Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hedgehog…
    Although he has problems eating his belly has the better of him…he is looking forward to his fish and chips medication 30 mins before he eats…
    I would just go with the flow and not eat and think of the positives….men are different…

    Back to the coffeemaker SIL has quite a few in his loft, might try one out and see how I go then keep it 😂..he is always buying things!..possibly he has the pods too….

    Gateaux sounds rather nice haven’t bought one in years, use to buy them frozen for Xmas in the 70 s they used to be so large …in my slim days 😂..good luck on your Asda delivery…

    A read in the garden then for a canal walk before going to chippy…a bit of red wine from last weeks bottle to drink, depends if Steve joins me I might have to start another 😂 shame,,,

    Have a good weekend


    Morning All…
    Mixed weather today, raining shortly and meeting up with Oreo and Twiglet on a canal bank, I haven’t been before so it will be a different walk….we haven’t seen Twiglet since before lockdown, he’s a Whippet, Charlie always humps him hope that’s passed!!

    Nothing really planned today…we both had a better day yesterday feel much better…

    Steve playing about with the printer while I am gone, it’s playing up, possibly cheap ink…It’s cheaper to buy a new printer with free ink and start again….but it’s not that old….

    Have a good weekend everyone….

    Jean x

    Jean your so lucky a river and a canal,I am sooooo jealous.Not a lot for Denise to do and if I say I will do it I get told off😬.Was quiet yesterday because we went to see Denise’s mum and I can’t get a signal in her house. The beer is cooling in the fridge I will have half tonight and the rest tomorrow🍺🍻.Cloudy yet again here so no chance of seeing the comet ☹️.

    Jean- hope your walk went well! Nice for the dogs to be together, as long as they don’t get carried away playing, & fall in the canal 😱 Glad you & Steve had a better day…How is your daughter in the US? Heard from someone who has a sister in south Texas that Covid’s really bad in her area…
    Dave- how’s MIL doing, does she get down with being on her own alot? Have you got to keep well out the kitchen?!
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Had a nice early walk with Xena, saw a few people which is unusual at that time, all friendly dogs & Xena must’ve been in a good mood as she didn’t bark at the people & went to say hello! Not fasting today as a couple of things were damaged & split so need eating up (that’s my excuse anyway!) Shall fast tomorrow instead, I’ll toast you & Denise with gateau tonight, Dave! Got some more cleaning done- a bit despondent after all the spring cleaning I did earlier in lockdown & it doesn’t look much different now 😢…boys & dogs!

    Denise has made cakes 😋😋😋😋😋. So I have been ordered to stay out of the kitchen.Old Perculiar tonight and Bombardier tomorrow on our anniversary.Took Heidi out and didn’t see a soul.Its humid outside but dry at the moment.

    Evening everyone, a nasty day weather wise with plenty of rain but no thunderstorms yet but they’re forecast for later on this evening. Had a busy day yesterday catching up with housework and ironing and then our usual Friday take away after visiting our friends.
    Jean last anniversary for this month is today 25 years since my mother in law passed away. Love Charlies friends names Oreo and Twiglet.
    Sounds like you’ve all had a good day.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All

    A dark evening, humid but no rain as yet..

    A nightmare trying to book another break, it took us two hours, between Sykes holiday company and our bank..trying to book with our card, bank said no problem, holiday company said declined..tried about 8 times in the end cancelled it and gave up!!..bank call centre closed by this time..must chase it up and see why, it’s our a Holiday card.

    Daughter is in Spain coming back to isolate she’s not amused at all…should have thought it through was it worth it!..she is at the hospital for X-rays on Tuesday, waited for 6 months for that..she will have to cancel.
    Trying to find out if the sons at home will have isolate when they arrive back, but can’t find anything as yet…do they need to get out of the house before they get home??

