Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Right I am back on here after two gourmet weeks in Scotland. Bit the bullet and weighed myself as I didn’t feel I had put on much – 3lb! I will take that after all the food and wine taken. Think the weight went on in the four days we stayed in a pub. Heavier food, going to bed feeling stuffed. Two courses and couldn’t manage a pudding. Hotels we had canapés, starters, fish, main, deserts, but so light, particularly carb wise. Also we did a LOT of walking. Anyway home for eight days so will try and keep low, and a few fast days, starting tomorrow.

    Jean, did you have a nice meal? How is Steve’s appetite?
    Nana, champagne and cake – heaven.

    Mel- very well done to you! Glad you had a good trip!
    Jean- hope your meal out was good, thinking of you, hugs…
    Nana- nice to be able to celebrate with friends & family, shame you can’t have a big do. Son goes to court next Weds, he’s booked his train tickets so definitely doesn’t want us to take him…
    Dave- is it bowling today? How’s your stomach pain, still bad? Maybe chase up the ultrasound?
    Minols- how are you?
    NonFD for me, I’ll enjoy it!

    Hi all – just a quick hello, cos two days i a conference…on-line! Miss the being away in a monastery, but don’t miss the having to re-jig the household so I can GET away!

    Boy off school, so need to go and supervise him in my break…

    Good afternoon everyone,sunnyish day here. No bowling until Sunday so got to find things to do, bathroom needs painting and the grout cleaning but not got the motivation.Fast day going ok just on my second cup of tea. Not sure what we are having for tea. Tempted to buy a chicken and they it in the Ninja.You will all be fed up of hearing about the Ninja.

    Afternoon All…
    Busy morning….Charlie and I joined Oreo and Natalie at a dog field, although raining there was a lovely shed to sit in, picking up a coffee to go at the cafe..a good hours chat and I kept my self under control ..I find it hard….

    A lovely meal last night, staggered times felt very safe, although dog friendly we left Charlie at home, brought a doggy bag home of steak so we were forgiven 😂…he can’t come every time.

    No fasting for me for a few weeks …..

    You have done very well 3 lbs up is nothing after you have been eating and drinking like you have..lots of walking has helped..

    Enjoy your two day course not the same as getting away…especially having the lovely food.

    I need a bit of work on my bathroom, the sealant…a faffy job….

    A lot of lovely cakes, wish I could join you 😂

    Hope your sons ok on his own at court, they feel big but still aren’t….grandson is doing a weeks driving course, test tomorrow..found out yesterday he can’t read the signs as he needs glasses, no one has picked it up..he got a pair the same day and he can see!!..hoping he can pass as there are no repeat tests as too full…

    Jean x

    Jean- glad you enjoyed the meal, & Charlie his treat! Hugs to you, sounds like you did well with Natalie…
    Dave- I’d go out while you can & make the most of it in case we get another lockdown- you can do the decorating then! Well done fasting- will this be the last one before holiday? Hope the chicken’s good if you try it- does it give guides as to how long to cook everything?
    Nana- any cake today? 😁 Did you get your loo roll yesterday?!
    Minols- enjoy the conference- not good timing woth son off- is he poorly again or is it his half term already?
    Had a few silly subs with our Asda order, but got most of it. Have done a good bit of cleaning- found when I was dusting a big thick cobweb all tangled round a top corner of net so that came down & was washed, cleaned a few windows & upstairs. Enjoying my food today, back to fasting tomorrow…

    Evening everyone, had a busy day today. Went to St Ives this morning as we needed to go to the bank to get some change as I’d run out completely of coins and need them to be able to keep buying the lovely farm eggs just down the road from us. Visited daughter and son in law on the way back home to drop off her birthday present and card as it’s her birthday whilst we’re away next week. Two years between our anniversary and when she was born I hasten to add. Then more family visitors this afternoon dropping off an anniversary present for us but no cake this time.

