Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,340 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by  Brads27 5 hours, 24 minutes ago.

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  • Morning All…
    A lovely frosty morning ok walking when you get going…met up with Oreo so the boys had a good play…

    Back for late breakfast so won’t have lunch…I have to chase a floating cheque up, in Steves name but all his bank accounts are closed, a nightmare with Pay Pal looks as if they will keep it…see what my bank can do or help me.

    It’s come up with change password for me too..??good luck for tomorrow with Jodie.

    Yes cooked a full dinner with ex large chicken..Charlie just loves the sound of tinfoil he gets so exciting..I am having sandwiches tonight and he will finish it off.
    I would like to see daughter next weekend but I will have to see…
    Lovely walk for you this morning good job you found Xenia’s lead 😀..enjoy mum this afternoon..

    Jean x

    Angel Watch 2020 –
    All 1130 angels needed for schools tagged…children and staff will have one. Boxes ready for checking and wrapping this week.
    HOWEVER…we received another 300+ angels over the weekend, so we’ve ordered some more tags and now everyone int he congregation can get one when our Christmas card is printed…just hope we don’t end up sending one back to the person who knitted it!

    Meanwhile, day is going well so far, with just some dry oatcakes eaten. Of course, it ahs to go well, because I found a packet of custard creams at the weekend that somehow had been missed in all the great lockdown biscuit sweeps of the church! You all know that custard creams and me don’t co-exist for long…!

    Nearly done here, adn then I can jump on the bike and go to the butchers.


    Good fast day today 😁 having salad for tea so I am well behaved.Got lots of chocolate in the house and now orange smarties, they are hard to resist but I have will power 😇😇😇.Heidi had her longest walk for a while but still less than half of her normal one, building her up for that.

    Done okay so far, soup tonight. Played a new game with Mum- she finally remembered the rules to explain it, she’s been trying to remember for ages!

    Evening everyone, have had a good FD today coming in at 780 calories which includes my choc options later on next one planned Thursday. As a result of the heavy gardening that OH and I did yesterday we didn’t wake up until 8:45 and have both had aching muscles today. We did manage our daily constitutional walk though.
    Minols more Angels wow. Stay away from the custard creams.
    Hedgehogs glad you found Xenas lead and hope your visit to your mum went well.
    Dave well done on your FD and staying away from the chocolates.
    Hope everyone else has had a good day whether fasting or not today and keep safe.
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone, I had a good fast day yesterday,751 calories so very please with that. Just took Heidi on a full walk for the first time since she fell down the stairs.She is ok now so that’s good. 31 days to go to Christmas,I just asked Alexa and got a message from 🎅😁.

    Morning all!
    Had a good FD too yesterday, hope for another one today although am already hungry & cold!!
    Cards & glue have come so might start on the Christmas cards later, not sure if it’s enough of a distraction though!
    Have a good day all 😀

    Afternoon All..

    Walked out and been out for a bit of shopping…bought my wreaths for the cemetery.

    I called the mobility shop, they will take Steves scooter back at a cut price, they normally don’t but I just want it out the way.

    Still not eating a lot, a few cooked dinners but today I don’t feel like eating…

    Lots of angels for you I think everyone will love them…oh the custard cream did you stay strong?

    Good news that Heidi managed a normal walk..she must be feeling better…

    Good mum was feeling fine and completed the game and remembered too…hope the cards go well..are you using buttons?

    Well done at all the gardening, always a good idea at the time we forget how tiring it is…good hot bath needed!

    Thinking of you and Jodie, hope they are gentle with her..hugs..

    Hope daughter is feeling better..will they be coming over at Xmas.

    Hope you get all your paper work done…thinking on MIL she is very much a worry.

    Have a good fast day whoever is fasting…Hedgehog is anyone else?

    Two zoom meetings tomorrow with my new club…I have also joined U3a I am waiting for information that might be the better of the two…but keeping an open mind….difficult as face to face has all been cancelled….zoom might make the step in easier…

    Jean x

    Definitely not a fast day today almost 1000 calories already. Waiting for a delivery of a mesh system for improving my WiFi.Will set it up and stop my son from moaning 😁 hopefully.

