Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening everyone a quick check in. Scales showed a 1/2Ib loss this week would have liked more but at least it’s the right way. Just got back from our usual Friday night visit to our friends and about to enjoy a nice chicken kebab and a glass of wine or two 😉
    Hello everyone else and hope you’re keeping okay and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Well done Nana, are you keeping score? Don’t know if Kay is getting on the scales, I have had lots to eat today, too much.

    Good morning everyone,wet here today. So Heidi will have to wait until it stops or I could drag out the Herr Flick coat 😲😁.Minols what you up to today? Bowling tomorrow subject to the weather.Could be the last one for a while, I think they are doing work on the greens so will wait and see.

    Afternoon All…
    I had a dry walk this morning but torrential rain now…very cold got the hat out..

    Daughter and SIL have called going to a cottage in the Yorkshire Moors, should have been Spain but a change of plan…we had lunch but they have gone on their way…

    A lazy day for me, feels like a cosy day in…a few jobs to do but they can wait.

    A bit down better than up…a nice night out…

    They seem to be working on our greens it must be the time of year to do it…

    Jean x

    Yes I think all the greens do maintenance this time of year. We are having one green relayed.

    Afternoon- oops, forgot to come on this morning, probably because I was too busy eating! Not been a good day eating wise- didn’t sleep well & neck playing up again, so can’t really keep busy with jobs!
    Jean- glad you have Charlie to cuddle this rainy afternoon…that’s a shame your daughter’s had to cancel Spain, but they did get there in the summer at least.
    Nana- well done with the half pound off!
    Dave- enjoy the F1 today, hope you don’t get too wet!
    Minols- hope you’ve had a good time off!
    Eldest going to his girlfriend’s for a few days, youngest has worked & gone out, overtime tomorrow, so a quiet weekend!

    Not been out all day, to wet.Heidi will have to miss her walk today. Don’t think she will be to worried.

    What a miserable day. Got wet taking Tara out. Whilst I was out I collected in my last lot of avon brochures, but no new customers, so that was waste of time!

    Looking after the cats and ducks for the week. Not looking forward to chasing the ducks around, getting them to bed later. Got to give one of the cats some antibiotic medicine too, but that should be ok.

    FD today but already had 328 cals! Low tea planned though.

    Tempted to put heating on rather than wait for it to come on at 6 but Ive just made a cuppa. I dont think its that cold, its the weather making it feel like it is.

    Clocks go back tonight so it will be even darker tomorrow evening…yuk!

    HH, quiet day for you with both sons out.

    Nana, well done on another half pound. I will weigh in tomorrow I think or maybe wait until end of the month – this week hasnt been as controlled as last week. We have to keep at it, to keep Dave on his toes!!

    Minols, enjoy the last couple of days of your holiday.

    Jean, definitely cosy snuggles with Charlie this afternoon. I bet he is glad of his new jumper/coat.

    A little concerned about my mum..
    we normally chat online but shes been very quiet these last few days and just said she feels down. Wales lockdown in place now, not that family bothered to visit her anyway 😡 Feel helpless and cant do anything. Fingers crossed I will be able to visit in early December for her birthday.


    Morning All…
    Walked with Sam and Natalie with their dogs at the park..Twiglet not good on recall chased after a deer over three huge fields over ditches near a motorway and another busy road. After 30 mins he arrived back to us at the park but Sam was miles away, I went to collect her in the car while Natalie took Twiglet to her house on Charlie’s lead…we are walking on the riverbank tomorrow morning hoping it goes better, then having morning coffee and cake at Sams house.
    Charlie was so upset when I left him to help with the search, Natalie said he was in a right state…he hates me leaving him.

    Hoping your neck feels better today, you do have problems with it. Enjoy your quiet weekend.

    Poor Heidi no walk…she needs a long one today….enjoy your bowling today…

    Hope the duck and cat sitting goes well and they behave at bedtime…a worry with your mum, hard on lock down and she’s at a distance from you…I am not looking forward to these dark nights and early walks..the days get so short, a bad 4 months ahead….

    Have you got away for your holiday…I have missed it…hope you have had a good break…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, brighter day today, bowling at 1pm with my son. Could be the last four a while if they are working on the greens. Will take Heidi out now while it’s dry.

    Jean- that sounds like an adventurous walk, but glad you’ve had company 😱
    Dave- enjoy the bowling then…hope Heidi’s okay.
    Kay- were the ducks good for you? I guess baking won’t help the weight loss!! Got to have some days off though! Not looking forward to it getting dark that early either!
    Had a lovely walk with Xena this morning, wore my new boots, they’re very firm…did Church online as usual, & off to see Mum in a minute. Eating not good again today, hopefully I can do better next week!