    Hedgehogs got toilet roll okay and only one substitution fusili instead of penne pasta.
    Jean glad you had a nice meal and lucky Charlie for his doggy bag. It’s a pity all of us on here can’t meet up. Hope grandson passes.
    Hello to everyone else enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning all!
    Jean- fingers crossed for grandson, a bit worrying that instructor didn’t check his eyesight earlier 😱😂
    Nana- glad you got all the shopping, sounds like it was a busy day! So many places not taking cash, change getting short here too!
    Dave- are you seeing MIL today! Glad the ninja’s so successful, sounds like you might have the chef job now!
    Minols- have you managed a low week? Is your scooter put back together yet?!
    Got completely soaked walking Xena this morning, wore my old coat stupidly! Very cold too, but she didn’t mind! Had to have a soak in a hot bath when I got in!
    Son’s lent me his charger & adapter, so back on phone, mine broke yesterday, & the handle snapped off my steam mop, so not great!
    Seem to have maintained so far this week, even with the liquid FDs, although today is another FD…might go back to 800cal days next week.
    Have a drier day than me!

    Afternoon All…
    Cold day here, scarf and hat on I need to find my gloves. We had brunch at the cafe, chippy tonight but I am full now.
    Blood test taken, what a mess should have been done yesterday but didn’t have the form, hospital cancer nurse sorted it out for us, at least she gets the jobs done.

    Charlie having follow up check on his ears later, he is flapping his ears a small amount but hope they have cleared up…

    Weigh in …up a bit but still in maintenance …must keep a watch on it if not fasting properly….too much on at the moment to keep my head focussed…I don’t like feeling full, so it may keep me in check.

    What a lot of visitors and treats you are very much loved, it’s so lovely….

    This is his third instructor, this instructor was starting to think dyslexic, I think he thought his eyes had already been checked…daughter was taking him out in the evening, her driving but telling him what he should be looking for…it clicked with her there was a problem. His driving day yesterday went bad, he then looses his confidence..🤞…

    We had some rain but not too much but so cold and windy…good you have sorted a charger out for your phone.

    Good you are the new James Martin with no butter !! 😂

    Hoping to have a quieter day…I feel quite tired…

    Jean x


    Morning All…
    Very cold here…Flu jabs in a hour or so….a bit of cleaning to do and food preparing for the visit of Steves sisters tomorrow…looking forward to it but really don’t feel like doing things..both feeling low today.

    All quiet on here is everyone busy as it’s the weekend…

    Jean x

    Jean- hopefully not quite so busy today ahead of visitors? How did your grandson get on with his test? Hopefully no side effects from the flu jab…hugs to you both…
    Not been busy, phone problems, waiting for new charging lead to come but battery doesn’t seem to be holding the charge well either so might need a new one. Neck playing up again, keep popping the pills & wedging a hot water bottle round me! So bare minimum of housework! Going to Mum’s this afternoon.

    Flu jab booked for next month, Denise is a cowardy custard.Soon be on our mini holiday.Hope the rain stays away this time. I think the nearest pub is a mile away from holiday camp, hopefully the bar area in the camp will be much bigger than the last place. The pub get good reviews for food so hope to go there. United on the telly so o will take Heidi out for a walk.

    I have got all the house tidy and clean for visitors, table set and organised, as I will walk Charlie, not a lot of time in the morning and a hair wash day too..all takes extra time.

    Only doing cold ham and pork pie , which is now cooked, new potatoes with salad, cold slaw etc..my trifle.

    I really have no motivation, I feel everything is hard going.

    Grandson failed, too slow going around a roundabout making a white van break hard other than that it was fine..another test in two weeks.
    Hope your neck soon feels better. Can you have a new battery put in the phone, Steve did, it’s like a new phone.

    Hope the weathers better than last time..although it does feel wintery now….you will need wrapping up the east coast has lovely cold north/ easterly winds….

    Jean x

    Cold and rainy here. Yesterday’s fast day turned into a 960 cal day so not perfect but could have been worse. Planning two more, Monday and Thursday before going away Friday. Lunch out tomorrow and evening meal out Wednesday so not expecting much change in weight. Will hopefully get a grip when the next trip is over and we are home for a while.

    Nana and Dave off too. Really hope you both have a lovely time, Dave your last one was a bit of a washout – literally.

    Re flu jabs, Paul had a very bad reaction to one about three/four years ago. Very unusual apparently but it is on his file not to have one. They still write and offer him one though. Must admit it put me off.

    Jean, thinking of you. Nice to have company maybe if you are feeling low?

    I had my first flu jab last year. Never thought about having one before that as I have never had flu.Only man flu😁. Definitely getting cooler and the nights drawing in. I don’t mind winter so long as we don’t get snow.

    Very cold here too, miss the open fire we had at our last house 😞 We did look at having a woodburner put in but too expensive. So much free wood in the forest too! Back from Mum’s- game a bit hardgoing today, but at least she enjoys it & is cheerful at the moment! Her new dishwasher is safely in 😁 Hubby is out getting very wet with Xena- my coat & hat are still not properly dry from yesterday!

