Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning everybody!

    Jean – ah yes, I remember hearing about Katie. So nice she can sort out that present from afar!
    Sounds like a lovely day at the beach yesterday.

    Nana – I’m sure the half pound will be off again. I heard inflammation causes weight to increase so maybe it’s something to do with that.

    HH – hope you had a good rest after your early start yesterday morning.

    Ended up walking around in a bit of a doze most of yesterday as I slept so badly, but I had a nice time reading and relaxing. Yesterday evening I did a boozy bingo on zoom with my uni friends which was great fun (for over 6 six hours!!). I made sure I had lots of water on the go and feel fine today, hooray. Hangovers always feel more depressing when you didn’t go out anyway before!

    Small loss this week! At a new low, yay. t’s coming off very slowly lately which is a bit frustrating, but I guess that’s okay. Since my FDs are 800 and I’m not far from goal, I suppose it makes sense. I think I’ll stick with this eating routine though and just accept it’ll take a little longer than expected to lose the last 3.5 pounds. Although I did see a trainer I like on Instagram post about a monthly workout challenge starting on Monday with free workouts to follow every morning. So I’m wondering about giving that a go, both to push myself and also to maybe boost things along…


    What is an hangover?I have not had one of them for nearly 50 years. Took Heidi on her favourite walk yesterday and it knocked her out, she was asleep the rest of the day 😄. Beautiful day here, might fix the shorts out. My bruise is shrinking now and not as tender so that’s good.

    Jean- did you decide to fast today, or leave it til tomorrow?
    Endellion- well done on the loss, however small that’s good! It does slow down near to goal…glad you had a good night with friends!
    Dave- enjoy the beef tonight! Hope you can get lots of fishing in to use the new rod. We’ve just ordered an HP laptop for mum.
    Fasting today, another liquid one, going okay so far…cooking meals for the others which don’t make my mouth water so that’s okay! Really hot hete again- took Xena out at 8am & is was too much even then! Not that I’m complaining!

    Evening All…
    I am dripping wet here so humid..waiting another hour before the boy goes out….no fasting today…we noticed the park cafe was open for take outs so we went and sat on a bench, coffee and cake..and a sausage 😂

    A lovely cooked meal tonight with a glass of wine….no more wine till Friday….

    Strict week for us…fasting Monday…

    You have to have patience as you near goal it all slows down, better slowly then you can get there…well done on moving down…workout sounds a good idea..

    What with the bruise ? I missed that…hope you are improving…

    I was doing two fast days but it was a no…fasting tomorrow…you are doing really well…we must get our head around it..slipping a bit…

    Sent for my trainers again half size up, hoping these will fit…got £100 off this time so 🤞

    Jean x

    Jean£100 off are they made of gold? I fell off ladders last week. Hot here all day. Roast beef was good, will have a cuppa then wash the pots.

    Evening everyone, finally got to meet up with our friends yesterday for a drink and a catchup sitting in their back garden. We hadn’t seen them since 13th March.
    I see a few of you have been fasting today – not the case here had a visit from daughter and son in law and sat and had a lovely chat with them – no Poppy as she’s in season but they did take her out very early for a walk and a swim in the river near to where they live. After they’d left I did a tidy up in the garden and then sat with a book to read but other half kept talking to me so I gave up in the end. Just finished eating our BBQ meal FD planned for tomorrow as usual.
    Jean looked like you had a lovely day yesterday – you both deserved it.
    Hedgehogs how was sons first day back.
    Dave enjoy the beef.
    Endellion well done on your loss even if it’s small it’s going the right way.
    Next door neighbour just knocked on the door to ask if we like cheesecake as she’d finally been able to have her widowed mother round for the day and had some leftover 😉
    Have a good evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Why did you fall off the ladder??…stupid boy 😂..hope you are feeling better…
    Just bought a second pair of my gold trainers in a different size.. to make sure they fit me 😂

