Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning all!
    Dave- I did think of you when I was clearing them up! Hope you survived the FD!
    Jean- have a good day out!
    Nana- hope your blood donor session went well; I guess they’re not getting as many people in at a time with Covid restrictions?
    Mel- did you have a good walk yesterday? You seem to always walk off your holiday food!
    Hope everyone else is okay?
    Weather’s looking good here for today!

    Morning All..
    A dull day here now I think it will get to 18 degrees…

    Fast day went quite well I did have an extra slice of bread, possibly nearer 600 calories…I know shouldn’t be having bread!! just easy for once…

    Going to Bridlington, a walk on the beach, have a recky around, look at a house, lunch out….so will speak later this evening.

    A river side walk before we go….

    Oh..maggots I freak out at them..last week my bin smelt a lot in the hot weather, I know one of the bin bags had come open, I didn’t see any, but smelt like them….Steve helped me re bag the lot and put another bag in the bin….only happened a couple of times..awful!

    We haven’t many bungalows in our area due to flood planes, so the prices are high too..Are we too old to move it’s a bit scary, maybe it will give us a different slant to life..we have to find the right one and we are both very fussy 😂

    We tried to get a room for the night to stay over, everywhere was full unless you paid stupid money..

    Having a cuppa then must move..

    Jean x

    Morning all,

    Hope everyone okay – Jean enjoy your day, sounds nice!

    FD went okay, again came in around 800 but happy with that, and my weight is down a few pounds. That said, its fluctuating a lot at the moment so may be different again tomorrow. Very frustrating!

    Dave – did your FD go okay?

    Just had my cereal, it was wonderful.

    Back later x

    Morning, hot today so only a shortish walk later, lots of leafy woodland round here luckily.
    HH I don’t think any amount of walking will counteract the eating this week. It’s always the cheese, nuts and crisps. And more wine than usual. Also we had cheesecake last night and when everyone had had what they wanted it ended up in front of me. Needless to say it had all gone by the end of the evening.

    Jean, enjoy your day out. Let us know what the house is like. You aren’t too old to move! Just perhaps make it one to your taste rather than a project to do a lot of changes in?

    Well done fasters yesterday, anyone doing it today? Have a good day everyone.

    My FD ok maybe 850.Had over 1000 already today so looking like 2000 today which is still well under my TDEE.Bowling tomorrow so I will try for a low day. Maybe fishing on Thursday so no FD then will move it to Friday.Dry here but not very much like summer.

    Had a busy morning cleaning, then a lovely walk with sis, 1st time in ages just us 2, Mum was busy, had a good chat & the dogs a good run. Got quite hot…

    Dull all day here, looks like rain all the time but stayed dry. Heidi had her two walls now so she will pant a bit then sleep 😁.17°C here.

    Looks very wet in Scotland, hope your dry Minols.Definatly not fast day today.Got the results of the blood test,all ok so waiting for a scan now.I hope they don’t serve for me when I am on holiday if the holiday dissect get cancelled.

    Evening everyone, a busy day starting with a pile of ironing that I’d been putting off, then putting the Tesco delivery away before going off to my blood doning appointment. They were doing a trial study of giving everyone a pint of a drink with electrolytes in to be drunk before your donation. It was so sweet!
    Jean hope you’ve had a day. In answer to your question regarding Tesco deliveries we’ve always had them as husband dislikes going grocery shopping and even though I’d quite happily go on my own he prefers to pay for a delivery.
    Hedgehogs a nice afternoon with your sister.
    Mel hope you’ve had a good day.
    Hope everyone is doing okay and staying safe.
    Nana x

    Just had dinner- I’ll share as I don’t think anyone’s fasting- had my one of my favourite meals- salad with goats cheese & blueberries, yum. Ache now, so won’t be doing my ironing, I think I’ll do it early tomorrow like you did, Nana!
    Pleased your blood test was okay, Dave!

