarms are sometimes more trouble than they are worth. Its so good though when alone and you can fix a problem .. You feel elated I know I do. lol Take care and stay safe.

    Hedgehogs .. You always sound such a busy focused person. I just love Jacket potatoes think I could live on them .. My favourite is cheese and beans. lol

    Keep going fasters we can do it. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Xxxx

    Evening everyone struggled today with my FD in the afternoon but have just had a nice salmon fillet steak with a load of vegetables. Sounds like those of us who’ve had a FD have been successful.
    Minols always used to watch Bargain Hunt whilst I ate my lunch but since my husband retired I don’t get too anymore.
    Hedgehogs yes Poppy likes the youngsters being around and love playing with her.
    Jean well done on sorting out the smoke alarm.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good evening aweful weather here 4 houses badly damaged and a big tree is down. Stopped raining at last do have been out with Heidi twice, will take her again at 10 pm.https://metro.co.uk/2021/01/21/huge-sinkhole-pulled-the-front-off-two-houses-in-abbey-hey-13943800/. Very close to me 1/4 of a mile away.

    Dave – I saw that on the news this mornign…shocking!

    All good here, and pleased to report 1lb off for the SOFA – slowly does it can still get it done!

    MInd full – back to back funeral visits on zoom – fab people, hyper families…it will be a joy to write for them, but I just hope I don’t get the stories muddled up! One of them was a beloved gentleman I’ve known since I came here.

    Guilt free takeaway tonight – it’s my birthday!

    Hi Fellow brits!! Just found this diet and forum today so going to give it a go! xx

    Afternoon everyone scales showed no loss this morning apart from 2oz but well done to Minols and a Happy Birthday 🎂
    Welcome Liannewm we’re a very friendly bunch on here.
    Having a Chinese takeaway this evening and a glass or two of wine as it’s Friday.
    Well done to those of you who have managed to lose weight this week.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Happy birthday Minols it’s mine on Wednesday.Been to see Denise’s mum so no signal where she lives. Yes the damage to the houses is aweful. It took me an hour to drive a mile because of all the roadworks due to rain damage. Had a little rain today but nothing like what we have had.

    Welcome liannewm,a good friendly bunch on here. We have been doing this for a year or two some longer. Keep coming back and let us know how your doing.

    Happy Birthday Minols, enjoy your takeaway! And well done on the pound off! That’s 3 in total isn’t it?

    Liannewm, welcome and good luck on the 5:2 way of life.

    Update on SOFA (Stone off for April)

    WEEK 3
    Nana 0
    Jo 0
    HH 1
    Minols 1
    Kay ? (Weigh in Saturday)

    SOFA so far:
    Nana 3.5
    Kay 2
    Jo 3
    Minols 3
    HH 2

    Jean maintained so on track
    Dave not weighing in till end of challenge

    10 weeks until April/Easter

    Gone really cold here, I wonder if we may finally get some snow 🌨

    Just watched news….not sure if things are getting better or not…

    Stay safe and enjoy your weekend x

    Afternoon All..
    A busy day for us today…usual walk and my meditation music class..just had lunch when daughter rang and said she would call up and see me, which was nice I haven’t seen her for three weeks..we are in a bubble.

    Our later walk we passed by the cemetery and Steves headstone is up, it looks nice and up before his birthday next month.

    Charlie’s birthday today, he’s 5..we had a lovely chicken dinner he had his own and some more of mine..

    The smoke alarm has held and I have sorted it. Steve is passing by again, he’s been missing a while, after a telling off he’s been about again this week, it’s so nice.

    Well done on your first fast day..

    Your salmon sounded nice, my daughters sort of thing..enjoy your meal tonight and your wine…

    Your area sounds terrible …my SIL passed by and said how bad it looks…keep safe…

    Come and join our group..lots of help if you need it…and it works!!

    It’s your birthday..hope you have had a lovely day and you have had some time for yourself ..🎂.. enjoy your takeaway..well done on your 1lb off..

    Thanks for SOFA update…keep up with the training…

    Have a good weekend all..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Xxxx

    What a glorious day .. a lovely relief after all the rain and wind.

    It was nice to walk in the sunshine for a change. Internet really bad in and out.

    Happy Birthday Minois .. enjoy your special day and takeaway.

    Sym Thank you. It went quite well better than expected. Think I will weigh on a Friday starting next week.
    Happy Birthday to Charlie .. glad he enjoyed his chicken dinner. I always leave Pip at little something.. usually the choicest bit I think we all do that. lolol

    Kay funny I had the same thoughts .. couldn’t work out if we are doing well or not re virus.