    A lovely day to sit in the garden..hope it wasn’t too hot for you all…nice to meet up and have a good chat…..cheesecake sounded lovely so nice of your neighbours to share…

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Jean- FD as usual for you, I hope that you can keep busy. Sorry, I’ve lost track of Steve’s treatment, is it starting today? If it does hope that goes smoothly…
    Nana- nice that you could get together with your friends again, & sounds like a good meal too! Hope your FD goes well today…
    Dave- I remember you saying you’d fallen off the ladder, but forgot to ask how the bruises were, sorry! Glad the beef was good, I refuse to do roasts when it’s warm!
    Endellion- hope you had a good day yesterday, & are you fasting today? I can’t remember what days you do!
    NonFD for me, but must get a grip of snacking on nonFDs. Jean, I am doing well with fasting at the moment, it’s the nonFds that are my downfall I think…Seeing Mum later, nothing else planned.

    Morning All…
    A dull start to the day not quite drizzle but close, sea fret!

    Hair colour this morning after park walk, meeting up with Oreo…maybe mask making later or tomorrow, they are cut out and ready to go…..three layers…

    Fasting for us…Steve is joining me…

    Two weeks to the start of Steves treatment 29th..so two weeks off before another total lockdown!!…my FDs alway go well…..it’s the non fast days and long three day 😬weekends …
    Thinking of Katie’s ‘hamper’, it will be so lovely and thoughtful but she will go overboard….could really do with it at another time…it will have to go in the Xmas corner upstairs and slowly eat it…on Fridays!
    Enjoy seeing your mum hope she’s ok today……keep strong on your NFD and thoughtful 😀

    Keep strong, we all have our moments…sending hugs to you …

    Have a good day all….

    Jean x

    Minols- where have you diappeared to?! Anyone would think you have a busy job & homeschooling to do! Hope it’s going okay!
    Jean- good idea to make the masks yourself, hubby has ordered us more disposable ones…in case we get to go away!
    A nice walk with Xena early on, but shortened it a bit as she got too hot, she chases about so much after squirrels & imaginary things! She’s been very weird again since though, on guard in front of her crate, wanting to say hello but then getting shifty! She is the oddest dog I’ve ever come across!
    Taking my laptop to Mum’s this afternoon to sort her a Sainsburys order, wish me luck! Her new one has come, eldest will get it sorted for her tomorrow when he’s off.
    No snacking so far, doing okay!!

    76 calories so far today. Think I will have salad for tea so should be a low day.Humid here,not took Heidi out yet, she’s asleep pretty much all the time. No good sending her out to find Minols😄. Thunderstorms predicted for today so stay safe.

    Fasting going very well, nothing to eat just two cups of tea…lovely hour with Oreo at the park but Charlie wasn’t in a playing mood, although he got pushed into it….then got chatting to a lady for 50 mins, Charlie just stood quietly, he must be used to someone chatting in his previous life…lol

    My hair coloured now…Charlie had a shower after me, how do they know 😱??…he was trying to disappear now he is lovely clean and white, lots of his loose hairs came out.

    Running later after my morning chatting, masks can wait for another day….

    Our weather is lovely and hot now, a very slow start..looks like a late walk this evening….does Xena use her crate a lot, isn’t it a bit big in your lounge…I have never used one, going back years no one used them. I suppose I am from the old school.
    Good look on sorting your mums laptop, hope it goes well…

    Very humid here but no rain forecast…I am melting inside the house…

    Feeling hungry ..grumbling tum….maybe have a oxo??

    Jean x

    We had a bit of thunder and a drop of rain but sunny now. Still very humid.Shorts on will check the radar then take Heidi out.

    Totally fed up now. Think I will risk the weather and take Heidi out to break the boredom.Might catch-up on my angeling times, got months worth to read.

    Afternoon everyone!

    Jean – takeout coffee and cake sounds beautiful. I really miss a good creamy latte – the ones I make at home really aren’t the same. Bargain on the trainers! Hope the fit is better this time.