    I always enjoy my breakfast after fasting..you sound as if you are doing well…

    We enjoyed our day out…two beach walks am and pm..a good look around the area….the house we went after although lovely, needed about £42,000 spending on it, nothing had been done in 24 years!..you had to look past it all, All these things needed doing…three different coloured bathroom suites replacing, new kitchen, new windows, 14 doors inside and 3 outside replacing, full decoration, garden full of mature trees at least £7,000 to remove them all, everything so dark inside at 2pm in an afternoon…It’s top price too….

    Your day sounded lovely you are having a great time…sod them calories you have to live too….

    Good news on your bloods 😀

    Lovely day for you too and a good chat….rest up you do too much…

    Why not a delivery if it suits I just wondered…Your drink sounded very sweet..hope you feel ok after it…

    Jean x

    Morning All…
    A damp day but warm…

    A river side walk this morning , all of us are tired….now a cuppa..

    I am jet washing the back garden, path and fence bottoms also a small kerb running around the garden….
    Steve has jobs in the garage, tidy up etc..

    Hope you all have a good day …we will have a quieter afternoon..

    Jean x

    Morning all- just 😁
    Jean- erm, who does too much?! I thinks it’s you, not me! Hope you can put your feet up later! Will you put you house on the market, or do you want to fi d somewhere first? Always tricky to know which way round to do that, I guess if there’s not much around you don’t want to sell yours, but then you could miss out if you can’t sell yours, joy!
    DF- sorry, I keep forgetting you! Hope that your nonFDs are going okay, will you be fasting tomorrow again? How’s Steve?
    Minols- are the Scottish schools supposed to be going back for the autumn term? Will make life easier for you…
    Mel- have a good day & enjoy the company & food! Soon comes off for you & you don’t seem to ever put much on so just relax!
    Dave- what have you got planned for today?
    I am fasting- I dreamt about food last night, lovely puddings, & woke up hungry 😣 Had another 2hr walk with Xena, then got straight on with some jobs instead of sitting with a cuppa, I don’t think I’d get up again otherwise! Picked more potatoes & beans, lots of washing done. Have invited some neighbours we’ve been friends with for years over, although haven’t seen much of them through lockdown- she has dementia & seems to just sit inside all day. He seems to be getting it too…see if they come!

    HH watching cricket at the moment then going bowling at 2pm.Weather permitting, they have gone off twice for rain and it’s only 6 miles from me.Not had even a drink yet so going for a low/fast day,don’t know which.

    Hi everyone!

    HH – Steve’s doing okay, thanks. Physically doing really well, but communication a big problem. Doing really well with speech therapy though and making slow but steady progress. I think considering how some people are affected by stroke, he’s one of the lucky ones as he is physically able. I can’t imagine how it would be if he needed help with that too. The confusion is a worry, and he can’t read or make sense of written stuff. Hopefully will get better with therapy.

    NFD for me, trying so hard to keep it mindful. Had chocolate yesterday, but didn’t use it as an excuse to then carry on eating. FD will be tomorrow for me! HH – stay strong today!

    Had a walk up to town at lunch, was nice to get out and leave the car behind for a change. Did Steve good too.

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone, Dave hope you got to bowling and the weather stayed okay.


    Back from bowling,got an hour and a bit before the rain was too heavy.Heidi not been out yet,got to shod her first because it’s wet outside.Only had about 160 calories so far so doing well. Hopefully Steve will get back to normal given time DF.

    Hi everyone, I’m new to the group and am up in Scotland (raining today…no surprises). Had a good day with a banana for a late breakfast and then will be having a lambchop and some veg for supper. Should come in about 500 for me (fingers crossed).

    Looking forward to a walk with the dogs later to keep my mind off snacking:-)

    Welcome MissusFox make sure you come on here everyday it helps greatly.Most of us have dogs on here, so plenty of dog talk. I gave had a low day today so happy with that. Plenty of rain here in Manchester, but that’s nothing new.