    Hope Denise has got up to celebrate your anniversary….Congratulations from us…

    There is a lot of virus about in Texas, it’s a worry…schools on hold for another month, home schooling on Zoom with the teachers, four hours teaching ..30 mins teaching then 30 mins doing it yourself, through the day…a bit of organising…

    Shame on your weather, I think it’s coming north tomorrow…a lot of fun with the boys this morning lots of running, more through fields and tracks we never made the canal, we needed a bit more time one of the girls had an appointment……we have lots of memories we are getting to that age….not nice…

    Jean x

    Watching the cricket,it’s supposed to pour down here tomorrow so not much play tomorrow.We had a buffet last night and some beer for me, Denise just had orange, don’t know if the Pymms will come out tonight or not, I have more beer for tonight but will see how we go, Heidi got her sock on after cutting her for yesterday, a bad cut so I cleaned it out and put a bandage on.Wont take her out today, let her rest it.I feel rotten every morning now ☹️I feel better after a cuppa so I will be glad when it’s all sorted out.

    Afternoon All…
    Out and about…was going to watch grandson play cricket for a couple of hours but this particular club doesn’t allow dogs, as we turned up with chairs for us and a blanket for Charlie to lay on..so we couldn’t stay. Just a quick chat…

    Called and had a cuppa with other grandson sat in the garden so very hot In a sun trap..

    Looked around a bungalow, just not right, nearly there, the lounge just too small, £20,000 needed to sort it out and very dated. We will keep looking…need a lottery win 😀..

    Charlie hasn’t eaten this morning he is having a FD, fast asleep now..

    Hoping Heidi’s paw is much improved they take time to heal…enjoy your extended celebrations today..

    Quiet on here no one posting?

    Jean x

    Evening everyone,forgot to say yesterday that my Friday morning weigh in showed the same weight as the previous weigh in. 🤞 Next Fridays weigh in will show a loss.
    Been using my new exercise bike for strengthening muscles without being load bearing and after an extra long walk of 8 miles today the pain has lessened which is good.
    Jean sounds like a nice day for you shame about Charlie not allowed for you to watch the cricket. Is Steve feeling a bit better now. How’s Steves daughter getting on now.
    Happy Anniversary Dave & Denise and hope Heidis paw is not to painful for her.
    Hedgehogs did you say you were fasting today if so hope it’s gone well and also anyone else who’s fasted today.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Definitely a loss next week you are usually consistent even at half pound a go 🤞next week..

    Good your exercise machine is helping your pain in your legs, 8 miles is a good walk..

    Steve is still struggling eating but he pushes it down 😂, more than I would….I have had a low day food wise I wasn’t too bothered with eating.

    Daughter is still in a lot of pain and not sleeping, results should here next week then a plan action for medication for her.

    I shall be fasting tomorrow….have a nice evening…

    Jean x

    Evening all!
    Not sure where the day disappeared to, nothing exciting!
    Dave- congratulations to you & Denise, any leftover food for today? Hope you enjoy the beer too…poor Heidi, hope it does heal with the rest.
    Jean- your poor daughter- I forgot she was going to Spain!! Rotten about having to cancel the x-rays, I hope she enjoyed the holiday! I wonder if they can keep bathroom separate (do they have an en-suite?) & they can keep in their room then grandsons might be okay & not have to isolate? Frustrating to not be able to get info on that…
    Nana- maintaining’s still good! Well done with the long walk & less knee pain too…
    Had a good walk with Xena 1st thing, only she started eating bracken again 😬 so back on the lead for a while. Online Church, we watch 2 different Churches’ services so that was 2 hours! Saw Mum this afternoon, a long game with her! FD has been okay, had a really hungry spell this afternoon but okay now 😁

    Morning everyone,

    So, I’m back (for about the 100th time!) I’ve been away due to the fact that my other half had a further stroke at the end of May, so things have been rather crazy here since, and my eating has been all over the place, and FD’s went out the window for a while. He’s doing okay, although it’s affected him worse this time, so recovery is very slow and hard work. Thankfully work are allowing me to carry on working from home for the time being, a lot still are actually, but at least I don’t have the pressure of going back into the office. Not that I could at the moment, as I can’t leave the patient on his own for too long a period of time.

    I’m posting this, as I desperately need to get back into this WOL again and feel better about myself at least. Today is a proper FD, the first in a while, and posting it here makes me accountable and will hopefully help me stay strong.

    I’ve missed everyone, and the chat here. Hope you’re all doing well.

    No doubt I’ll be back later when I start getting hungry around lunchtime!