    Morning all – having a tech-y mornign at home before heading in to town to have some time off with a book, then a massage.

    Jean – glad they’re going to take the scooter. U3A used to meet in my old church – I always thought it was a brilliant idea! Zoom should workk great for it, too. Really hope you enjoy it.

    Custard creams didn’t make it out of the weekend – obvs! But going to have a good day today…just a main meal this evening with the boys.

    Set up my new computer at the church yesterday…went alright surprisingly! I still need to download a few key programmes, and then stretch it’s legs on editing, so I’ll reserve final judgment!

    Interested in the new wifi system, Dave…


    Morning all!
    Minols- glad you got the computer sorted, enjoy ‘playing’ with it! Time off later sounds good, & well deserved!
    Jean- good you’re trying some new things, my parents always enjoyed U3A talks & Mum used to do the walking group. You’re braver than me with zoom! Shame about the scooter but definitely will be good to get it out the way. Keep strong, you’re doing really well, hugs xx
    Dave- really pleased Heidi is on the mend, hope she can get used to sleeping downstairs. Enjoy playing with your tech stuff too…
    Hope everyone else is okay 😀
    Up too early to fast today, but yesterday was good. Got all the cards I’d ordered made, will have to see if that’s enough. Electrician has sorted lights, yay! Not sure what else will be done today, need to do some cleaning though! & feed my xmas cakes, I keep forgetting!

    Morning All..
    A raining day miserable..
    Park walk and first zoom meeting of the day. They are a friendly bunch, three quizzes.

    Playing with your new computer hope it goes well…mine has been cleaned and it’s quicker but I need to reload I haven’t a clue. I must have a go, Steve used to do it all…

    I am waiting for the information coming through on U3A, I have joined this group. I feel if I mope about for 6 months I wouldn’t do anything, get in a rut or depression…I will have to push myself, it’s hard. It would be nice if I could take Charlie on the walking group, it might be a No…dinner lunches once a month sounds good.
    Christmas cake sounds lovely enjoy what ever you have planned later.

    It’s good your son is pleased with the new Wi-fi mesh system..

    Zooming at 2 pm again, introduction into the group and what they do, I think, as there’s no meetings at the moment, then I have to decide if I am joining this group.

    Jean x

    Minols mesh system is brilliant,my son now gets 200 MHz download speed in his bedroom.Even my speed in living room is faster.So simple to set up.You just download the app for your phone then plug in the first disc into your router then follow the instructions on your phone, and the best of it you don’t have to change anything on your router,IE modem mode.I now have 2 different WiFi networks in the house. The mesh is BT whole house WiFi,but there are 3 different ones so if interested don’t get the mini ones or the premium ones. They work with any router.Bad night with Heidi, she didn’t want to stay on her own, scratching at the door and charging at it by the sound of the door so I had to get up and put my arm around her until she settled then stay with her all night. So I am shattered now and it’s a fast day only had 1 cup of tea so far 😵😵😵.

    Oh Dave – poor Heidi…and poor you! I remember putting an old camping mattress down on the floor next to the old dog when he was home after surgery. Dogs are worth it…but I doubt I tried to fast the next day!

    Surviving well, so far – just 40 minutes until I make Pan Haggerty, and I’ve got s little bit of distracting work to get me through.

    Massage great – back is so much better at the moment. And an hour with a novel was a joy! I’m thinking of putting together ‘book hampers’ for sister/in-laws this year. Gave them pre-ordered food hampers last year, but can’t do the same again. And this way I get the joy of a variety of books.


    Heidi’s been asleep most of the day apart from when I took her out. Still not had any food, just 3 hot drinks.

    Morning all!
    Dave- you did really well fasting yesterday! Very impressed, I have to eat if I’m hungry! I’m guessing that you haven’t got room for a mattress downstairs? Hopefully you can help Heidi up & downstairs…
    Jean- yes, you’ve got to try a few new things, just a shame that there’s not face to face meetings. You’ve been really strong…long days right now.
    Minols- glad your back is better at the moment, good news! The book hampers sound a good idea. We have about 20 presents to buy so not sure I could spend that…saw some soap flower bouquets on Amazon I might get for presents, something different!
    Fasting today, had a good walk with Xena, have rung my new HS family, Asda order coming later, a few boring jobs to do inbetween…

    Morning All..

