Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Kay…
    Lovely to hear from you ….have a lovely trip and hope the weather keeps fine..

    We will be fasting with you Monday.πŸ˜€

    Jean x

    Have you got any Dr Fung books ?

    I am looking at one to buy…the complete fasting book..

    Jean x

    Hi. Back from dentist, It is an infection. She did something there and then and gave me antibiotics for 5 days. I am not going back to work as feel dreadful. Hardly slept for 3 nights, if at all last night due to the pain. No FD now as need to eat with the antibiotics and to be honest I am not in the mood!

    no, symba, I keep watching his videos though

    funnily enough I was looking at that fast book last night, online, but I thought perhaps it would be mostly about complete fasting i.e. no food at all on fast days, and I don’t really want to do that

    if you get it, I would be very interested to know what you think

    didn’t eat again until just now, so that is another 18 1/2hour ‘fast’
    I think my tummy is really pleased, it is actually getting a chance to feel empty and rumble which hasn’t happened in many months!!

    as a binge eater I have to learn what it really feels like to be hungry, and try not to react, as it tends to make me panicky

    this will cheer you all up – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5S6YUDJ9HI

    I found out about ‘butter Bob’ from a post somewhere on this forum, and the link above is a song some guys wrote for him and its brilliant and sends the message we are all talking about

    I have watched several of his videos, I think he is great – such a genuine guy really wanting to help others

    Hope you soon feel better and get a good sleep…

    Just watched Jason on a Video…just got me thinking on the book…not sure yet..I couldn’t do all water fasts..see what everybody thinks of 16.8..

    He does remind us why we fast….he is good..


    when you get your voice back you will be able to sing the song!!

    Shera – missed your toothache post…so sorry, it’s the worst thing ever. Worse than childbirth! Hope the painkillers gradually begin to join up, otherwise the four hour window can feel like eternity. If you can lie down and put a hot water bottle in your pillow, that sometimes helps. Also, if you have anything homeopathic…try hep.sulph – it’ll work with the antibiotics on the root cause. Otherwise, rocking backwards and forwards moaning quietly worked for me – of course, all the other clergy in the room thought I was possessed, but that’s an occupational hazard!


    Hi Girls. .. Hope all is well with you and yours. xx

    Stormy ole day here. Lol. Will never complain about BT again. Over the last couple of days had 2 lovely young technician’s working on Mums phone line. Very respectful and jovial in fact we really enjoyed them. All done and no cost to her. .. brilliant.

    Ohhhh I just love this 16 -8 Kristy started It yesterday with me. .. To day had my first food at 1pm and can honestly say I didn’t feel hungry really if I had not been at Mums and taken my food I wouldn’t have bothered till later.
    Had cube of cheese .. grapes ..cucumber for lunch.. a fair ole whack of cheese as not counting cals.

    1pm till 9pm.. this evening window. ..Having Coop fish pie at 7pm will have a couple of Ciders ( Thank you Ende for you reply) xxx Will finish food at 8pm.. Cider by 9pm. Will do this till Sat without a fast see how it goes.

    Aud…. I know I have read ages ago that a lot of the old stagers on here do it in between the fasts.

    What I don’t understand though is why I can go till 1pm .. yesterday 2.30 without feeling hungry … yet on a fast day staving by 12noon. Lolol.

    Anyway .. lovely having Kristy on board .. went home mortified about her experience on the scales. … So lots of texts going on. Lol.

    Sym .. hope you feel better soon. Looks better weather tomorrow … much nicer next week. Xxx

    Brit lovelies …Brit lovelies…β€œIt doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.” Xx

    Evening All..
    Although a bit chilly today we have had a lot of sun…forecast rain! We went to vote and took all the clean washing and bedding back to caravan..so it’s ready to go again..

    We are both still feeling crappy…I am whispering a bit now but still resting my voice…Steve hasn’t slept for about 5 days so you can imagine what he’s like….not a good patient at all..

    Finished eating for the day and it’s gone quite well I was a bit hungry this afternoon but Steve didn’t comment so he must have been ok..

    I liked Butter Bob…what a lot of weight he has lost…I liked his song…lol..watched some of his videos, a bit like Atkins…I don’t like the bad breath smell…only way is to up the carbs a bit.

    You are doing well I will be watching closely….when we feel better I will try and talk Steve to have a brunch maybe and dinner…he really enjoys his breakfast….I suppose I could have my shower while he eats but it would be good if he joins me.

    Hoping Kirsty keeps with you and you get her on track a bit…maybe the 16.8 will suit her. Weigh in tomorrow for us…

    Hope you are feeling a bit better and the pain has gone…

    Jean x

    Had a lovely day today caught up with lots of old friends,.

    Am going you try 16.8 for a week or so but with a couple of 800 days thrown into the mix… should be different..

    Started eating at 12 so am now going to stop at 8 tonight.. Tomorrow is a fast day so 800 kcals for me again between 12 and 8..

    Think this may work, fingers crossed for me!

    Jean, hope you feel better soon.