    HI all – just in from a BBQ at the beach with the in-laws from the west – fab afternoon with the kids all just playing in the sand and us olds fanning the flames and catching up.

    HH – sorry your neck is feelign rough. An excuse to wonder around draped in hotties!

    Racing up north after work tomorrow to tidy up the cottage ready to hand over the keys in 2 weeks – assuming all goes well.


    Morning all!
    Minols- great that you were all able to meet up on the beach, lovely! Hope all goes ahead with the cottage okay too…are you sad about selling it?
    Jean- thinking of you today with your entertaining…not easy.
    Dave- enjoy the bowls! Roast tonight?
    Is it packing today for your trip? Weather forecast doesn’t look too promising again 😬
    Neck feels easier today, but will still take it easyish!

    Afternoon All…
    Cold day again…

    Steves two sisters came up, we have not seen one for 8 years…It went all well, she apologised for a wasted 8 years…what can you say…we have no idea why….
    We are both feeling tired up early and didn’t sleep well…
    Charlie’s other ear is bothering him, flapping like mad, drops and a Piriton tablet, he seems settled now ..hope it’s not another vets visit.

    Tony is coming to see us and help me sort the garage tomorrow he will be staying over. Steve will look forward to seeing him, our Bestman when we got married.

    Hope everything goes well with the cottage..beach sounded fun…

    A busy week for you again before you are off again….do what you can.

    Getting packed up to go….what time do you leave…?

    Good the neck is easing off…take it steady…

    Jean x

    All packed think we’re leaving at 1pm.Bowling was good, all turned up so a decent day, I was watching some of the women bowl, they are very good. At least another 4 weeks of bowls weather permitting.

    Morning all. Well I am pleased to say that two of my three pound holiday gain have got lost somehow. Can’t take the credit as apart from a 960 day I have been eating normally and lunch out yesterday. Quick on, quick off I suppose. Think I am also benefiting from not aiming for too low a weight. High end of healthy BMI. Having two controlled days this week (1000 calories) before off again on Friday.

    Jean, hope you have a nice day with Tony, make use of him for jobs! Less stressful than yesterday I imagine? Has the Piriton and drops helped with Charlie?

    Have a good day everyone.

    Morning all – extra walking today cos went into town to pick up a coffee and realised I’d left office keys at home! Doh! My own fault for switching bags. So I walked all the way home again with my coffee and then into the office.

    Now I’m waiting on a trainign zoominar on how to do General Assembly at the end of this week – it’s truncated, fortunately, given it’s all on-line, but I should have already started my prep reading all the reports…this is the bit of the job I’m relly not very good at. I have a pal in the next parish on whatsapp, so we’ll keep each other going with rude comments…and the occasional genuine query! A bit of a tech-y day all round, actually.

    Well done on the quick pounds off, Mel – brilliant!


    Morning all!
    Jean- hope you get the garage sorted, will be hard for Steve 😢 More hugs…
    Dave- safe journey, hope it’s good when you get there…
    Minols- sounds all a bit stressful, hope you get the hang of it! I think biscuits might be required for a day like this!
    Mel- great getting 2lbs off, I am trying not to be envious!
    A bit later getting out today to avoid the school traffic, dry but cold & grey…a few bits to do outside & then seeing mum this afternoon. Fasting today- probably 800cals all week.

    Morning, just me by myself?!!
    Got some errands to run in town, we were both early up so already walked Xena. Am hoping for another 800day, but feeling very weak! Worried about how youngest will get on tomorrow! He’s caught the train up already, his gf has gone with him so not on his own…

    Hi HH I am here. I always feel guilty when I hear how many 800 days you do in your struggle to lose weight. If I did that many I know I could get much lower. And if like you I didn’t drink. Very unfair but I do seem to lose much more easily than you do. I still wonder if you are struggling to get lower than your body wants to. I could definitely do with more off but I am comfortable in my skin at this weight and can maintain it with not too much trouble and enjoy the food I like. No wiggle room though, psychological but two pounds on and I feel fat.

    Anyway had a 1000 calorie day yesterday and will have another on Thursday before we go away. Of course these days mean no wine and I think that is what makes the difference.