    Thanks Brads27 for the welcome. Looking forward to the chat and support. Been reading back the line and everyone seems really encouraging. I’ll be too. See you tomorrow.


    MF I am called Dave, have you done your TDEE? I try to stay well below it myself.

    Hi all!
    Dave- well done with your low/ FD so far! Shame about the rain, you seem to get bucketfuls there 😞
    DF- nice for you to get out at lunchtime! Must be really difficult for Steve to not be able to communicate well, but glad he’s still physically okay…
    Jean- difficult time for you, hope you got the jobs done, so hard with your neighbours 😬
    MissusFox- hi & welcome! It helps being on here for FDs, keep strong 👍 Minols on here is a fellow Scot. What sort of dogs have you got? I’ve got a 2yr old lab, alternates between being a german shepherd & barking at people & then a lab around food!
    Neighbours came round, poor Margaret is looking so frail now. Xena loved them, she walks round & round wagging her tail with her cushion toy in her mouth, seeing everyone! Barely stopped all the time we were here! Their oven had broken so they brought round a pizza & asked us to cook it for them to take home- made me so hungry! Doing okay now though 😁

    Evening everyone, have had a reasonable day food wise and aiming to have a FD tomorrow. No visit to daughters today going tomorrow instead as great grandsons will be there. Managed to get husband to go to our local garden centre today as we needed some more potting compost luckily it wasn’t very busy.
    Jean your neighbours sound a nightmare.
    Missus Fox welcome we’re a friendly bunch on here and it does help to come on here and get support when needed.
    Dave glad you managed to get a bit of bowling in before the rain. Been warm here again today no rain though
    Hedgehogs sounds like Xena was a good girl around your neighbours bless her.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning all

    Been drowning up here the last couple of days – hi MF…welcome to the damp corner of the chat! Just to correct a misunderstanding caused by the lack of accent in my fingers…I’m an English ex-pat who has been here so long I don’t really feel English, but know I’ll never be truly Scottish…not while my friends raise their eyebrows at some of the things I do and mutter ‘Come the wa’ [‘wall’]…’ I think one of them especially has drawings ready to pick up where Hadrian left off and toss me back over the other side!

    Looking forward to a brighter day full of busyness, but hopefully culminating in another attempt at a Phad Thai – or at least, my approximation of it!


    Morning all,

    Welcome to MissusFox, nice to have you here!

    NFD yesterday was a bit of a nightmare to be honest. I struggled so much. Ah well, draw a line under it and move on. FD today, although not feeling in a good frame of mind. I’ll do my best!

    At least the weather is a bit better today. Hope everyone has a positive day. I’ll update later, just about to log on to work, and speech therapist due any minute.


    Hi MissusFox, Mel here. Welcome. Introduction – I am 63, married to Paul AKA Mr Perfect BMI. Mum to Jodie the standard poodle, ten and a half.

    I lost two stone last year with half a stone to go which I have been a bit half hearted with. Currently on holiday with friends (bliss) in their bubble eating too much and very badly. Toast and peanut butter for breakfast every day anyone? Vats of the red stuff.

    Anyway back on Sunday to a concerted effort before our holiday in four weeks (hopefully) in our favourite holiday destination ……. Scotland!

    Morning everyone else, must go as breakfast nearly ready 😘

    Morning All..
    A dull day….Steve has gone early to Manchester to collect the paint for the fence, Tony our friend is coming over to help us sort outside out, he has already bought it so thought we would make a start…he is a decorator so he is painting our gutters and fall pipes for us…possibly coming Sunday or Monday for a few days.

    We are fasting today but I must have low blood pressure as a bit dizzy, upping my water must feel better for when Steve returns.

    I seem to have missed a day catching up sorry…it’s not me…

    Moving is a nightmare, it’s a circle to get on the market or wait, I won’t be pushed to going somewhere I don’t want, with the virus about and job losses you don’t know if people will move.
    I really love this small housing estate, nowhere else at the moment. Some others areas are now off the list. May look in Lincolnshire but Steve says maybe no, still we may look at an area might fall in love with it..who knows.