    Morning All…
    Weather awful…..app said, wet at the park …dry in the village….village walk it told porkies ..We are wet through.

    Having a drive looking at areas where we could move house too….It all depends on money if we could do it…quite scary really…
    Mel …we may need a passport stamped if you could!! 😂

    We are fasting today…good luck to anyone who is joining us…

    Jean x

    Lovely to have you back again..so sorry to hear Steve has had another stroke such a worrying time for you both…it seems to be slower this time but I am sure you will both get there in the end…lovely you are working from home which is much better for you …

    Let’s try and get your head around fasting again, we are fasting today…my Steve has been unwell with, lung cancer, has had chemo and he has just finished radiotherapy, so he doesn’t join me every time….we are trying to keep positive and hoping the treatment has worked it will be another three months to wait…

    A worrying time for us both…fasting has been hard for me through it too..

    Take care lots of hugs to you both..

    Jean x

    Thanks Jean,

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve been going through such a tough time too. Staying positive is definitely the right mind-set to be in. Let’s hope we all get through this!

    Good luck with your FD, they are difficult when there’s other stuff going on. I’m hoping it will take my mind of the other stuff, but we’ll see. My tummy is rumbling already!

    Take care and lots of hugs back xx

    Hi everyone, have been very remiss in posting on here. My head is not into fasting at the moment. Dragon Fly nice to hear from you! Rotten to hear about Steve though. Not surprising fasting has not been a priority. I have no excuse except for suffering from anxiety a bit. Everything seems to get out of proportion in my mind. Jean is amazing, nothing gets in the way of fasting. Anyway DF all good thoughts today on your fasting today.

    Jean I would give you a passport to Lincolnshire any time. It is a nice place to live, quieter than Yorkshire and I imagine less expensive although having lived here 15 years now I am a bit out of touch with prices. I tend to compare with our friends in Kent (south east London) where prices are ridiculous. Some of it is very flat and full of cabbages but our bit in the Wolds is lovely.

    I was planning on some fast days this week as away next week but not doing so. When we come back we have four weeks before we go to Scotland so am going to concentrate on getting my FD mindset in for that time. I am steady at two pounds over lowest and half a stone over goal weight, not a lot but I would like to get that off so I have wriggle room.

    Anyway hi to HH and Nana and Dave as well. Also Kay if you are reading while not posting.

    Good afternoon,never had any beer yesterday on our anniversary,felt unwell all day. It’s pouring down here so no cricket today I don’t think. Didn’t take Heidi out yesterday may take her for a short walk today. Welcome back DF.Still got some cake to eat what Denise made so no FD today.

    Thanks for the welcome back 🙂

    Dave, hope you’re feeling better today! Not good to feel unwell on your anniversary. Hope you had a nice day despite that.

    Mel, anxiety is horrible, I talk from experience. Hope you are finding ways to cope with it. I know its not easy.

    I’m doing okay so far with the day, a bit hungry but sipping herbal tea and trying to hold out till this evening.

    Miserable weather today!

    I think Heidi may have to go another day without walkies, it’s very heavy rain 🥺.

    DF- so sorry to hear about your Steve…very tough for you both, hugs to you & hope that you get back into things here for support.
    Jean- keep strong too, you’re widening your house search area then? Lots going on for you still…
    Dave- poor you feeling ill yesterday, hope you don’t have to wait too long for the ultrasound. Enjoy your cake today, hope you & Heidi get better.
    Mel- you did really well before your holiday, & didn’t put much on with your holiday, you can do it, so don’t feel bad if you need a break 👍
    Nana- did you have a roast yesterday? Hope your knees are still holding up!
    Managed to get round a walk this morning with Xena without getting wet, but had a near miss which put the wind up me- Xena was off in front & we were going from a small path onto a sandy track when a pickup truck came along the track- if she’d have been a few feet further on she’d have been hit- really scared me, I’ve walked there for over 10 years & never seen any vehicles!
    Been doing some clearing out & sorting done this morning…

    Afternoon All…
    Been out and about looking at a small town and passed by two houses which we thought looked nice…talk about viewing through rose coloured pictures, Estate agents are very clever at taking pictures 😂..they were awful …that area has been knocked off the list…but it’s settled us there…

    Come home, cleaned up and been to shops …we have Steve’s friend coming through to see us tomorrow…it’s kept us busy and not thought about food….walking Charlie shortly then it will nearly be boiled eggs time, easy….

