Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning All…
    A dark day but no rain expected…

    We must get in the fast mode after having the week off…we are going through to Bridlington to look at a few areas and where some house are…maybe a beach walk too….

    Safe journey later and hope the weather improves and it isn’t as bad as you think…take rain gear with you in case…
    It will be good if you get a good phone signal…

    Anyone joining us today fasting…..can’t keep up with who’s doing what..

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Dave- safe journey, & hope it’s nice!
    Jean- hope you get back into fasting okay! More house hunting for you? You have to fill in questionnaires now for buyers all about the house & area before the contracts are exchanged- neighbour disputes is one section, but hopefully they won’t mind if you get an offer…
    Nana- have a nice day today with your friends! Hope you can still fast!
    Hope everyone else has a good day!
    Terrible nights sleep- got up at 12.30, just had a doze in the chair later, my head wouldn’t switch off 😖 So did eat my breakfast quite early! Had an extra long walk with Xena, might have to do a bit of shopping later, & definitely an afternoon nap!

    I didn’t see your post..enjoy your day with your friends…we are all the same cleaning and tidying before visits…enjoy your wine..

    The dispute is supposed to be sorted….maybe we won’t be moving!!…we just don’t like each other!!
    Steve said he’s mended the fence were the hammer went through…is it peace and saying good to see the back of us..I hope so..
    Sorry to hear you had a bad nights sleep, rest up and take it easy…Steve was better than usual he was really shattered, he’s gone weeks without sleep…

    Jean x

    Morning all
    Dave enjoy your holiday, is this in place of the cruise?, I’m very far behind.
    HH, good luck house hunting
    Jean, I was nearly joining you fasting today, but then remembered I’m being treated out to Indian tomorrow evening and we all know what my stomachs like after a fast, Indian would push it over the edge and I dont want to ruin my night, probably be Wednesday fast now.
    Well I walked 8 miles yesterday, probably too far, my legs are very stiff today and the top of my right calf muscle keeps giving me jip,and it hurt as soon as I got up today, normally it’s ok if I’m not walking, not sure what to do to help it.
    My stomach is growling this morning, glad I’m not fasting it would be a difficult one.
    Lovely day here, might have a slow walk later, see how the leg goes.
    Catch you all later
    Tammy x

    Yes this is to replace the cruise 😬. Sunny today so you never know may get another sunny day. Leaving about 1pm, will try and stop on the way for a cuppa.

    Tammy- 8 miles is a very long walk if you’re not used to it! Not surprised you ache! Enjoy your Indian tomorrow! Whare you doing at the moment, 2 x 500 days?
    Had a nap, so feel human now! Eaten well, so that helps 😁 Will go back onto 800 cal days again tomorrow, hopefully until the weekend…

    Evening All..
    We have been through to Brid to look at houses, most sold what we like and a favourite gone in the last few days..ours is now on offer from a cash buyer but estate agent going through the chain and see were everyone is up to…with the virus she is having difficulty in getting through to the different ones.

    We had lunch out but I am under 600 calories for the day so I am still fasting..may have a cuppa later.I am ok at the moment..

    Hope you are settled in the static and everything ok…

    Glad you are feeling better after a nap..nothing like no sleep..

    Jean x

    Evening all
    Days been fine, had a slow walk with my pal, think it was about 4 miles, but 1 tracker I use, says totally different from another, which I fine totally annoying, legs still very stiff.
    HH nothing better than a good nap, am hoping to do 2x 500, but see how it pans out.
    Jean the right house will pop up x

    Tammy x

    Evening everyone- well today hasn’t turned out to be a FD as I’ve shared nibbles and rather a lot of wine with my friend this afternoon as we only usually get to enjoy a drink together on our visits to Norwich. At least the beauty of 5:2 means all is not lost and I’ll make tomorrow a FD instead.
    Jean good news on the house sale – we had our hearts set on where we are now but as we hadn’t sold ours lost out to another couple but they then changed their minds and as we’d got a buyer for ours by then we were able to put in an offer.
    Hedgehogs hate it when you can’t sleep hope you don’t have any problems dropping off tonight.
    Tammy well done on your walking.
    Dave hope you’ve settled in and the weathers alright for you.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning all!
    Jean- well done fasting yesterday after all the ups & downs, hopefully you’ll find something nice soon!
    Tammy- well done with the walking yesterday 😁
    Nana- got to enjoy your days with friends while you can, glad you had a nice day! Hope fasting goes okay today…
    Dave- if you get a signal while you’re out, have a good day & hope the weather improves!
    Rainy here, eldest is off today so will cook breakfast for him & then we’re going for a walk with Xena together. Fasting (800 cals) again today.