    Shame on your neighbours, it’s awful getting old, hope they get their oven sorted…

    Enjoy your visit to your daughters today..and your morning walk..

    Hoping the weather improves for you…nobody would toss you back you are loved too much….

    You are allowed to fall lots of pressures on…do what you can even just some days, it must help as you go..some is better than nothing.
    We are fasting and with you, I was up early so a long day..
    Long haul for Steve, it must be so hard for both of you….

    Welcome to our corner…lots usually fasting today…are you today?…I have a 4 year old Dalmatian, a rescue from Glasgow, we have had him 18 months..very good boy so lucky with him. Steve my hubby fasts with me too.

    Keep strong and have a good day fasters…have a good day everyone else too…

    Jean x

    Hi Jean, thanks for the welcome. I’ll pick up where everyone is sooner or later. today is not a fast day but tomorrow is. My hubby is doing this with me too so I’m keeping him on track. The dogs are 4-month-old black Labs (2 sisters) who are coming along nicely. I have to say that I had forgotten what it was like having puppies in the house – much like having twin toddlers! They are into everything.

    Hope that you and Steve have a good day and that you stop feeling lightheaded.

    Take care and i’m off to weed the patio in the sunshine (today is officially “summer” in Scotland – tomorrow all bets are off :-))

    Cheers, Fiona

    Afternoon, & sorry to have not been on earlier to support the fasters!
    Jean- take it easy today, if you’re feeling a bit dizzy…maybe a little salt as well as the water? Is Steve back on form now, he seems to be doing alot? Keep strong today!
    DF- you have had a massive upheaval so go gently on yourself…hope you do okay today & hope Steve’s session is helpful.
    Nana- have a lovely day with your daughter, & hugs to Poppy! Nice to catch up with the great grandsons- is your army grandson still about or has he been posted away?
    Dave- have a good day fishing!
    Minols- a friend of ours went to Scotland for a job, he was never accepted, hopefully your ribbing is good natured?! Hope the weather improves…
    Mel- enjoy your holiday, good weather!
    MF- hope your FD went well!
    Had a good walk with Xena, met a lady with 2 young staffies, we’d met them in the park pre-lockdown & they were so cute, all grown now! Xena has been laying down most of the day, probably the heat. Had silly faffy jobs to do, not feeling like I’ve achieved anything, but still busy! Asda order came- forgot a couple of things, hubby said I’m as bad as mum 😂 told him he can do it next week! Ironing had to be done, too hot 😬 Now got to drop some bits off at Mum’s…
    Feeling like I’m not getting anywhere weightwise right now, eating too much on nonFDs…watching MM last night got me thinking about doing a week or 2 of 800cals again, my body seems to need to keep changing things to lose…& I wouldn’t eat to much on the nonFDs!
    Keep strong fasters!

    Evening everyone, kitchen now closed and have come in at 850 calories not expecting a good reading on the scales tomorrow as I’ve only managed one FD this week.
    Jean a lovely visit our daughters today and a nice surprise as eldest grandson and his Fiancee turned up to drop off a birthday present for son in laws birthday which is on Sunday but they’re both working then so came today instead. Sounds like Steves getting back into doing things – just don’t overdo things both of you.
    Hedgehogs Poppy was very pleased to see us although I think part of it’s because she knows she gets a treat from husband and I.😉 Army grandson is based here still might get a new overseas posting in October.
    Fiona nice to have your hubby on board makes it easier for you.
    Dave glad you were able to go fishing.
    Hope everyone who’s been on a FD have been successful.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good evening everyone.A nice day fishing,didn’t catch many but the carp I caught was the biggest fish I have ever caught, normally I just fish for small silver fish so it was nice to catch a decent sized one. Some big dragon flies about.Very humid here tonight. Still 22°C at the moment 😓😓😓.

