Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,074 replies, has 412 voices, and was last updated by  Brads27 7 hours, 12 minutes ago.

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  • Afternoon All…
    Fasting gone well..kitchen closed…a bit of cleaning and jigsaw, playing with Charlie..not a lot really..

    Annoying on the jigsaw, It’s from charity shop and I don’t think it’s ever been put together but there’s 2 pieces missing, I shall finish it…two odd colour pieces…😬

    Hope your aches are easier…Car all sorted not too bad money wise…

    Good fast for you today….enjoy your chocolate drink later…we have cold milk.

    Hoping you got your mum sorted out and you don’t feel too stressed about it all….

    You always sound so chilled and busy…still anxiety hits us all sometimes, different things or people hit us off….hope it settles down and you can think on your future …

    Always busy you have an excuse to be away for awhile….keep strong for today….

    Have a lovely evening..

    Jean x

    Jean- well done on your FD…frustrating about the jigsaw! Glad Steve felt up to a few garage jobs.
    Nana- well done for your FD too, hope the hunger settles…
    Minols- how did the communion work, all on zoom? Hope the conference is good!
    Dave- have you come out in bruises? Car didn’t sound too expensive…hope you’re not too tired after your early start!
    Endellion- hope that the anxiety settles, not surprising that you’re unsettled! The curry sounds good- I think it’s easy not to get enough protein when you’re vegetarian, I know I’m not great with that.
    Kay- are you back with us too?
    I’ve kept strong with fasting- doing a liquid fast makes me realise how much I pick when I’m cooking. Saw Mum- her lap top is on it’s way out, but she keeps dithering about what to replace it with- son’s looked into a good laptop for her, but she likes the idea of an iPad, I think it’ll be too small, her fingers are quite stiff,& she doesn’t use the tablet she’s already got, but there we go- usually she wants other people to make decisions for her but not this time! Slightly frustrating, but at least she can’t keep buying silly things from amazon now 😂

    Morning all…thought I’d check in to put off going for a run!
    Zoom conference good yesterday but quite glad it wasn’t something I had to take a day away for!

    HH – tricky making tech decisions at the best of times but really tough helping someone else to do so. As for tech communion…I’ll get feedback tonight as to how it felt in people’s homes…but there was a lot of warning so people could get their own elements, and they could be almost anything because we used a couple of parallel situations to think about how the Spirit moves out with time and space. There was a video on FB if people couldn’t connect,m but if they were at zoom we’d gone through it with the kids using a teddy bears picnic allegory and then I went into the Sanctuary to lead it from there…tech got in the way a little, but nothing major. And there is an amazing blessing on youtube using makaton that we finished with.

    Hopefully this week’s prep will feel really easy by comparison!

    Jean…I know you’re waiting for results but I couldn’t find if there was a timescale?


    Morning All…..
    A very bright day…blue sky seems to be disappearing…

    Playdate at the park at 9 am…later upstairs needs the vac running over it…nothing else planned as yet…

    There are two sizes of iPad, I have the bigger one Steve has the smaller one…I do like mine it’s so easy…I never really get the computer out these days…..still if she has a tablet what changes is she expecting?….my sister can’t manage her phone so she has no chance…a decision for her or is there anyone who has one for her to try….

    You are very tech lady now…a wizz kid 😂…I bet you feel you have had a quick Uni degree!…..all very complicated…we were struggling to get on zoom but we fumbled through….good the communion went well but I am sure you will be glad to get back into church.

    Steves hospital appointment is in the morning for his results..we are not looking forward to going…

    Jean x

    Morning everyone,

    Minols – you sound so busy! Hope you and the family are keeping well.

    Jean – shame about the jigsaw. Reminds me of my gran who always used to get jigsaws for me and my brother from the charity shop. We’d race through them when we went over only to find (or not…) a missing piece nearly every time. Funny, really.
    Hope you can stay busy today and keep your mind of things. We’ll all be thinking of you tomorrow.