    Mornign (just) everyone.
    It is an atrocious day here…but still I talked myself into walking into town (to be far, it was just rain then, not torrents!). Just dragged myself into the house, having braved a lovely wee shop I’d always admired through the window and got a wee gift for a friend’s 70th tomorrow. Spotted some lovely dresses, so might become a regular – just a bit different.

    Trying to decide whether to grab something before zoom at midday…it would be great if I don’t, then I might make it into a porridge and curry day with a nice big non-food gap in the middle! I had to pick up a bit of cream for the OH in M&S and i stood in front of the crisps, tempted as always I thought, actually, I didn’t feel so great the last time I gorged on the salkty snacks…and walked away! I’d love to say I can always do it, but I’ll take a wee victory today…and of course the weather is so completely foul just now that I’m in for the day!

    Goint admin my way to distraction, and then just make a coffee in time for zoom.


    BTW…walked through the door and had to strip off trousers and boots I was so wet, and can’t be bothered putting more tight clothes on so I’ve got my pyjama trousers on…no-one can see that on zoom!

    Miniks- that’s standard uniform for zoom meetings isn’t it? 😂 Well done with the victory in M&S! It’s their biscuits which get me if I go in…nice to get something different for a friend’s present, & supporting local shops 👍 hope your zoom meeting goes oksy!

    Morning All..
    We got soaked this morning so bad..coats dripping in the bathroom…

    Fasting went well yesterday we ate lunchtime then breakfast this morning..

    We are popping in the estate agents this afternoon to discuss a few things and our neighbours …another viewing Thursday not really keen but if the London people pull out we need backup..see what they say…London couple a chain of 7 with two lots waiting to sell or waiting for mortgages …the Thursday couple 3, that’s including us..

    Tammy ..
    I have seen a beauty but over our budget, trying to talk Steve round…

    You had a good time with your friend never mind the wine and nibbles…life is for living….

    Do you do a cooked breakfast for your sons everyday??…have a good fast day…

    Well done on the resisting the crisps….jimjams on for zoom..oooh 😂😱..don’t standup…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone, was so hungry have had my evening meal already. Sun is shining now but it’s been raining on and off mostly still quite windy though.
    We we’re supposed to be collecting husbands new glasses this morning but they rang first thing to say they won’t be ready until tomorrow afternoon so will be collecting them then. Have rearranged visit to daughters for Thursday now.
    Not much else to report for today.
    Have a good evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Nana- hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow if you go out for hubby’s glasses, fingers crossed they’re all okay! Well done fasting, keep strong this evening!
    Jean- always a pain when there’s a chain involved! Do you think you can talk Steve round?! Good luck! I do spoil the boys, cook them breakfasts on their days off, as they both work weekends they have a day off in the week.
    Dave- sounds like rotten weather for you 😞
    Hope everyone’s okay!
    FD gone okay, although did pick a bit, I’ve added on calories for that, have enough left for a few raspberries later.
    Other than a few jobs I’ve been quite lazy & nearly finished my book.

    Good morning all
    Early start for me covering holidays, but at least this shift flies by and I get done at 2, forgot to come on yesterday, busy one sorting out paperwork and school stuff, not sure if I had mentioned before my hiatus that hubby had gotten a pip (disability) review and they had stopped all his payments, any how long story short we appealed it and we won the appeal, I’m so happy it’s been a stressful time.
    Never got a walk in yesterday, it was raining sideways lol. Had my Indian meal last night, was good but spicy, and has sat on my stomach all night, kinda glad I’m trying my first fast today, fingerscrossed.
    Had my beanie (cat) at the vet last night, not eating losing weight not herself, vet couldn’t find much wrong, so gave her a load of jabs anyway, 2 seconds back in the door, straight to her food bowl !!!!!!
    Right well, have a good day and I will pop in at break time.
    Tammy x

    Morning all – quick howdie-doodie before I head into…a zoom meeting! Trousers on today!