    Dave – glad your knee is doing okay.

    Nana – glad the meet up was lovely! It’s nice to feel we’re going in the right direction at last…

    HH – yep, fasting today! I always like to get one out of the way on a Monday so there’s just one left for the rest of the week haha! I’m with you on the NFDs.. when I first started I thought FDs would be a struggle, but actually it turns out the NFDs and being mindful on them is the tricky bit! I started calories last week to make sure I was getting enough protein and it’s also made me realise how close I get to my TDEE without even realising.
    Good luck with the online shop.

    I followed the live workout today, the first one in the monthly challenge. It was fun! There’s something about following along with things at a set time that I think is quite motivating. Then I went for a walk with my friend (the dog walker I bumped into last week) which was lovely. So, sitting down now to get some bits and bobs sorted out for the rest of the day.


    Just a quick drop by to stop HH worrying! (So kind you care – xx)

    I’ve spent the day alternating between home-schooling and reports for the next stages…aarrgghh! Oh well. At least I have the jollity of a holiday club planning meeting tonight. All the young things are so very keen that it’s infectious (bad word to use in these times!)

    Off to do the boys some tea. I’ve had a sausage roll, some popcorn and chocolate today, so I’ll just stick to some cauli / cheese mash from the freezer that needs eating up.

    Catch you all tomorrow.


    Evening everyone,
    Hope all of you are well. My FD today was easy for a change long may it continue. Next one planned for Thursday. Hope those of you who’ve fasted today have been successful.Just been checking out Tesco delivery slots and have managed to get one for Friday 3rd July in the morning so quickly put a few things in the basket to secure the slot and will then add to it nearer the delivery time.
    Hedgehogs hope doing mum’s order wasn’t too tricky for you.
    Dave no rain here but it’s looked like it would do a few times.
    Jean we would Have to hide a hamper of goodies away as well.
    Have a good evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Minols- busy as ever! Are you doing the holiday club on zoom, or is this for when we can one day be ‘normal’? Enjoy the mash, it does sound good!
    Endellion- the workout sounds good, & a walk too! Hope you sleep better after your GD!
    Jean- glad you’ve had company on your walk today! Has been really sweltering here too…Xena’s crate is in the corner of the kitchen, so she can choose to be with us or be in there for some peace! We were going to change it to a normal bed now that we don’t need to shut her in, but she seems to like being in there, it’s all covered over so it’s like a proper den! Hope you’ve stayed strong, & weren’t too hungry!
    Dave- Hope you didn’t get wet at all, nor Heidi bothered by the thunder if you got any, although I think you’ve said she’s too deaf now? I think the angling times would be good bedtime reading, would send me off to sleep!!
    Nana- well done with the Tesco slot, I think it’s getting easier to get them now…well done with the FD, nice when they’re easy!
    Got Mum’s shopping organised, son will get her laptop sorted tomorrow…chuffed with myself as I finally got round to going through lots of fitness clips I’d saved on Pinterest, trying out different ones, as well as a short HIIT workout, so will make up my own workout from now on, target where I need too! Had a late walk with Xena, had to do the watering as all the pots were baked. Have not snacked today, much more controlled, will fast again tomorrow.

    Morning All…
    A lazy sun start this morning a bit grotty looking…

    A walk on our own this morning, then may go out I need a few basic food bits.

    No rain here as yet ..I think showers tomorrow ..

    The coffee was lovely only let down was cardboard cup, not my thing…lovely and creamy and the lemon drizzle good to..all homemade at the cafe….cheap too lol…
    Glad your keep fit session was good on line…you are always busy as usual…

    We have to keep an eye on you or you attack the custard creams don’t want you to go awol!!…planning a holiday club, nice it can go ahead …the children always enjoy things like that, guide camp were the days….

