Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • I am sure Dave isn’t home until Monday. Ooh Nana I could go a curry. Oh forgot actually I am having a Sainsbury Bombay potato side dish for my dinner with some leaves. I am such a domestic goddess!
    Tammy, I think you have made the right decision re the walk. I did feel it was a tad ambitious as you are not really a walker. (Yet!) Sounds lovely though, what you have decided on. I would love a bit of wild camping but can just imagine the reaction I would get if suggested to Mr. I Like a Nice Hotel.

    Anyway, Fast Day nearly over, another one planned for Monday then maybe Wednesday.

    Jean- you’re good keeping wine all that time! Fingers crossed for the house…if Xena has to miss a walk with the weather, I just give her an extra game indoors & do some training/ brain work!
    Tammy- glad the key turned up! Sounds sensible with the walking, hope it’s not too cold tonight!
    Nana- it did sound a horrible drive last night…enjoy your takeaway today, at home you can relax!
    Mel- hope you’ve been okay today?
    Kay- hope you’ve not been too busy at work…what homework does Tara have to do?
    Mum was a bad influence on me this afternoon- she’d bought one of my favourite cakes, so tempted me into having a slice…have done okay though & not let it ruin the evening, stuck to my usual meal so hopefully not too much damage done by not being keto! She was supposed to be cuttibg down too! She was in a right tizzy today, fussing about some food that was missing & she was sure she’d not eaten, took a while to get her to forget it 😞

    Evening all
    Well I managed to do my fast, came in slightly over at about 600, but I actually went for a walk,got new hiking shoes, so thought I had better take them out, did just short of 3 miles, my leg muscles were ok this time, it was my ankle that hurt instead, will it ever stop hurting !!!!
    Tent up and the kitten is nearly an ex-kitten, keeps trampolining on my tent with claws out !!!!!
    Think we will leave the full Jock’s road till next year, if I stick at it, but am looking forward to our plan, Mel I also have a Mr I like a nice hotel, which suits me fine, he can stay at home.
    Nana, I love curry and adore coriander.
    Sorry page has turned and my memory doesn’t last beyond 2 sentences, sorry if I’ve missed people, jean did you have the wine?
    Not sure I mentioned but one of our colleagues walked out after “spitting her dummy out the pram”, and is now signed off for 2 weeks, we were already short staffed and people on holiday, so for the next week I am doing 10-7, that’s going to hurt, wont get much walking in.
    Weigh in day tomorrow, am interested to see how that goes, fingerscrossed.
    Ok speak tomorrow if I survive the night lol
    Tammy x

    Morning all

    Son still tired yesterday…can’t say how he is today…I barely see him on a Sunday until he appears on Sunday School zoom!

    Going to not eat again until pancakes when I get home, and we have a light kebab for tonight’s plan, adn then I’m out again so nice and distracting!

    Had a proper day off yesterday – drove out an hour for rolls and bacon at a farm cafe, then ambled our way back along the coast, stopping and starting for fresh air. Nice!

    Right, better get recordings set up for the next service.

    Have a lovely peaeful day, everyone.

    Good Afternoon all
    Well I survived my camping but that’s about the strength of it, definitely need to tweak stuff, will try again tonight.
    Well I weighed in and am very pleased to say I’ve lost 5lbs, I know it’s just water weight but it’s an incentive, I even want to go for a walk lol
    Minols your trip round the coast sounds lovely, especially if someone else was driving.
    Just a walk planned for today, and the usual house work stuff.
    Have a good day and I will see you later
    Tammy x

    Minols- is your son still getting over his lurgy? Sounds like a nice day out yesterday, hope today’s service goes well!
    Tammy- well done surviving the night outside & your FD! Sounds like alot of extra hours for you on your feet next week, shame as you were just getting into the walking! Is your daughter still at school or is she at college now?
    Mel- missed your post when the page turned, well done for your FD, hope the meal was nice!
    Hope everyone else is okay, all quiet on here at the moment!
    Boys both at home today so constant food 😖 not fasting, another day off, had to take painkilkers for neck again. Xena rolled in something yukky, so she had a bath when we got home!

    HH my daughter has just gone into 4th year, but she is doing a day release college course in hospitality, she is getting on well and is very happy to be back.
    Weather looks like its away to turn here, probably will because I’ve just hung all the washing out, struggling to motivate to go walk, I’m really tired after last night, might have a nap, then see how I feel
    Tammy x

    Afternoon All..
    A few jobs done and two bags for charity shop…We took one yesterday…

    Coast road and butties sounded just lovely, you don’t get much time as a family. Lovely fresh air..