    Hopefully this will take me through to a light lunch, and then a light bowl of arrabiata tonight. Going to be out and about this afternoon doing some deliveries and doorstep check ups on people.

    Btw – did I tell you how chuffed I am with the wee downstairs toinlet? Smile every time I go in there! There are some coat hooks, so I’ve hung up three jackets that tone with the walls…the closest I’ve come to ‘dressing’ a room!

    Tammy – it’s a nightmare that they seem to withdraw Pips just to see if you can be bothered to tfight…so stressful for people. Next they’ll be arguing that if you appeal you clearly are stronger than you realise, and so shouldn’t be on it! Grrr! I know there are some abusers of the systme – there is in every system – but the policing of this one seems to have gone beyond not just what is compassionate, but what is reasonable.


    Afternoon All..
    A windy day here..
    A good dry walk and the boys asleep…

    We are not going to see the house tomorrow, I like it but needs some money spending on it to make it ours. Very top of our budget we will have no money to spend and really a large family house, in my head lovely but no family to fill it, we need smaller…

    Our buyer tells us not to rush wait for right house ( well at the moment)..solicitor has started the sale..

    Have a good day out collecting hubby’s glasses, maybe lunch out…

    Have a good walk and whatever you decide to do…

    Good news on the appeal they can be so long winded…glad Beanie is ok, not eating can be a bad sign.

    Nice the artist has come through…I like good jobs done..You can have a nice sit and smile 😂

    Ironing finished.. lunch soon..

    Jean x

    Minols- glad your hard work decorating looks good! Enjoy visiting this afternoon! Every time you mention arrabiata I keep thinking I must make it for eldest & me, then I forget, have written it down this time on my menu for next week 😁
    Tammy- great that you won your appeal, what a relief! Well done for not giving up…Hope your Beanie gets better soon!
    Jean- sounds like the right decision if you need to do alot of work still on the house…love it that your boys are having a nap together!
    Nana- have a nice day out & hope hubby’s glasses fit…
    Had a lovely long walk with Xena, on the edge of the forest as still windy, she loves to explore different paths but it’s not her who has to find the way back 😂 I despair of her though- she’s gone all wimpy if you throw toys for her to run after, flinches & squeals as if it’s hit her! She did it today & I hadn’t even thrown it, it’s not like she’s been hurt or anything!
    Fasting another 800 day today.

    Hi all,
    Neil is back to work today so its officially the end of our holiday, even though I dont think Im back to work until Friday. That said Im doing a pet care job this week. Looking after the 2 cats I regularly look after plus their newly acquired ducks! So thats 3 visits a day.

    I think I have put back on the 3lbs I lost before holiday! But hey it was holiday! In spite of staying at home and not doing very much thanks to the rubbish weather!

    I have managed to get Tara booked in for a 1-1 training session on Friday afternoon, so hopefully we can get some pointers in addressing her reactivity.

    Im fasting today, and only had just over 100 cals so far. Smoked salmon and mackeral with salad for tea, maybe a boiled egg, so should be nicely under the 800 cals. Back on the ADF as much as possible now.

    Minols, it sounds like you are getting back into the new routine and fitting in decorating too!

    Jean, keep looking for THE house, no point in settling for something not quite right. Are your buyers in a chain?

    Tammy, hope Beanie is better now.

    I think this bad weather is still rolling around in parts of the country. Down here in Cornwall, the wind has dropped and so far we have had no rain today, but I think a 2nd storm is due in tomorrow 🙄
    I do hope we have a bit more nice weather before hitting autumn.

    I think I might take Tara out for a short walk, but I will need to drive out of the village as we are trying to reduce the over sensitivity prior to Friday.

    Dont know who else is fasting today, if anyone. Mel are you still doing ADF? And HH?

    Are our newbies still here?

    Catch up later

    Kay x

    It always looks like the boys sleeping corner 😂..lovely you can still do all the different walks in the forest, lots of paths, I get easily lost…the bug will be starting shortly..