    A good walk, cold but not as bad as I expected at 4 degrees..quite nice..

    Looks like we are in tier three..5 day Xmas looks very iffy to do…difficult with daughters family juggling what we are doing, in laws out laws and dogs, she is doing a 2 or 3 hour Xmas day, she wants time on their own ?? which I can’t even be bothered to go to, I have 40 mins either side travelling too, coming back to an empty house will be upsetting, so it’s me and my boy snuggled together eating too much!

    Christmas presents sorted..a good idea..

    I am not strong, coping just I think..strong yesterday then crumbled over Christmas and daughter, very upset, bad nights sleep and upset….Steve made me strong again after a first bad marriage but not all the time as yet…

    You are getting all your presents sorted too…different ideas..cards looked lovely.

    Jean x

    I think you have chosen the right option Jean.I like Christmas Day on our own, never go out if I can help it. Won’t see Denise’s mum on Christmas Day but will see her sometime over the Christmas/new year period.

    Hope you are right, it will be a funny first Xmas…I shall have to chat to you 😂, just one or two messages…

    Jean x

    Jean- you are strong, & you’re doing really well, it’s early days still. A shame about daughter’s but probably best, especially if just for a few hours! We always used to get a bit narked with FIL when he came for Christmas day- he’d be keen to come, would have his dinner & then couldn’t wait to get home! I think he only came for the food 😂
    Dave- does any of Denise’s family see MIL?
    Getting quite hungry now, just waiting for asda to come…

    Evening everyone, FD completed slightly over at 822 calories bit that’s because I allow myself a choc options later on as I need something in the evening on a FD. Was very cold here today with a sharp frost first thing. Disappointed to be going into Tier2 on Dec 2 as was looking forward to be able to resume visiting daughter and son in law on Weds but they will be visiting us either Christmas Day or Boxing Day which will be nice.
    Jean you are strong x
    Hope everyone else has had a good day whether fasting or not today and take care.
    Nana x

    Nana tier 2 is not so bad, better than my tier 3.Jean you can message me whenever you want. HH Denise’s brother comes to see her every week from Preston and her sister lives close to her.Will try a fast day tomorrow hopefully I can resist the biscuits again.

    Morning all, Heidi got me up early again🤯. Having a cuppa then I will take her out. Going to mother in law’s later then Sainsbury’s shopping.Not used to being up this early,but I have to guide Heidi down the stairs safely.

    Hi Everyone

    Thinking we’ll probably be by ourselves for Christmas too – but then in this job, we usually are! And if we don’t go away straight from church – which we can’t these days cos of the dog – then usually the poor boys get pretty short shrift cos I forget to plan something for them. Can’t usually see past allt he church stuff.

    Determined this year will be different – not noisey or people-y, but still, not my ‘leftovers’! So I’ll be around to be on here with you, Jean! No watchnight to both love and complain about. No Christmas Day service – we’re just going to open up Zoom to wish each other merry christmas, maybe do a wee nativity together…but that’s all. So the rest of the day will be hanging out with the boy and the OH.


    Afternoon All,

    Usual walk 4 degrees but lovely no hat needed and no coat for Charlie. Lots of playing for Oreo and Charlie.

    I have been to cemetery to put my Christmas wreath on, as no head stone yet I don’t want nothing there.

    I have put on 1 lb but no worries about it, needed it really.

    Thanks I may chat to you Christmas…hope MIL is fine when you visit her today..

    I am getting my head around being on my own a Christmas, I will catch up with the walkers, Sam is on her own, she is in the police so I think it’s again iffy to have her around for lunch, outside is fine.

    Oh..I am not strong I keep crumbling…we are in tier 3, it said on the news it might be till Easter/Spring that’s depressing ..at least you can have your daughter and family over at Christmas..

    Christmas at home for you this year…have a relaxing time…..we can chat it would be nice….

