Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Take it easy Minols, it’s quiet on here when HH is on holiday. Just done a bit of decorating, bathroom,Will finish it tomorrow hopefully. Not been a bad day food wise less than 200 calories so far but didn’t plan a FD for today so will see what happens.Got to keep up with Nana and Kay.

    Evening All..
    I always seem to be busy…walking at the park this morning with Oreo, the boys burn their energy off.
    I coloured my hair this morning it takes a bit of time to do..

    No one seems to want the scooter, I suppose I will have to wait till lock down finishes. Good you are seeing your daughter it will be a long month ahead.

    Good you are still in MILs bubble…I have a bubble now…a good decorating day, I might get the paint brush out tomorrow for a bit of a tidy and touch up…

    I was watching the election, 3am till 4 am, nothing much doing so went back to sleep….I quite enjoy it..after talking to a lot of Katie’s neighbours In Louisiana, I got a better slant on it all….everyone very bias here…I understand all the voting rules…

    Jean x

    Just home – that’s me done for the day, and looking forward to my cup of tea.
    HOping to fast tomorrow – did you fast today in the end, Dave?

    Minols yes I finished on 862 calories.So a good unplaned fast day.

    Fasting and filming today. Hopefully I’ll find all the pictures I need in my inbox from the uniformed organisations so I can put together a wee video for Remembrance Sunday, and then I just need to film my parts of the service for the facebook page, and I’ll have everything I need for the zoom service…in other words, lots of interesting distractions that will hopefully make a fast day do-able – given my past record!

    Catch you all later.

    Minols they should do a documentary about you, a vicar,film star,broadcaster.And a fat buster😁.Not a fast day today but will try one tomorrow,only problem is Denise’s mum tries to feed me all the time.Took Heidi out before the fireworks start will try to do another walk unless the fireworks start early.At least she won’t hear them this year, she is normally terrified of them.

    Morning All…

    A lovely river walk this morning, I went a different walk beautiful and so quiet..a lot of thinking done… I think Charlie enjoyed it too…

    A few jobs to do if I can be bothered, touch up painting in a few rooms to tidy them up and some grouting in the downstairs loo…a good book is pending too, to start …

    A cuppa is the first job…

    You are always so busy you remind me of my daughter…hope you get all the filming done…our church looks lovely and our village..someone has been busy knitting poppies…decorated loads trees and the church railings, everywhere looks beautiful..
    Back to daughter, 7 teachers isolating, year bubbles off school, now lockdown more teachers may have to go off, the children off school need deliveries of school meals, vulnerable children at home need checking, the list goes on…like you she’s going in circles ..

    I shall be out early walk before the fireworks…lots last night it unsettled him….your fasting is very strong at the moment well done..

    When are you back home…today??…hope you have had a good time…

    Have a good fast day…..it’s Thursday…I am not with you yet…

    Jean x

    Jean I am under pressure from Nana and Kay to lose a stone for Christmas.Dont know if I will succeed but giving it a go. I will put that book you mentioned in Denise’s kobo to see if she likes it 😁.

    Be positive…you will do it 😀👍


    Dave – our old boy has been deaf a few years now, and it makes a real difference at this time of year!
    Jean – hope Charlie’s managing to cope. Your daughter’s spinning round in circles – is this the US daughter? I have friends who are teachers and it’s really tough, but fortunately where we are we’re not in the central belt, so things fairly stable-feeling just now.
    Managing not too badly today – had a protein-packed omelette at about 1.30, and managed to resist biscuits and sweets so far. The boys are having ribs tonight which do NOT tempt me, so I’ll have a stock cube/soup and oat cakes, and then I have to go to a big zoom meeting so that should stop me nibbling…too many eyes watching me!

    I’d love to settle down with a good book, Jean…someone loaned me The Sealwoman’s Gift over the October break, and I’m managing to keep track of the story between spordic reading bursts, so maybe I’m on my route back to being able to build reading into my life again…I used to read voraciously, but there just hasn’t been time in years, and I miss it!

    Having said that, when I was sewing, doing the housework, sorting out the leaves over the last month, I have listened again to Northanger Abbey…just hysterical!


    No it’s the daughter who lives in Hull…she is just so busy….

    I am a bit like that with books just don’t have the time, thought I could manage a couple of chapters a day. After being so busy these last few years it’s time to slow down a bit….no jobs done today, just fed the birds, bits and bobs sat with Charlie a bit…..oh I got three paws clipped and filed before he got fed up…one paw to do tomorrow …he was not happy…One chapter read….