    HH – ooh, I didn’t realise you were vegetarian. I think it’s one of those things where it’s totally doable to get enough protein, you just have to make more of a conscious effort (something I have not been doing at all, oops).
    An iPad might be a good idea for your mum. They’re pretty user friendly, last for years (I’ve had mine for 4 and it’s good as new), plus like Jean said they also do a bigger size model as well that’s basically the size of a laptop screen. And I think you can increase the size of everything on screen in the accessibility settings.

    Thanks for your well wishes. I’m feeling better by the day, more at ease, and taking care of myself. Today the plan is to study the penultimate module of my English course, sort out a few more rounds of my quiz (I’m hosting this week!) and head out for a walk.

    Hope everyone is okay x

    Morning all!
    Jean- thinking of you both…hope today doesn’t drag with that cloud hanging over you xx
    Minols- sounds like a huge amount of work you’re having to put in, hope everyone felt part of the communion. The makaton blessing sounds lovely!
    Endellion- have fun sorting your quiz, hope it goes well! Glad you’re feeling a bit brighter!
    Had a nice forest walk with Xena- I think because it’s been quieter the squirrels have become a bit more laid back, so there were loads about for her to chase!
    Done some exercises, still no breakfast, will keep going until lunch now.
    Have a good day all!

    A busy morning…a pot of veg cooked for Charlie lasts him three days, had my paint pots out tidying up the walls through the house, change of paint to start lounge after I finish my cuppa…surprising what a difference it makes.

    Just had the specialists secretary on the phone asking if we want a phone consultation, we declined and asked for a face to face …just wondering if that’s sounds like good news, surely they wouldn’t do bad news on the phone….I am feeling anxious…going at 10.45 tomorrow..

    Keeping busy doing your English..hoping you have a good day…

    We don’t have many squirrels in the park but the other day Charlie came nose to nose to one of them, both had not seen each other, it was a close call….In Texas Maxi is on squirrel duty every morning they torment him running on the top of the fence, they have loads of forests around them.
    How is your neck, is it feeling any better, do the exercises help..how is hubby’s back? That was sore too..

    Jean x

    We have loads of squirrels, Jean – love them. And the big park is quite famous for how tame they are. Usually see one two every day in the back garden…and OH grumphs about grey squirrels killing off red sqirrels! I’d love to be far enough north for red to be the norm, but I’ll settle for what we’ve got – they’re so beautifully lithe!

    I’ve put 10.45 in the diary for tomorrow, so we’ll be thinking of you.

    Endellion – I love quizzes but I’m too lazy to set them. Soudns a lot of fun!

    Jean – wierdly, I’m not in too much of a rush to get folks back into the building. I mean, I’d love to see everyone, I’d love to have a cracking good sing, I’d love that sense of gathered worship…but it’s so not going to be like that for ages and ages. I’m figuring Easter next year! And it’s probably not a bad thing to be shaken up a little bit (said through gritted teeth today!) Thank heavens for zoom at least!


    Good afternoon, shopping done and we got flour, just had an email and more flour is being delivered from Amazon 😄 Denise will be busy baking.Just noticed the house next door is sold so hope we get a good neighbor.Lots of eastern European people around so maybe one of them. If it is I hope they are Polish they like speedway 😄.But so long as they are nice I don’t care who moves in, better take Heidi out now she’s not been out yet.

    Minols- I agree I can’t see Churches being back to ‘normal’ for a long time, although they are in some states in the US. I do love squirrels too, haven’t seen a red one since a trip to Aviemore years ago. Apparently there were red squirrels near the cabin we stayed in at the Lake District, but the buzzards ate them all 😞
    Jean- can’t imagine bad news over the phone either…keep strong, not long to wait, good you’re keeping busy.
    Dave- oh dear, your calorie count will be going up if Denise does lots of baking! Hope your neighbours are good too, ours have gone quiet apart from putting sheds up in the rain last weekend!
    Had a little trip out to get some petrol, dog food for Xena, & I’d hope to get a few more pots to grow more veggies, but they’ve not got any in & have sold out of compost too! So will have to be content with what I’ve got for now…
    Had a nice salad lunch, then doing a curry tonight, will be back to a liquid fast tomorrow.