    We are in a chain of 7 including us, everybody is well into searches and mortgages, as much as you can say, estate agent said ‘ a well established chain’….our buyers can live with their son, she says don’t panic and take time to find what we want.
    I hope you pick up some tips on the training on Friday, see how you can help her…

    Jean x

    Work done, finally sitting down,name absolutely starving, its across up between boiled eggs or eggs and bacon and I’m so hungry I cant decided which, only had 2 cups of coffee and a cup of tea.
    Trying to convince myself to go for a walk after tea, while it seems to have stopped raining, I hate walking cdidvi mention that !!!! Lol
    Beanie has made a miraculous recovery and is bad to her normal self.
    Jean, nice your buyers are not rushing you.
    Kay make the most of the rest of your holiday.
    HH good you have a choice of walks, at least you wont get bored trying to find your way back lol.
    Minols, glad your remembered your trousers this time lol
    Right got to go eat something
    Tammy x

    Egg and bacon seems to be our fast day meal or boiled eggs…quick and boring, just easy..a cant be bothered tea…

    Goodness we are looking at a project house tomorrow 😱..see what it’s like…it’s absolutely in the right area, unless a builder jumps in first ..I could let Charlie out and go to the beach on his own ( joking)..hope I am as excited when I see it…

    Jean x

    Jean, hope it’s what you want, and you can get it.
    I opted for boiled eggs on a roll, but pushed myself over with a grilled sausage, so I forced myself to do a 30min walking exercise workout on youtube, liked that about as much as walking !!!!, but its done, can I sit down now please.
    Catch you tomorrow
    P.s. its chucking it down, that’s why I didn’t go out walking.

    Evening everyone – not a bad day eating wise had chicken Kiev with a jacket potato for evening meal ages since we’ve had it.
    Trip to St Ives went alright but was quite busy lots of foreigners think a lot of them were on a boating holiday and had moored up to have a look around so didn’t bother having lunch out Jean. Husband very pleased with his new glasses by the way.
    Just spoken to daughter apparently Poppy is being quite naughty plus also she didn’t like the wind yesterday.
    Tammy good news regarding Beanie – are you in touch with the people who had her kittens ?
    Minols have you got the decorating bug now ?
    Jean sounds like things are progressing nicely and that your buyers are really keen if they’ve said they’re happy to wait for you to find somewhere.
    Hedgehogs and everyone else who’s fasted today well done. My turn again tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    So I managed my FD….668 according to MFP. That will do nicely.
    NFD tomorrow but mindful.

    Last night, when I put our clean bedding on, I decided to add the duvet back in. Weve been just having the duvet cover on its own as its been warm up to last couple of nights. Well last night we ended up with the fan on as we were too warm again 🙈
    I think our little grey furry thing may have something to do with it!! 😂🐶🐕

    Time to go and put the ducks to bed…..

    ……Well that was a nightmare…over half an hour to get all 7 ducklings in their house!! Even Mr and Mrs Duck were getting exasperated with them!!

    Right cup of tea and zoom catch up! x

    Hi all
    Hope everyone is well. Busy busy busy because back to school next week and loads of prep to do.

    I really need to catch up with what everyone is doing.

    Overall I’m still breaking even after a few weeks. I think I may have a month of Keto 800-1000 days to lose the last 7lbs and then move on to 5:2/5:1 for maintenance. I’m getting too stressed about weight loss on the 5:2 to enjoy the fact that I’m eating normally (ish).

    I’ve no doubt it’s the best way forward but the keto VLCC diet worked well and fast for me and I may have to rely on it again before adopting the lifelong choice.