    Your day has gone well…keep busy on your zoom and it will be cracked for the day….well done….

    Jean x

    Well be around 1800/1900 calories today and will try tomorrow to fast. I think Heidi may be able to hear the very loud bangs but is asleep now as usual.

    Evening everyone, have had a good Fast Day coming in at 780 calories. Very cold daily constitutional walk this morning but a lovely sunny day though. Lots of Fireworks going off around here this evening. Not much else to report for today.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning everyone a quick check in to report a half pound lost this week would have preferred more but there we go.
    Lovely sunny morning here so will be helping husband with digging up a long past its best large bush in the garden.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not today and keep safe.
    Nana x

    Good morning,off to see Denise’s mum after I take Heidi out for her walk. Well done Nana a loss again, third week in a row, your doing great. I will have to resist the biscuits at mother in law’s today and do a fast day.

    Hi Everyone
    Up ridiculously early again today…I think it might hve been that post-fast restless night thing. Means I maybe managed a decent fast yesterday!

    Succumbed to toast and honey at 8am, and just had soup and oatcakes now. Heading off on my bike to take a funeral, and then just some tidying up. I need to decide tonight between a fish supper or a salad from the takeaway…our chippy does do an amazing caesar salad!


    what size RU

    Hello where are you all?

    Morning All..
    Sorry I missed yesterday…it looks like a few days missing …😱..sorry..

    A very damp rainy morning, both very wet.

    I weighed in yesterday I am a pound up but quite happy…I was too much on a downward slope..it would be nice to stay about where I am…

    I am doing some sealing in the wet room, took a lot out yesterday about 5’ so replacing it today, fortunately not all of it….some painting touch up across the house to tidy the walls up but might go on the to do list 😂

    I am struggling a lot on a evening on my own, I suppose lock down doesn’t help and winter..so difficult with no one to talk to….hoping it gets better….loads of people like me, it’s hard when it’s you!

    I am not seeing my daughter this weekend, as two people in her office have people at home which are positive so they have to isolate. Jacqui thinks it best if I give it a couple of weeks to see how things are, lots happening across her school although they are in bubbles…the virus seems very much about.

    Keep safe we have had a lot of fireworks too…a few last night. Well done on half a pound off…

    I am in the mood for making soup..could do with clearing the freezer and a defrost, leek and potato soup I could quite fancy…

    Hope your holiday went well…good to have you back..

    Have a good weekend…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone.A dull day here, I worry about Heidi’s legs going when she is on the stairs.I stand behind her and help her up the stairs,she won’t stay down on her own. Denise was up at 3-30 am, she fishing feel well so I locked Heidi in the bedroom with me. I managed 3 fast days last week so will try and do it again.

    Started the winter house clean yesterday and did some more today. Going to have to rest my neck and shoulder for a bit. It feels inflamed and the cleaning is aggrevating it.

    4.2lbs down so thats still a heck of a lot left to reach the stone by christmas! 😱

    A low day for me, not quite a FD but definitely low. Tuesday and Thursday FDs, Monday and Wednesday low NFDs.

    Not much work on for me at the moment but at least the Bovis site is still open and there are ‘builders cleans’ to do…

    Just waiting for ibuprofen to kick in and then I need to go and collect in my avon brochures from around the village.

    We have just spoken to the hospital and Neils mum is ok in herself just struggling with her breathing still. We will wait to see what happens tomorrow.

    Right need to get moving whilst there is still daylight x

    Hi everyone – quiet weekend, I guess for everyone. It’s been really cold here, and today was decidedly soggy! Tech all worked this mornign for Remembrance on Zoom – thank goodness. It’s so important for folks.

    I’ve had a look in my diary – a quiet week ahead, so I must make the most of it and write like crazy. It would be brilliant if I had everything written by the end of the week – or more crucially, a comprehensive list of things I need volunteers to prepare! Don’t even think of raisin gyour head around me, or I’ll slap you with half a dozen recordings to do, or pictures to stage…and I don’t care if you don’t think you can sing – give verse 3 of Once in Royal David’s City, please by the second Sunday of December!!

    Jean – evening are difficult, aren’t they. And from memory, the TV isn’t quite as distracting as you’d think. Hang in there, m’dear.