    Good you got your slot again……Just looked on line I could get Asda and Tesco slots…are people shopping again..still I am going out myself I don’t need much….I am good at keeping the Xmas things upstairs so should be ok, still no idea what’s coming….sad really Katie should have been here on Monday with the children…

    Nice the crates a quiet corner for Xena, I forget your household will be so much busier than ours,…keep fit on the cards for you too hope you find something to suit…hope the computer gets sorted and mum can still manage it…
    Our FD went well yesterday….trying to be thoughtful..

    Hello to everyone missing….must move….

    Jean x

    Morning everyone!

    Nana – glad your FD went well, and that you got a delivery slot no problem!
    HH – hmm, I still didn’t sleep too long, but the live workouts I’m following this week are at 8am, so being up early is a good thing! Your stitched-together workout sounds great too – it’s nice being able to switch things around to keep things fun and depending on what you want to work on. Good luck on the fast today!

    Jean – mmm those disposable cups aren’t the same as a proper mug. Still, sounds delicious! And cheap is a bonus.. that sort of thing was definitely a rare luxury when I was living and working in central London last year.

    This morning’s workout was boxing, which was fun! Although I do miss using weights, and these workouts do have them in some of the exercises, so I might order some. They just seem so expensive! There’s another ab class at midday that I’m going to join for as well. Wear myself out properly so I can sleep early tonight.

    It’s an NFD today, and I’ve had my usual blueberry porridge with peanut butter and beautiful milky coffee. Then will be prepping for a tutor website interview I have this afternoon, drafting an article for a competition, and researching a potential summer holiday…

    I hope everyone has a lovely day!

    Er..afternoon all!
    Jean- have you got a delivery date for Katie’s hamper? We have chocolate & biscuits still from Christmas tucked away upstairs! You are very disciplined, it’ll be fine for you! I think more people must be doing shopping themselves now, much easier to get slots. I do like having a look around in the store, but not prepared to risk it ourselves still yet…
    Endellion- fingers crossed for your interview, hope it goes well. You are very disciplined too with the workouts & planning your day, very easy just to drift otherwise! Not sure about your porridge- eith peanut butter or bluberries, don’t fancy them together!
    (Hoping to be able to get some goats cheese soin, I love that with blueberries & salad!)
    Walked Xena, but it was baking hot- she found a big muddy puddle where the crop sprayer had been & had a nice paddle! Have done lots of washing & another workout, fasting okay but more hungry today…no boys up yet, I’m sure they’ll want something to eat soon!

    Just finished a marathon ironing session, had all the doors open for a lovely breeze…now sitting in the sun with a cuppa!
    Dave- you’re quiet today, not going to worry us all again are you 😂

    A bit worried about Heidi she had nothing to eat yesterday and as got the runs too😫.Done the shopping at Sainsbury’s used the app where you scan what you buy then put it in your bag. I bought Heidi a bag of chicken pieces and just cooked some rice so will give her that. I took her out and got caught in a thunderstorm,got soaked only had shorts trainers and a polo shirt on.

    Evening everyone, a funny day weather wise sunny and hot this morning and then intermittent showers and we’ve got thunder rumbling around now.
    Dave hope Heidi picks up soon a worry for you.
    Hedgehogs sounds like you’ve been busy again unlike me 😉 I’ve done hardly anything.
    Hope everyone else has had a good day and enjoy the rest of your evening and stay safe.
    Nana x

    I bought some chicken slices and a bag of uncle Ben’s rice.Heidi as scoffed the lot😄She is watching send in the dogs now. 😄.

    Evening All…
    Managed to make 4 masks between doing other things..popped by my local shop and took her some flowers and a card for all her help, Katie rang me so a good chat, cooked dinner…Finish the other four masks tomorrow…
    My fridge is playing up don’t really know what’s the matter, I should be defrosting it and turning it off then bring it back to temperature but it’s a bit warm now…maybe in the morning now..