    Hope you are keeping strong if it’s your first fast in a while…I am getting a bit hungry..

    We went to Brigg a bit too busy….we will keep looking about maybe when we come on holiday….We need to get our house priced up, then we might not be moving at all 😂..The wolds might be an idea to look….give me a place in the middle please on the map?

    Looking forward to meeting up in your bubble with your friends..weathers seems to be improving..

    You are still not feeling good, it’s still knocking about a bit, hope you get your scan soon…

    Goodness that was a close call, they do worry you these mutts of ours….I wonder why it was on the track when you have never seen traffic before…….
    Charlie has started, If I call him back, his ears prick up and he walks forward to see why he has to come back and who’s coming, naughty!!..he gets me worried sometimes.
    You have been a busy bee too this morning.

    Jean x

    Hi Jean if you google Lincolnshire Wolds map you can see the area it covers. Most of the places in it are villages. Would have a look at Louth while you are on holiday, nice small town. Beautiful cheese shop if it is still there. Haven’t been for ages. It is on the edge of the Wolds as we are. Lovely quiet walking area.

    HH more doggy worries! If you thought too much you wouldn’t step outside the door!
    Jodie is like Charlie, you call her to go on the lead and she immediately looks round to see why. Mind you she has always been very good at having the lead on. Although she waits for you to catch up as can’t see the point of coming back for the lead when we are going that way anyway. I see her point.

    DF how is it going for you today?

    Jean & Mel- Xena does that too! Looking about to see who might be coming, if I need to get her back quick I turn & walk back the way we came & she’s good then & comes running!
    Another worry- there’s been lots of dog thefts on the news, the couple with the Chow Chow puppy had someone watching their house, & found their fence had been marked with chalk, they think it’s dog theives earmarking them to come back for Teddy…I guess he might be pretty valuable, although they got him as a rescue. Our garden’s very secure, so not too worried about that, Xena would scare anyone off too! Teddy’s garden has only one gate, I’ve seen him standing by it, they could easily grab him I reckon, they’re on a corner too…
    Keep strong Jean & DF, my turn tomorrow!

    It’s a while since I have been to Louth, it’s lovely, market day I think Wednesday…We have roamed around a lot I forget all the names…love Horncastle too…

    Finished eating roll on breakfast 😂

    I have heard the same lots of thefts of dogs..it’s a worry…even off lead they just disappear…

    Jean x

    Made a lovely butter paneer curry tonight, messed up my cloud bread though so Xena had quite a bit of it…
    Cleared out my cake decorating box, found the drawings I’d done for lots of cakes over the years, felt very sentimental going through them, couldn’t part with all of them! Not good at clearing out 😞

    Evening everyone, been a mostly horrible rainy day here brightened up a bit this afternoon but now raining again. We were supposed to have had a new roof put on our garden shed today but didn’t happen because of the rain being done tomorrow now.
    Welcome back Dragon fly sounds like you’ve had a bad time of it lately 🤞 Steve continues to improve.
    Hedgehogs no Sunday roast yesterday we shared a nice pizza and salad instead. Knees holding up well so far thank goodness. When my dad passed away my mum enrolled in a sugarcraft course and started making some wonderful cakes for us all. When we were clearing out her bungalow after she passed away we found all of her tools etc luckily one of my cousins took them as she had started to learn how to do sugarcraft.
    Dave sorry that your still feeling unwell such a shame it’s dragging on.
    Mel we used to drive through the Lincolnshire Wolds on our way to stay at Burgh Le Marsh very pretty.
    No FD for me today but aiming for one tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning all!
    Quick post, taking Xena out shortly…FD for me today too Nana.
    Jean- heard on the news that if someone comes back from Spain & has to isolate others in the house can still go out, don’t have to all isolate, so your grandsons should be okay!
    Post later…

    Hi everyone

    Back from holiday and just catching up on the news on this page shows I’ve missed tonnes!