    A very close game on the bowling.Think that’s it on Sundays 😭.Took Heidi out again and she was ok. Forgot about the F1 but set it to record every GP so should be ok, must not look at my phone or watch. Not bad the weather today, played in short sleeves no coat. It’s 10°C at the moment.

    Good morning everyone, first on 😱. fatbustingbrits come on down.Rain here today, torrential before but stopped at the moment.Its just flashed up on my screen 22 messages on WhatsApp but none on here. 😬😖.I will have to give you all detention.

    Afternoon everyone. Back at work after a ‘break’. A bit grumpy about it, but it wasn’t bad not going away, just doesn’t feel to have been hugely beneficial. Oh well – 3 jigsaws done, and all of Harry Potter watched with the boy!

    Just heated up some celery soup I made before I left this mornign – feeling very virtuous, because one of the things I DID get done was the kitchen, and told the boys that the aspiration is for it to still be in this state at |Christmas…and miracle of miracles, three days later, it’s still clean and tidy, so only another 57 days to go!

    I’m trying to have a proper fast day, so trying to save most of my cals for Pan Haggerty tonight.

    Dave – did anything come of your covid contact notifcation? I have the Scottish app, but fortunately no hits yet.


    Dave- wrist slapped! Busy morning, not had time to post… Hope your FD goes okay!
    Minols- lovely to have a tidy kitchen! Hope it stays that way! Nice to have time at home to catch up, but it probably doesn’t feel like a break! Hope you keep strong & your FD goes well too…
    Hope everyone else is okay?
    Had a nice long walk with Xena- was lovely & sunny here. We’ve been shopping, got everything we needed, but have also gained a small dent & scratch on the car, courtesy of a stupid family who weren’t watching their kids & let one of them fling their car door open. Didn’t apologise either, got cross with us instead?!!
    Taking mum to a garden centre soon, if it doesn’t pour down!

    Afternoon All..
    I seem to be always busy first thing these days…

    Early up and out catching two dog walking friends, a lovely walk with a quick rain shower then back for coffee and cake and catch up at Sams house…they are lovely and thoughtful much younger than me…I ended bringing more cake back home..😱…the river walk is the same river but much much larger there, goes thinner near me.

    Seeing the solicitor on Thursday to finish some accounts on probate. I could do it myself but faffy and I don’t understand it, just pay and get it done.

    Must pop out and buy an anniversary card to go to the States it will be a bit tight now, it may just get there. The dates got here too quick my mind elsewhere…

    Busy on holiday cleaning not the best thing to do but a tick off the list…it all helps.

    Hands slapped!!….blue sky here but we have had rain..

    That’s a pain on the car, people don’t think, I am one of the people who parks well away from everyone then you are a magnet for everyone then parks around you 😬
    Are you going to a cafe or for plants at the garden centre? Have a nice time..

    Did the ducks go to bed ok last night….

    Lots of booze being drunk last night…I thought you were all suppose to be thoughtful and good!!….
    me and Dave 😇

    Jean x

    Yes Jean 😇😇 you and I.Fadt day and my son is munching food from Tim Hortons,he also as 20 doughnuts but I don’t like them so not tempted.Denise hasn’t had food yet so that will be another temptation 😬Minols back to the grindstone. The rain here is very heavy,our street was like a river.

    Forgot,Minols I never got another message from the covid app,so all is well.

    Evening everyone, have had a successful FD but I’ve really struggled today have just had my evening meal and have come in at 790 calories which is including a light choc options later on.
    Hedgehogs sympathise with the car. We went to our local garden centre today and forgot it’s half term week and so there were lots of children running about everywhere and into everyone including us but their parents did nothing to stop them.
    Jean sounds like you’ve had a good day apart from Charlies antics bless him.
    Minols a busy day for you also.
    Well done to those of you who have also completed a FD. Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    628 calories so far so a good fast day. Should be around 700 at the end of the day. Happy with this.