    Happy parcel coming next Tuesday…I am risking it going out to shop but not every week, Tuesday seems the best day, at 7 pm….
    Your two tired boys late up this morning…too hot to sit out for me here but I have been busy…

    Hope Heidi is ok, it’s a worry…

    Where are you thinking of going on your holiday…something exciting…anywhere would be nice 😀

    We have seen no rain…nice to have a lazy day, why not…

    Jean x

    There was no queue at Sainsbury’s this afternoon. If you go at 7pm should be ok every week. Pouring down again here. Bet it will be on the news tonight somewhere flooded.

    Dave- glad that Heidi is eating now. Glad you’re not flooded, oops getting soaked, a free shower! Hope it all dries out…
    Jean- well done getting some masks done! Nice thought for your local shop lady, I bet she was chuffed…hope that your fridge works properly tomorrow 😱
    Nana- you’re retired, so entitled to be lazy! Enjoy the sun when you have it!
    Endellion- how was the interview? Fingers crossed still!
    Not a successful afternoon, had to wait until more got home from her friend’s to take the laptop round, by then son was busy, should’ve been easy to just connect it to her internet, but it wouldn’t recognise it, got on fine with mine yesterday 😬😬. So she’ll have to wait until tomorrow, she’s itching to get on amazon & buy stuff! So I’m rather fed up.
    Ended up having a row with hubby later- well sort of, I was so riled I slammed the door like a child 😱. He went out for a walk with Xena & all much calmer after that!
    Fasting okay though.

    Morning All..
    A dreary day but no rain…

    Playing about with my fridge it’s playing up, it might be the hot weather or a new stat needed…finishing the 4 masks and the sewing machine can go away…a good clean needed down stairs today or maybe tomorrow on fast day…

    My shop lady was quite emotional, I said I would give her a hug but can’t….
    Hope the computer gets done today..with the shops been too busy I have sent for some sleep tee shirts my bottoms are fine…one pair of trainers on their way the other size is a delay…must get used to this malarkey lol…

    Have a good day everyone….

    Jean x

    Hello all!
    Quiet today! Breakfast was good, & had an extra long walk with Xena as we took a wrong turning! Just done my asda order for tomorrow, plan meals for the whole week & it’s scary how quick it comes around again! Need to do a bit in the garden shortly, it’s still hot & dry here. The little one in my Homestart family is having more surgery today- he’ll likely have to stay in for 2 weeks, & only one parent’s allowed, so poor mum has to be at home on her own with the other 3 (very hard work, especially right now), & won’t be able to see him at all 😞
    Hope everyone’s okay? X

    Afternoon everyone!

    HH – wow, how have you kept things from Christmas?! I remember as a kid I’d keep Easter chocolate for months and months, just nibbling tiny bits at a time. Those days are long gone aha!
    Just got an email back and I was accepted into the agency, so the interview must’ve been alright! I have to read over the terms and conditions etc… I’ve never signed a contract for anything other than a flat before so it’s a bit scary.. I’m not sure what I’ll do. I hate the feeling of being trapped with something.
    Sorry to hear your afternoon wasn’t the best yesterday. Today’s a new day so hopefully you’ll have a good one.

    Dave – glad to hear Heidi’s back to usual.

    Jean – sweet of you to take flowers to the shop! She must’ve appreciated that so much! No wonder she was emotional.
    I’m thinking of going to the Azores islands. I had never heard of them til I saw something come up in a travel newsletter about 6 months ago. But they are volcanic islands near-ish to Madeira and the Canary Islands, but further out into the Atlantic. In the middle of nowhere, basically! And they speak Portuguese over there so I could get some practise in. I’m thinking of booking a plane out for maybe 10 days as flights have been far lower than usual… hmmm…

    Feeling VERY sore today after yesterday’s workout efforts! There must’ve been a few exercises in there that hit some muscles I’m not used to getting with my usual workouts. I was in bed by 10pm I was so worn out! Today’s was fun as well, and I’ll definitely be ready for an early night again. I’m fasting today so powering through on coffee, then carrot and coriander soup, sourdough, and fruit tonight.