    Evening everyone, been a lovely day here so hoping for the same tomorrow as we’re going to be visiting our daughter and son in law. Not been a bad day food wise and have decided to weigh on Fridays from now on.
    Jean does sound hopeful if the hospital asked if you wanted a telephone consultation – all the best for the visit tomorrow will be thinking of you both.
    Has Denise started on the baking yet
    Dave ?
    Have a good evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning all!
    Jean- thinking of you & Steve this morning, hope it’s good news, prayers & hugs to you both…
    Fasting again!

    I hope all goes well today Jean, couldn’t sleep so up early. I must try for a lower food Day today. Looking out of the window the car is wet so we have had rain, dry at the moment but doesn’t feel very warm. Hard not to eat too much when up early. I was playing around with ebooks last night and downloaded a very good app for reading them on my phone. I emailed a book from my computer to my phone then put it into the e-reader. It works great.

    Just leaving hospital..
    Excellent news as good as they can say.. the lump is not visible..radio therapy starts in three weeks .. so relieved 😁

    Jean x

    Lovely news, Jean! Amaxing 😀😀🎉 Bubbly tonight?!

    Afternoon everyone!

    Jean – oh wow, what amazing news. You must be so relieved! Mini celebration on the cards today?

    Minols – I’ve been lazy too, that’s why it’s taken ten weeks to get to my turn to write the quiz! It’s a lot of work but I’ve actually enjoyed it a lot, and I’m cheekily going to recycle it with another group of friends at the weekend.

    HH – Mm, it’s hard to imagine how churches will get up and running. Both of my parents’ ones are very small and also have quite a high proportion of more elderly churchgoers.
    Good luck with the fast today!

    Have had quite a slow morning, but have got my arm workout done now, showered, done some Portuguese practise, and am off to make some lunch.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day x

    Afternoon All..
    Thank you for all your wishes …we are both so relieved…we already have his scan organised for radiotherapy on this Friday and a date for him to start treatment, they rang us in the car….all done so quick.

    The consultant told us, lots of cancer treatment clinics were closed, he didn’t agree with it and has continued to look after his patients and keep his clinics open..we are very lucky to be under him.

    I don’t think I have seen any red squirrels ..just the grey…it’s a long time till Easter for services, it will be a long few months..

    Hope you get a good neighbour…better than ours…

    Shame on you pots and compost…my coriander needs harvesting to the freezer again, it’s very busy..

    Enjoy your visit to daughter and SIL…a bit rainy here…hope your weather is better..

    Yes maybe some wine later….just so pleased, this last week has been so hard waiting….enjoy your lesson later a bit of practice….

    Jean x

    Jean and Steve – so very delighted…best news of teh week!

    We see quite a few red squirrels up north – one used to perch on the edge of the old bridge next to the cottage, and you could see him fromt eh bedroom window. Remember our other dog – the wee s^%t? He came bounding down the path at Falls of Bruar one day with the back end of red squirrel (2 legs and a fluffy tail) sticking out of his mouth! We were horrified…but once we got him to drop it it was obvious that he’d found it like that and that something else had caught and eaten the guts of it – never was very bright, that dug!

    Had a spoon of peanut butter for lunch and I’ll be having salad tonight while the boys have ribs…whoops, just realised I’ve no veggies for them! Might need to ahve a change of plan! I made a fab arabiata sauce the other day so maybew that instead.


    Evening everyone, a miserable day weather wise here but luckily was able to visit daughter and son in law during a break in the showers and once again the grandson turned up together with his fiancee so that was nice. After visiting the daughter we decided to go for a ride around to charge the car battery and went on a sentimental journey to see our first home together as newlyweds a lot of happy memories.
    Jean once again congratulations on the wonderful news following Steves hospital appointment today. A glass or two of 🍷is definitely allowed today.
    FD planned for tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    I think we may go and see Denise’s mum on Friday.Got masks to ware so should be good. It’s gone cold here now, not got any heat on. In which Heidi would lie on my legs to keep me warm bits she’s no lap dog.

