A productive day…washed Charlie’s blankets and dried outside is a bonus, grass cut, ironing finished, at long last potato and leek soup made…
Walk shortly…back to evening…
Hope everyone is ok…
Jean x
This topic contains 36,340 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by Brads27 5 hours, 43 minutes ago.
Evening everyone, been a lovely busy day for me and had a fairly low day instead of a fast day as I had an unplanned fast day yesterday.
Hope you get Jodie home safely Mel.
Minols all those angels would be lovely to see them.
Hedgehogs yes Poppy still on her diet as such but they haven’t been able to get back to the vets for a weigh in yet. She did look slimmer last time we saw her though.
Well done to those of you who’ve fasted today. Weigh in tomorrow morning for me.
Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Well done fasters and losers!
I’ve only 1 fd this week, need to get my bum back in gear!
Neils mum didn’t go home last night as arranged, hospital transport refused to take her as the ward hadn’t passed on her covid clearance!
We are both at work today so don’t know what’s happening. I assume she will be home today, but my worry is that its now weekend and I don’t know if care will be arranged.
All very frustrating!
My mum is feeling the effects of ‘family rejection’ and is quite low. I feel very angry with the rest of the family and helpless. My mum is even further away than Neils mum. I can see me making the trip to North Wales in early December, regardless of lock down ruling.
Minols, have you finished the angel tags? When do they go out for distribution?
Jean, well done on the lawn cut. Ours desperately needs doing but it seems so wet. Will have to just go for it.
I’m freezing cold at the mo. I’m basically in a shipping container. Once all the staff have had their break and disappeared, I will go round and do a clean, then sit in the canteen in the warm!
Here til 1pm and I’m bored! Oh well I’m earning some money and Tara is fast asleep according to the webcam.
Have a good day all x
Morning All..
A beautiful day we decided on a village, riverside walk..I met up with someone I haven’t seen for awhile, she was asking about Steve as she didn’t know, so I started crying, she took me home for a coffee and I had a cuddle with her new baby..people are so kind.
I am usually fine if I don’t talk to people..being in isolation and on my own I thought I was doing fine but maybe not…
A bit of a lazy day not sure what I fancy doing…I need some hot sauce to do my chilli wings from Tesco, might leave it for another day…trying to keep away from the large shops..
Lost a pound this week but I am not fasting…
Well done on your weight loss Jo and Nana
A worry the two mums, always hard when you are far away..hope your work day passes quick and you can get warm…
Thinking about Jodie, hope she soon feels better.
Have a good day,
Jean x
Jean- need to watch your weight, don’t want to keep losing…it’s still so early yet, of course it’s upsetting having to keep telling people. Nice to support the cafe!
Kay- you’ve had a difficult week, I hope that the care does get sorted for Neil’s Mum. A worry when so far away. Hard for you with your Mum too 😞
Mel- hope Jodie heals quickly, take care of yourself too…
Minols- have a good weekend, don’t work too hard!
Dave- hope your MIL is okay & you could keep away from the biccies!
Nana- are you having a takeaway tonight?
Up in the night with naughty Xena, couldn’t get back to sleep for a while! Youngest has asked for a cheesecake, so made that today, eek! Having a takeaway tonight too…will get back to cutting down properly next week!
Morning all!
Hope everyone’s okay today?
Had a lively walk with Xena- she met a black lab & had a nice game with him- she really likes black lab boys, goes all funny & flirty! She was all soppy afterwards with me & kept stopping for cuddles!
Seeing Mum today, nothing else planned. A nonFD for me, will enjoy this weekend & then have to get serious next week!
Evening All..
A very long day today, no face to face talking….neighbour at the back has all Christmas lights up already but not on….neighbour at the front has just finished putting his tree up this afternoon in his window with lights blazing…a long Christmas for me…!!!…….I do think it’s early even by my standards…
I did manage to defrost my freezer and finish reading a book..
Lots of cooking and baking for you..I don’t know how you manage…a flirty Xena, it’s quite nice..