    Back from first aid course, voted then out to rehearsal just had my first food so managed 21 hour fast. Made course a bit hard going I knot writing the wrong dates on my written work I even reverted to 2012! 16/8 interesting but I would struggle every day with my working hours. Also watched a couple of Dr Fung videos he seems to advocate longer fasts. I manage about 21/22 hours with no food tgen have 350 cal meal about 7 and 150 cal keffir drink before bed. But if you shed fat in 16/8 will rethink
    Jean hope you are feeling better
    I will stay up and watch election my prediction is Tory majority. Lots of people undecided so will tend to vote for who they know. It takes and unstoppable force to overturn the incumbent remember 92 kinnock//major.
    I may however be completely wrong (hoping).

    Jean hope you feel better
    Hemjy well done with BT
    Rowena toothache ouch
    Audtrey giad you had a nice day
    Sorry can’t scroll back fur everyone xx

    Hi Girls xx

    Well all finished now apart from my cider … till 9pm.

    Feel sooo good and full although not really had that much. Ohhh will this really work … we will see .. proof is in the pudding. Lolol.

    I must say.. I suppose it so much easier doing this when you are on your own. Harder I guess with children and any partners that like 3 meals a day at set times. Xx


    My fingers and toes are crossed for you…

    Audrey x

    As soon as we are better we are joining the 16.8 corner with two fast days..and two days off..

    I know it’s a FD but I am sat here gargling with 1/2 inch of whisky..πŸ˜‚


    the whisky is purely medicinal, symba!!!!



    Having the best post fast breakfast so happy my prediction is wrong. The great British public does not respond well to manipulation. As an ex politucs students I love the intrigue I thought this one would be dull!

    If andy Murray wins this afternoon will be delighted!

    Anyways busy day work then if the theatre tonight to see the girls the musical based on calendar girls que tissues

    Wishungbeveryinevtge best day

    Wishing everyone the best day

    I am just too old to type on my iPad never mind tiny screen on phone ! Have had very little sleep keep checking the results through night

    BTW am not being partisan I respect everyone’s opinions as I said I did politics and economics degree so I love this stuff. Much more exciting outcome than a landslide for any party

    Morning all

    Just trying to drink a cup of black coffee not allowed sweetener or milk apparently in my 16.8 window… it is taking some digesting..

    Hemmy thanks for the link, much appreciated…

    Very interesting on the political front… are we in or out now?

    Have a good day all, I am doing a 800 kcals day in my 8 hour window just to mix it up…

    Audrey x

    Good morning FB Brits hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    Lovely to wake to sunshine… hopefully we have had our quota of rain for a while.

    Mrs O… Hope Andy Murray wins. xx Think the election sums up how divided the country A bit scary.. Hopefully all unite soon. Have an enjoyable day. Xx

    Aud I am having milk full fat in tea and coffee. I don’t take sugar fortunately…
    Hope the day goes well for you. Xx

    Well girls… going into day 3 of 8 hour window. I must say the scales are looking good for tomorrow weigh in.

    Feeling good too .. woke this morning not at all hungry…and have been feeling more energetic in the mornings.
    Having a big cup of coffee… then will eat lunch at 1pm … then dinner at 7pm..finshed by 8pm so only 7 hrs really eating but had my cider till 9pm. Didn’t feel at all like snacking.

    Come on girls give it a whirl…. mix it up … shake it about. Lol. All good fun.

    Have a good day all… Xx

    Brit lovelies… Be Adaptable… Positive… Happy BUT most of all be Kind. Xx

    Hi guys, better day weather wise today. Hope your all doing ok. I’ve been consumed with getting back into work this week, so have only been reading posts, and haven’t really had anything constructive to add to be honest.

    Positive, 2lb down this morning, so another 2 to go to put me at pre-holiday weight.

    I’m glad its Friday, anxiety a bit of an issue this week for some reason. Not sure what has triggered it, but never mind …

    Zumba before work helped πŸ™‚

    Take care and have a fab weekend xxx

    morning all

    hemmy, I am just on my 4th day of 16:8 and like you finding it easy
    although actually as I said before I am eating in a 5/6 hour window so nothing after dinner at about half 6

    oh l love full fat milk and yog
    although I am not having me lovely cereal, perhaps I will at the w/e, unless I try to make this a whole week

    the only thing I would like is milky tea in the morning, but water it shall be

    Morning All..

    A dreary start for today..

    Up a bit later thought it may help our window….my voice is now coming back croaky but I can talk, a bad night with my throat, neck and head pains…coming round now…Steve off to Doctors coughing always goes onto his chest, he’s held off from going but again he has gone 5 nights with no sleep, up and down to the bathroom all night to clear his chest…life long smoker but given up 16 years ago for me!

    We didn’t weigh in last week due to holiday, so Steve’s lost a pound back to pre holiday weight…I have stayed the same.( We both had one pound increase each the first weigh-in on holiday.)