    Have a good week-end every one .. Stay safe. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop”. Xxxx

    Minols- happy birthday to you 🎉🎁🎂 Enjoy that takeaway tonight! And very well done on that pound off, we know how hard you have to fight for each one!
    Jean- glad the smoke alarm’s good, & hapoy birthday to Charlie too 🎂 ! Hope he enjoyed his dinner! Nice surprise to have your daughter pop in ☺ Glad Steve’s headstone is up, did Jacqui come with you? 😘
    Dave- those houses & sink hole looked awful…how was MIL today? You could’ve walked quicker!
    Kay- has Tara passed her boot camp? Hope you’ve both enjoyed it! Thanks for keeping track of the SOFA!
    Nana- salmon & veggies is a good one for FDs! Enjoy the takeaway & wine tonight- it’s funny, I still get that Friday-needing-wine feeling, even not drinking for a few years, the alchol free wine does the job though! I was very much looking forward to it tonight after a slightly stressful shopping delivery- I’d forgotten to check it through again & we ended up with several things we didn’t need 😂
    Hemmy- I wipe my Xena down too, she’s not too keen, but accepts it as long as there’s a treat at the end! Sounds like your FD went well- was that the first one for a bit?
    Liannewm- hi & welcome to you ☺
    1lb off for me, happy with that, as I had eaten well last weekend!
    Didn’t walk as far with Xena as I stupidly forgot my phone so didn’t want to go away from.the main tracks, but eldest took her for a run & wore her out! She’s a pain though & really pulls him 😂 Saw mum this morning as we had the shopping coming in the afternoon, a few jobs done…had a lovely rissoto tonight.

    Happy birthday Minols. Sorry been so absent but will get back to it. Strange time.

    Morning all!
    Hope everyone’s okay & having a lull in the wind/ rain battering!
    Had a much longer walk & bumped in to a couple we know, so a nice chat with them, I used to help in their son’s class, he’s a lovely lad. Xena played with their lab. Youngest has found out that his court case is going ahead next week! We’d just presumed it would be cancelled again as we’re in lockdown. Obvs he can’t get a train & stay like he did last time so we’ll take him…but if we can’t get Xena looked after then hubby will have to take him & do all the driving.
    Not a FD today…

    Morning All…
    A very cold frosty start but strangely better out than I thought and not slippy, no hat on and a good on lead walk out of the village. Charlie seemed to enjoy the change.

    A beauty day for Charlie, he is having his nails clipped, a local vets nurse/dog walker is coming to the house to do it..he won’t be amused..I have started the front paws but they are so thick and hard, he has black nails which are even stronger.

    May bake some scones and a brownie recipe for one from Nigella ..see how I go…

    Good luck for your son it’s been drawn out a bit…it’s a worry. Have a good NFD..cold chicken and chips for me tonight..

    Jean x

    Good Afternoon FBBs Xxxx

    A pretty day but cold .. lovely to see sunshine though.

    Hedgehogs Well done on your this weeks pound loss .. Not easy this weather.

    Sym Your tonight’s dinner sounds tasty Cold chicken always seems to taste better than hot somehow.

    Its a no cooking day for me today.. I often dont bother Saturdays .. Our village shop does some really tasty cold roast beef .. So a sandwich tonight with satsumas ( I love them eat loads) lol PLUS I have treated myself to a little mini caramel egg. Yay.

    Have a lovely day everyone .. Keep smiling it does make a differance. Xxxx

    Good afternoon,had some snow this morning but it didn’t stick, keeps coming and going. Heidi isn’t eating she not had anything for over a day and a half. So worried about her. Will try her with her favourite chews see if that makes her hungry.Denise used to help out in my daughter and sons classes.My son told his teacher that she did it with his sister so she got roped into doing it for his class.

    Afternoon all,

    Minols, did you enjoy your food last night? What did you have?

    Dave, hope Heidi eats something today, is it chicken and rice time?

    Hemmy and Jean, enjoy your teas, nice and easy but tasty.

    Jean, hope Charlie isn’t sulking after having his claws clipped.

    HH, it will be good for your son to get the court case over with after all this time, but like you, I’m surprised it is going ahead. I guess they have such a backlog that they want to get things moving.

    No weight loss for me again this week, in spite of 3 x 500 days out of 7, which is frustrating. Obviously eating too much on the other 4 days still. I don’t want to have to count cals every day, but maybe I’m going to have too. Or I might mix things up and do some 800cal days and reduce NFDs.

    The weeks are ticking on by and if I want to lose this stone, I can’t afford any more weeks with no weight loss!

    No change in SOFA:

    Nana 3.5
    Jo 3
    Minols 3
    Kay 2
    HH 2

    We started watching the new series of The Bay last night and as the whole series is available, we will probably carry on with them as there is nothing else on worth watching.

    Day 6 of doggie training. Some of the games have been good at building distraction and focus. A couple are going to be put on the back burner for later as we focus on the more important issues. I think there has been a bit of improvement but it needs more and more practice, for her and for us.