A nice takeaway..might have a wine myself tonight, I have a bottle open…
Jean x
I’ve just lost a long post…stupid forum!!
In summary, Neils mum is hugely better today. It appears they changed her medication in hospital as she was having heart problems as well as her lungs.
Such a relief. How much difference a few days make.
Done nothing today…finished a book. Resting my shoulder…
Will try another proper post tomorrow!
Hope everyone is OK x
Jean- thinking of you, difficult at weekends especially for you…lockdown not helping so you can’t see your daughter. How’s Steve’s daughter getting on, is her stomach problem any better?
Kay- hope that your shoulder gets better soon, literally a pain. Pleased that Neil’s mum has improved though, that’s good news!
Hope everyone else is okay?
Got completely drenched this morning with Xena, & wind suddenly got up, a bit worried under the trees! It’s 2 years since Dad died today, so sis & I took Mum to his ashes, & we spent a while with her. She has kept it together a bit better this year.
Good afternoon everyone, watched the F1 then took Heidi out,she fell down the stairs this morning and was limping on her walk so I will not take her out again today. She in her bed now looking up at me, I hate it when anything is wrong with her. Had rain now the sun is out but the barometer is at the lowest I have ever seen it. Fixed the shower guard, put some new rubber at the bottom of it. Cost £18 for a yard of rubber 😲.
Afternoon All..
Managed to keep dry this morning…
Its ’s been a very bad day for me tearful all day, started off at 7 am I am still continuing off and on now, my worse day ever…5 weeks I suppose still early days…there’s nothing anyone can say….
I don’t like all the Xmas things going up it’s really upsetting me.
Nice to go for a drink when lockdown is finished.
Glad things seem to be better and they have the meds changed and are working for MIL..
Two years it’s passed by….how long was it until mum improved?…..glad it was a bit better for her this year.
Step daughter is have more tests on Thursday, going through the Covid test and MR test in the next few days before going into hospital. It’s a camera again they say the first test was wrong.
Jean x
Oh Jean sorry you are having a bad day. But you will feel stronger tomorrow. Other bad days will come and have to be got through but the sun will shine again. Christmas can be a very mixed blessing for people. Hug and love your beautiful dog.
My beautiful dog is snoring next to me. Had two little walks today and wanted more. Hate having to clean her bottom round her stitches, I know I am hurting her although try to be gentle. But she gets messy as she can’t squat properly. Then when I finish she comes to me for hugs wagging her tail.
Morning all!
Jean- hoping for a better day for you, hugs. Christmas will be tough…you’ve been really strong so far. Mum’s never had a day without crying I think- she’s very emotional & gets herself very wound up over things. So not a good example! There will be lots of firsts for you to get through this year alone, so it will be difficult, but you’re much stronger than my mum & have your lovely Charlie to get you out & about. You keep busy too, that’s good. Just don’t be hard on yourself xx
Mel- glad that Jodie’s able to have walks, difficult job cleaning her up, they are so forgiving!
Dave- hope Heidi’s stronger today, & you get some sleep…
Kay- how’s the shoulder? Hope Neil’s Mum is managing okay?
Minols- how was your weekend?
Nana- hope you had a good weekend, are you fasting today?
I’m hoping for quite a few 800cal days this week, don’t feel very strong though!
Afternoon All..
Thank you I am having a better day today..a few tears but ok…
My daughter is leaving school early and coming to have a cuppa but will distance from her…I told her I was ok but she’s worried about me…
I have been busy today, housework, Charlie’s vegetables needed doing so a good pan full of chopping, I am having my chilli chicken tonight so it’s ready to go later…
I am sure I will have some tears ahead on anniversaries etc..not good mum and dad died at Xmas it will roll into one as Katie has just said..
Flowers look lovely for the cake you made..
Kettle on now…must go..