    Evening all!

    Im back!

    Not convinced Im yet in the zone to get back on track but I really want to.

    I did watch MM, the lose a stone in 21 days. A revisit to the blood sugar Fast 800 a day, after a few weeks switch over to 5:2.
    I did this a while ago and did lose the weight but like everything if you dont keep on top of things afterwards….boom!

    Anyway…Im back here on the forum, so its a start.

    Minols and Endellion,Ive lost track on you both. The rest of you, I keep up with on whatsapp but still good to talk properly on here!!

    Kay x

    Nice to have you back Kay. I am working on The Zone while having Epic Face Stuffing days in Kent. Home Sunday for four weeks in which I hope to be in the mindset of last year when I lost the two stone. We can be of great support to each other. Every single FD achieved will be a celebration for us!

    HH a sounds like you are building up to a big push too. Together we are strong!

    Jodie just been sick, luckily on kitchen floor. So hot for her. A very lazy day planned. Have ordered some supplements for her as think she might be getting a weakness in her back legs. Have a vet nurse niece and she recommended something, said her vets swear by it. Not cheap though.

    Fiona – twin lab puppies! Heaven ❤️ But not easy 😂. Go girl for the Fast Day today.

    Dave great fish. 🐋

    Nana, Jean (are you ok today?), Minols and all, have a good one. DF did you manage your FD yesterday, you weren’t sure you were in the right frame of mind? Join ‘The Push’ next week!

    Everyone take care in the heat and look after the doggies.

    Hi all,

    I’ll definitely be joining the ‘push’ next week. Unfortunately I didn’t complete my FD yesterday, it turned out to be a normal low day. Not over TDEE, but still not a fast. I knew I wasn’t right when I got up yesterday morning. Monday I’ll try again. Steve’s mood was very low yesterday so I think that had a lot to do with it. That said, the group therapy session was really good, and he actually got more involved this week!

    Hope everyone’s okay and looking forward to weekend. Not much planned here, but at least I won’t have to log on to work for a few days.

    Take care, and good luck anyone fasting today!


    Good morning everyone.Not to hot here 22°C and cloudy if your watching the cricket you would see. Going shopping later,shorts on in case it gets to hot.Cant remember if I got weighed last week so I will check now.

    Afternoon All, FD today and, surprise, surprise, we’re having a second day of summer here in Scotland! Sunny and warm with alomost no breeze (East coast is ALWAYS windy) so ideal condiditions.

    Doing a spot of gardening with an ear on the cricket (still a novelty for me as I grew up with baseball as the summer sport). Pups for a short walk later and DS off to cricket practice this evening with hubby. Fingers crossed for a latish BBQ.

    Have a lovely day wherever you are today. See you tomorrow and (in a Strictly voice) KEEEEEPPP FASTING!


    HI all

    Just a quick pause at my desk before I head out…Friday is takeawya day – yippee!

    Weather warm…and just turned a little wet. The boy was regretting not having been allwoed to put his hoody on when he left the house…but it’s warm rain, so he just needs to shake it off!


    Morning All..
    Hot hot hot…

    Steve has lost 2 lbs, I have stayed the same but lost just under the pound..

    A busy morning, 4 panels painted and the decking, and underneath sides too..crackpot neighbour has gone on a two week holiday so will have peace. The fence were he put the hammer through is a bit loose but looks not bad painted ..still he may put a new fence up in his own time…hope I haven’t dripped through 😬

    Goodness two puppies that’s a handful but so lovely..good hubby is doing it with you I do think it’s easier when you do it together….enjoy the heat 😂..a bit of low BP yesterday I think ok today…
    Enjoy your BBQ tonight..

    Steve said he’s better now, the treatments has finished, he is walking a bit and done a good bit of painting. MM gives you a different slant, don’t think I could do 800, I am programmed to 500 ish.