    Everyone here has knitted me a host of angels over lockdown – I have about a thousand so every single child in our primary schools will get one! Just starting to tie the tags on now ready to group them into classes and wrap them ready – still a way to go in our tasks, but they are very very cute. We even have some ‘day glow’ ones! Some with halos, some (to reflect the minister) with slipped halos, and faces of every shade possible – there’s an angel to look like you. Even one in a fair isle top!

    May try a FD tomorrow, but pie from the butcher tonight and roast spuds!

    Evening All…
    Damp all day…a very early dark night but mild..

    Finished the wet room. I got the car washed and managed to get the two scratches which I did when I fell over the bonnet the other day, took me half a hour but it’s sorted, just one deep 2” scratch it runs along a bump line so it’s not so noticeable. So annoyed.

    Poor Heidi she is struggling..bless her.

    Hope you soon feel better don’t do too much…good MIL is holding her own, it’s not good at all the breathing is quite frightening I would think when on your own.

    Love the sound of the angels, you must have the same team as us with the Poppy knitting…people are so kind…
    Poor daughter has a teacher gone off today with Covid, she feels so unwell and living on her own…chasing around to tell everyone a two class bubble is closed for tomorrow ..
    TV isn’t very good at all…it’s just a month yesterday since Steve passed away …time is passing quickly.

    Jean x

    Jean- thinking of you, hugs…evenings must be very long 😞 Your poor daughter too, sounds very difficult & spreading alot your way. A shame you haven’t been able to see her.
    Dave- a worry with Heidi, maybe you could keep a pair of tights handy, use them as a strap under her tummy to support her back legs? Especially on a walk if she gets tired…
    Minols- you’re so busy! Glad you have a quiet week & can hopefully get ahead! Glad your sister’s near your Mum too.
    Kay- poor Neil’s Mum, hope they can sort out more care for her so she can get home, a worry for you both…Hope your neck & shoulder get better soon!
    Nana- maybe you could meet your daughter outside for a walk? Sounds like you, Kay & Dave have all being doing well fasting!
    Mel- thinking of you, waiting for Jodie’s op…
    Holiday was lovely, but feeling pretty tubby now! We did 2 walks every day, but at hubby’s pace & not as long as I’d usually do! Stressful time coming up with Mum- 2 year anniversary & her birthday, on top of lockdown, hope I can do some fasting! Saw her today- have got her laptop back, her internet still wasn’t working, so got son to come round & he managed to sort it! The router had gone loopy & wouldn’t accept it’s password! Then after he’d gone she told me the new printer wasn’t working too! Managed to get that working for her though! Have a birthday cake to make this week & a Lightning McQueen car one to do for someone on Thursday.

    HH not sure what you mean about the tights for Heidi.Only took her for one walk today she was ok apart from one incident when she was sniffing the ground as usual and her legs were going so she sat down 😁.Less than 7 weeks now to lose the stone, no idea how I am doing, hopefully I am keeping up with Nana and Kay.

    HI Everyone

    Dave – I think HH was proposing to improvise a sling with the tights…not try and put fishlegs on Heidi! When the boy was bad aft ersurgery, the vet give us a sling to go under his lower back as he walked, so we were effectibely taing the weight of his back end off his back legs. We still have it and have used it occasionally when he’s tottery.

    Nice to have you back HH – and glad the break was worthwhile.

    Not fasting today – pretty shattered again…I think we’re back to the nervous energy of big Sundays wiping me out a bit on Mondays – that’s my excuse, anyway!

    Right – this is the week for knuckling down, so shout if you see anythign more than the top of my head!


    Minols,I had the fishnet ones out for her too 😁I just can’t visualise how to do it.Maybe I can buy something of Amazon that will do the job. The sun is coming out and the rain as stopped so will take her for a short walk.

    Morning All…
    A good park walk with Oreo this morning, Charlie played and ran a lot, they do love each other…he’s asleep now.

    My to do list is on going, gone off the idea of painting today….so house cleaning, it’s so much cleaner with just one person….although I would have put Steve as tidy..I might be doing it more often…just lounge to do, thought I would catch up and start again.

    I am still eating light, so no fast day for me today…I need to be were I am weight wise…I am sure it won’t last… I am eating too much sweet stuff cakes, biscuits etc, I get them in for people then they leave me to eat them, still no excuse in lock down…I won’t buy any more…

    Heidi is a worry, hope she is a bit better on her walk today..