    Jean- nice to have friends to walk with, a long day otherwise, they sound thoughtful. I’m sure your daughter won’t mind a late card under the circumstances. We did get solicitors involved too, much easier, you don’t want to do something wrong…
    Dave- well done with your FD- hopefully- despite all the temptations! Hope it’s stopped raining now?
    Nana- I can’t imagine anything my boys would’ve hated more than being dragged round a garden centre in the holidays, but I guess alot have other things for sale these days!
    Just a plant garden centre with mum- avoided one with a cafe as it was my FD & she’s starting to noticeably fill out now too 😂 But there were roadworks again so it was a very long round trip, mum enjoys a drive out though. It was just so she could spend a £10 voucher- the petrol probably cost more than that 😂 Came home to very little water again- it’s gone low & off completely several times recently, we do have emergency bottled water though! FD gone well, been too busy to be hungry 😀

    Hi all – not completely sure it counts as a FD…so probably doesn’t!

    nuisance about the car! Just had a scratch taken out under Smart cover – never used it before…fantastic! But I have ding history…opened my door onto OH@s sports car – before he was my OH! Must be love that kept me around cos he is VERY particular when it comes to cars!


    Good morning, first on again 😱.Wet again but always seems to rain when we go to Sainsbury’s.Definately a North South divide with the lockdown,I don’t blame the government think it would be the same whoever is in charge. But I think not all people look at it like me and I think the conservatives will pay dearly at the next general electric.

    Morning all…just in the church doing recordings today – noticeably colder in there but givent he heating would have to go on at silly-o’clock to make a difference, I’ll live with it!

    I blitzed a portion of last night yummy pan haggerty to make soup for today…need to get to midday at least, and given I’ve had porridge I should make it – just would love something NOW!


    Afternoon All…
    A wet walk this morning, things very muddy after going out with the three dogs yesterday, looked very unkempt this morning….all in the washer to freshen up..

    Been into Hull to sort building society books out, Doncaster in high Covid so thought Hull would be better..tried to get the car alarm taken off the car but VW garage was very unhelpful waited 20 mins no sign of anyone wanting to help so I left..Charlie keeps setting it off I must go to my own garage see if they could help.

    Still dark and raining here….new duvet has arrived think I will go and put it on, hoping it’s not too warm, I am missing Steve keeping me warm….

    USA cards sent off….solicitors I hope it makes it just easier, you just don’t know what they want, Steve would have been cross but it has to be done. Does it take a long time to do?
    Hoping your water has been sorted out….mums happy with her voucher spend and keeping her away from the cafe.

    Poor you in the cold church..hope you are back home and warmer….

    I haven’t really a clue now what’s going on, it’s changing all the time…I am doing my own thing, mask, hand wash and keep the distance, same as from March….but I am now in daughters bubble.

    Jean x

    Just got quite wet, then it brightened up on our walk…

    Annoying my new duvet which arrived from Dunelm arrived with a tear in the fabric about 14”, I ended up stitching it as I had packed the other one away. I have had a few disappointing things of late their quality control isn’t great.

    Have a good evening

    Jean x

    Hi all,
    Really annoying about the duvet Jean. Like you I am totally confused about who can do what, where and with whom.

    Jodie now sweet smelling and clipped. Her face was so furry and I don’t think she is comfy when it gets like that. Seaside tomorrow before vets in Derby on Thursday. They rang up today re insurance so they can deal direct with our insurers. We have never made a claim for her (or any insurance) so hopefully no problems. Even if it is just the day of tests think it will be a lot of money.

    I am not fasting at all at the moment but keeping a check on weight. One and a half pounds up on goal weight still from holiday. If I can just maintain that will be fine. I am looking forward too much to my wine in the evenings 😧

    Afternoon All…
    A much brighter day…a lovely park walk with a few people, I noticed the cafe looks as if they are opening every day again like before the virus, I think they are closed Monday. I do like to pop by.

    Quite a bit of cleaning done just the lounge to do tomorrow, thrown some paper work out and a few more bits. Chatted to my sister for a bit.

    I am not eating a lot at the moment ..shall I say I am at my fighting weight…can’t loose any more….I shall keep my eye on it and then I shall be back to fasting with you all.

    I shall be thinking about you tomorrow, it’s not very nice…hoping for some better news or even more time…🥰

    Jean x

    Good afternoon, aching a bit after 2 hours bowling, enjoying a nice cuppa.58 days to Christmas.It will be weird if we are in lockdown. Don’t work to hard Minols.