    Hope your necks feeling easier and not too busy if everyone is about…a nightmare walk and Xena finding something nice to roll in 😬

    Will all your shifts change, one off makes a lot of difference…are you on your own in the tent? Try and sort your tweaking out…a big well done on 5 lbs off great news…

    Football at the park this morning so walked local…will take him there for a run tonight….Steve unwell again totally shattered, like a wet rag…, he seemed better yesterday, he’s been like it a week..good job he’s talking to the doctor Tuesday.

    All for now..

    Jean x

    Jean- good that you’re in touch with the doctor, did you say Steve needs more blood tests? Hope that he feels better soon…Neck much better thanks 😁
    Tammy- hope that your nap helps!
    I am impressed with my cheffing tonight! Cooked hunters chicken, homemade bbq sauce, rosemary potatoes & salad for one son, singapore fish, stir fry veg & noodles/ low carb rice for other son & me, a gammon joint for them tomorrow, plus got hubby’s salad ready- all on time at 6.30pm! Oh, & fed Xena 😁 Sis saw mum- she was still on about the missing chocolate, feel bad as I threw the wrapper away to stop her fretting about it, & she’d been hunting everywhere for that too to show sis! She’s wrecked a kettle too, she put it on without water in it, a bit worrying…

    Evening everyone ,a quick check in have just enjoyed a lovely roast lamb dinner and am now enjoying a nice chilled glass of wine. Have gone over my tdee quite a bit as I have also had a couple of rock cakes that I made this morning.
    Tammy well done on your weight loss and hope you catch up on your sleep.
    Hedgehogs a worry with your mum. My goodness all those separate meals most impressive. Hope the neck pain continues to improve.
    Jean not too long to wait before Steves chat with his Doctor and hopefully sort something out for him.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Mornign all – it’s a beautiful day here! The OH has the Bank HOliday cos he works for an English company, so he’ll soon have the place to himself. The boy is back to school, and I’m going down to the office to film next Sunday’s bits and pieces in the Sanctuary – the light will be beautiful!

    Last day of the month and I’m chasing my monthly target today…even though the OH has is taking me out for my last ‘Rishi’ meal! So no breakfast and no dinner, just something at midday. Then I’ll weigh tomorrow and hope the month meets my dreams rather than my expectations! Well done, Tammy on your 5lbs…that is fantastic!

    HH – home-made bbq sauce…impressive! I need to start back into autumn/witner cooking and make some soup. But your sauce has reminded me that I used to make homemade baked beans with a bbq flavour, bacon, smokey and dark…I’ll need to look out the recipe! Took forever in the oven, but worth it. I need to start stocking up things int he freezer for the OH’s lunches now, as well.

    On a lighter note…I cleaned out the fridge this weekend and dscovered a last jar (unopened) of chicken bovril – almost impossible to buy these days, but brilliant for fast day drinks – yippee!


    Morning all!
    Minols- that’s so strange, oh having the bank holiday off on his own! Hope you get the filming done…well done on the bovril triumph! Enjoy your meal…hope the scales are friendly tomorrow!
    Tammy- did you manage the tent again? Hope work is not too busy…
    Jean- a worry with Steve, I guess the helpful nurse is off today so you can’t speak to her? Take it easy today, both of you, you’ve been so busy recently!
    Nana- it will be time for us to have a roast again soon! Haven’t made rock cakes for years, I’m the only one who likes proper fruit ones, the boys always liked chocolate chip ones instead! Have a good day today!
    Dave- safe journey home!
    Mel, Kay- are you back with us, fasting at all?
    I’m fasting today, not sure what it’ll be though, liquid or 800cals…I did eat a bit too much again yesterday, I am so bad on nonFDs 😖
    Had a shorter walk with Xena- luckily caught her before she could roll in something grotty twice! It’s looking nice now, so might take her to the beach with hubby later. Boys both working, but shorter days- youngest hasn’t been seeing his girlfriend as much, things maybe cooling, I think the same with eldest too…hopefully neither will be devastated!