    Good afternoon, very dull here but at least it’s stopped raining. Couldn’t believe people were actually swimming in Tesco car park.The rain was very heavy though. Hopefully we can go on our walk in the dry today.

    Afternoon All..
    Just sat down been quite busy…finished the masks and got it all put away, jigsaw thrown away no heart finishing with pieces missing,…Steve threw it in the bin while I was walking this morning… nice to have my dining room table back to normal. …cleaned throughly the down stairs loo, kitchen and utility, polished all the unit fronts, oiled my sink, mopped floors, messed with the fridge…..the lounge can wait till tomorrow….

    The little boy is going through it, hard as now with visiting and her other children..no you too for support…the shopping does come around quick the weeks are flying by…

    I have one thing to eat from Christmas, up out of the way upstairs….Congratulations on getting the agency job..is it for the teaching of English?…holiday sounds rather nice, good to get planning..I haven’t been there…hope your aches and pains ease off..slow down a bit…

    Swimming in the car park!!…..must be deep….that Tesco always gets flooded you have said before…

    Jean x

    I was wrong it wasn’t Droylsden it was Denton. But the one where my son works always gets flooded. TUI rang this morning to say we will get a refund next week, so fingers crossed we do. Had a walk with Heidi but couldn’t get to the resavoires because the path was flooded.


    Dave – swimming?! In the car park?! People are mad! Glad to hear you’re getting your holiday refund through at last!

    Jean – you’ve been very busy today.. hope you’re having a break for the rest of the day, or you’ll make the rest of us look bad.
    Yep, it’s an online agency for teaching Chinese children. I was recommended it by a friend, but I’m unsure about it. My problem is that since I’ve always been self-employed I always want things on my own terms!
    I’ve been looking into it and the islands look beautiful. It’s just a question of how to manage proving I don’t have Covid, there’s a few ways but it’s complicated and needs a bit of planning.

    Feeling very hungry today! Decided to have a small mug of tonight’s soup mid-afternoon to keep me going… Now I want more, but I’m sticking it out. Tired and can’t wait for bed though!


    Endellion- well done with the job- if you want it! If it’s online I guess you could be flexible where you do it from if not the time? Would you have time for a trip first? I’m stiff from my workouts too, having a break today, one & a half hours walk was enough! Hope the hunger goes & you keep strong the rest of today!
    Jean- wow, you’ve been busy today! Oiling the sink? What sort have you got? Shame about the jigsaw though…
    Dave- I can think of better places to swim! Really good that you’ll get your refund! Now to think of somewhere wlse to go…
    Have got quite a bit done in the garden, made the boys dinner ready to reheat, & an extra one for mum, will eat mine later. Have been much more controlled today, so that’s good, fasting again tomorrow.

    Just heard that the baby is out of surgery, good news!

    Denise as been looking at Cyprus and Lanzarote.I follow a bar in Lanzarote that gives up to the minute information.Grey sky but still very sticky.Gave Heidi a bowl of her Iams with nothing added she turned her nose up at it.

    Evening everyone, have had a lovely day starting off with our usual daily walk followed by a visit to our daughter and son in law not forgetting Poppy. Then a visit to our neice and nephew owners of the little Yorkie Mickey that has been poorly recently sadly he has heart problems and they have to monitor how many times he breathes in one minute three times daily whilst he’s asleep and if its consistently over 32 for two days they have to get in touch with their vet Walks are now out for him but he’s happy in his own little way. I rarely have breakfast and as it was almost two o’clock when we got home decided to make today a FD.
    Jean and Hedgehogs you’ve both been busy bees today. Jean any idea how long to make the extender pieces with buttons on for face masks as Son in law is suffering with sore backs of his ears due to wearing one at work every day.
    Thought I’d try to make him the extender.
    Hedgehogs glad little ones operation went alright.
    Hello everyone else and hope you’re keeping okay.
    Nana x
    P.S. Forgot to say well done on the job Endellion

    Good news on the little one…hope he’s fine…

    Thinking on the extenders..you will have to measure from his mask to one side to the other round his head, it depends how big his mask is..it’s either tape to fasten at the back of his head in a bow or Tape/ elastic maybe with Velcro for easy to fit and undo….Steve said no bloke would want buttons!
    It’s a thought..