    Evening everyone, have had a busy day today which has helped with the fasting.
    Usual visit to the daughters this morning and then visited our niece whose in our bubble – she was successful in losing weight on 5:2 around 7 years ago and has maintained it ever since by doing 6:1.
    Mel 🤞 for tomorrow.
    Jean a busy day again for you by the sound of it no rush to restart 5:2.
    Dave hope the aching muscles ease soon.
    Hope everyone is doing okay and staying safe.
    Nana x

    Evening all!
    Jean- a pain with things not up to scratch, & the garage not helping you out…I don’t think all the probate took too long, maybe a month? it’s more of a formality when one’s left & will’s in place, especially if everything’s left to spouse, no trusts etc. I think we had to go to another office & get all signed & witnessed by them, not sure how covid will impact that.
    Mel- thinking of you, hope there’s no hiccup with the insurance.
    Dave- good you can still do the bowling, & that your son goes too! Hope the aches soon go!
    Minols- I bet the Church was cold! Supposed to be good for the brain, helps it work well, unless it’s so cold that hypothermia sets in of course! I’m surprised you & OH stayed together after the ding if his cars are that special!
    Nana- nice to see daughter & neice in one day!
    Not really worrying about bubbles etc, just being careful, & very pleased with the new masks…saw my lovely friend today, not met since Feb, every time we arranged to get together they had someone come to view their house! They have a buyer now, & have found a place near the Cotswolds, will miss her very much! Got lots of jobs done too today, have a big online delivery in, hoping there’s enough food to keep the boys going for next week! Not left them that long before 😱
    FD went well today!

    Morning all
    Porridge and soup day today…and writing / planning / writing for Advent and Christmas…I need lists and lists of lists to be able to get people involved – they don’t know what’s about to hit them!

    Jean – annoying both about the duvet and the car…we have a button the OH presses if the dog is in the car when we leave it. Do you have something similar? Or is it just too much of a hassle and you really need to just have the annoying thing busted! If you let me know about the make and model of the car I’ll see what I can find out from the OH, if you like.

    Right – prooidge has pinged…better get it while it’s hot and hope it lasts until lunchtime!


    Minols- love a good list! Hope your Christmas plans come to fruition & it’s not all cancelled with covid lockdowns 😬
    Jean- did ask son about your car alarm; he says you should be able to turn it off through the trip computer on a new Tiguan.
    Weary now- 2 walks, cleaned bathrooms, washed kitchen floor, made macaroni cheese & extra one for Mum, washing & ironing, starting to get bits ready for our trip…not a FD, hopefully a 3rd one tomorrow.
    Good luck to those fasting today!

    Evening All…
    Up early and a dry walk…looks like we have just gone in tire 2 😬

    Went to solicitors all seems so simple, too much for me to do. The will seems quite tight on what we wanted, Steve seemed to want to alter it, I don’t know why. What we have done the solicitor said it’s the best way, daughters and step daughters keeping everything fair, we have put things in trust so the government can’t take it all if I go in a home.

    Finished my cleaning this afternoon so a lazy day tomorrow…

    Hope all your aches are better today…

    I am not eating a lot, so no need to fast at the moment, doubt if I will stay this weight…your niece has done really well to maintain…

    He seems to think 6 weeks for probate it was running at 9 weeks not long ago. My cars a T Roc, I think I may have found it on line I will look tomorrow I will have more time to mess. Computers and me don’t go well together 😂
    Shame your friends on the move…you will miss her.

    The car is a VW T Roc this years model…I might have found it I will shout if I can’t do it.
    Must get the porridge going here again, I enjoy it and it’s filling.

    Jean x

    Morning All..
    A lovely dry mild walk at the park…

    I have decided to make lunch and go and see my sister, a afternoon tea ish…lock down starts tomorrow so I won’t be able to go and see her, just a few hours leaving Charlie behind, he doesn’t get on with Coco and she’s on heat…

    I have decided to fast Monday and Thursday, missing doing it but need to keep at same weight so will try and eat more on NFDs..

    Speak later..

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Minols- hope you’re getting ahead with all the planning! & how’s the kitchen holding up, still tidy?!
    Jean- hope that you can get the car sorted, me & computers don’t go well either!! Good that the solicitors are dealing with everything. Enjoy a lazier day, hope you’re still eating something, look after yourself…A worry with covid rates going up- the media seem to be hyping at all though, seen our region on the news quite a bit, saying it’s rising rapidly, lumping us in with London! The rates are still low here though!
    Dave- keep away from the biscuits at MILs…
    Not a good start to the day, neck painful, lots of silly things going wrong, so gave up on the FD! Have mafe a cheesecake, & meatballs & pasta for the boys, chilli for the freezer, so have been busy, & have caught up now! Still more ironing to do though!
    Hope everyone’s okay!

    HH I used to get a bad neck, I changed pillow and now only use one and it as helped me a lot.Took some getting used to having only one. I had a cookie then found out it was 240 calories 😱.So not even a low day today 😲.Mother in law was ok, fed up of being stuck in bed but otherwise ok.Sorted my computer out, going very fast now, just need to get my paid antivirus back on. I downloaded a free one and a free firewall while I am waiting.

