Morning All..
A bit rainy now..all done at the hospital and we did the new walk I have found.
Having a slice of toast with a cuppa, we had our breakfast at 6 am it seems ages ago…
We have a curry in the freezer, I did an extra portion so an easy meal tonight…making Charlie’s chicken and beef dinners soon get the freezer packed into his single portions, it works very well, last about 3 weeks.
Weigh in for Charlie he has lost 2 lbs in two weeks 👏👏👏
I shall be having new potatoes with butter and cheese on tomorrow, bought some more today..won’t touch your home made ones though..
Hope the tablets work for you…
Enjoy your meet up with your friend and lunch today, does hubby go with you…
It’s a worry with the pubs, three closed down already with the virus, I think as we start going away self catering would be the best at the moment…or watch your areas.
Have a good day all…
Jean x
10:44 am
7 Jul 20