    Good morning all
    Fast went well yesterday, woke with indigestion though, still blaming the Indian !!!!
    Work and then maybe get a walk in ,its fair but probably not for long, it’s very grey.
    That’s pretty much it for today.
    Hope you all have a good one.
    Tammy x

    Morning all!
    Jean- a project?! Well, at least you’d get it how you want it, & if it’s in a good location…are you fasting as usual today?
    Nana- good that hubby’s pleased with his glasses, shame it was so busy, seems to be like that around here. Naughty Poppy! Does she like carrot or cucumber? Xena loves them- Poppy could have that instead of titbits on her diet?
    Kay- naughty ducks as well! How many nights do you have to put them to bed?! Is it worth the money?😂😂 Well done with your FD, I’m sure the holiday pounds will come off quickly! I hope that you get some good advice from the training with Tara.
    Jason- very busy time for you, I hope that it all goes smoothly next week. When you do the 1000 cals a day, is that every day? 😱 or are you having a day or 2 off like at weekends; very tough? When you start adding carbs back in after keto you will put on weight because you store water- I’ve put on quite a few pounds just with a couple of days not sticking to keto 😖
    Tammy- well done with your FD, & doing the exercise! Glad Beanie’s much better!
    Minols- hope you kept strong yesterday & dinner was good…
    Dave- hope that the weather improves for you 😖
    Another 800 cal day for me. Weather looking grey again, yuk! But dry…getting our Tesco delivery today, & will see Mum I think, so exciting! Saw her yesterday- she’s trying to cut down on her eating, really made me cross saying it was all right for me, I can eat what I like! We’ve talked about me fasting, she says she couldn’t miss any meals, I know it’s the dementia, but it made me cross as if I ate what she does I’d put loads on! And I exercise!! Grr…hope she doesn’t mention it today!

    Morning everyone,

    A very dark and wet day here. Been over to let ducks out and feed them and the cats. They are back home Sunday evening so my last visit will be sunday teatime to feed the cats etc. More importantly Saturday night will be my last night of chasing ducklings around at their bed time!! 3 more! 😂

    Successful FD yesterday and now only 1 lb up on pre holiday weight, so hopefully I will see that off over the next few days. As long as Im careful on my NFDs.

    HH, I can understand the frustration with your mum…..deep breath….and change the subject! Good luck on your 800 day. Are you on Keto at the moment?

    Jason, You must feel apprehensive about next week. Lots to think about. I dont know much about 1000 cal keto but you’ve obviously done it before with success. Good luck.

    Tammy, well done on yesterday. Whens your next FD planned for? Hope you manage to get a walk in later. Its not looking hopeful here. Cant even see a small window of opportunity on the forecast to take Tara out for a short walk. I will have to do some chores in the house to get a few steps in! Although that is not appealling at the moment!

    Think Ill have another coffee. Im not hungry at the moment so will extend the fast for as long as possible. I might have an omelette for brunch.

    Mel, are you coming back to join me on The Big Push?!

    Kay x

    Hi everyone

    Got the boy off school with a wee temperature and sore throat – just the usual back to school round of bugs, but we’re all beign extra vigilant and doing what we should have always been doing, but what working parents never could do! And of course, he’ not actually ‘sick’…he never is! Nothing stops that cheek!

    Probably need to be at my desk now until late tonight, with just a break for a wee meal later, so hopefully another light day.

    No decorating bug here – can’t bear the fact that there’s always too much stuff to work around. And fortunately, because it’s not our house, we’re not particularly bothered. The house is generally too untidy to notice that all the walls are magnolia…now with the exception of the stunnign downstairs bathroom adn front hall!


    Minols- hope your son is okay & it is just a bug, good for you keeping him off! Sis had a child sent in with a bad cough & high temp in the summer because the mum wanted to go shopping! Hope that you get all your work done…keep strong & resist temptations!
    Quite hungry now, just had a teeny lunch.Waiting for our tesco delivery…spent the morning cutting down a dead honeysuckle bush- it’s a neighbours, she’s cut it back her side & killed it off, but hadn’t taken it all down so it looked an eyesore! Trying a new recipe for the boys tonight, steak fajitas, I like doing something different, get bored cooking the same stuff!

    Evening everyone, it’s a horrible rainy evening here and I’m feeling cold . Today’s fast has gone well.
    Hedgehogs yes Poppy does like carrots and cucumber she was so funny when we were visiting today as she carried in her empty food bowl from the kitchen and dropped it at my husbands feet. Hope visit to mums went okay.
    Minols hope the boy is feeling a bit better now.
    Kay hope work isn’t too bad for you tomorrow and well done on another low day.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    My last coffee has taken me a teeny bit over 800cals, but I’ll settle for that! Was down 1lb today…verrryyy sloooww as usual! Mum was fine, but complained about one of her friends who is a bit repetitive & can talk nonstop so no-one else can get a word in, how I kept a straight face 😂
    Nana- wow, Poppy is so clever! Nothing like tugging at the heartstrings, bless her! Well done with your FD!
    Kay- did you get the ducklings in any easier tonight?
    Jean- did you look at the project house today?
    Hope everyone else is okay!

