Merry Christmas everyone, let’s hope for a better 2021.
This topic contains 36,340 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by Brads27 2 hours, 31 minutes ago.
Mornign all…
Just lifting my head – hopeyou all had a nice if quiet Christmas…which sort of describes our! TBH, I think we must have needed it as even I slept in to 7.30 yesterday, and the boy didn’t wake until 8.30…unheard of!
OBviously, too much food (cheese and biscuits – oh, can I please live of them!), but now trying to restart lockdown routine of a brisk walk together every day. It’ll have to wait until I’ve finished church, though, so we may incorporate takeaway bacon rolls today!
Morning All..
A most beautiful morning, sunny and mild…a a good walk at the park a few days since we have been..he so enjoys it.
Back for breakfast finishing of with some chocolates which I had put away in the cupboard …..
Watching some baking programs having a relaxing morning…
Quiet all around everyone staying in their own houses, we will get so we like our own company without others….
Minols enjoy your walk out…have you snow ? the weather forecast looks like you might..
Dave hope you are feeling much better..
Jean x
Afternoon All…
A lazy afternoon and a snooze and sleep with Charlie..early walk thought I might watch The Sound of Music yet again…light and simple.
Cold turkey and roasties for tonight, Charlie can have turkey too..
Dave..pleased you are feeling better…hope tv is better this evening, watched two films last night on Netflix, looked terrible where you are, glad it’s passed now.
Jean x
Yesterday was the day for snoozing! Fell asleep to the radio about 1.30pm while the boys did meccano…my favourite kind of day!
Trying to hold off making breakfast so it’s more of a brunch…and I’m in the study supposedly workign but currently doing ‘displacement activity’ – checking internet speeds, getting some apps to work on my phone, looking out hooks to take down to the office which will somehow magically turn my work space into a calm and tidy environment…!
Need to crack on…
Park walk for us…the river had gone over so didn’t want Charlie paddling through cold water..met up with Oreo which was a surprise..a chatty walk..
Two lots of washing on..a quick hoover around down stairs I have dropped mud off my boots…
A surprise tomorrow a hair appointment thought it was another week to wait…thank goodness I didn’t miss it…hair in a ponytail 12 weeks since my last appointment it got cancelled with lockdown …
I feel Steve is around me, I feel more content ..I believe he visited the house on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 💖
Have a good day all….
Jean x
Morning All..
What a cold frosty morning..local walk for Charlie.
Up early making a cuppa to take back to bed, Charlie went out to toilet and he went skidding across the decking..I will be stopping local today..
I was going to see my sister but she lives much higher than me it will be worse than here… I will be safe and warm stay home.
A lazy start for us both snuggled in bed 😂
Keep safe everyone
Jean x
Morning All..
A beautiful day here, cold but doesn’t feel as bad as it looks…
Daughter gave me a coffee machine with some different capsules, I am working through them before I decide which is my favourite….must only have one a day as could be calorific.
Weigh in tomorrow to see what weight I have put on…then 5.2 to put it right.
Happy New Year to everyone …let’s hope things improve for the better.
Jean x
Had a tidy around and got some food out of the freezer to cook for later. Another grazing day I think.
Will facetime with my mum to see new year in. And a half hour zoom chat at 11.45. Plus a local dj is streaming music for a couple of hours (usually 80s music) later so a bit of activity!
So some of us are signing up for a stone off for Easter…how many of us?
Just realised that my birthday is at Easter this year, well the Thursday before Easter weekend so I might not make the full 13 weeks! Just have to hope I lose several pounds in the first 2 weeks. 😄
Keep warm and safe everyone x
Afternoon everyone, have had a lovely Christmas and eaten and drank far too much. Might brave the scales tomorrow but not having my first FD of the new year until Monday.
Yes Kay I’m in for a stone off for Easter.
Happy New Year everyone we’ll be staying up to see it in and probably have face time with Daughter & Son in law.
Nana x
Right I am back on with SOFA, Stone Off For April, although 10 1/2 lb is my actual goal. Having kept pretty steady for nearly a year, my precious dog was diagnosed with cancer and I went right off the rails. Over half a stone on since October so must get back on track while she is relatively well or all my hard work the previous year will be wasted. So joining a few of us with a first 2021 fast day on Monday. Might try ADF or pace myself into it, not sure yet.
Just had an amazing brunch of blinis, smoke salmon, avocado and cream cheese. Oh and a glass of Prosecco!