    Morning all
    I did indeed sleep well last night, a tweak to the pillow was all it needed, but it didn’t stop me buying a new sleeping bag, just dont tell the oh it cost £120, it’s a down one and was on sale from £300, so I’m convincing myself it’s a bargain and of cause like everything else the costs a bit more it will last me for years.
    Jean I had my cat for company, shecdoes love a tent, I need to get out of it though, its turning into an oven, suns out.
    Had a 3ish mile walk with my friend last night and I almost enjoyed it, new shoes are helping, feet not so sore.
    Going out for lunch today, looking forward to it.
    Jean hope Steve gets to speak/see someone.
    Minols I would like that bbq bean recipe.
    Nana hope your good, I’m afraid, I donot like lamb yuck !!!!
    Right best get up, speak later
    Tammy x

    Morning All..
    A lovely park walk with no coat on…very warm…but only 14 degrees…..

    We are fasting today …see how it goes not sure on Steve…

    Steve has been unwell for a week, fevers, chills high temperatures, hacking chesty cough, he stayed up all night… so booked in for a Covid test…I am fine.

    Lovely roast lamb one of our favourites always the more expensive meat…wine too..

    Good luck in the church this morning hope the sun keeps out to make it lovely…good luck to tomorrow’s weigh in…

    A worry on the boys hope any breaks up goes smoothly…you have more worry as they get older…
    Enjoy the beach if you get there….

    The sleeping bag sounds lovely nothing like down….er well worth it…hope puss kept you warm….good walk too…

    Off shopping shortly while Steve has Covid test..leave Charlie behind he will have a face on….☹️😴

    Jean x

    Hello everyone, I’m back home. Horrible holiday rain, rain and more rain 😩😫storms, the caravan was being blown about and trees uprooted, glad to be home.

    It’s such a shame, just can’t guarantee UK weather…we were quite lucky I think only one and half days of rain…

    Steves done his test…I am quite concerned about him really, he has been very ill for 5 days now, so fatigued, breathless, chills and temperatures, very bad coughing bouts, although the temperature is steady now..hoping GP does something tomorrow..

    Looks like ironing later for me…I am going to have a sit and finish my holiday book….

    Fasting going ok for both of us…chilli chicken wings tonight..

    Jean x

    Jean- fingers crossed for Steve…hope your FD goes okay.
    Dave- poor you, I think you’ve had the worst weather of the whole summer, so rotten for you…
    Tammy- glad that the sleeping bag is good, at that price! Nice to have Beanie with you!
    Decided on an 800cal day, & will do Mon-Fri hopefully. A nice walk on the beach with Xena, lots of people about , never seen so many there!

    Today’s gone quite well…Steve had packet of multi crisps at lunch time 130 cals so not too bad…didn’t have the heart to tell him off..

    Lazy afternoon I have been busy through the week, just reading and chatting to my Texas daughter…..ironing tomorrow not a lot to do…..need to get in the garage and sort out but I will wait till Steve feels up to it…

    Chicken cooking another 30 mins, getting hungry…

    A tough week 5 x 800 hope it goes well…I would think Steve hasn’t got Covid but Skegness was bad, we wore the masks a lot, thinking it’s his lung cancer he is working on one lung and a third, not really very good…he has been really poorly.
    I have sent for some beach wellies they are on the way ….

    Jean x

    Jean- Beach wellies? How are they different to normal wellies?! Well done with your FD!
    Got some weeding done along the drive, pleased to tick that job off! Had our dinner early, others were hungry! I’ll be wanting more later 😂😂

    Yes Skegness was crowded when we went on Thursday. Bought 2 umbrellas because it rained so hard. Had Haddock and chips there very nice. I feel more comfortable about dining out now. Just finding somewhere to go.

    Evening everyone it’s been a lovely warm day here so enjoyed our daily constitutional walk this morning and then got stuck into some much needed weeding in the garden. Not had a FD today but planning on one tomorrow.
    Welcome back Dave a shame about the weather not being good for your holiday.
    Jean hope Steve has a better nights sleep tonight and that the Doctor can help him out tomorrow.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay and stay safe everyone.
    Nana x

    My beach wellies are a dark red…the same as normal wellies but you use them on sand not mud 😂😅🤣
    Getting prepared for my wet beach walks..
    Well done on your weeding not a job I like..

    My fish and chips in Skegness were awful…2 / 10 for effort!

    Another weeder in the camp!!..hope it all looks nice..
    Steve is coming to bed, see if he can sleep…. 4.30 GP phone appointment tomorrow ..