Jean x
Good afternoon,a very long night last night, I was wide awake all night. Heidi was awake most of the time but did have some sleep. When I got up I asked if she has gone to the toilet so to speak, she is holding everything in, not been for over 24 hours, Denise tried to let her out and my son had a go but she wouldn’t go down the steps. I got her lead and she hobbled over I put it on her and opened the front door and she stepped down eventually.I took her in the street and she relieved herself so only walked about 30 yards and came home. She as gone to sleep now.
Good afternoon all.
Not sure where the day has gone!
FD for me. Had my porridge earlier and still feel OK. Low tea planned so hopefully be a successful one. Doing M, W and F this week.
Dave, hope Heidi is better tonight and you get some sleep.
Jean, one day at a time. Its going to be up and down for you.
I think Christmas can be a dreadful time for lots of people. Luckily its soon over with.
HH, the plant is lovely. Obviously the cake was a hit!
Mel, it sounds like Jodie is on the mend but a while before the stitches out. At least if the incontinence stops, the clean ups will be less. It must be hard stopping her from licking though bless her.
Neils mum phoned us last night and said the heating had packed up again. The engineer was due back out today so hopefully its fixed. Not heard anything so fingers crossed.
Tara has a runny eye and itchy ears again so trying to get on top of it. She’s constantly locking and nibbling her paws so I think there is an allergy, but it could be anything to anything.
Going dark already, I should go out and deliver some avon orders but its pouring down!
Not very warm either, I might have to alter the timer on the heating!!!
Keep safe everyone x
Dave- a worry with Heidi, you can’t keep staying up all night 😞 Hope she improves soon.
Jean- glad you’re seeing your daughter, & good you can talk alot with Katie. Good to keep busy…
Fasting going okay, but am hungry. Been busy- hoovered my car out as it’s going for MOT tomorrow, delivered leaflets, cleaned up my walking boots (need to look after these as more expensive!), shoping delivered all okay, get started out dinner soon, will be all at different times tonight!
Evening everyone, had a nice albeit quiet weekend and imtended having a FD today as usual not eating until this evening but mid morning my gallbladder had started to flare up so ended up having some soup which has eased it. When I first started doing 5:2 I checked with Dr before starting and she’s one of those who thinks that it’s a good way to lose weight but said if my gallbladder played up I was to have something to eat. My calories for me today including my nightime choc options later on is 950 calories so not too bad. Will aim for another one on Thursday but shall adjust my calories to include a breakfast.
Dave a worry with Heidi – hope you manage some sleep tonight.
Jean trying times for you but hopefully a visit from your daughter today has helped a little.
Kay hope mother in laws heating all fixed. Never rains but pours it seems for her.
Hedgehogs a busy day for you as usual.
Well done to those of you who have completed a FD today. Keep safe everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Morning all, Denise slept downstairs with Heidi,might be my turn again tonight. Only trouble is I don’t sleep if I am downstairs,don’t fit on the sofa very well so just sit up and watch TV all night. Caught up with programs so cleared space on TV box.Will have a shower then try to get Heidi out for her toilet needs.
Morning all!
Jean- hugs to you, have you got much to do today?
Dave- hope Heidi improves soon- maybe anti-inflammatories from the vet might help?
Nana- well done yesterday, hope the gall bladder improves.
Kay, Minols- hope you’re both okay…
Just took Xena to the park so my clean car didn’t get messed up. Have to take in for it’s MOT, then stopping at M&S on the way home. FD for me, 800cals again, hopefully!
Sounds like Jodie and Heidi both had slightly better nights even if their owners didn’t!
A good FD yesterday. Next one planned for tomorrow, but as I’m not hungry yet, I’m going to push it as long as I can before eating.
Tara has a ‘field’ slot booked from 1 – 2 so just hope it doesn’t rain for the entire hour!!
Need to drop off some avon orders too, so enough to keep me busy and off food for a while.
HH, will you be getting the Panatonne today then?
Minols, hows things going on?
Shoulder and neck hurting again this morning. It felt like it needed to be stretched last night to release something. So did some stretching but I think I’ve aggravated it….oops!
Jean, have you decided whether to go to your sisters today?