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Nana- well done on the FD! Nice to be able to see your family today 😀.
    Jean- I am so rubbish at sewing, couldn’t do my own masks! Hope you have a good FD today.
    Dave- are you looking for next year’s trip? Or thinking of going abroad later in the year?
    Endellion- hope you slept okay after the FD, have a good day today!
    Minols- hope you’re okay?
    I’m fasting today, not feeling quite so good about it today as not much sleep, hubby up & down a bit & making lots of noise in his dreams 😂 The weather’s grotty too! Waiting a bit before I go out with Xena, hope it stops…seeing mum later & asda order coming, not sure what else I’ll do, feel like snuggling up with a book!

    UP with the lark, HH!
    Th boy was awake at 5.30, but I’m starting to train him to read rather than come through. The shadows under his eyes, though! We desperately need less daylight up here! Although I saw some amazing pics of midnight sunsets on the Scottish weather last night – stunning.

    I’m going to try and keep busy and not nibble today – just the one meal. From next week, Ithink the OH is taking over the kitchen…which will be wierd. When we married he commuted and I worked from home so I cooked durig the week. Now we’re thinking of reversing that as he’s going to be working from home until October at least, and I’m juggling the home schooling and work. This way I can get more done and ‘come home’ (go to the kitchen table) and have my tea laid before me…that’s how it plays out in my dreams, anyway!

    Meanwhile, school is doing the traditional wind down before the summer holidays – just two weeks to go here…but I’ve so many work books, I’m not telling the boy!


    Good morning, couldn’t sleep so got up early. Had an early night went to bed at 1-15 am.Heidi wanted to go out at 7am unusual for her so I got up then and let her out. Had too many calories yesterday,under my TDEE but there again I already am. I think it’s when I get fed up I eat more. Having a cuppa now then I will take Heidi out of its stopped raining.

    Morning everyone!

    HH – well done on a low day yesterday. Well, you can do a minimum of five hours per week, but they want them in the peak hours (12-2pm). So I’m just wondering how flexible they’d be if you weren’t able to make those hours one week, for example. Have to read all the small print!
    Fabulous news for the baby, everyone must be very relieved.
    It’s definitely a smuggling-with-a-book kind of day! I woke up early as usual post FD, but at least I fell asleep relatively early last night. I’m sure you’ll have a good FD today, stay strong!

    Dave – Ryanair are letting people move their holiday dates til later in the year with no fees if you book now for July or August, so I think that’s I’ll be doing. Hmm, hope Heidi’s appetite comes back.

    Nana – thank you! Poor Mickey… I hope his heart bears up.

    Minols – oh wow, midnight sunsets! That sounds stunning! Of course, it makes sense really given the geography, I’d just never thought about it I have a good friend who lives in the north of Sweden and he sends me photos sometimes after a night out and it’s just dusk at around 3am this time of year, it’s crazy!
    A shame your boy has to suffer from it though.. would an eye mask be of any help, or something extra covering the window?
    Ooh, I like the sound of having meals all prepared for you!

    Despite being up bright and early, I decided not to join for the 8am workout… instead I’ll do abs at midday, then the 8am ones tomorrow and Saturday. I need the rest today! Will hopefully have a good productive day today, then start thinking about maybe a shopping trip in the next few days?

    Minols- glad that there’s an end in sight to the homeschooling! & the cooking! Will be like a holiday for you! Hope that you can sort something out for your son to sleep later…
    Endellion- sounds like the job needs more thought! Have a good day, hope it is productive!
    Didn’t get too wet on our walk, but very muddy, Xena wasn’t impressed with her wash down when she got home, not had to do that for a while!