    Charlie’s gone to bed at 9 pm, been down once to go to loo in the garden, gone back up again..so like children…

    Jean x

    Morning all

    Hope Steve’s feeling a bit better this mornign, Jean…although it can sometimes take a bit of time to get upright in the morning if you’re not well, I find…and you feel terrrible for the first wee while – my Mum always used to say ‘you’ll feel better once you get to school’, as she waved us off at the gate…and she was usually right!

    Sorry, Nana – don’t like lamb either.
    When I get round to making the beans, I’ll copy the recipe on to here.

    Had a little bit too much of the curry last night, and weigh in this morning showed the same 2lbs off for this month…I’d really hoped for a little more, so will be extra careful this week. 2lbs a month is so painfully slow, and so easily put back on again, I’m quite disappointed.

    Anyway, at least all the video stuff went well yesterday, and the Guild President sent me all her stuff ofr the following week, and so I got 2 Sundays edited and ready to go! Which means I can concentrate on other things this week.

    I wonder if I can make this morning’s porridge last the day?


    Morning all!

    Jean, I hope Steve is better today or at least he gets sorted out from GP.

    Tammy, well done on 5lbs! And Minols too. A loss is a loss!

    I managed to kick off the holiday pounds and lose 1 extra, so 4lbs off in August.
    Fasting today and Thursday.

    Really busy last week with 3 calls a day to look after the animals plus work on Friday and Saturday.
    Back at Bovis today, but think it might be a quiet one – all being well! Then nothing til Friday. Apart from helping doing a covid risk assessment for our village hall tomorrow morning.

    We had a walk yesterday to make the most of the lovely weather. 6.6 miles but the coast path part was challenging…up and down out of coves. My legs are a bit stiff today, need to keep them moving! Poor Tara might feel it today too!!

    Good luck to any other fasters, other than HH and me.

    Glad the sun is out today, I thought it was quite cool this morning when I got up…autumnal feel 😟

    Kay x

    Good morning, another sunny day here 🤪 where was it last week. Up early today hope I don’t make this a regular thing.A bit scared of the scales, weigh-in Friday but not hopefull.Heidi didn’t eat at all yesterday so I threw her food away and have her a full tin of tuna mixed with 3 cups of Iams. She soon got stuck in to it. Some good weight loss on here so keep it up. Minols 2 pound a month is good, it’s almost 2 stones over the year so look at it that way.Tammy excellent loss.

    Hi everyone!

    How are you all getting on? It’s been a long time and I’ve not read through all the posts yet, I’m afraid. I will!

    I ended up carry on travelling for another three weeks or so after I last checked in, visiting northern Italy, then across to friends in Nice, up through Lyon and to Strasbourg… It was utterly wonderful! Then I came back and have just completed a seafarers course – I’m looking for a job on a superyacht. It’s something I’ve always wanted to have a go at and since my regular work isn’t coming back soon, now seemed a good a time as any!

    I very tentatively hopped on the scales this morning, and was quite surprised that I wasn’t as high up as I thought. There’ve been lots of boozy evenings and food-filled moments lately, and not so much exercise as usual. I’d like to be 5 pounds down, but I’m not sure how I’ll go about it, whether just keeping an eye on what I eat and moving more, or actively fasting for a few weeks. I’ll have a think!

    Hope everyone is keeping well and looking forward to keeping up to date with your posts again x

    Endellion- lovely to have you back, sounds like you had a great trip! Good that you’ve not put on much weight too! Crewing on a superyacht would be an amazing experience- one of my son’s friends does it, he was saying they gave the crew a card to put all their meals, clothes & other expenses on etc, they weren’t told how much the limit was- they spent £40k on it!! & still not up to the max, not a bad living if you can get into it!
    Jean- thinking of you & Steve, I’m sure the beach wellies will look good! Hope Steve’s phone consult is helpful…
    Minols- 2lbs is still good, better than up, but I sympathize with you, I seem to have to fight to get rid of every pound too, but they jump on quick enough! Well done getting ahead with work!
    Kay- your walk sounded lovely! Hope Tara enjoyed it too! How’s the homework going?
    Dave- typical how much better the weather is now….hope Heidi is okay. Any news on your ultrasound? Would it be worth getting in touch & saying you could come in at short notice if there’s a cancellation?
    Nana- hope your FD goes well…
    Tammy- any walking today? Hope Beanie doesn’t bring anything else into the house, dead or alive!
    Sorry if I’ve missed anyone…
    Actually had a lie-in until 8am today! Eldest is off so he decided to come with Xena & I for a walk- he walks so fast I have to hustle along to keep up, don’t like to admit it’s hard to keep up 😂 Xena loves him coming too. Saved a dog from being squished by a dustbin lorry- the silly owner had gone wandering off miles in front, didn’t notice the lorry coming along the road through the heath! Made pancakes for son when we got home, I do love feeding my boys! Not sure what else I’ll do, but lots of beans to pick before I start anything else…