    Evening All..
    A very busy day..the fast day not quite there but still low it will do..

    The house was interesting, needs a lot doing but we could live in it, lots of costing to be done over the weekend…..strangely another house 5 doors from this one is for sale we are going to see it at 5.30 tomorrow, we think not so much to do. ..although three bed, quite small and cosy suit us as we get older..new kitchens and bathrooms on both, wardrobes needed, new flooring throughout but they are a good price…oh and parking has to be sorted in the front garden, wall taken down and dropped kerb as double yellow lines on road.

    Glad you got some walking in…

    Nice to have grey fluffy next to you, getting her feet under the table..Goodness the ducks are giving you the run around….

    My daughter is a Head she is very busy organising virus social isolation stuff to start school, 7th September for her.

    Project not as bad as thought, thought of caravan living in the garden for 4 months..we could live inside the house 😂……nice to know you can eat what you like 😂..poor mum now on a diet till the cake…

    Hope the boys ok..the bugs do the rounds…

    Did hubby give Poppy some food, a bit of a push and hint..lol…I wouldn’t think of cucumber for dogs..

    Steve gone to bed, he has been quite off this week, breathless and tired, coughing has now started, very cold when we got back in, CH on and all wrapped in blankets including Charlie ..I am a bit worried about him..

    Poor daughter is having the hurricane in Texas , concerned about them all too..ok as yet…all her Wi-fi is down..

    Jean x

    Why are people longing to find a magic pill till nowadays? Not surprisingly, I was one of them who was eager to eat everything and have just one pill that will reverse my shape backwards.Thanks to my friend,who was on a special fitness program, I found about https://www.modernfit.com/programs/noom/how-noom-stacks-up-vs-weight-watchers/. I started eating following their recipies and did not recognised myself. I was wondering “Oh really,am I full?” – this is unbelievable. Ultimately, this even pushed me to hit one of the exercise programmes their cite offers.Getting out of situation with one pill will not ever be on par with leading a healthy lifestyle.

    Morning guys
    Dont know what’s happening with my feed, but I thought it was quiet yesterday as I think I only read 1, maybe 2 posts, then this morning all of a sudden I’ve missed loads, hopefully it’s just a glitch, so hi to everyone I missed yesterday.
    Same old today, work,home, but I do get to take mother shopping tonight, oh the Joy’s lol.
    Apparently it’s the kittens time to learn how to hunt, Beanie just brought a live mouse in and dumped it in front of Pinto, needless to say I now have a mouse to catch!!!!!!
    Kay, next fast tomorrow, I think.
    Ok have a good one
    Tammy x

    Morning All..
    What a wet morning we both have hot wet through…I was going to see my daughter today for lunch but got a reminder last night that I am at the hairdressers at 1 pm, I had no idea..so had to cancel daughter..

    She was so very negative about me moving, I can’t understand her we will be three miles more than to here, possibly 40 mins away……
    I rang her at 8.30 to let her know and SIL greeted me..ohhh, it’s you!..grunting in the back ground…I shan’t be sitting in traffic visiting!…he’s a miserable sod.

    On happier notes…I have lost 1 lb taking me back into maintenance, a pound under goal..so I am pleased……Steve 3 lbs up?? no idea why…he has been under the weather this week quite unwell really but he doesn’t say…breathless and really tired..I am wondering if his bloods are fine..he speaking to GP Tuesday and cancer doctor Wednesday telephone appointments..

    Goodness a mouse about any idea where it is….you don’t want babies 😱….Beanie sounds a good mum…just like you taking your mum shopping…..have a good work day…

    When do you come back home? Not the best weather…

    Excited about house today..hoping no one before us 🤞…5.30 on a Friday is a nightmare…haddock and chips today…beach walk nil, too wet too walk, ( sounds like a bird 😂).. especially when meeting people and have to be dry and tidy……

    Have a good day….