    DF – I’ve been really struggling with things, too and this is a new start for me. Sorry to hear about Steve’s health, but glad you can be there with him just now – strange circumstances and how it’s brought some of us some great time together when we needed it. My OH has been at home and we’d hoped it woudl be continuing…but an email from the boss yesterday means it looks like he needs to move all the gear back into the offic and start commuting again. Just when I’d got him to tak on more of the cooking, too!

    Jean – so do I gather you’re looking to move? The names of places in Lincolnshire you mention all bring back childhood memories for me – every month I’d get on a bus with a whole load of other spotty teenagers and head to Horncastle for a day of rehearsing with the youth orchestra – such a lot of fun!

    Dog stories from a few while I’ve been away…the old dog enjoyed his holiday with the former army dog handler…she’s a bit daft for him, and we got photos os him hording a whole load of bones on his bed! I think he’s glad to be home, though?!

    Dave – sorry to hear you’re still not 100%

    So I’m going to go on to the tracker and own up to where i’m at this morning…and then start getting serious! OH is also tryign to lose some weight, so we’ll see how we go. it will be a slow start though as the in-laws are coming round this evening. Need to mug up on what the scottish regs are at the moment…the holiday was far too relaxed cos the NL is fairly opened up, and in Belgium we were essentially in our own cabin in the woods – lots of fresh air and minimal masking. Do you know the best thing about the holiday – not keeping up with a daily change by change account of where we’re at…the holiday for my brain and stress levels was brilliant! the down-side of it is that I now need to get back into the regs – and especiailly the church-related ones!

    better crack on, then!


    Morning all,

    Got through yesterday okay, although it was hard! I was actually around the 700 mark, but better than I have been doing. Next FD will be Thursday and I’ll aim for the 500 next time. I hope all the other fasters went well yesterday. I’ve had my cereal just now, have to stay mindful for the rest of the day (hard!)

    Hope everyone’s okay, have a good day xx

    Morning All..
    A lovely walk this morning, Tony arrived at 8am so we all went to the park..still me and Charlie left them and walked with Oreo faster…

    A lazy morning just chatting and catching up…

    Looks like we are staying in the Wolds or going through them to Burgh Le Marsh ..might go with different eyes this time 😂 We are having lots of rain stopping and starting at the moment…

    Daughter and SIL are so angry at the lockdown, I am keeping my distance..it’s ridiculous how they are. Spoilt children spring to mind!! 😂

    Your holiday sounds lovely back to all the rules now…shame on hubby stopping cooking duties and back to work again…

    My NFDs are the worse I do struggle…fast days are quite controlled…keep strong..

    Short blog due to visitor…

    Jean x

    Minols- glad that you had a lovely break, but a shame hubby not working from home & lots to catch up on…hope you get back on track!
    DF- well done with your 1st FD! I’m the same as Jean says (but I bet much worse!), & am finding nonFDs harder to control, hope you do okay today!
    Jean- enjoy your visitor! An early start! My brother & SIL have been like spoilt brats about lockdown too- mainly because they can’t go to the gym, & as he’s working from home she has to keep out the way, in a big 4 bed house for the 2 of them?! Not seen Mum at all, not even in her garden!
    Dave- hope you can get Heidi’s paw padded enough for her to get walking a bit, she might stiffen up otherwise…
    Nana- hope your FD’s going okay?
    Have had a bit of a indulgent day- stupidly forgot to check what shift son was on & woke up at 5am thinking he’d overslept, but checked the calendar & he was on later, couldn’t get back to sleep! Hubby was up eary, he came for a walk too- he was chatting away so didn’t notice how far we went 😂. Have done a few jobs, a workout & a nap on the sette with Xena 😁. Hungry but it’s more annoying rather than feeling like I would give in…waiting for eldest to come back from his break with a case full of dirty washing!

    Its so frustrating when NFD are harder to deal with. I think the FD discipline must be engrained so deep that we just KNOW we have to do it, and there is no other option. I’ve managed okay today, when I would usually start picking at stuff I’ve done some exercise instead. In between work and Steve napping! I had cereal for breakfast, fruit for lunch and a few hours later some Cheese-strings (yes, I love them, and am a big kid at heart .. Steve can’t believe how I can enjoy them!) Having bolognaise for dinner, with a little spaghetti. So, with the exercise its not too bad and I’ve not had any of the wrong foods. I’ve got into the terrible habit of Friday being a “cream cake day”. It really has to stop, because I was eating TWO in a row and not even worrying about it. Will have to make it “Fruit Friday” from now on LOL.