    Jean- hope you’ve had some good food & wine tonight to celebrate! The clinic sounds very efficient, very glad they’ve stayed open! Will the radiotherapy be daily?
    Minols- the joy of dogs! I must try arabiata sauce again, I think eldest would like it…how could you just have one spoonful of peanut butter- that is epic self control! Definitely my weakness at the moment!
    Dave- I’m sure Denise’s mum would love to see you! It must’ve been a long boring time for her in lockdown 😞
    Nana- lovely to see your daughter & family & a drive round old haunts! Hope your FD goes well tomorrow…
    Endellion- so many talents- Portugese, English course, cooking, blogs, quizzes! Good to keep so busy!
    FD has been okay, although my tummy rumblings have been quite loud 😂. Saw Mum- very weird, the 1st game we played was almost embarassing as she got in such a muddle, then the 2nd she was back on form, quick & beat me soundly! She finally decided on a laptop son had recommended, only now they’re out of stock 😬😬. Feel very sorry for one of mum’s friends’s daughter- when the friend was widowed they invited her to live with them, the lady then decided she wasn’t happy there & wanted to live on her own, so they rented a flat for her nearby, cleaned it all, moved her in & now she doesn’t like that either! Very hard work, the daughter deserves a medal!!
    Tesco order done ready for tomorrow 👍

    HH – I had a grandma like that! When my grandad died suddenly we re-modelled downstairs so she had a wee granny flat. I don’t think she lasted 6 months! The primary complaint was that our heating system was too noisey, but I think it was more that she’d assumed she’d have the whole family dancing round her. She took herself off to a care home!

    Had a good food day yesterday…until 2.30 am! Bad night! Comforting myself with being nearly ahead on my work for Sunday which means I can get on with some ‘managing expectations’ stuff for the plan forward…or I might just go for a long walk with a good book on my phone!!!


    Morning everyone!

    Jean – hope you had a good time celebrating last night.

    Minols – peanut butter is my absolute favourite. Not sure I’d be able to keep it to just the one spoonful… I have a kilo tub at the moment as it was better value and it’s just so dangerous!
    Well done on being ahead on work. A long walk and an audiobook sounds lovely as well.

    Dave – that would be great if you could see Denise’s mum. She must’ve missed you both a lot.

    HH – glad your mum was on great gaming form!

    Quiz went really well yesterday and my friends enjoyed it. And I ‘graduated’ from my English course as well! So, the next step today is to apply to some tutoring companies so I can interview and then hopefully start earning some money. Although, I’m feeling like a very gentle, relaxing day today. I feel very tired and snuggly (still in bed!) and it’s absolutely tipping it down outside. So I think a bit of a duvet morning watching series and relaxing with some coffee is in order.


    Morning All…just

    A good park run with Charlie at the park…he covered 5 miles..

    Fasting today..

    My Texas daughter wants to send Steve a Happy Hamper from Asda..all his favourite things, they make it up…so I have put a list of his favourites together so she can choose…taken me ages going up and down all the groceries they sell….makes and costings…sent now…a nice thought.

    Steve will do 15 days Monday to Friday, takes about 10 mins with 1 1/2 hour round trip drive….he is there at 9 am tomorrow for his initial pre therapy, they are going to tattoo him for his treatment 😬, leave home at 8 am..I shall walk Charlie.

    The two mums seem to be hard work at times..a joy of having mums 🥰

    Go for a long walk with your book that sounds good….

    Congratulations on passing your course…that seemed quite quick…hope it will be the same for my daughter when she decides to start….enjoy your lazy morning…

    Hope you see MIL I am sure she will be chuffed to see you…

    Getting hungry must move..clean upstairs….then might be an oxo!

    Jean x

    Good afternoon, very windy here today. Not had any good yet and feeling very hungry.I will take Heidi out then see if I still want food.Yes looking forward to seeing Denise’s mum tomorrow, her son went to see her on Tuesday.Denise said we can’t go until after Saturday so I don’t know what’s happening now.