    Jean any news on Steve? The TV channels are not working on Virgin TV the engineers are working on the problem 🤪😲. They say they will send a text when it’s fixed.

    Hope you get the tv sorted soon, Dave!
    Feeling stronger today so am doing a 500cal day.

    TV back on now, got the cricket on T20, not really my thing, I prefer test matches. Just had a big fry up so definitely not losing weight this week.I will try and cut down for the next few weeks then after our holiday at the end of the month I will be all funds blazing to lose a stone before Christmas.

    FD complete. Not sure of cals as Neil made tea but Im well under 800 so thats fine.

    Tara not been for a walk today. Liz the trainer advised us to not walk her after a day with reactions. Problem being she not using the garden!! Keep letting her outside!

    Jean, your GP seems really good, thank goodness. Did he give any suggestion why Steve coughing? Hopefully he will get some sleep tonight.

    HH, well done on making it on 500 in the end.

    Dave, hope virgin get it sorted soon. Is there anything on later you were aiming to watch?

    Endellion, your travels sounded great. Good luck with finding your next adventure/job. Where would you find out about crew members required?

    My legs are a bit stiff from the steps up and down yesterday!

    We are waiting to see if Neils holiday gets agreed for the end of the month. Finally hoping to do the family visiting trip.

    Kay x

    Even all
    Sorry I forgot to come on, catching up with friends etc.
    Just had a quick glance at the posts, they add up so quickly.
    Was feeling good today and decided I would do a longer walk, as I wont get any done for the next 3 days.
    Less than a mile in and I caught my toe on a rock, it stayed put, but I didn’t, luckily I didnt face plant but my right tendon has been a little tender just lately and it felt like it took the full force of the stretch, I’ve had to strap it up, it very puffy and sore, probably didn’t help that I continued and walked another 4 miles on it. Pretty stupid really, but I dont like to give in. Hopefully the next few days will help it mend.
    We have had another bird and a baby bird, dont know what’s gotten into beanie lately, she’s never brought this much in before !!!!
    Well done everyone that has lost weight
    I’m hoping to fast tomorrow and maybe Friday or Saturday, see how work goes with the long hours.

    Ok hopefully remember to pop in tomorrow
    Tammy x

    Good morning
    Where is everyone?
    Just having a cuppy before work, fast day today, I have oxo cubes ,for work aswell.
    Ankle not working so good this morning, cant do the stairs very good and the kitten made me jerk it , there were a few sweary words that time, so painkillers on board, hope it’s not too bad at work, it’s ok if I dont bend or flex it.
    My pal waiting on a covid test, although she is sure it’s just a cold, any time now she should hear.
    Hope you all have a good one
    Catch you later
    Tammy x

    Jean- hope the tests all go okay for Steve & you all have a better day…
    Tammy- shame hurting your ankle when you were doing well with the walking- hope you’re okay at work. Keep strong fasting!
    Kay- hope the training works with Tara, & that you & Neil can have time off to see your families, it’s been a long time. Well done with your FD yesterday!
    Dave- when (or if!) will you brave the scales? As you mentioned Christmas, we have ordered 2 tubs of chocolates in this week’s shop while they’re on offer!
    We were up early as son & hubby wanted to go to a big car boot. Took Xena out for an extra long walk, did a bit of exploring. Seeing a friend in her garden this afternoon, they are all by themselves so no need to worry about noisy neighbours! Aiming for an 800cal FD today…

    HH your doing great with these 800s, wish I could do them.I will get weighed in Friday, expect to gain a lot (6lbs or more)😲😲😲. Watching TV and they are talking about bowl cancer🥺I have one of the symptoms pain in stomach over a long period.🤞.Jean I hope things settle down and you get back to normal.