    I am totally lost as far as fast days go, it’s a real struggle at the moment.Hope to feel better soon would help. I have blood tests tomorrow so a step in the right direction. Heidi had a couple of walks with no problems so that’s good. She is in her usual pose now fast asleep 😁.

    Evening everyone, kitchen now closed for the day. Not a bad FD came in at around 750 calories. New garden shed roof put on today looks a lot smarter.
    Seems like a lot of us are having problems with weight loss at the moment but it’s good to be able to come on here and realise that it’s not just you struggling.
    Not much else to report for today so have a good evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Felt a bit sick/hungry earlier but it went off…liquid FD has been done, why can’t I have the same discipline as you say DF, on nonFDs!
    Were supposed to be going on my friend’s boat on Thursday, but they have someone wanting to view their house, so it’s postponed 😞 As I’ve booked Xena into doggy daycare I think we’ll go out for the day still, weather should be very nice. I did think at least I can stick to my ADF, how sad am I!!
    Son safely home, washing basket overflowing!

    Morning all!
    Off into town today, got to go to the bank 😬. Will see how busy it is whether we go anywhere else.
    Enjoyed my breakfast this morning!

    Morning All..
    Walking at the park with Steve, he’s trying to get back walking slowly…

    We had a lovely day with Tony, had too much food felt a bit wacky this morning…

    Shame I find I am struggling with red wine, my new spicy mango chutney and chocolate 😱 absolute nightmare, so stopping them at the moment ( watch the weight fall off!!! 😂)

    I always have Friday off, cakes, wine and chocolate comes out far too much, trouble is it’s now stretching into Saturday and Sunday…it really has to stop…struggling a bit really…so I am not as good as you all think….
    Must pull my socks up….good luck hope we can get back on board….

    Hope your blood test go ok..and get sorted…

    It is nice to share with people how you are feeling…..it is really normal to struggle a bit….have a good day…

    A good full wash basket to look forward too…two washes done for me today ..out blowing now…enjoy your trip out Into town, hope you find something nice for tomorrow shame on the boat…

    Jean x

    Hi all,

    Work has kept me busy again today, so I’ve managed to be mindful. Its not easy though, being at home and even more so since Steve has become addicted to chocolate lately!

    FD tomorrow, so I’m hoping it will be easier than Monday was.

    I even managed a Zumba workout at lunch, its been too long! I’ve been doing workouts from You Tube mainly, so thought I’d dig the Zumba dvd out.

    Yes, Friday I have to be strong with the cream cakes. Too easy to get into the habit, and Jean I was the same .. it carrying on into weekend too.

    Back tomorrow, enjoy the rest of the day xx

    Blood test done, been bowling and am aching already. My son is getting good he won the first game 21:20 got my revenge in the next game. Then we had a 99 each, delicious.Jean when you say you are struggling with the wine,??? Struggling to finish it off is it not enough 😁🍷🍷.

    Jean- you have done well, it’s not like you’re piling weight on, you’re still around your maintenance weight so don’t be too hard on yourself! I don’t think ‘enjoying’ a trip into town comes into it these days- long queue for the bank, over half an hour wait, queues outside some other shops too! We did what we had to & that was it!
    Dave- glad the doctors is done, & nice to get your son out bowling too!
    DF- well done again today, I’ll probably be joining you tomorrow, & hope it’s easier for you…great that you’re getting into exercise again!
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good day, keep safe too…
    Minols- hope you’re getting back into the swing of things!
    Rang my HomeStart family for usual weekly call, poor Mum is feeling really low- child no3 is very difficult with his autism at the moment, the baby she thinks is starting to show signs of autism too 😞, so bought her some flowers & dropped them off, it’s so hard when I can’t do anything to help…Got some jobs done this afternoon, eaten some of my dark chocolate, comfort eating after the shopping trip 😱, & a bit stressed about the noisy neighbours- they’ve been banging about & piling stuff against our house wall, which their garden backs straight onto, where we had the trouble & damp patch before. They’d been shouting at each other & drinking, so didn’t think it was a good idea hubby going to talk to them but he did & they were lovely & friendly, apologetic about all the building noise! So that turned out okay 😁

    Feeling very stiff now, my son beat me 21-20 at bowls so a good game,got my revenge 21:12 in the second game.I try to avoid the bank, do it all on line much simpler and safer especially in these times.Jean you can afford a few weeks off and not do much damage weight wise.