    Oops, not even morning! Good afternoon all!
    Jean- lots of driving for the radiotherapy, will be tiring for both of you. What a lovely idea from your daughter, I didn’t know Asda does them… Hope your FD goes okay!
    Minols- the book & walk sound the best option! Hope today goes well foodwise; not easy if you’ve had a rough night…Granny sounded hard work!
    Endellion- enjoy a lazy day, & well done on passing the course, I hope you get some work from it 🌟
    Dave- keep strong, & hopefully dry on your walk. I guess you’ve waited weeks to see MIL, another couple of days won’t hurt!
    Torrential rain in the night & grotty first thing so had a later walk- the sun came out & it got really hot! Have made a little lemon & ricotta keto cake, but will share it with mum. Seem to have lost my drive a bit to get on with jobs, must get moving!
    Keep strong fasters!

    I met our postman on our walk and a woman called Jane and her dog Rashford.I was shouting at Rashford to bite the postman’s leg. He said what was that brick I delivered this morning.It was a bag of flour,he said go to the supermarket like everyone else.Hes going mad because I keep ordering fishing tackle online.Good job he is my friend 😄.With going to see him we had to go a different way and Heidi still managed to get back it the normal route.

    Restarting this week and so far Ive been good!

    Tara, our new edition, is settling in well, but needs some training when out on the lead. I think its anxiety, but she ends up barking and pulling etc.

    Still on my one day a week of paid work but its very boring, not enough to do. Unless I can swap days for the next 2 weeks, I wont be working at all as Neil is working on the Thursdays and its too soon to leave Tara on her own.

    Endellion, what was the english course you were doing?

    I love almond butter rather than peanut butter, but luckily I keep forgetting its in the cupboard!

    Minols, what weather are you having up there? Not really walk and reading weather here. Very blustery.

    150 cals so far today so will be ok for rest of day. I finish work at 4, then I need to go shopping, by the time I get home it will be getting on for teatime!

    I keep looking at our home webcam which we have set up, to see what Tara is doing..lol..sleeping mainly! Although Neil has been doing some training and playing with her!

    Hope everyone is ok!
    I find it hard to keep up with coming on here, but will try harder 😉

    Kay- well done with your FD- if you’re cold & bored at work it must be tempting to eat, or do you not bring food with you? Glad Tara’s doing well, wonder if maybe she wasn’t walked much before? Will be nice for you to have lots of time to spend with her the next couple of weeks…any more signs of pregnancy or season yet?
    Jean- I’m sure you’re keeping busy & strong as usual!
    Dave- I hope Rashfords owner knew you were friends with the postie, asking him to attack 😂…lots of flour for Denise, were the lemon tarts good yesterday?
    Minols- as Kay said, weather not too good, hope you got your walk?
    Hubby’s just taken Xena to the park, & it’s just started raining again! Got beef strips marinading for chow mein for the others, not sure what I’ll have later, but now I’m having a cuppa & a piece of the lovely cake I made. (Sorry fasters, my turn tomorrow!)

    Afternoon All..
    Absolutely pouring down managed to get back before it started…

    Two eggs tonight on one slice of bread on a salad garnish…about 550 cals for the day…I am ok with that.

    Dusting the back bedroom this morning, I have some sugar coated almonds from Xmas, last thing left, I picked it up and opened it and then thought goodness I am fasting…l put it back quick 😂

    Lovely you are seeing MIL tomorrow..is it so bad getting flour from the shops?…so it’s a Denise doing the baking instead of you…

    Sorry ‘Happy Hamper’ is what my daughter called it…..when speaking later she has got a Asda slot ( How from Texas when I can’t from here!!)… she is doing a shopping order and putting all our favourite things in…very nice thought but naughty..It’s really a surprise for Steve but it includes me…your cake sounded nice for you a bit different for me 😂

    Takes time to get them to settle..then you can start on the training, it’s her first week slowly slowly…as soon as I have a cuppa I usually check in..

    Did you get a dry walk this morning?….I am starting some bread shortly to rise over night..see how I go..

    Jean x

    On here is the only place everyone is on.Very windy here, Heidi’s had her two walks so she’s just gone in the kitchen to investigate the chicken 😄.Not sure if we’re going to Denise’s mums or wait until next week.