    Morning All..
    An early morning walk with Charlie, dropped Steve at the hospital for X-rays and blood test..
    I seem to have missed yesterday no idea why….Steves coughing seems easier with his medication, I think a bit better with a good nights sleep, a bit hung over this morning with the sleeping tablets..that’s passed now he’s been moving…

    Hope you manage your foot at work today without hurting too much..good luck with the oxo…Let’s hope Beanie doesn’t bring anymore live things in to you….

    Enjoy seeing your friend today..two tubs of sweets already for Xmas you, I haven’t thought of it yet….Too much on my mind. 😂

    Hope the training ideas for Tara is working and you are not too tired after all the walking…no idea on the coughing maybe to do with his lung treatment …

    A fry up…lovely…

    Lovely lamb steaks for tonight’s meal, cheer us up…😀

    Jean x

    Hi all
    Boy’s temp up again, so he’s off today…doesn’t really need to be, but I’m feeling saft! Not so saft that he’s not having to do some maths, some writing, and later some cooking!

    Glad Steve’s feeling a litle better, Jean…was worried scrolling through yesterday and not seeing anything from you!


    Morning again
    HH enjoy your visit, good luck with the 800.
    Dave go see the Doc, putting things off wont make it any better, just worse.
    Jean, glad the meds have helped.
    Minols we are all good at being daft with our bairns lol.
    Ankle is so so, hobbling about, but I just had a nsv, my work overall fastened for the first time ever!!!!, and I didnt need to persuaded it.
    Right am on my oxo, will eat at my next break about 4ish, not the best choice, but it’s a colemans pasta pot beefy lasagne and i actually really like them, and I was very surprised to see it only has about 290ish calories looking forward to it.
    Tammy x

    Steve’s oncologist dept has been on, they are thinking it’s related to the radiotherapy, he tried to see the X-ray but it’s not there as yet, he has checked in with the cancer nurses to keep a check when the blood tests / X-ray arrives and to contact him, they will decide if anything needs doing like blood transfusion etc and they may bring his CT scan forward if needed…the GP is also on with it, they are leaving him to help him with the coughing…

    Hope your son improves it’s a shame when school has started…Steves been so unwell my heads been in circles, I missed not coming on…

    Keep strong and busy…😀

    Jean x

    Tammy I have had 2 telephone consultations with GP. Then went to A&E I am now waiting for an ultra sound scan so can’t do any more. It’s just started raining here so good job I took Heidi out earlier.

    That’s good Dave, my dad ignored, peeing blood for a year, it was bladder cancer but he was extremely lucky and it was non invasive and they managed to get rid of it, you can imagine the lecture he got from my mother !!!
    Tammy x

    Evening everyone, forgot to post yesterday evening as I got engrossed with my knitting that I’ve got on on the go. It’s a complicated pattern but I’m getting there. Yesterdays fast went well and I’ve had a reasonably low day today also. Went on our usual visit to daughters this morning and Poppy was pleased to see us as she thought we’d be giving her a treat but we didn’t I felt for her bless her have to say she did look a little bit thinner across her back.
    Jean glad Steve was able to get a good sleep last night and hope your Doctor sorts out something to help him with his cough.
    Hedgehogs my husband is short but he walks fast and I have a job keeping up with him on our walks. Hope you had a good time visiting this afternoon.
    Endellion welcome back what a lovely time away you’ve had.
    Kay hope your stiffness has worn off after your long walk yesterday and Neil has managed to get time off so you can visit hour family.
    Tammy ouch hope it’s not been too much of a problem at work for you. Yay for for your nav.
    Minols hope the boy improves soon.
    Dave 🤞 you hear something soon.
    Hello to those of you I’ve not mentioned but I can’t go back to previous page as I’ll lose this post and well done to those of you who’ve managed a FD today my next one planned for tomorrow.
    Have a good evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    FD gone well, 800 cals. Had a lovely catch up with my friend, she was super organised, met me at the gate, they live in a ex garden centre so could use the loo by the old shop, lovely big garden with a ‘lodge’ that we could sit in, quite open, hand sanitizer ready! Really feel for her though, her daughter has had mental health problems for 3 years, she’s just turned a corner, now her son’s having problems…looks like they have the perfect life with amazing house & money, but not so 😞
    Fingers crossed for another good night’s sleep for you & Steve, Jean…hope you get more results soon.

    Evening all,

    Jean I hope you both have another good nights sleep tonight. See what tomorrow brings.

    Minols, hope the boy is better tomorrow, unless you worked him too hard today 🤣

    Tammy, make sure you let your ankle recover before putting too much on it. Annoying when you were just getting into the walking.