    Jean x

    Afternoon all!
    Considering I was up at 3.30am (Xena needed the loo & I couldn’t get back to sleep!) I can’t believe that I’ve only just got round to coming on here!
    Well done losers & Jean getting a pound back. Hard to go to the cemetary on your own- hope you didn’t nag Steve like Mum does with my poor Dad?!
    Had a long frosty, foggy walk with Xena, then did cooked breakfast for youngest before he went to do his late shift. Made 2 cheesecakes for the boys, we had to pop to our local shop for a couple of bits asda missed. Mum texted to ask me to pop in- thought her friend was coming so had hoped she’d be okay. Didn’t like to think she’d bern on her own, so went round; turned out her friend had been, she thought I might’ve been at a lose end 😬😬 So didn’t get the jobs done I’d planned this afternoon! I did have achat with Mum to try & get her to be more careful & stick to the rules, she was really upset…
    Not a FD, up too early for that!
    Yay, hairdressers have been on the phone to rebook my trim- missed appt because of lockdown.

    I could do with a trim 😁 it’s almost 1/8 of an inch long now. Mother in law was ok, she tried to fill me up with biscuits but I resisted😇. Will be a low day today, very hungry so lowish will do. Just ordered an Nvidia shield pro, they don’t seem to come down in price so I will pick it up on Monday.Used one of them cashback sites, don’t know if it will work, will wait and see. I also got a letter from the NHS about my bowel cancer test they have lost the sample I have them 😲😲😲.So I requested another test kit.

    Good afternoon,8:05am and I got a big nose shoved in my face🙁Heidi must have a built in alarm clock.She comes down stairs and get in her bed 😡after getting me up😵.It’s pouring down here so no walkies yet.A low day yesterday but a eating day today.

    Dave- you did well yesterday! Well done with the biscuits…shame about your sample & having to do that again 😱😬
    Shame you don’t get your lie-ins either!
    Dry here, had a nice long walk with Xena, & had porridge for breakfast, not had it for ages, & Minols keeps talking about it! Have done some cleaning & we’ve put the Christmas decs up, hubby’s idea! Have a pile of ironing to do though 😖

    Afternoon All..
    A long river walk this morning really lovely a bit cold kept moving so ok…

    A few phone calls and watched James Martin this morning my Saturday treat…touch up painting finished only took 45 mins quicker than I thought…to do jobs up to date now 😀

    Raining all afternoon so looks like a wet walk in half an hour…

    Poor mum hope she can follow the rules..hard as I know when on your own…bend slightly but not too much 😂…tree up!!…
    I am thinking what to do, I know someone who would be cross at me not participating 😬

    I have missed a hair appointment too but have to wait in between Christmas and new year..I haven’t had porridge in ages it’s must for me to have again….

    Shame you have to re test…yes the dogs have better clocks than us..😀

    Jean x

    Grey day here but dry at least, lots of squirrels on our walk for Xena to chase! Online Church done, Mum says she’ll be okay without me coming round today, which is good as I’ve got a roast chicken to cook! Will do her a plate & son can run round with it. Enjoying our Christmas decs up; hubby likes an old set of wooden ornaments; he put them all round the front of the tree, have been gradually moving them to the back & putting my favourite ones at the front 😂
    Eaten too much again today 😬 hope to do better next week (she says again!)

    Good afternoon,we to have the tree up, very early for us, usually the 10th of December,my son’s birthday, when the kids were young and kept mythering about putting the the up Denise said to my son you can have it up on your birthday so we have kept to that date. But I said let’s put it up early this year.

    Good evening everyone very quiet on here. Not watched the F1 yet but recording it. Took Heidi out twice and she seems ok now. In her bed as usual. Had roast beef for tea so full now. Any more tags Minols?

    Evening everyone, Dave won’t spoil it for you but F1 was good.
    Put my Christmas Tree up today only a couple of days early though.
    Our lovely neighbour gave us some homemade mince pies this afternoon and they didn’t last long. Apart from that I’ve not eaten that badly today. FD planned for tomorrow – have got a Tesco delivery in the morning so that will keep me busy for a little while.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning all!
    Lots of trees going up early this year! Dave, my sister’s son’s birthday is the 14th, they’d always let him have his birthday before the decorations go up, but now he’s left home, she’s put hers up already too!
    Nana- hope your delivery is all okay, I think out Tesco ones seem to be better here than asda, but asda are cheaper!
    Jean- hope you get some company on your walk!
    Minols- I’m guessing you’re very busy…is your kitchen keeping as tidy as planned?
    Fasting today, although there’s cheesecakes still in the fridge! & both boys are at home today, so it’ll be constant eating going on!
    Seeing mum this afternoon, nothing else planned.