Afternoon All…
Happy New Year everyone …
A very slippy walk this morning at the park…seems to be getting much colder this afternoon..
A lovely few hours with my daughter before she returns to school..she has had 4 staff down with COVID over the holidays one quite short staff before she starts.
I have put two pounds on over Christmas my appetite seems to be getting better..still in maintenance..I think I will throw some fds in, try and keep steady for the Easter weigh in.
I have half a bottle of wine to drink and few more chocolates over the weekend…start Monday as a fd…
Jean x
Evenign everyone.
I’ll take a bit of that SOFA action – I’m goin gto do a bit ofe reading on hormones and weight…but essentially going to knuckle down and sort my health out a bit this quarter, and a stone for April would be amazing…aim high, and hopefully I’ll achieve something reasonable!
It’s been lovely here – snow mainly at night, and not too deep. Very icey for our daily walk, but lovely to have both OH and the boy off all the way until Wednesday so enjoy our march up into town. I’ll try and keep it up with the boy even after the OH goes back to work…an extra 2 weeks not in school planned for the boy (who knows how long it will be really!) And even the e-schooling doesn’t start for another week.
OH busy cooking lamb for tonight…after all these years he’s finally realised that he won’t get it unless he cooks it himself, so a massive joint has been slow cooking since 11am! I still do the best roast spuds, thoguh, so I’ve done those. Should be finished with all the festive food by the end of the weekend so back on the horse next week!
Jean – so glad you have a sense of Steve again…it can take a wee while to come back, but I think it can really help through this next bit of where you’re at. Such a comfort.
Happy New Year all! x
Minols, I’m glad you are joining us in some SOFA!!!
I think you have had the best weather! Snow! Fab to be able to walk in it as long as you don’t have to drive anywhere.
You will have to join us on whats app! The other night we were taking photos of our hands trying the star trek hand thing 😆
My 2020 year of weight has seen me higher than 2019 and I’m annoyed that I’ve undone all my hard work. However, I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again! And this time I will maintain! First…to lose it…FD Monday…bring it on!
Morning all
At my desk early cos we need to juggle a wee visit to the vet for the old boy’s eyes. A wee infection, I think, so time to take him to their car park!
We’ve pretty much finished the Christmas supplies and need to figure out what to do food-wise today. Might rustle up the old skippers soup from the book.
Morning All..
A better day then yesterday..managed to do a hours walk with Charlie…
After my fall yesterday on black ice, having a lazy day snuggled up with Charlie, my back and top of legs are sore, purple bum..walking better than sitting…a bit dizzy the last couple of days and I was sick this morning, I don’t think they are connected
Might try some breakfast shortly …
Jean x
Hope you feel better once you’ve eaten something Jean. And the soreness doesn’t last too long.
Minols, its definitely soup weather isn’t it.
We are having a drive out to a shop similar to Mole Valley, looking for walking wellies.
Taking Tara with us in the car as she is a bit restless so I don’t want to leave her here! She’s not been on her own for a good while
First FD today, so far all good. Going to just have 1 meal today, but don’t know what that will be as yet!
Think I might have to go back to the doctors, my leg still doesn’t feel right and the rash appears to be coming back up.
It’s definitely gone colder. It’s only 16.9 here inside. Heating will be on when we come back.
Keep warm and safe everyone. I think another announcement from the government is imminent..
I have just had some cornflakes and blueberries and a cuppa..feeling better except my falling aches and pains.
Miserable here dark and dry…soon be walking again time flies another hour to go…
Good luck on the wellies…look on line for Muck boots, they are not too bad…
Fancy forgetting to get weighed!!..tomorrow?
Jean x
Evening everyone my first FD of the new year and the SOFA challenge it’s 587 calories for me today including my nightime choc options later on.
Jean hope you’re feeling a bit better today after your falling episode yesterday.
Minols a very early start for you today. Hope the old boys visit to the vet went okay. Looks like you’ll be having the boy at home for a while. Wonder how long we’ll get not long to Boris addresses us.
Took down the Christmas Tree today and it looks so bare now.
Hope everyone else has had a good day whether fasting or not.
Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Sorry, must get back into posting on here, have eaten so much over Christmas but a FD & back on board today!
Minols- lovely to have snow! & now son off for a while, hope you can all get back into the homeschooling routine! Keep strong!
Jean- poor you, all black & blue, keep taking it easy…
Dave- keep strong too, have you eaten all your chocolate?