    A funny day- youngest son has heard that his speeding court case which was next week has been postponed due to corona virus, he’d pleaded guilty & wasn’t going to go to court, so surprised, but it seems as though he will have to go- they do that if you’re going to lose the license & you have to hand it in then- so he’s pleased it’s been delayed but pretty horrified at maybe going to court. Will serve him right & should make him be more careful in future! And eldest son has just heard that he’s got to go back to work on Saturday, so he’s a bit gutted, he was enjoying being paid to stay at home 😂. They want the most adaptable people back (swiss army knives, the managers said?!) & so that’s why he’s going back. So feel all of a dither now, I’ve liked him being around, & Xena will really miss him 😞.
    Have a good evening everyone!

    Evening everyone, FD done and dusted hope the scales are kind tomorrow. Have got my knitting out again as I started a jumper for myself ages ago and lost interest but I’m ready to carry on with it again now.
    Jean yes we managed to get our walk in this morning without getting wet. Dry now but don’t know how long for. Asda hamper sounds a lovely idea.
    Hedgehogs grandson went back to work at Vision Express today – just himself and one other with all safety and distancing rules in place. They’re only open for emergencies.
    Husband has decided to watch Star Trek film Wrath of Khan but is currently fast asleep🙄
    Have a good evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Hi everyone.
    Weather up here windy but not too bad…sorry! If you look at your weather maps and see E’burgh marked, we’re just north, and so far the low isn’t quite getting to us.

    Hh – it’s strange isn’t it how we feel about the lifting of lockdown. We kind of want it…and don’t. And I don’t think it’s just about the risk. I think we’ve sort of got used to ‘this’ and we know what next won’t be exactly like what we had and so there’s uncertainty built in to whatever ‘next’ is…and we don’t like ‘that’! And of course there have been bits of this that have been really not bad…like having your son around!

    Going to try not to eat before tonight’s takeaway. We have a jigsaw on the go and that’s a useful distraction just now.


    Morning All…
    Pouring down and dark…I was wanting a long river walk but I don’t think we will like it!!

    I am smudging up in weight only just kept the same, we are back to having Friday and Saturdays off, and being thoughtful for the rest of week….too many treats are coming in, too much wine…very strict from Sunday…

    My bread I am baking has a good overnight rise so will cook it after walk….so hopefully looking good.

    A worry for your son if he looses his licence and goes to court, a bit frightening when they are young..or for any of us. Loosing your other son to back to work, that has its own worries…still lots of people have worked through it all..I think being at home brings more anxieties with watching the tv and updates.

    What have you decided about MILs visit?

    Why do men watch films and fall asleep usually loud boring ones..for me, either, war, DIY, mending cars, or Netflix’s.
    I have a good rise on my cob, my yeast must have died on the last one…shall cook it as Steves coming back…cuppa and hot bread with marmalade 😂

    I always thought of you more to the west..strange how you think..you have a bit of dry weather for a change..jigsaw might be on the cards for me…haddock and chips at 1ish today’s treat…local in Selby where our restaurant is, chippy joined on next door, but we will eat in the car…
    Thinking of making some face masks, might pop for some material today or tomorrow..I have made one each but think we will be using them for a while, my hairdressers has stated you have to wear one when they open…Steve will have to wear them for hospital every day..so washing and wearing…cafes and shops when open…

    Well it’s a drenching time, it’s like it all morning so it’s no good putting it off…

    Jean x

    Jean I have bought 6 masks,all reusable but must be washed after wareing once.I think we are leaving the visit to Denise’s mums until next week. Weather not good but dry at the moment.Shopping later may go on my own, not sure if Denise is coming or not. Will take Heidi out while it’s dry.

    Morning all!
    Jean- hope Steve’s appt goes smoothly, I’m sure he’ll enjoy the bread! If you’re making a mask, they should have 3 layers for safety- aunt has made one for mum, it looks pretty but has one thin layer & won’t give much protection…enjoy your fish & chips! Sounds like the scales weren’t as bad as you thought?
    Minols- enjoy the dry weather, & jigsaw…hope you can stay strong until your takeaway!
    Dave- hope you get the shopping okay, & keep dry on your walk. Did you keep low yesterday or did Denise do more baking?
    Nana- my hubby watches TV too loud, but doesn’t usually fall asleep. Because of all his sinus problems he has to constantly clear his throat, I have to say it gets to me sometimes 😬 Enjoy your knitting!
    Hope everyone else is okay!
    Fasting again, another liquid one hopefully. It’s helped; 2lbs down this week although it’s only the ones that appeared after my carb day last week 😂. Had an extra long walk exploring a different bit of forest this morning, nearly got lost!! Spoiling eldest with his favourite food today before he goes back to work, I reminded him how I used to do that when he started primary school as he didn’t want to go- lots of yummy things in his packed lunch etc 😂
    Have a good day all!