    Morning All..
    Wet walk at the park..still raining now..walked around with Oreo and Natalie’s Mum, Nat’s working.

    Cooking for Charlie, his dinners for the freezer…chicken and mince….

    I have decided to put some Christmas up, it upset me to look at all the early Christmas decorations, I feel very left out now, Steve would be saying ‘ stop being miserable!’…so I shall see what I have…no tree as it’s been thrown away…so shall I say a Christmas token…I will let you know…

    Horrendous crash…he was very lucky.

    Nice on the mince pies..I should make some…

    Sorry your kitchen will be open all day…keep strong…ooooh cheesecake 😀

    Jean x

    Lepticore is a proprietary combination of various ingredients which have been shown to have properties which could be beneficial to weight loss in obese and overweight human subjects. This study evaluates the effect of Lepticore on bodyweight as well as parameters associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome.

    The study was an 8 week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design involving 92 obese (mean BMI > 30 kg/m2) participants (37 males; 55 females; ages 19-52; mean age = 30.7). The participants were randomly divided into three groups: placebo (n = 30), Lepticore formula A (low dose) (n = 31) and Lepticore formula B (high dose) (n = 31). Capsules containing the placebo or active formulations were administered twice daily before meals with 300 ml of water. None of the participants followed any specific diet nor took any weight-reducing medications for the duration of the study. A total of 12 anthropomorphic and serological measurements were taken at the beginning of the study and after 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of treatment.

    Afternoon all – thought it was still the mornigng!

    Nasty crash yesterday, and another that could have been, eh, Dave. They’ve done so much in recent years, can you can’t prevent absolutely everything, as we know too well this year.

    Kitchen still reasonably ordered – remarkably, JJ. HOpe you enjoyed te porridge. I make it thick – nearly solid, and I’m afraid, to my OH’s horror, swathed in demerara! THAT’s why I eat it so often! Not a fd today, but hopefully not too bad, and maybe one tomorrow.

    Busy every evening this week, but also trying to think ahead a little bit to post-Christmas…veterans may know my horror of ‘cliff edge’ when everything I’ve been writing for ever it seems is suddenly finished!

    Very excited just now, because a publishing company has given permission for me to read one of my favourite ever stories every night during Advent – The Christmas Mystery is just a wonderful book, with a chapter for each day in Advent. I recommend it every year, and until this year, have read it to the boy…so now I’m reading it to anyone who will listen! Just off to record the next section – have to record ahead of time, cos too likely I’d forget one day…not very good at discipline, and good habits, and that sort of thing!


    So will it be on Facebook Minols? I may tune in.Rain here, a miserable day,roll on summer although I don’t mind winter.Just the snow I don’t like it once its thawed.Fast day today.

    Morning all!
    Got confused with all the talk of the bad crash, thought I’d missed something! Realised the F1, it did look bad!
    Minols- I had some cream to use up, so that & a little sugar went on my porridge, as it was a nonFD! Great that you can read the advent stories! Hope fasting goes okay!
    Jean- enjoy today’s walk too. It’s so hard for you with Christmas talk, hugs…
    Dave- hope Heidi eats again! Well done keeping strong yesterday, my FD went well too…
    Hubby’s hair needs a trim so rashly offered to do the boys’ as well. I did give mum the talk about being more careful, today she usually meets with 3 others, so will see if she takes any notice! If she doesn’t go then I’ll pop round as she’ll be upset…
    Off to walk Xena now.

    Hi Everyone…trying a bit of a FD today, although feeling a little wabbit, so we’ll see how it goes.

    Dave – yes, it’ll be on the FB page at 6pm…if I’m done it right!

    Jean – I meant to ask, we have our service of thanksgiving and remembrance this Sunday afternoon – would you be alright with me lighting a candle for Steve and praying for you?


    Minols 6pm which day? Today?.Done the shopping at Sainsbury’s,still waiting for an email from Curry’s to go and pick my order up, should have come yesterday 😩.Must be December Christmas music in the supermarket and Slade have just been on TV.