    Most of us seem to be away at the moment, us two here and Jean. Are you there Jean, you must be exhausted after the last couple of days. Is Tony going today? You must have a rest once he has gone.

    Will try and eat mindfully today.

    Anyone on here, have a good day,

    Afternoon All..
    Sorry been so busy….I haven’t sat down at all…I think we have done 7 runs to the tip a very full car, Tony’s car is big when the seats down…

    I have to wipe shelves and re organise the things I have left but that will keep me busy at a later stage..

    Steves not too good yesterday and a bit worst today with his breathing…rang the nurses to see if we can have oxygen here, she is calling us.
    Hard seeing all your things go especially Steve been very brutal…just so much…

    Thinking of your son he must be upset and nervous, glad his gf is with him.

    I think the situation makes you exhausted, keeping a smiley face when you feel so sad..trying to be strong for each other, I don’t think it’s hitting Steve yet…he just wants things easy for me, I suppose it’s keeping him busy. My tears comes and goes…
    His daughters coming to stay Saturday/going Sunday ..so busy again..enjoy your holiday if I forget…

    Dave and Nana…have a lovely time away…weather seems pretty good..

    Enjoy your zoom and hope things get done and it’s worth while..

    Jean x

    Jean- so tough for you & Steve…he is being so practical. You must both be shattered. & so hard trying to be strong for each other. I hope you can get some oxygen for him. Sending you more hugs…
    Mel- thanks for your kind words! I’m just aiming for mid healthy bmi, so not too low, I think that’s okay for me, I’ll settle for that, I have been lower. Nice to have a trip to see your friends to look forward to!
    Dave & Nana- hoping the weather’s not wrecking your trips, been cold & damp here.
    Minols- how did the course go?
    Got what we needed in town, spent quite a while deciding on a charity gift for niece, sponsored a golden oldie rescue dog for her. Mistakenly looked at the ones for adoption & saw a beautiful, energetic 9yr old spaniel…hubby says no!
    Done okay today, might have a nonFD tomorrow.

    Just a quick drop in, been to Bridlington today, weather georgeous, Haddock and chips beautiful. Had ice cream after that. In the camp now. Just had steak and chips ordered a salted caramel desert plus a few pints of Coors 😁😁😁.No signal in caravan.

    Morning all!
    Dave- glad you’ve had one good day at least! Food sounds good too, enjoy!
    Jean- hopefully a quieter day, hope you’re both not tired, thinking of you…
    Minols- are you doing a weigh-in today?!
    Mel- hope your low day went well! Did you get the good weather yesterday that Dave had?
    Kay- glad you’ve been able to visit your Mums…just in time by the sound of it!
    Did try the scales this morning- a pound back on, so that’s given me the focus not to comfort eat today- son’s case is this afternoon. He’s terrible about keeping in touch so don’t know if he’ll let us know, but he forgot his key so someone will have to wait up for him, he won’t be home til late. & on an early shift Thursday so will take him in, then he can get himself a bike on his day off Friday!
    Eldest off today, he wants to come for a walk again, & wants a haircut 😬 I think that I need to do it badly 😂

    In Scarborough at the moment but it’s starting to rain so heading back to caravan and no signal 😩.

    Morning All..
    Chilly wet day…got our park walk in as the drizzle started so not too bad…

    Waiting for some oxygen to be delivered in case Steve needs it….he’s had a bad two days but he’s not so bad today…loads of oxygen delivered now, see how he goes…

    My computer needs collecting, hoping he has worked some magic on it, new bits and pieces in it and a clean up….

    Such a waste of money for your son, and then all the waiting again….hair cut for your son much cheaper than the shop 😂…hair colour for me in the morning if I have the time…I think mid bmi is a good level to be at…

    Glad you enjoyed Brid and the food…good the weather was better..

    Enjoy mums, good you have got to visit her, can you stay over the lock down or do you have leave early?

    Hope the trips going well…thinking of you..some lovely meals and walks….

    How are you…did the zoom go well…..

    Are you ready to go away?…where is it this time I think I have missed where you said….safe journey and enjoy…

    Jean x

    Jean- glad that Steve has some oxygen if he needs it. I’m sure that’ll be reassuring. Hope your computer is good after it’s spring (autumn!) clean!
    Dave- shame about the weather, at least you got out for a bit…hope the caravan is comfy!
    Son’s court case postponed because of a Covid outbreak, aargh! Seems a crazy system- it’s nearly a year since he was caught, mad that they keep delaying it, he pleaded guilty! Glad I’ve managed another FD today…

    HI all – supposedly now all ready for the big Assembly Friday evening into Saturday…tonnes of reading still to do though!