    Jean x

    Jean- wish I could come with you, I love looking at houses! Very exciting, see what happens tonight. Poor Steve though, you have been out alot recently, hope he feels better soon… Well done with the pound down!
    Tammy- hope you caught that mouse! The joys of cats…hooe your FD goes okay & shopping with your mum too!
    Kay- you’ll be glad not to keep putting those ducks to bed! Hope work is okay today- Tara seems to be okay being left?
    Dave- another wet day, poor you…
    Nana- are you seeing friends tonight? Hope you have a good evening & can get out for your walk too…
    Minols- how’s your son?
    Mel- hope you’re okay, too quiet!
    Jason- hope you get some time off this weekend!
    Mum was supposed to be seeing friends all day today, but then it was cancelled, she’s having a low day & wanted to be taken to the cemetary to see Dad, so we’ve done that this morning, feel quite ugh now, & haven’t had time to get any jobs done, off for my haircut in a minute. Tipping it down now too! Fasting again today, getting bored with that, but trying a new recipe stir fry tonight with eldest son. They actually both liked the steak fajita recipe I did yesterday, yay!
    Have a good day everyone!

    Hungry- got to wait for son to get home, cooking a stir fry…made a tarte tatin for him too, I won’t be having that!

    Evening All..
    A very wet day, flooded roads torrential rain…calming down a bit now….no second walk for Charlie that’s very rare.

    Viewing went well and we have put an offer in which was the asking price, but said offers over. The office is open tomorrow so she will get hold of the vender, although it’s a death estate a few people involved see if they agree.
    It needs a structural survey done as it’s a old house and there’s some movement…Steve isn’t bothered about it at all…it may need underpinning at the side…if it’s really bad we will walk..Steve thinks it will be ok.
    It’s a better size than I thought and bigger than yesterday’s house, that one is off the list too much to take on…

    Hope mum bucks up, it’s hard if they are down…don’t over do the fasting..Enjoy your stir fry..

    Have a good weekend..

    Jean x

    Jean- very exciting, hope it isn’t all too much hassle! Very brave taking on a project! How far is this one from the beach, did you say it’s in the same area as yesterday’s?
    Quite hungry today, so will see how things are tomorrow! I’ve done 4 days 800cals 😁

    Morning peeps
    Last shift of my week, have enjoyed my switch to mornings, back to latest next week.
    Fast day today, was trying to talk myself out of it, then I remembered its weigh day tomorrow, so hopefully that thought will keep me on the straight and narrow.
    Think the cat must of found a mouse nest, there’s been a few baby mice thrown about and eaten yesterday, not your naked babies, just very little adult ones lol, hopefully that’s it, but will need to keep an eye, we thought for a second the nest was under my settee, but thankfully no, and bonus, it got hoovered.
    Weather man is saying the evening are away to get cold, possibly frost, so of cause that means I get the tent out in the garden!!!!, tonight if I can be bothered putting it up, need to test new sleeping stuff to see if its warm enough for my walk in the glens.
    Apparently I’ve not replaced a key at work, 1 that has to be signed out and in, I of cause am 100% sure I put it back, but its not been signed back in, I have been doing my head in all night trying to think where I have put the dam thing, they have checked my overalls etc, bet its somewhere stupid, my senior moments are getting worse.
    Right better go
    Tammy x

    Sorry been missing in action for a few days, sort of lost my way. Anyway I decided to not stress about that last pesky five pounds and concentrate on maintaining the weight I am and am happy at. So of course I immediately go mad and start eating too much. Out for a meal on Thursday and was planning the chickpea and lentil tagine but ended up with steak and herb butter and chips and a very sweet chocolate pudding. Couldn’t eat all the chips and the pudding, a long time since I have had three courses. Upshot I can feel the pounds sticking to me so today is a FD800. Need a few of those before we go away a week on Wednesday.

    Tammy have been following your new walking regime. Will do you good, only question is how can we get you to enjoy it more 😂. When is your 14 miler?
    HH you are doing well. You must be near target?
    And Jean, just under target I think. Well into maintenance. Tenterhooks on the house!
    Kay I am obviously going to have to have Big Pushes just to stay stable. I have been this weight roughly since November but can’t take my eye off the ball.
    Also hi to Nana, Minols et al. Dave back Monday. Not the best holiday for him, at least he still has Yorkshire to look forward to.