    Afternoon everyone, and happy Friyay!

    Jean – I love the idea of that hamper!

    Dave – useful to be on good terms with your postman! I think mine must hate me after all the things I order online.

    Kay – brilliant, welcome back! Glad Tara is doing well so far.
    I was doing a TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) course. It was all quite similar to the languages degree I did at uni so relatively quick to complete but very interesting nonetheless – I’m hoping to get a bit more money coming in from tutoring online.

    HH – that cake sounds delicious. How did it turn out?
    Sorry to hear about your son going back to work, you’ll miss him. But it’s surely good news he’s so needed over there.
    Good luck on the fast today.

    FD turned out alright yesterday at just under 800. Have been busy not doing an awful lot the past few days, just enjoying feeling like myself and relaxing, really. I’m reminding myself that this furloughed life of leisure won’t last forever, so when I’m in the mood to rest, I ought to make the most of it and enjoy it! I slept terribly last night so had a nap straight after breakfast today. The indulgence!

    Planning on a little bit of writing today, some more series, and wine tonight (within TDEE). And hopefully a small loss tomorrow…


    Endellion I worked at the post office for years, got made redundant twice in engineering.I used to play days with my postie and work with him. He said if I order anymore online he will burn them all 😄. HH I got wet on my walk 😫.

    Evening All..
    Haddock and chips were nice feel full had them earlier…we brought them home to eat..a lazy afternoon we were both tired after a bad nights sleep and had a sleep, not me at all…….a walk at the park ..

    I bought some masks we were ripped off they didn’t fit Steve, a bit flimsy, you could see through them.

    Steve has come back with three spots tattooed on…all set to go on the 29 th..scales could of been better…they are very hot to wear the masks, the one I made was two layers but with pleats, Wales is wanting three layers I shall do that..
    Well done on your 2 lbs off you seem to move it easy, you put more effort in than me 😂…nice to get spoilt, that’s possibly my problem here for Steve and then I join in…

    I thought a hamper but more like carrier bags of our favourite food..nice she can organise it from Texas…Katie ( Texas daughter) taught English in Germany on her third year of her German degree, she enjoyed it.
    Have a few lazy days you deserve it…

    Enjoy your knitting see if you can finish it….

    Have a lovely weekend..

    Jean x

    Evening everyone, just had the last of our takeaway curry from our favourite Indian takeaway. We were supposed to be meeting up with our friends this evening their garden but decided to cancel due to the weather forecast of rain but there hasn’t been any. Tomorrow is now planned instead. Scales were unkind and showed a half pound gain this morning was a bit disappointing but wonder if it’s due to taking ibuprofen for my knee pain the last few days as it’s been really painful and was keeping me awake at night. Won’t let it get me down though and will carry on with 5:2.
    Just been face timing with daughter and son in law and Poppy has come into season so having to be careful on her walks.
    Jean hope the bread was as tasty as it looked.
    Hedgehogs well done on another FD.
    Have a good evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Watching speedway 😄😄😄. It’s on again at 7pm😄😄😄 think I will record it. The sun is out now at last, got wet on first walk today. May go fishing again next week, never managed to go to Denise’s mums, will go next Friday. Had haddock and salad for tea, very nice. Will have that again soon.