    Just finishing some techy stuff for Sunday, then I’ve got to go to the BB zoom for their dedication this evening and a fmaily quiz night…see how that goes!

    HH – I’ve put off weighing until tomorrow – end of the month vs start of the month…err!

    Jean – loving you and Steve…take care.


    Morning all!
    Minols- hope the BB Zoom meeting & quiz were good, & that you get all your reading done…good luck with the scales!
    Jean- hope Steve’s not needed the oxygen? Hugs to you both…
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Rainy start here & woke very early, will be a low day, hopefully anyway, as eldest has gone back to kickboxing now he eats really late so kitchen will be open until 9pm! Have our asda shopping coming today, nothing else planned.

    Morning all – just a pound over this last month, which is hardly exciting. Bt thinking back, it does make it half a stone since the summer holiday, so I’ll put that behind me and turn my face to this month.

    Sorry your boy is caught in a waiting game, HH, it’s these little personal things that remind us of the ramifications of this virus throughout society.

    BB was fun – although the boy is getting to the ’embarassed by parents’ stage! Trynig to embrace that in most areas of life and make a big joke of it, but it’s a little trickier when it’s my job (not that it’s my job to be embarassing, that’s just a perk of parenting, but when my job means I have to do things, and his current reaction is that that’s SO embarassing – big eye roll!)

    Coffee with an old friend/colleague, reading and writing makes up my day today. I have one week to get everything ready until the end of November!

    Just realised the time, and I’m still in my jammies – dog is walked, though, cos I just threw water proofs on top! Think the boy is having cereal not porridge this morning!


    Morning All..
    A bright day, I was well wrapped up and bit too warm…😬…weather changing later…

    Steve feels better on his oxygen, on it most of yesterday, trying some time off it this morning …

    Colouring my hair shortly, can’t really be bothered but I just don’t have any time….

    Getting a lot of things sorted but very upsetting at times..comes in waves..today I am not so good…

    No fasting at the moment…

    Safe journey home..hope you have enjoyed the break…

    We called for the computer and he only works mornings through the virus, trying to collect later. Have a lazy day and everything comes from Asda…safe journey back for your sons and he’s feeling ok….

    Hope all your work goes well…zoom etc…could be faffy…

    Jean x

    Jean- sending you more hugs…so hard for you. It’s good that you can both face things though, & be in control of some things at least. Glad that the oxygen has helped Steve. Thinking of you.
    Minols- oh dear, you’re embarassing, are you?! A tricky one when you have to do things for your work that son’s involved in too! Well done on the weight, mine is slow too! Enjoy your coffee out 😀
    Asda order not so successful- some strange subs which went back & a few bits missing! Ironing done, & some cleaning, so exciting.

    Back home now, it was a nice break but Heidi was very happy to see me 😁.Got to knuckle down now and try to lose a stone before Christmas. Weather was lovely this morning in Yorkshire but the closer we got to Manchester the worst it got. Got a letter from the NHS confirming my ultrasound scan, it’s on Tuesday at 1pm, they even put a parking permit in it.

    Evening All..
    Strange when everyone is away it goes so quiet…

    We have Steves daughters visiting tomorrow and staying over…It’s going to be a hard weekend…

    Feeling as if jeans are a bit tight, might see if I can throw a couple of fasts in next week, if no visitors it will be easier no the food front..no promises..

    It could be a hard week as all jobs are finished, Steves hard shell is crumbling…I might not be about, I will be but not posting..things will get harder…I will come and go….

    Thanks for all the hugs…

    A good holiday and weather better this time…a stone off for Xmas, hard work ahead….glad the scan is being organised…hope it goes well.

    Jean x

    Jean- it will be a difficult weekend…if you’re not on, know we’re thinking of you xx
    Dave- glad you have a good holiday, will be hard to knuckle down, so many Christmas things in the shops already!
    Had another low day, did a satay stir fry for son & I so the sauce might’ve taken it over 800cals, it was good though!

    Morning All…
    A very wet start….not good for walking better this morning than later, when much heavier.

    Awake about 3.30 a busy head, waited to 5 am and decided to get up…Steve got up at 3am he possibly disturbed me…he had a bit longer sleep due to his oxygen…he has been getting up at 1 am.