Catch you all later x
HI ALl – failing dismally on the keeping in touch and the eating front! The weekend was just crazy, but probably worth while. Two funerals of people we’ve been sitting next to for decades this week, so all my folk a bit scunnered.
Angels – almost all done…except for the 80 that were just dropped in this morning!!! Half of these are by a lady who has done them with the most beautiful crochet-ing…these are definitely going to p7 who will love them. With also have some bog fat angels that someone thought they had to completely stuff – the nursery classes will ADORE them!
Meetings every night this week, and more writing, writing, writing…but all do-able! Church is also buying me a new super-duper computer which should open just like that, instead of sending me off to the kitchen to make coffee while it grinds its gears and decides if it feels like talking to me today – yippee!
Free coffee at nero today, so off soon to claim that, and see if any of the shops want to display an angel pic and a QR code so people can hear the Nativity story!
Kay – SLOOOWWW stretching…take it easy like toffee not snappy like elastic!
Evening everyone, have had a reasonable day eating wise and have decided to try not writing down and recording calories daily as I know most of the values anyway as I’ve been doing it for so long 😀 and don’t want to do it for evermore.
Treated myself to a new Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet so have been playing about with it for most of the day.
Kay you’re really going for it – well done. Hope you’re neck and shoulder pain soon eases up. Did Tara get her field time ?
Minols as always you’re busy.
Hope everyone else has had a good day and are keeping alright. Enjoy the rest of your evening and stay safe.
Nana x
Kay- well done with the fasting, but not with the shoulder! Hope Tara enjoyed the field session & it stayed dry…
Minols- oh, such a busy time. So sad about the funerals. Great idea with the angels & QR code!
Jean- hope your day was better…
Nana- enjoy the tablet! I know what you mean about writing down what you eat!
Dave- how’s Heidi? Hope you get some sleep tonight 😖
Mel- hope you get sleep too…
Car passed it’s MOT, done some online shopping for Christmas, charity presents. Had a lovely spinach & chickpea curry, no rice, I think 800cals today. Hopefully another one tomorrow 😬
Morning all
Well done on fasting, HH. Just sitting here waiting on a new telly being delivered for the boys, and trying to decide if I want a big bowl of porridge…of course, the answer is YES! Hopefully it’ll set me up for the day.
Hope Heidi had a good night, Dave – couch-surfing is no fun! Or more accurately, the cricks and tweaks you discover all the next day!
Good morning.Heidi still hobbling and i take her for a 50 yard walk and then back again, that’s her walk 3 times a day. I might put a bandage on her leg to see if it helps. I couldn’t get her to a vet.Could not lift her into the car or get her up the steps to the vets.Shes getting treated like a queen,I hold her bowl of food for her to eat then the same with water.
Morning all!
Minols- interesting the TV is for the boys & not you?! Don’t you watch any? I think your congrats on the fasting are a bit premature- 2 days were successful but not today! Got woken up early & was already hungry, too long a day so given in today!
Had a lovely walk with Xena, although bumped into a woman who was desperate to stop & talk, which was fine, but she wanted to keep making a fuss of Xena, who got more & more uncomfortable! Did keep trying to get away but she was very persistent! Maybe I should be less polite in future? She did give Xena some treats in the end which helped…she had a lovely lab x dalmatian so the dogs had a bit of a play.
Mum’s Church is opening for a ‘support group’ today, bending the rules a bit but permission from the bishop! Mum will be pleased to go.
Hope everyone has a good day x
I, when all is said and done, have joint inflammation in spine and hands just as other skeletal issues and on occasion think that its difficult to move and it is extremely moving to get with somebody who is defeating there own issues.
Very much done pudgy cleaves that is an extraordinary obstruction to get through you should feel so glad.
Fight the good fight and I am certain we will all arrive eventually.
Good morning,so quiet on here. Heidi had a longer walk today, managed to get round allbeit with a limp. She’s asleep now after her walk 😁. Really struggling at the moment to fast so trying to keep it low as possible.Very much doubt I will get near to losing a stone by Christmas 😩.Will settle for any minols have you finished tagging now?