    Morning all!

    The sea mist came in last night and its still hanging around, making it feel very damp. I am going to wait a bit to see if it clears before taking Tara out.

    Fasting today, so will need to keep busy!

    Endellion, more choices for you! Its good that things are opening up for you. Hopefully before long you will be back on your adventures!

    Minols, midnight sunsets sound lovely! But yes must mess with the sleep!

    Seems like most have rain today 😑

    Nana and Mel, nice you have had chance for catch ups with friends, that must make a difference.

    HH, hope your asda order goes to plan. We need a few things but Ive not left Tara on her own yet and by the time Neil comes home and we have a coffee and catch up, its time to think about tea. I might see if the delivery slots round here have eased off yet.
    Glad that baby is doing ok.

    Dave, be good for you to finally get your refund from TUI.

    Jean, hope you get the fridge sorted and you dont need a new one. How old is it?

    Just checked the weather forecast, I think this weather is sticking around all day and for a few days….next week looks better, fingers crossed.

    Fasters, lets make it a good one!

    Kay x

    Morning All…

    So grotty and wet…I got wet through at the park, coat just ok but a bit damp inside..looks like a new coat, I thought I would buy but then changed my mind..looks like I should..

    Kettle blew this morning so I have collected one from Argos, my fridge thermometer is dead and I need it to check the fridge, one ordered…fridge is holding just….feeling it’s like having a Kay moment !!

    Fasting today and cleanup in the lounge later..I can’t really be bothered but should…..

    A snuggly read would be a good idea, I could join you…hope everything arrives on the Asda order…Good luck on a dry walk I think we have rain all day..

    Lovely to have your meal cooked for you..a dream…Steve used too when we were working he says I do it quicker and better, so I do it all now…he does bits when feeling ok, set table, helps with the pots, cooks chips ( in the fryer in the garage!) but not often….happy holidays ahead…

    Is your watch playing up to have you up this early 😂…enjoy your wet walk..

    Nice you can get on the books at the agency and start doing something..always a good idea to check the small print…good you can change flights and get on a holiday….
    Katie is waiting for her break down of her degree from Leicester uni, before she can start supply teaching or continue with a course to be a full time teacher. I think it could be Xmas before any staff are there….they have put her on the books for supply office staff at the schools…not quite what she wanted

    Having one of your moments everything breaking…fridge only 6 years old, I am wondering whether it’s just the hot weather, it’s holding just…Steve may look at it and see if he can mend it…..we have had the sea fret in the mornings for a few days…just pure drenching rain today 😂..

    Have a good fast day fasters…a good thoughtful day to everyone else..

    Jean x

    Jean I always turn off my watch and phone at night. And leave them downstairs.I have just emailed the local Labour councilor asking when bowling will be allowed to open in Manchester.Minols you won’t know what to do with your time once schools open up again. Dilly your always on the go, where do you get your energy from, send me some please. HH Heidi just wet so she loves being dried.Asleep now 😄.

    Kay – sorry – another beautiful day up here! Warm and fluffy outside (cold in my dtudy, but I’ll survive). Just had some trees topped for us, so hopefully we’ll get a bit more sun in the back now.

    Evening everyone, sounds like a lot of us have had some trying times of late – to quote a song lyric ” things can only get better ” can’t remember who sang it though. Been a very mixed day heavy rain overnight carried on until mid afternoon and now it’s a beautiful sunny evening. Was notified this afternoon that the wedding we were invited to for 28th August has been postponed until 23rd April next year apparently it could have gone ahead with a maximum of 20 people but they wanted everyone to share in their day. It’s given me extra time to lose the weight to fit in a suitable dress that is lurking in my wardrobe. Have surprised myself by achieving another FD today.
    Looking forward to meeting up with our friends again tomorrow for what will be my first alcoholic drink since Sunday.
    Have a good evening everyone and stay safe.

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