    Just getting table things together so not messing later, finished my trifle off…much easier than baking as it goes in one go, they all like my trifle nobody seems to do them these days. Cooking a chicken dinner.

    My Christmas tree has been thrown..not doing a lot this year….hate it when the adverts start pushing it at you. Hope your low days pays off 🤞..is your neck feeling better now?

    Have a good weekend..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone 😊 new to this fast diet malarkey, I have about a stone and a half to lose and lost 2lb this week. I’ll take that as I have had Dominos pizza and biscuits on non fast days. Swam for an hour on one fast day so that probably helped.

    So how much have you all lost so far?

    Jean- thinking of you…hope you don’t get too tired later, are Steve’s daughter’s staying, or just for the day? Hugs, keep strong xx
    Emmz- hi & welcome to you! It’s a bit quieter on here than it used to be! 2lbs is great especially if you’ve been relaxed on nonfds! I lost 2 stone, 5:2 has never worked for me, had to do alternate days fasting, have been struggling with maintaining for a bit now- every time a few pounds go on with holidays, birthdays etc it seems to take ages to get them off!
    Dave- keep safe, be extra careful when you go shopping etc if there’s a big outbreak near you…
    Minols- have a good day ‘off’ today!
    Got very wet walking Xena, she’s in a funny mood today, got out of bed the wrong side I think! Will be seeing mum this afternoon…Another 800 day for me, will have the mushroom ‘pizza’ tonight.

    Welcome Emmz I have lost 3 stone but still a long way to go 😲.It’s been pouring down all day here, got soaked taking Heidi out, at least she had had some food now. Watched 2 football matches, getting fed up of it now, too much on each day. One more game to watch, my team so got to watch that one.

    Afternoon All…
    We have had a lovely a weekend, not too difficult, a lovely meal and chat …Lou helped to take some photos of the motorbike getting ready to sell it.

    Steve has noticeably got worse these last 5 days, his breathing, the girls were surprised how bad he is.

    Lovely to have you on board, easy way to loose weight as you change your eating patterns. I have lost 30 lbs and I am maintaining, I move up a couple of pounds either way.
    I am having a rough time with family illness so hard going and not really fasting at the moment.

    The girls stayed the weekend, possibly come up again in a couple of weeks, Lou has 90 mins to drive to drop Su off then a 4 hour journey into Wales…it all went very well.
    Enjoy your mushroom ‘pizza’ tonight…must have a try on that one myself..hope Mums ok later..

    Glad to have you back, all quiet without you….where’s your next break anything planned yet?

    Have a lovely day off and family time..

    Jean x

    I think the next break will be next year now. Depending on covid19.Either Lanzarote or Bridlington or maybe Paington.Possibly a short break somewhere.

    Hi all!
    Jean- so glad you had a good weekend with Steve’s girls! Doesn’t he have a grandaughter too? Will he be able to see her at some point? Put your feet up a bit & have some time to yourselves, any medical appts next week?
    Dave- no football for ages & now too much?! Hope you enjoy the last match- any roast dinner today?
    Mum was fine yesterday, she’s seeing a friend this afternoon. Got soaked this morning walking Xena, hubby’s turn this afternoon, still raining! Doing a roast chicken for them tonight, need to clean my oven, it stinks, but I hate doing it! A better controlled nonFD.
    Have a good evening!

    Roast beef and Yorkshire puddings tonight with roast potatoes done in the ninja.Denise as done the beef in the oven so I will try doing a small joint in the ninja next time. Lovely sunny day all day today, bowling was good, I played a woman this time so let her go first but I got two in😁she said she would have her hands full playing me the the next 2 of her bowls were touching the jack 😲.I went 6 points down but made a comeback to win.

    Evening All…
    Pouring down with rain looks set in, now very dark….just got back in time…

    Cold chicken with fried new potatoes tonight easy….

    Depending how Steve feels we might have a ride to Bridlington and have lunch tomorrow on the promenade…

    Grand daughter may come next time, we are not close to her, daughter has always kept her away ..earth mother!…she will be centre of attention!!
    We have nurse coming Tuesday we need a talk, blood test Wednesday and dentist for me, hairdressers me Friday.
    Glad mum is doing some things on her own…it must be so hard….enjoy your meal tonight…

    Sounds like a good bowling game…enjoy your meal too…which Ninja did you get there’s a few, noticed advertising on the tv…

    Jean x

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