    Right, on with the day. It’s good to be back.

    Tammy- hope that you find the key! At son’s place, a lad hadn’t put the key back & insisted it wasn’t him, so they looked through all the cameras to see- turned out it was son who’d taken it last! Luckily he found it! Hope the camping goes okay tonight, nice to have something to aim for…Don’t envy you all the mice though!!
    Mel- glad you enjoyed your meal out, good if you’re happy to maintain the weight you are! Hope your FD goes well! I’m not quite back to target, the same 6lbs keep going on & off for me😱
    Jean- hope you & Steve have a lazier weekend!
    Dave- safe journey home, hope you enjoyed some of your week, despite the weather, it’s been grim!
    Hope that everyone else has a good day!
    Decided to have a nonFD today, although having the MM recipe for muchroom pizza tonight, so hopefully I can keep it lowish! Had a lovely walk with Xena, lots of labs for her to play with! Got to catch up on cleaning now, & seeing Mum again later.

    Morning All..
    A better blustery day, a bit chilly..

    A good park walk this morning, I do feel guilty when he misses a walk, the weather was just so bad yesterday.

    We are hoping the house doesn’t get into a bidding war, the owners are going to get a survey done and pass to interested parties, Steve thinks the best price wins..he may be wrong it’s a waiting game..might know more later this morning….we may walk away…shame.

    It looks a lot of work but Steve said we will have to get people in..still as I said it may not happen…4 mins to get to the dog beach…the two houses were 5 house apart…the other just too much work and was smaller.
    The mushroom pizza sounds ok..

    Sleeping out in this cold weather hope it hits well…a nightmare with the mice hope they have all gone…good the key has been found….

    Your steak sounded lovely we have not had one in a while..we must get you back on board…

    Have a good weekend all…

    Jean x

    On break, so just a quicky
    So I did sign the key back in, all be it ,I signed on the wrong line lol, but the key has magically turned up !!!
    Mel, I have spoken with my friend about our 14miles (26ish sept) and I have to put common sense first, I am not fit enough to hike 14 miles up a mountain, let alone 14 miles, so we are going to hike into Loch Callanter, from Braemar side of Jock’s road and wild camp there ,I think that is a more sensible idea.
    Jean, I hope my sleeping stuff is warm but at least if I get too cold I can get a blanket, better to find out in the garden and not in the middle of a glen.
    Am really fighting my food head, which is constantly telling me to eat, I’m not really hungry either, but I’ve got jammy rolls going round in my head, if I can make it passed break ,I’m in with a chance, fingerscrossed crossed.
    Right back to work
    Tammy x

    Evening All..

    A lovely meal my copy of ‘Just Ask’ meal..belly pork slowly roast with shallots In red wine with garlic and roast potatoes should be new potatoes but didn’t have and green veg. Finished my red wine of last Friday week..magnum to finish a bit later..

    Hope you got over your jam rolls…get lovely and cosy in your tent it’s the only way of testing it…camping sounds great I love Scotland, take the walking steady….it’s a few years since we have been…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone,scales showed a half pound loss yesterday morning. Enjoyed a nice time with our friends as usual but I had a nightmare journey driving home with horrendous rain and gusty wind. Our lovely neighbours across the way are picking up a Indian takeaway from our favourite Indian shortly so looking forward to that.
    Tammy hope the camping goes well. Daughters tiny female cat is an excellent mouser and is always bringing them into the house for her unfortunately she left one on the bathroom floor this week and daughter didn’t see it and trod on it barefoot 🤤
    Jean you’re in a good position for buying the house 🤞
    Hedgehogs daughter and son in law have their weekend as Weds and Thurs because son in law works over the weekend. Hope mums visit went alright.
    Mel welcome back you’ll soon be back in the swing of things. We’re all only human after all.
    Dave hope you’ve had a safe journey back home.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Weather sounds horrendous but nice catch up with friends…have a lovely curry this evening..
    well done on the weight loss it all counts..

    Just finished my wine two glasses, it was last Fridays so quite good really…

    Jean x

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