    3 haircuts done succesfully; how hairdressers manage I don’t know- the hairs worked their way through 3 layers & were really prickly, I had to put all my clothes in the wash!
    Wrote Christmas cards, but still have to do letters for a few, queued for ages at the post office to post present to Holland- over £7 & it wasn’t even heavy! Got the marzipan on all my cakes, & quite a bit left over for me to nibble on 😱 I’ll fast tomorrow…

    Talking to myself?!
    Tired today; Xena keeps waking needing to go in the garden, not sure what’s set that off! & then youngest decided to go into work at 4am to finish all the stock change that they didn’t have time to finish last night…he’s happy as all staff are getting £110 in vouchers as a bonus for them doing so well this year!
    Finally had a sort through the freezers- we have a little one above the fridge, a big one in the utility cupboard & another small chest one in our outside cupboard, keeping track of what’s in them is not easy! Got asda order done for tomorrow now I know what I need!
    Fasting today, going okay, soup for tonight.

    Good afternoon, fed up with Curry’s, but think I will get my Nvidia shield pro either tomorrow or Friday.Fast day going ok only had 40 calories so far.Not sure what to have for tea.

    Hi all
    Not fasting again! But I did cycle to the seaside this morning – an hour there and back, and coffee and a roll in between. As I’m working every evenign this week I thought I’d be sensible and have a little time out – lovely!

    Dave – it’s 6pm EVERY evening! A bit like the news, but the story’s MUCH better!

    HH – has Xena maybe got a wee infection? Or it could be the cold!

    I’m impressed you’re at the posting stage, HH!


    Minols I have put it on WhatsApp so everyone can see it.

    Afternoon All..
    I didn’t realise I had missed a few days…I have had Christmas family issues which is upsetting, first arguments of the season, two daughters not talking, and one not talking to me maybe, keeping my head down. US daughter says it as it is, my other daughter ducks and dives and finds every excuse under the sun, instead of being straight to the point. All about me being on my own at Christmas!
    Katie is quite upset about it.

    Christmas is a bit upsetting this year…I will be in and out of here as I see fit this month..I am still about…

    I am eating out my freezers ready to put in what I eat myself, easy stuff for one. I can see movement now.
    Lovely bonus vouchers for your sons hard work.
    Hoping Xenia’s toilet problem gets sorted out..not nice..

    Looks like Curry’s has sorted you out now 🤞

    Port wine zoom night at 7 pm, although I shall be drinking wine and cheese…hope it’s not boring 😂

    Jean x

    Jean- so sorry your girls have fallen out & you in the centre of it, not good! Hope that it gets sorted, you don’t need that 😞 How was the zoom? Sounds interesting! HomeStart are doing some Christmas socials, but can’t face it, you’re brave!
    Dave- hope you sort Curry’s out, very frustrating for you…
    Minols- lovely you could have a bike ride to the beach! The advent reading sounds good! Yes, you need to make time for yourself if you’re busy in the evenings.
    Not fasting today, thinking of going back to ADF, it all feels like hard work right now! Xena up again in the night, it’s not an infection, (no2, not got the runs either, sorry to be graphic!), just her body clock’s gone weird! Eldest was up at 5am, woke up then, he’s back today but has random furlough days off! Ringing my HS family today, have shoping coming & then taking mum out this afternoon to get her Christmas cards…our Christmas dilemma seems to be sorted- Mum wanted to invite aunt, then wasn’t sure if she could cope & has been stressing about it, I rang aunt & she’s said she won’t come, we’re hoping her neighbours who she’s in a bubble with might invite her! I think the Christmas rules will be causing arguments in lots of families!

    Good morning everyone,still waiting for Curry’s,I think it will be tomorrow so have to be patient.I have joined a group on Facebook so I will know what I am doing when it eventually turns up from Curry’s.Its pouring down here so not took Heidi out yet, she’s so slow these days but did suprise me at 10pm last night. I took her for a quick walk and we meet up with it postman who is my friend, he was taking his dog out and Heidi didn’t half move to catch up with his dog. I will watch the second installment Minols later on. Snow in Glencoe, not a lot but it’s started.

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