Kay- poor you with your leg worse again…best to speak to the doctors again 😬
Nana- always sad to take the decorations down…we have son’s birthday cards up so not too bare. Hope your FD goes okay!
Hubby’s hospital appt went well, hopefully there’ll be something to help him, other then keep taking steroids! Saw mum this afternoon, had hoped she’d speak to the doctor but she’s adamant that she won’t, frustrating! If all the primary schools close then at least sis will be safer, which is a relief, & she can help with seeing mum too!
Quite hungry, but determined!
Hi all
Not really started the SOFA challenge yet…still just trying to get control, it feels like, and build in a brisk daily exercise. Also trying to do more streching to ease the back, hip…everything else that aches! OH back to t work tomorrow, so then the boy and I will start settling into a routine. We’ve been lucky up here, as we knew before Christmas that schools were not goin gback straight away, so our FM address yesterday – while sobering because of the new variant, and extensive because of the wider lockdown – didn’t really bring anything surprising. The boy is off until next month at the earliest, with strong hints that unless something amazing happens, when the review comes in a couple of weeks, it will probably extend school closures until half term…that’s what I’ve told the boy to prepare for! It won’t be easy juggling things, but he’s matured so much this year that he does at least try to ‘get with the programme’!
Had a wee ‘window celebration’ this morning…I’d just finished cursing the internet for being unstable throughout a couple of zoom meetings, when I noticed the gritter reversing up our wee cul de sac – yippeeee! The ice here is terrible – I think we’re just in a particularly bad spot, as we seem to get ice on ice on ice…and then water on top!
HH – impressed you manage to cook for the others and not eat yourself! Had an gorgeous big bowl of porridge this morning! but yesterday was the last of the pancake days, now the OH is heading back to work!
Jean – are you feeling better today? Dizzy is not good.
Morning all
I’m going to have porridge this morning to get me started on the day, and then after that it’s soup all the way for me! The boy has disovered a favourite feasting combination at the local Greggs, so he can have that for lunch, which will fuel him up for a lighter tea, so me having soup won’t be so obvious! So if I can resist sncking, I should be able to stay under the 800.
Sorting and tidying day at the office today as I probably won’t be down there very much for the next month or two. Might even wash up my mug before I leave!
SOFA here I come!
Morning all!
Minols- welcome to the sofa! I like your window celebration! Floods more of a problem in Suffolk at the moment rather than ice…not major flooding though thankfully! Sounds like you’re pretty prepared for the next few weeks…
Another 800cal day for me, will be prepared for the painful tummy & take the rennies earlier! Had a good walk with Xena when the rain stopped, caught up with a few jobs this morning & then seeing mum this afternoon.
Have a good day all!
Stunnign day here…but the boy had to rescue me as I tried walking on the grass to avoid the steep icey path through the park. Of course, it’s been totally impacted and re-frozen several times as wee bums have slid down it, so today the grass was way worse than the path. The boy came across and first rescued my coffee, then came back to guide me sidey ways across the hillock to the rough edge before going back for my coffee – is it to early in the year to nominate a Hero of 2021???
Just had a wee drop of soup and some dry crackers…been a while since i’ve tried to do a FD – are you on your third consecutive, HH, or did I pick that up wrong?
Expecting more snow, I think, tonight – snow on ice on ice on ice for the morning dog walk, I guess!
Afternoon All..
A very slippy walk again, twice!
I must remember to post can’t say I have been busy, bobbing off in a afternoon it must be my hot water bottle, snuggling with the boy. My bum is still purple and sore, ok if I sit sideways. I am not aching too much, just nervous when it’s slippy outside with Charlie pulling.
Charlie’s ears seem to be playing up again hoping it’s not a visit to the vets again, putting some old drops in.
I have been in contact with a lady from U3A, we are meeting up next week to walk together, usually a group walk but it’s not allowed. We have decided on a canal walk that suits me for about a a chat and walk, she has moved up here from down south…so hope it goes well.
Minols your ice sounds as good as mine be careful…snow on top too..oooo
Jean x
Evening everyone, must come on here more often but I’m not doing much at the moment due to the lockdown apart from our usual daily constitutional walk. Jean a walk planned hope it goes well.
Minols welcome to the SOFA challenge we’ve not got any snow here in Cambridgeshire at the moment but have had a few hard overnight frosts.
FD planned for tomorrow and then weigh in on Fri morning.
Take care everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
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4:24 pm
24 Dec 20