HI all…
Didin’t have time to tag yesterday, Dave…I’d forgotten by the time I got to sit down in front of the boys’ TV! Yes, HH, I will watch it, but it’s bigger than I would e ver envisage if it was just me, and I have to say, I HATE HD!
Can’t say I’m managing to fast particularly, either, just trying to keep it low at least.
Minols- you’ll soon get used to the TV, I love ours now! Hope keeping low is working, must admit I’m finding it hard too, had too long a break!
Dave- glad you could get out a bit with Heidi. Have you got your green triangles yet? Still thinking about it, maybe get eldest some for his ‘stocking’, he loves them!
Hope everyone else is okay?
Out at 7.15 to take youngest to work, another puncture! Think he must drive in the gutters! He did say it was a broken off cat’s eye, has emailed the council to see if he can get the tyre paid for- £200 😱 So Xena & I had an early walk at a different park & woods, then have spent the rest of the morning ironing, & an hour on the phone to my new Homestart family. Another Christmas present researched & bought online too.
Fasting (800cals) today & hopefully tomorrow. Off to Mum’s this afternoon.
Morning all!
Hoping everyone’s okay…
Very frosty start today, not going to defrost the car to take Xena out, so a walk to the park instead. She’s naughty & doesn’t want to stop playing with her ball though! Son is going out to meet a friend who wants to see Xena later, I think she’s doing yoga in the woods, did ask son to join in but that didn’t appeal 😂
Hoping for another 800 cal day- yesterday went well, but very hungry today!
Morning All…just…
Walk at the park just getting back in the car when Oreo appeared so an extra round…back for breakfast ..
Shopping and cleaning day..if I have time..
Weigh in today…I am the same….I have eaten more meals this week, I thought I may have put on but not.
No frost here just cold…my winter police coat out now for this cold weather ……ahhh….new girl friend on the scene??..Xena can come in handy when it suits😂
Have a good day…
Jean x
Jean- glad that you met up with Natalie & Oreo! Well done keeping the same & good you’ve been doing a bit of cooking.
Dave- well done not having biscuits at MILs!
Nana- enjoy your takeaway!
Have managed to blow half the kitchen lights- just switched them on & there was a big flash & bang! Hoping we can get an electrician out soon, they’re not answering the phone 😖
Another 800cal day done for me. Tomorrow won’t be- son has asked for donuts- just mini ones made in a machine- so might have some! & a pizza meal deal in the evening! Making my Christmas cakes a well tomorrow, got the ingredients ready today.
Did manage to get a few hours of work in this morning. Thats 3 hours all week 😁 Ah well not bothered!
It aggrevated my shoulder anyway, so I’m glad that was all I’ve done. I can’t make out if its my neck or shoulder, or both. If I knew what I’d done to it, I could work out whether I need to rest or stretch it!
Some poorly woofs still, but slowly improving. Tara has a runny eye, and an itchy ear and is constantly licking and nibbling her feet, so I think its an infection or allergy. Trying to research what best to do. It doesn’t help that she is feeling the cold so curls up in a tight ball close to us! Bless.
Nana, I didn’t lose either, well just a fraction!
Current loss is 4.6 lbs, lots to go to reach 14lbs!!!!
HH, well done with the fast. Enjoy mini doughnuts, pizza and cake making tomorrow!
Dave, good willpower at MILs. I bought a packet of chocolate oaties when I was in Lidl as I just fancied one. Unfortunately didn’t stop at one!!
Jean, its lovely that Charlie has his friend Oreo. I really wish Tara would calm down and be more sociable, I’m sure she would love playing with other woofs. When I took her to the enclosed field the other day, she ran around a bit and jumped around on some of the play stuff but was whimpering, like there was something else she wanted…but if there was another dog, she would just bark at it, so don’t know.
Minols, how come you don’t like HD?? I love the clearer picture!
Keep on tagging those Angels, they won’t tag themselves!
I didn’t sleep particularly well last night, so I probably will end up in bed earlyish, unless I get watching something!!