    It must take it out of you, lots of planning and zooming, recording..so much harder than getting on with your ‘usual job‘…daughter finds it much harder…
    Try and have a relaxing day if you can….fasting tomorrow??

    Jean x

    Minols I have bought an aid for Heidi on Amazon. It’s coming tomorrow,I wish we could see your dog, can’t you take him to church with you next time and let us know. Jean had Heidi’s favourite walk and all was ok. It’s worst at night when we let her out before bed. There are 4 big steps she goes down so the thing I have bought should help.

    Evening everyone, have had a good Fast Day managed to have nothing to eat until this evening and didn’t feel to hungry so that was good next one planned for Thursday.
    Minols sounds like you’re busier than ever at the moment so take time out for yourself easier said than done I know.
    Jean no rush to restart 5:2 Just keep coming on here for a chat.
    Welcome back Hedgehogs- sounds like you’ve got a busy few days ahead for you.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening! Don’t know where today has gone, very busy!
    Jean- can’t believe you have any painting to do, you seem to always keep on top of it…nice for Charlie & Oreo to play & company for you.
    Dave- the harness thing looks good, hopefully it’ll help Heidi!
    Minols- keep at it, you have busy weekends so not surprised yiu feel weary on a Monday!
    1st FD has gone okay- had some cleaning to do, hair cuts for the boys, asda delivery, made more profiteroles as youngest has been tucking in, he needs to eat more anyway! Lots of washing, phone calls, & made salted caramel sauce & butter cream ready for Mum’s birthday cake…ironing to do in a minute 😬

    Morning All…

    Woken up to another foggy cold damp morning…..we have another play date at the park this morning at 9 am…he has a better social life than me..😂

    Nothing planned at the moment…a bit of shopping in the village…Covid if rife around here or towards Hull, 600 per 100,000 so not good at all..daughters school is in a very Corvid hot spot..hospitals are filling up, Scunthorpe and Grimsby on stand by and taking the over flow.

    Hoping the sling will help Heidi, sounds hard work for you still she won’t be walking far…poor girl.

    Enjoy your walk hope you have not got the fog….

    Just touch up feather in wall painting…step daughters when they stayed took loads of bags upstairs and marked and scratched the walls!!..accidental I know but needs attention…
    Trying to keep busy then the evenings are not so bad…long walks and lots of thinking seems to have helped, remembering a few things we spoke about the last few days…

    Have a good walk your self…a grotty day…

    Are you calming down and take time out for your self…a fast day for you??

    Jean x

    Morning all – took it a bit slow yesterday, and gave myself the task of coutning the tags for the thousand angels…needed doing, so I put the radio on and sat at my desk so I knew I was working! I ended up at home with sudden inspiration at about 4pm and got some good writing done, that will hopefully give me a structure for getting the rest of Advent nailed down – so was a happy bunny. And last night’s meeting had ltos of energy aroudn workign together in the town that I was fair chuffed with how the day saved itself!

    Nothing to eat so far, and I’m going to try and just have porridge at the back end of the mornign. Off to open up the Sanctuary for prayer now, and then I’ll press on with something or other that needs doing!


    Fasting today. Just had porridge which will keep me full for a while. I have taken one of my stronger tablets to try and ease my shoulder and as I need to take them with food I figured that porridge would be a good plan.
    Formulating a plan for tea which will be low, so as long as no snacking this afternoon, it will be job done!

    Neils mum is still in hospital. They are trying to come up with a plan to getting extra calories into her but I don’t think its worth it tbh. Yes she’s extremely thin but she does eat. Its just the constant battles of breathlessness episodes that makes her body work hard.

    I want to get on with my winter cleaning but conscious that I should be resting my shoulder too. I will have to see how I am tomorrow and whether I can work or not. Darent take Tara out as she pulls so much. Reminds me, we need to get back on the targetted training! We tried a walk on the beach on Sunday but as soon as she got closer to other dogs, she did her usual lunging and barking😕

    7 weeks until Christmas..is that all…even at a pound a week, I won’t hit the stone! Never mind, head down and stick with it.
    We aren’t going to bother much with extra food over Christmas anyway. Need to decide what to have for Christmas dinner…Neil fancies something different to the quorn roast we have had last couple of years…maybe lobster or crab…