    Dave, here’s hoping you hear something soon. I think an ultra sound is the only thing I didnt have, I had every other test, but no reason for pain and discomfort found. Just put it down to particularly long and bad bout of IBS.

    Nana, what are you knitting? Ive done a fair share of knitting over the years! Well done on a FD yesterday and a low day today too.

    HH, you are doing well too. Nice to have a catch up with friends.

    Im working extra tomorrow, but not a full day. Then my usual Friday and Saturday shifts. At least I had today off. I managed to more or less clean through downstairs. If I can do upstairs over the next couple of days, then it means no chores whatsoever on Sunday and Monday 😊

    Im going to try for another early night tonight as Ive had a sore throat and headache for last few days and want it gone now!

    FD for me tomorrow, so wont be eating til late afternoon, might even try and make it a 500 cal one meal day. We’ll see.

    Night all x

    Morning all
    Ready for another day, although I love my job, I hate the standing around, it’s not busy at all, I so surprised they just didn’t close all the counters, they lose a ton of money, but I’m sure they will at some point.
    Any how, my ankle is feeling loads better, hardly a twinge, but I’ll still give it a rest (any excuse)
    Fast went well yesterday, stuck to my 500, having 1st breakfast of boiled egg, just to slowly start things off again, 2nd breakfast (lunch) will be banana on toast and a really exciting tea of tuna and onion roll,oh yum lol.
    Catch you all later
    Tammy x

    Morning all!
    Tammy- well done on your FD yesterday, & glad your ankle’s better! Hope that you aren’t too bored at work!
    Jean- hope Steve is improving? Should get some results today? Are you fasting? I’m amazed how no matter the stress going on, you still do that! 👍
    Kay- hope your FD goes well too, & you feel better today…
    Nana- glad the knitting’s going well! Good that Poppy is looking a little trimmer! Well done with your FD & low day…
    Dave- any more bowling today?
    Minols- how’s your son? So rotten to be off again already…
    Mel- are you going to keep to the occasional FD?
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Walked Xena somewhere I thought was safe, then found out from another dog walker that her dog had caught the seasoal canine illness from where we were- she thought it didn’t start til October so thought she was safe, so we decided neither of us will go there again! Washed Xena’s paws with hibiscrub when we got back just in case! The window cleaner came when we got back, had to spend the whole time he was here working with Xena to not bark- definitely improving, but I think if we weren’t there she’d go loopy still! So not got anything done, & have to wait for asda order soon, then see Mum this afternoon! Fasting okay though, not too hungry 😁

    Hi lunch time
    HH hope your visit with mum is good, glad your fast is going well, didnt know there was a seasonal doggy sickness thing.
    I just got asked if I had lost weight, I thought I could see it in my face but this lady says she can see it in my waist, bloody walking just keeps giving me reasons to keep doing it!!!!.
    Catch you all later
    Tammy x

    Well no fast days this week or last so I will pay for it tomorrow 🥺.The sun is out at the moment so I will take Heidi out.Got to get back to fasting next week.

    Morning All..
    We are fasting today…early walk at the park..

    We have both been busy filling our solicitors house forms out, taken us about two hours…photocopying loads of stuff…finding dates etc what a pain!…shall take it over later..No houses on sale yet..😬

    No news on Steve but he’s still not good …
    Steve had a good nights sleep but wakes hungover, he seems better after a hour or so…

    Things are taking ages for you, I am sure it depends which hospital is looking after you..

    Poor Poppy on a diet, still Charlie has lost a bit he is due for a weigh in, he is heavy to pick up I wait to catch Steve to do it..hope your fd is going well, I haven’t had time to think about it yet..

    The grass always seems greener, but people have lots of problems, it’s a shame for her and a worry for the daughter ..
    The winter bugs back must take care too…no forest walks…it’s a worry..

    Hope you soon improve and get through your work day…
    Can I ask ..is it a pain to find rented property when you have a dog..looks like we may have to go down that route…

    Our counters are only open Friday and Saturday…you do miss them…glad your ankle is getting better..lovely someone’s noticed the weight, a good boost…keep walking….

    Jean x

    The hospital I go to is the largest in Manchester, but I read somewhere that scans can take up to 6 months or even longer 🥺.I have got used to the pain so can live with it. Better take Heidi out the sky as gone dark.

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