    Evening All…
    Enjoyed my visit to my sisters, her memory is getting very bad, her son came home and was chatting with us, when my sister left the room I said she was getting worse he agreed with me. I suppose you ride with it see how she goes..
    She was reading into 3/4 of a book, she said how good it was was, then she said it’s my favourite author closed the book and sent it home with me, she wouldn’t hear of me collecting it from her next time…

    I think I have found the turn off alarm in the computer, we will see of Charlie sets it off??
    You have had a busy day, I have got a small pork joint out for tomorrow, I can eat it hot and cold…it’s not been the best of day’s for me, I am ok now. It’s hard to explain how I feel…

    I always have one pillow, I find it suits me. Good the computer is nearly sorted out…

    Going to see my daughter tomorrow afternoon, she will be back off her break. She is In my bubble…Charlie will come too…

    Jean x

    Quick hell – at the office for a zoom conference today.
    Kitchen still tidy – HH.

    Jean…how’s the dog button finding in the car going?


    Morning All….

    A village walk, windy but mild ..although raining now..

    A lazy morning watching James Martin….put a small pulled pork joint on, I shall have some for lunch and some for later..

    Visiting daughter later for a couple of hours with Charlie ..need to be back before it gets dark for Charlie’s walk.

    No test with the car as yet…hope it works..

    Jean x

    Too much wet weather of late. Still struggling with my antivirus, they have not got back to me 😡.Will maybe look elsewhere.Its still working on my son’s pc.

    Evening everyone, have been having trouble with our internet the last few days but seems a bit better now 🤞
    Looking forward to this new month and continuing with my challenge to lose a stone before Christmas together with my 2 amigos Kay & Dave.
    Am sad that I’ll be unable to carry on visiting our daughter and son in law not forgetting Poppy and our Friday friends for four weeks but it’s what’s needed.
    Hope everyone is doing okay and staying safe.
    Nana x

    Morning all – overslept and woke up feeling shattered, so going to give myself a ‘pottering’ sort of day today.

    Sorry you guys south of the border are going into stricter measures. We’re really hoping that the stricter measures the central belt were put in, please our slightly stricter measures everywhere else of the last few weeks mean that more buisnesses can keep ticking over…but really, it’s all a bit of a guessing game. I’ve got myself convinced that schools will finish early to ake advantage fo the natural break then, like NI and Wales did over half term.

    Not going to fast today…


    Morning All…
    Walked at the park with Oreo and Natalie…the dogs were filthy, rolling and playing about so much fun.

    A few jobs to do about the house today, I need to do some photos of Steves mobility scooter and see if I can sell it on…

    I was fasting today but my food levels are still low so low I will continue on…and watch my weight…

    Hope your day gets better..have a steady day I shall…

    Shame on the visiting for the next month…SIL and BIL are coming to see me tomorrow before lockdown, but I think they maybe shouldn’t be coming so Natalie said….I thought ok up to Thursday…really no idea!

    Hope you sort your virus out…

    Enjoy your break..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone a FD for me today.
    Jean we’re going to be visiting our daughter and son in law as usual on Wednesday as the lockdown restrictions come into effect at midnight that day.
    I would imagine you’ll be able to sell on Steves scooter fairly quickly
    Minols hope you feel better soon.
    Hope everyone else has a good day whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

    Nana the support bubble is still ok so we are going to carry on going to see Denise’s mum.My mate in Edale as sent me a message about the covid 19 app and how it’s not working properly and failing to give alerts to thousands of people who have been close to infected people.Not sure I can put it on here but will try.

    Nana the support bubble is still ok so we are going to carry on going to see Denise’s mum.My mate in Edale as sent me a message about the covid 19 app and how it’s not working properly and failing to give alerts to thousands of people who have been close to infected people.Not sure I can put it on here but will try.https://twitter.com/i/events/1322903181890711553

    Oops but did it 😁😁😁

    Morning everyone dry morning for a change. Sainsbury’s shopping later,a good fast day yesterday,under 600 calories.Very pleased with that.

    Hi Everyone – had the page open since first thing, but got distracted. Keeping it light today, and going for a FD tomorrow, hopefully. Long conversation with my Mum this morning which was good – just no way of getting to see her in England-shire! Glad my sister’s near.
    Woke up about 1am and couldn’t resist the lure of the election…can’t help myself! Lucky to be able to dither my way through the day, but need to work from now until bed-time!

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