    Morning everyone a lovely sunny day here again Jean no fog so nice walk by myself as husband is with our neighbour who’s replacing our side gate and fencing for us. Just been announced that our local primary school has had to close for at least two weeks due to staff shortages caused by the Coronavirus and now a lot of the parents are calling for the village college to be closed as well as they have siblings at the primary school.
    Kay can’t see me losing a stone by Christmas either but at least we’ll be a lower weight have to admit I think Dave will though. Hope the shoulder eases soon you should rest it so what if the winter cleaning is delayed for a while.
    Daughter has gotten a new lead for Poppy as she’s gone back to pulling on the lead – I can’t remember the type but it has a slip collect but also a halter combined with it that goes around her nose sounds like it’s cruel but daughter put it on her and she was fine not distressed at all and is perfect on her walks now no pulling whatsoever which is good as daughter is only 5ft 4in and Poppy weighs 37kg.
    Minols a good day for you in the end.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not today and keep safe.
    Nana x

    I think we may have chicken instead of turkey,I prefer that. Just took Heidi out and she was ok so the harness for Heidi is coming today so that will help her get up steps,don’t know if I can use it to take her walks out not. I took the shower guard down yesterday to change the rubber at the bottom and ordered the wrong size and have chucked the old one away 😱.So I will have to see if I can get a new one quick.

    Been shopping in Sainsbury’s, thought they may stop us both going in together but didn’t. I don’t feel as if I have lost weight but hopefully I have lost something.Not confident about losing a stone but will keep trying. In the end I will be happy if I can lose a fair bit of weight.

    Took Heidi out in her harness,she looked at me funnily at first but seemed ok after a few yards. It’s good if she has to climb up steps.Had lots to eat today so definitely a FD tomorrow.

    Thanks for such a great post and the review. Also, read NutraVesta’s ProVen

    Morning everyone – doing some walking round town today for chores because it looks like rain is due. And then it’s back to those angels and the tags around their necks. Some of them are so beautifully created…some are really alien-like. And there’s one that has a beautifully knitted creamy robe – and a dark magenta face and wings? Why -o – why did they not do that the other way round?

    Dave – Heidi will get used to it, especially if it’s only as and when she needs it. The first time with the old boy it was deep snow, and his surgery was so new and raw, and his whole back so shaved…he looked a right sight and I think it offended his dignity – but he got used to it!


    Minols just used it again, not all the walk but part of it, I was cursing her,she stopped for a poo then I put it in a bag so the next thing she stood again for another so I bag that, then she stopped again for another 😱I have a plastic roll which holds all her bags in a roll.Well trying to hold her and her lead plus the harness I dropped the lead,stood on the container and all the bags came out like a toilet roll😩.If anything she walks a bit quicker when the har6 is on and it’s great for going up steps.

    Afternoon All…
    A good park walk then I went to my sisters for three hours, just lunch and chat. I have decided she can be in my bubble as my daughter is in the thick of Covid!…might change next month 😂

    Lots of angels to do…good luck…

    Hope the harness helps Heidi…

    Poppy is heavy at 37 kg, Charlie is about 31 kg he’s a weight when he pulls…think he’s put a bit on…definitely need something to stop them pulling.

    Jean x

    WhatsApp has decimated this site.Must get people back on here. Good morning a very good fast day yesterday so must try to not easy everything in sight today. 6 weeks tomorrow to Christmas,soon be here. Hope that gives you time Minols.For whatever you have to do. My shower curtain still can’t be put back so looks like I will have to have a bath, hope I can climb out of it,not had a bath for years (sounds bad)😁.

    Hi Dave – it is quiet on here…are there lots still involved on the whatsapp group? or the facebook group?

    All angels from the box tied – and the call is out for strays to be brought in this weekend! No doubt there’ll be a pic on our fb page nearer the ‘launch’ time!

    Glad Heidi’s getting used to the harness. Old boy has been a nightmare this week with sniffing and going back over whole stretches of the walk again. And of course he can’t multi-task, so his ears close completely when he’s sniffing. Still keen as anything to go out – and as slow as anything to come home!


    Minols WhatsApp is manic, Facebook dosen’t get used much at all. Heidi is always keen to go out and not happy to come home, she sniffs every 2 yards so I just let her do it now. Having some poridge now 😋.