Kay x
Kay- Feel for you with your shoulder/ neck, hope it improves soon, & probably a good job that you didn’t have much work!I hope Tara gets less itchy soon- allergies are so difficult to work out in dogs! The dog boarders who look after Xena spent lots to get their dog sorted- the conclusion was it was hormones, they got her speyed in the end & that’s worked. Xena’s been really itchy too- I stopped some dog treats she was having, but I think it’s probably peanut butter, she used to have it in her kong. Dog treats reinstated & no scratching, so peanut butter looks the likely culprit! I think there’s a bit of overexcitement/ boredom maybe as she does get a bit onsessive licking her paws after a walk.
Nana- well done keeping the same!
Dave- hope Heidi can manage a little walk again…
Jean- how’s things at your daughter’s school- were the staff who were self isolating positive for Covid?
A lovely early walk with Xena- no people or dogs but loads of squirrels so she was happy! 4 small Christmas cakes baked, boards, ribbon etc ordered too, feel smugly organised! Mini donuts went down well, eldest overindulged on the nutella dip though- he’ll pay for it with spots next week! Seeing Mum soon- sis normally would go today but she has a cold so doesn’t want to share that with mum!
Evening All..
I have had one of those busy days but don’t really know what I have done…soup, Charlie’s veggies, cooked a chicken for our meal…a bit too much for me but gave it a go….
Hope you have lights on now in the kitchen…daughters school has been fine this week, the teacher with COVID is now improving but has been very ill…still feel iffy to go to her house or area.
Good you have kept the same…I think it’s good while your body catches up…
Hope your shoulder and neck are feeling better…is it a frozen shoulder that’s very painful.
Tara and maybe her allergies I do find them hard to sort out, vet said food I disagreed, I pushed for antibiotics before we went down the test route, for dally’s I read it would help, went for an argument with the vet but he agreed…it sorted him out, three weeks supply.
Lovely to have Heidi taken out, give you a break if you was up all night..
Glass of wine in hand settling down to tv…
Have a good weekend
Jean x
Afternoon All..
A lovely blue sky sort of day, chilly around the ears when waking…good park walk caught up with Oreo for the last round..he came late…
A late breakfast and a busy cleaning day, put it off since Wednesday other things got in the way…all finished now….just a bit of ironing to do…..late lunch of a a prawn sandwich.
A few phone calls made…watching the Crown tonight my high light of the week.
Glad Heidi seems improving..
Soon will be Tuesday and you can get Jodies stitches out.
Hope everyone else is having a relaxing Sunday..
Jean x
Hi all
Just came on here and it has told me to change my password as it is compromised on here? Happy to but can’t work out how.
Jean, yum prawn sandwich. Today is just keeping Jodie happy again and not attacking her stitches. Day after tomorrow! Having little walks and yesterday and today took her in the car for a walk. She was delighted to be out of the village.
Weighed myself yesterday and only 3lb over target. That is with eating what I want and drinking wine every night so not too much to pull back. Not yet though.
So glad Heidi is on the mend. Just needed time.
Going to give Jodie her steak now!
Dave- glad that Heidi seems to be on the mend 😀 nice that Denise has been out with her too.
Mel- not long now then for Jodie, & hopefully you can all sleep better! Well done with only 3lbs on, I’m putting myself on the naughty stair!
Jean- did you cook a whole roast chicken? Good for you getting back to dinners, at least Charlie can help you eat it! A worry, sensible not to go to your daughter’s.
Minols- hope you’re not too busy…
Not sure where the day’s gone, lots of cooking spoiling my family I think! Hoping to do better next week- did 4 800 cal days this week, but ate too much the other days!
Lovely frosty morning here today! Had a very long walk with Xena; did a walk down the fields to the woods, got part way home & realised I’d lost Xena’s lead, so had to go all the way back round again to find it, so out 2.5hrs!
Seeing Mum again this afternoon.
Fasting today, am I on my own?!
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3:30 pm
12 Nov 20