    Evening everyone, had a busy day doing some more pickled courgettes and also some plum sauce. We’re very lucky to have nice neighbours who have allotments so give us vegetables all the time as they can’t use them all.
    Jean forgot one last celebration its 15 years ago today was my last day of working at CIS Insurance as they closed all of the offices to just have a sales office in Manchester so made all of us office workers redundant.
    No visit to daughters today going tomorrow instead.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay and stay safe.
    Nana x

    I used to work close to CIS in Manchester. Lovely weather today here and not bad tomorrow.Perhaps summer is back. Time to take Heidi out again,I will choose the route this time.

    Dave- don’t get too excited about the weather; only supposed to last 2 days!

    Two days is better than one

    Evening All..
    We are fasting tomorrow…

    We have had a busy day looking at a few houses and a bungalow..a lot of awful places about, photos look good and big, which when visiting goes much smaller and quite disappointing …deciding on our area now and will wait until any properties come available..just one more property to look at tomorrow ..

    We will keep strong at the weekend with our treats…I have Steve back on board with fasting which will help me a lot..

    Hope you are not aching too much tomorrow..lovely your son is getting into it too…red wine is irritating my water works no idea why, giving it a rest for a bit….A couple of days of good weather…

    I don’t think it’s very good getting out doing shopping jobs, quite frustrating…can’t be bothered but some things have to be done..Still chasing some pesky pounds, I think I am 1 lb out of maintenance…

    Glad the neighbours were understanding, ours can be noisy both sides…

    We both were made redundant at 60, I was retiring so held back a bit then took redundancy, we managed so Steve never looked for another job..enjoy your daughters visit tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Jean- house moving is a frustrating business…at least you’ve narrowed an area down! Will it be further from your daughter? Hope your FD is okay, Steve’s going to start again then?
    Dave- hope you’re not too achey!
    Nana- enjoy seeing your daughter today!
    DF- another FD for you? Hope you can keep strong!
    I’m planning to fast with Jean today & DF, although we are going out for the day, so if we go near any ice cream places it may be off, see how I go!

    Morning all
    Got an early start, and the boy currently settled beside me doing maths in order to earn Fortnite time – cruel! But I really can’t have him on it ALL day, and I’m trying to work, so can’t entertain him either…

    Food intake decreasing back to ‘normal’ levels, and I’ve gone back to black coffee…hopeful that the first few pounds off of holiday excess will do the ‘quick shift thing’, and then I’ll be back into the stubborn pounds next week.

    Ate at an amazing Thai place in the Hague and asked for the menu so that I could start tryinig to cook something similar back here…so last night I tried a Phad Thai…just small portions (that’s what we’d said we both wanted, and fortunately I had very few noodles left int he cupboard!) but oh so yummy! no idea of the cals, but I figure it should work as a main meal when I have ‘one meal days’.

    Today has been skyr with fruit and nuts so far, and I’m about to go into 2 meetings back to back, so just coffee then. We try to do a family walk at lunch-time, and that seems to be settling into just costa coffee takeaway, and a nibble when I get home, so if I can get through to the OH’s fish and rice (of long tradition), then I’ll count today a really good day!

    HH – you’re fasting, aren’t you? And DF, too, I think? Good luck.


    Morning all,

    Yes, I am attempting another FD. Think it will be a long one. Work is busy because of month end, and we have a group therapy session via Zoom at 11 for Steve, which always drains me for some reason! He doesn’t speak out for himself as he isn’t able to, but I find the whole video call thing so tiring. Wonder if its just me!?

    Hard day to fast, but all I can do is try. A few of us today, so lets stay STRONG!

    Update later xx

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