    Sorry, not been on much, very hectic few days!
    Dave- sounds like you need moee hands walking Heidi- I thought you were going to say you’d trod in the poo! Hubby’s just changed our shower door seal thingies, ours are curved so had to soak the thingy first so it would bend, all sorted now. Sounds like you’re doing well!
    Minols- that’s alot of labels- should look lovely when all the angels are done, except for the alien ones! Our WhatsApp group is private, if you do want to join in? It’d be lovely to see your craft projects, & old man doggy!
    Jean- a worry with all the Covid your way, nice for your sister to see you I’m sure, even if you don’t get much from it! Thinking of you, sending you a hug…
    Kay- hope that your shoulder gets better soon, & that Neil can get something sorted for his Mum, a long day & alot of driving for him, although I guess the driving doesn’t bother him…hugs to you too.
    Nana- hope all the fencing gets done! I bet Poppy’s really strong when she pulls! Is she still on a diet?
    All out of routine today- up late (for me!), son wanted a fry up as he’s doing funny hours at the moment & missed his dinner yesterday, so cooked that, then not long for a walk with Xena as I have a set time to ring my new HS family, so we had to go to the park- met lots of other dogs there though so she had a good run with them! Rang both HS families, now shoukd get some jobs done- all neglected as the cakes I’ve had to make the last few days have taken alot of time! Lightning McQueen has been safely delivered!
    I might be fasting today, although have alot of leftovers in the fridge…

    Hi Minols we are all very remiss on here at the moment. I suppose because I think of it as the ‘diet’ bit (bad word I know). I am not fasting at all at the moment as a bit stressed with my dog in vet hospital after being diagnosed with cancer. She has had a big operation to remove it which will buy time with her. We are picking her up this afternoon. When my head is in a better place I will start taking care of myself again. Getting fat again doesn’t change anything. I seem to be more or less maintaining but haven’t weighed myself for a week or so. Always read your posts though, you are so busy all the time! The angels sound delightful.

    Right will have to get on the scales after the weekend and just pull myself together!

    Dave, I have to admit I did chuckle a bit when you ran out of hands yesterday, I also thought you were going to say you had stepped on the full poo bags 🙊

    Minols, sorry not been posting on here as much, I just find it more of a faff to open up the website etc. WhatsApp is much quicker and we get to see doggie photos every day, plus HHs cakes. You could have shown us the purple angel 😆
    The angels are a lovely idea.

    I should have been giving blood today, but I’ve rescheduled it. I’m still in pain with my shoulder so taking painkillers and don’t reckon its a good idea to give blood with those in my system.

    Still waiting to see what is happening with Neils mum. Hopefully now we have got hold of the social worker, the hospital discharge can be stopped. What a nightmare. I feel for Neil as well as his mum…

    Today is supposed to be a FD and I really need to be disciplined. Trouble is I’m a stress eater, so I will need to be extra strong.
    I’ll be glad to have not put on weight this week, never mind lose anything! Seem to have food in transit issues too.

    Mel, I hope Jodie is back home with you this evening. She will recover quicker when she starts eating again.

    Jean, I’m glad that you had time with your sister yesterday. I think its a good call to stick to a bubble with her rather than your daughter at the moment.

    I caught up with bake-off last night, I wasn’t fussed about the jelly desserts, not the best week. I am surprised that Laura is still in it….Still think Lottie should have stayed instead of Laura…
    Masterchef started again now too, although never good to watch on a FD!

    I have a bag of apples to sort out and cook up, might do that now, whilst I’m waiting to hear back from Neil to see what’s happening x

    Afternoon All…
    A park walk on our own and takeaway breakfast for both of us sat on the park bench..a bit of a fiddle with no table…lovely sunny morning, helping keep the cafe open..my excuse !!

    Came back to sort my car insurance out, faffy usually a job for Steve, I think I could have got it cheaper but went with the flow it’s easier this time around…

    A few jobs to do to keep busy, the weathers so good looks like a grass cut, to keep on top of it…the to do list is growing 😂

    You must like Xmas the count down keeps cropping up…

    Shame you can’t drop in on the what’s app group..it’s closed site no one can look in, it’s quite secure…good your angels are in box and closed up…waiting for Xmas..

    Your cakes are amazing such a clever girl…hard to cut in and spoil them…hope the new HS family is nice and you get along with them…must be hard to keep changing…

    Safe journey to collect Jodie she will be so pleased to see you…a worrying time ahead for all of you….hugs 💕

    Let’s hope Neil can sort something out for his Mum, a worry when she’s so far away…the social worker might be able to put a plan in place..I am watching Masterchef, I find it quite interesting…

    A cuppa time and maybe grass cut before the sun goes in…..

    Jean x

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