    Dave- enjoy the speedway! Is it UK? Without fans?
    Jean- good to treat yourselves, you’ve had a stressful week…& an afternoon nap if you need it! Takes me ages to wake up properly if I fall asleep in the afternoon! Can I correct you though that it is not easy to get the weight off for me 😬😬😂! Changing to the liquid fasts has helped I think this week, probably won’t next week! Think I’ll aim for 3 again…
    Endellion- good idea to be lazy if you feel like it, doesn’t sound like you are very often!
    Nana- shame about the scales, but you have done really well through lockdown! Hope the curry was good! Shame you couldn’t see friends tonight, hope it’s better tomorrow.
    Minols- did you get much jigsaw done? Hope that you could keep strong today!
    FD has gone well, not much done today except walk, seen Mum, cooked lots of food for the others, & packed lunch ready for eldest tomorrow. They’ve got screens, hand gel, masks etc so it’s way safer than before they closed down.

    HH – pretty much finished the moa on the left and half way through the dodo on the right of David Attenborough. OH working on the roof. Need to bite the bullet and start the diplodocus!

    Should try to be domestic today…but someone’s also tipped me a warning that there’s a major Microsoft update happening so I should probably go to the church and get that done so the computer isn’t trying to do it tomorrow morning…that would be a disaster! Wierd just now – no computer, no service!


    Morning All….
    A bit bright but drizzle…we have decided to take a sandwich and go to the beach, a ride out and a walk for Charlie hoping the weather keeps the people away.
    When Steve starts his treatment we are on total lockdown again, no visitors at all, not sure if it’s the three weeks while having treatment or over the 8 weeks while the treatment is still working…

    We have decided a plan…Friday and Saturday off…Sunday is the start of the week, I may have brunch and dinner, cut a meal out on NFDs…thinking very much what I am eating…creeping pounds need to go!!…Steve needs to loose some but it’s difficult at the moment he may be on soft food on treatment, I will let him do it his way…

    Hope your computer is behaving and you managed to get the service done…

    Hope your eldest has got off to work, you will be worrying ….I never sleep in the day, felt I needed it..I am not sleeping well I think Steve disturbs me, I was cranky the other night apparently when he woke me😱

    Taking the boy out shortly, a joint cooking that will be about done for this evening…

    Have a good day…

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Minols- hope you get the service sorted, domesticity can wait! Jigsaw sounds interesting!
    Jean- have a good day out, hope there’s not too many people around! And have a good day ‘off’!
    Yes, eldest back to work- he’s really noisy in the morning & gets up way earlier than he needs to, so I was awake at 6am, & hungry! A lovely walk with Xena, hot already. Some gardening time today as it’ll be nice…the noisy neighbours are making a racket again 😬

    Evening All…
    We have had a lovely day so up lifting…the dog part of the beach was quite empty, not many people about more coming at 2pm, we were leaving then…
    Charlie touched his toes in the water, he never gets wet…we walked for 40 mins then went in a lovely flower garden to eat lunch over looking the sea..then on to having an ice cream, Charlie eats his quicker, then he wants ours 😂….he only has a very small one it never upsets him, only has them very occasionally…

    We cut our meal back tonight, less potatoes too…

    It’s men they are never quiet, Steves noisy…hope his day went well…it’s so hot here, too much for me…hope you managed the gardening…nightmare neighbours!!
    Are you fasting tomorrow, I think I am, as now but might change my mind…..

    Jean x

    Minols my laptop updated windows 10 so hope yours is ok

    Jean- really glad you had a good day, you’ve earnt it! Glad the weather was nice for you…Hubby is very noisy too if he does get up, obvs a man thing, although our youngest is not too bad when he’s on earlies, & very quiet when he comes in late.
    Dave- any plans to go fishing soon? What laptop have you got? Haven’t used hubby’s new one yet…
    Didn’t do much in the garden in the end, just enjoyed the sun & got stuck into a book…we took Xena to the beach again later as it’s been hot, the car park was the busiest I’ve ever seen it, but easy to keep away from people. Xena actually ran down to the sea & straight in! No swimming, it was quite rough, but she obvs liked cooling off!
    Dinner eaten, cake is finished, & I’ll be fasting tomorrow- going to try ADF for a bit to get the pounds shifted!

    Hope to go fishing next week, just ordered a new pole £500😵.My laptop is a Hewlett Packard one. Denise said I am noisy if I get up in the night 🙉.

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