    A lovely time yesterday and catching up with everyone so nice…

    A lovely day fishing nice and relaxing…

    Come on you have done it before you can do it again…keep popping by with the Fiona and Sarah ( I think) they will get you motivated…Steve has a bit to loose too….

    Hope your holiday is going well, lots of walking as usual…cheese and wine 😀

    You are doing well…lots going on for you..

    What are you up too today, enjoying the sun?

    Have a good day everyone..

    Jean x

    Fiona- sorry, I missed your post yesterday, lab puppies 💕 very hard work!
    Jean- you & Steve are so busy, be careful in the heat!
    DF- shame about the FD but at least yiu kept low!
    Minols- sounds like summer for Fiona but not for you! Enjoy your takeaway!
    Dave- I’m guessing not able to see MIL today? Well done with the catch yesterday & enjoy the cricket if it’s not called off!
    Nana- sounds like you had a good day yesterday, lovely that you can see all your family again, must’ve been so hard in lockdown!
    Kay- nice to have you back! If I can plan meals I may join you on Fast800 next week, had already done shopping!
    Mel- hope Jodie’s okay, enjoy your last (?) day! Will definitely join you in a big push I think!
    Tried the sailing trip round 2- Ground hog day, called off again! Tried a beach trip, road closed, too long a detour, went to Orford instead & sat by the river, still very hot though! Hubby suggested a cream tea so we stopped & got the scones on the way home & had it in the garden…noisy neighbours have friends staying for a week 😬. She has such a loud voice you can’t avoid hearing everything she says. (Visitors accents are Liverpool, I can identify that!) Don’t mind the family noise, it’s the music blaring out too that gets to me…

    Evening everyone quick check in scales showed me the same as last week which I’m happy with. Not much else to report for today as we had our daily constitutional walk this morning but much shorter due to the heat.
    Met up with our friends as usual this evening my turn for a drink so a nice shared bottle of chilled prosecco went down a treat.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning! Well I did about 2000 steps yesterday, didn’t leave the house. All got together again in the garden and had a takeaway from a nearby Italian restaurant. It was rather good. I had an aubergine starter and chicken pasta. Waitrose Apple crumble cake for desert. Staying the extra day today and home tomorrow. Gearing up for The Push on Monday, and boy do I need it. A friend down here wants to try this way of life. Like I was, she is a lifetime SW girl and like me, look where it has got her 🤣. She is 70 and terrified of getting COVID so hopefully that will motivate her to lose a couple of stone. Wish I was more hopeful for her – she says “oh I NEED chocolate and crisps”. No Pat you just WANT chocolate and crisps. Will do all I can to help but that is limited really.

    Have a good day everyone, keep cool.

    Hello everyone humid here but not too bad last night was ok slept alright.Watching the cricket, will take Heidi out when they go for lunch. Steak tonight 😋.

    Mel- enjoy your extra day! Hope your friend will give it a go…
    Nana- well done with maintaining! I’m guessing a shorter walk for you again today, so hot even early on!
    Dave- enjoy the cricket! Hope Heidi’s paw has been okay?
    Jean- hope you’re enjoying less stress if your neighbour’s gone away!
    Hope everyone else is okay?
    Blissfully quiet here today, Noisy Neighbours out for the day…probably will be back & loud all evening! Fiddling about with bits for a bbq tonight, marinading/ marinating (?!) courgettes & prawns, & made a dessert, Mum’s coming over later. No FD & no keto either! Found a lovely box of biscuits which we got for Christmas which need eating, oh dear!
    Waiting for news on nephew, they keep pushing back his op for appendicitis…he must be so worried, no-one there to support him & he’s such an anxious lad…

    Three of us girls just back from a nice walk. Didn’t take Jodie as much too hot for her. Felt very weird without her. Bit of shopping this afternoon and then last evening in the garden. HH I am afraid we have been the Noisy Neighbours this week! Your poor nephew, he must be feeling very alone.