    Have a nice evening everyone, whatever you are doing x

    Kay- that’s hard, no loss, I know the feeling fighting for every bit off! Glad the training has been useful!
    Hemmy- don’t blame you not cooking! Not found it easy to get satsumas recentky, I like a couple at a time! Nice to have a good village shop too!
    Jean- hope your dinner was good too! Take care out there today!
    Dave- hope you can catch up on your sleep…what roast are you having?
    Minols- busy day for you, hope all the tech works okay!
    Nana- maybe the cold will keep all the ‘tourists’ away & you can get out for a walk!
    Out with Xena- the footpath to the forest was really busy again, Xena is getting so much better at not barking at people, she comes back to me for a treat straight away! Online Church shortly, not seeing Mum as she’ll go to hers, cooking a roast chicken tonight.
    Dog sitter is still working so Xena can go there on Wednesday.

    Morning All…
    A very hard frost this morning but not slippy while out. A good walk around the village met with quite a few people, dogs played well together.

    Charlie was a good boy with his nail cutting, last one he started to pull away, she was very good and quick..a bit of a play first and biscuit treat on finishing. I shall do it again.

    I shall be fasting tomorrow…

    I baked some emergency chocolate brownies yesterday OMG so delicious, only made 4 portions nice when eating less…2 left for today 😀..( recipe is for one person)

    I always like cold chicken I don’t think my large chicken was as large as it should have been, a sandwich and it’s finished today…makes life easy.
    Do you get to see Kirsty is she local or away?

    Thinking of Heidi hope she starts eating, it’s a worry for the old girl…she seems to stop and start.

    Keep going the weight will come off, your body is testing you. Tara’s training sounds as if it’s been a good week, pick the best bits..it all takes time, steady and slow.

    Nice you can get Xena sorted and you can all go to the court case. Good you can get in the forest so lovely.
    In the village it’s very busy with runners and walkers too, with different dogs too you have to keep an eye out see how they react..

    I don’t know what I am doing today, heating is up and it feels cold..roll on Spring.

    Have a good day all…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon no snow but it looks very likely.Took Heidi out, just a short walk. It’s chicken tonight so I am sure Heidi will eat this, if not I will be very worried. She will be 15 this year a very good age for a German shepherd.She sleeps most of the time these days. It’s zero outside so perfect temperature for snow.

    Afternoon All..
    What a long flat boring day..couldn’t get moving to do jobs..just so cold the heating turned well up…

    Just two good walks…I did pop to shops to buy some daffodils growing in a pot, well three pots, and some primulas to put on Steve grave..our wedding anniversary and his birthday at the beginning of February so the daffs might be out for then…hard for flowers at the moment.

    Tonight it’s -5 I I will bring the plants inside.

    Haven’t decided on my meal tonight…Charlie is already asleep after his walk and food…

    Hope the small walk tempts her to eat..she loves her chicken so fingers crossed

    It’s a good idea to try the 5.2…you obviously haven’t tried it…..it really works and you are not hungry!!

    Jean x

    Hi FBBS on this very snowy afternoon. Xxxx

    Well a beautiful day with lots of snow.. It came down very quickly and thick.
    I have not seen it like that for a couple of years now. Fifty pence size flakes. lol

    It was hard going up the hill.. Pip not good on the lead best of times a mad springer. We usually go by car lol

    I really did a work out just walking up there lol .. Met a friend and neighbour so that was nice we both took lots of pics in the snow with the dogs.

    Kay .. You will do it .. you know you can…. maybe just tweak your portions a little.

    Hedgehogs ..Not sure if these are satsumas tangerines or clementines lolol I do love them though . I have 2 at a time too. My village shop is brilliant always well stocked. Enjoy your chicken.

    Sym… Kristy lives in Surrey with her partner. They managed to buy a small place 2 yrs ago. I still see her for a long weekend every month or two.
    Snowdrops are out in some parts of the village .. roll on spring and the garden painting those pots again . 2 sheds need it too this year. lolol.

    Brads .. I do hope Heidi eats some chicken today .. she is a very good age.

    Just read a brilliant article by a lady in a Sunday supplement .. she said dont think you have to achieve things in this pandemic. If you want to watch films .. work all night sleep in the day .. eat beans out of a tin.. its ok. Its just an achievement to get through it. Given all the mental health issues people are facing .. I thought it good advice. So what shall I cook up for dinner with no effort ” Beans on Toast ” lolol

    Stay safe everyone.

    Dieting is the penalty we pay for exceeding the food limit. Xxxx

    Lovely Kirsty has now got a partner, I am not sure whether he was on the scene before you had your break.
    It’s good you see them every couple of months..

    Spring is around the corner..plant pot painting time again….do they get done every year?…I am ready for some better weather.

    Fast day for me tomorrow shall you be fasting?


    Good morning, had snow during the night and it’s on the ground so could be slippy. The sun is out now so hopefully it will all melt. Will take Heidi out now. My son is having Haggis for his tea tonight, not sure what he will have with it.

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