    We are having Musgoes for dinner tonight. Has anyone had it? Delicious.

    For those that don’t know, it’s “this must go, that must go”.

    Dave we have missed the cricket as our friends aren’t interested. Will catch up on the next one. Not the same without the crowds though, sad.

    Afternoon All..
    Sorry up early and away to seaside, thought we would try the run in good and heavy traffic, 5 mins longer…looked at a house it was nearly there, parking a bit of a problem, new kitchen needed, much better than the last one, an older house. Found another area too which we like, I think going back talking to locals and looking about, we are getting a feel for the place.

    Charlie loved the beach, in and out of the water playing quite usual for him..he isn’t a water mutt…too hot maybe…a big snappy dog went for his throat too, good job he jumped back quick, no blood it was a near call…

    We all had an ice cream and no lunch so that’s good…

    Enjoy your last day, yesterday sounded lovely…hoping your friend might join us here..it may help her…enjoy your musgoes this evening you made me laugh…

    Steak sounds good..snack for us this evening…

    Hoping your nephew soon gets sorted, they do mess about sometimes…we are still waiting for test results from SD, it’s three weeks now…..have a lovely bbq tonight…enjoy the biscuits…

    Jean x

    Hi everyone
    Just starting out on this journey, from reading all the posts looks like great support from everyone. Weather has been a bit cooler here in West Norfolk with a blustery breeze, making walking Freddie, German Shepherd, more pleasant today.

    Have been reading and trying to get head around everything watching the programme the other night definitely helped.


    Evening everyone, a much nicer day today not so hot and a nice breeze. Just had a nice BBQ together with a nice chilled Amstel lager. Daughter rang and invited us over tomorrow afternoon for a BBQ to celebrate son in laws birthday which will be nice.
    Jean sounds like you’ve had a nice day and no neighbours to bother you at the moment.
    Mel sounds like a lovely last days holiday. Still got 7 weeks until ours.
    Hedgehogs hope your nephew is sorted out bless him. Yes only a short walk for us this morning and looking at the forecast for tomorrow it will be a short one. Enjoy your BBQ.
    Dave glad Heidis paw is healing nicely and enjoy the steak tonight.
    Hello Nina and welcome we’re a friendly bunch on here and as you also are a dog owner it helps .
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Welcome to the group Fiona, Sarah and now Nina.

    We are a friendly bunch. Some of us have been here for ages and we can confirm this way of life does work!

    The issue most of us have is sticking to it 😀

    Living in North Cornwall
    Partner – Neil
    Dog mummy to Tara a 14 month old shar-pei, who we rescued almost 10 weeks ago. Our 2nd rescue shar-pei
    55 years old (cough), still working part-time self employed but hoping to take early retirement 😀

    Evening all,

    I worked til 2pm today and went home to enjoy the sunshine…sadly there wasnt any!
    Caught up with a bit of recorded tv this evening. We were going to go up to our local pub tonight, but as its outside only, and it looked very grey, we didnt bother. We will try and go up tomorrow evening as we really want to support them. They are only opening for locals and only outside for 3 evenings a week, 5 til 8 and all socially distanced, cleaned etc.

    We are both off for a week from Sunday and the plan is to visit Neils mum in South Wales and then my mum in North Wales and somewhere on the road trip visit Neils dad in South Worcestershire.
    The problem is that both mums are currently shielding and under Wales legislation, we can only visit outside at 2m.
    I think the update from Welsh parliament is due on 16th Aug, which is a bit of an issue!!
    And where to stay?! We are prepared to camp, but everywhere is full or at highly inflated prices..

    Well sun is shining now…typical..oh well…oven fish and chips for tea with side salad, but I have had a couple of cans of cider. Obviously not a FD!!!

    Kay x

    Hi Nina,I have a 14 year old German shepherd called Heidi.I live in Manchester.Make sure you keep coming on here, it’s a great help.

    Heidi is in heaven,she is on her new cool mat with a fan on her 😁

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