    It’s been awkward on medications, whisky toddies, sucking extra buttery sweets, milk etc ..so not really too bad …Steve very good..πŸ˜€

    Mrs O..
    An interesting result as you say better to have two parties who can argue ..never good one sided…a very confusing time …good and bad..for and against on both sides….just hope they can get a good Brexit for the country who ever it is.

    Hope the new way of eating works…lots of talk about it…

    Goodness knows if we are in or out, after today it could all change again with another vote in the autumn…

    All is looking good for you….if scales are being kind….I think we will give it another week when we feel better…had a chat to Steve he is happy to give it a try…I did say for a couple of weeks not pushing too hard..lol…I shall try and keep in the window this week, without him noticing…I only need to reduce it by an hour we are nearly there.

    Well done 2 lbs off…you have holiday blues I would think most people don’t want to go back to work…have a lovely weekend…do something nice…

    You seem on track…well done..

    Having a lazy day…

    Jean x

    Hi DF

    Well done on the 2lbs loss . That’s wonderful news. Yay.

    Sorry about the anxiety.. I know easier said than done.. but try to work on telling yourself its all only thoughts .. not real .. we make them. I will try and find the link to a very good blog by a brilliant guy that learnt to handle it and cure. Be kind to yourself try to slow down if possible. Xx

    KT… So pleased you are doing so well again. Yes… so far its really suiting… early days I suppose. Why are you missing out on milk tea ? Xx


    Glad you are feeling a little better, hope steve gets on OK at the doctors, every time I have had a cough this past year I have ended up on antibiotics….

    Everyone seems to be doing good, but if anyone us struggling shout out we can’t support you if you don’t shout out…

    Hemmy on reading the rules of 16.8 I understood it to say it’s best to avoid milk or sugary drinks in the fasting period, that’s why I am on black coffee…. not nice at all…. roll on 12 o’clock when I can have a proper coffee…

    Have a good day all Fast or non fast together we are stronger

    Audrey xx

    Hi Sym.. Well done on staying stable. Xx

    Hope you both feel better soon. I know its hard for you being so active but please have a GOOD REST till this is over completely. Stuff can hang about for awhile.

    Yes.. best to just kid the men a bit .. lol. Xx

    Aud… the trouble is .. think I would get bored not having milk in coffee or tea. Only have that one big breakfast cup at waking.

    Trying to get a workable pattern I can stick too. All trial and error I guess. Lol. Xx

    DF… for you. Xx


    Enough chatter from me girls… the fields and Mr Pip calls… Catch you all laters. Xx


    I only have a couple of brews a day, must admit I didn’t enjoy a black coffee and may go back to my usual one tomorrow morning with milk and sweetener in… my head is pounding now lack of caffeine I think as the sink had more coffee than I did! Hehe lol

    Will see if I can make it through until 12…. just don’t anyone upset me… I am like a bear at the moment

    Audrey x

    Audrey and Hemmy..
    Thanks for your wishes….Steve always has a weak chest sometimes he has three lots of antibiotics before they work…hoping they give him a strong dose..

    As for me I am going on the lines of no tablets unless I really have too…no to antibiotics. So gentle remedies like honey and my hot whisky toddies…lol….Steve was laughing at me gargling with whisky last night, I drank and didn’t spit out..lol

    Off for my shower and hair wash and that’s about it today…a bit late today…then finish my book or bake scones for the freezer?


    Audrey is right
    you are not meant to have any calories outside of your eating ‘window’
    so I have my cuppas around lunch and tea
    at other times its water/black rooibos/marigold ……. but mostly water

    Hemmy, thank you SO much for the link. I will have a read over lunch today. Your a really lovely person *hug* xx

    Jean, I’m hoping it is just the blues. I’m definitely glad to have reached Friday. Have a lovely weekend too .. hope you and Steve are feeling a bit better now xx

    Enjoy the rest of the day lovelies x

    Morning all

    I am cream crackered this morning! The birthday party finished me off, it was chaos and then I tried to watch some of the election results coming in but fell asleep. Up at 6 as boy was so excited for his birthday and wanted me to make pancakes & open presents!

    Anyway I’m now the proud owner of a 10 year old!! I’m sure I’m not old enough but I certainly feel it this morning.

    Regards the 16:8 I’ve been sort of accidentally doing that along side 5:2 since I started. I just tend not to have breakfast anymore & I cut out snacking so I don’t have anything at all until 1.30 if I can manage it an any day. This week I haven’t really had lunch either but it’s been a bit of a crazy one. At the weekends I tend to have breakfast and then nothing until the evening and my weight always goes up (although I do tend to indulge a little!). Might read up on 16:8 too.

    Have a great day all, Clare x

    Steve had got his antibiotics we are now at the hospital for a chest X-ray .. ☹️

    Just to be on the safe side.


    Clare… 10 double figures getting grown up now..Thomas and Charlotte are next year!

    DF virtual hugs hope you feel better soon

    Jean hugs for Steve also hope x-ray is OK

    I have had my coffee PRAISE THE LORD!…. much better now..

    Back later watching Andy…. I love my tennis

    Audrey x

    I found this..it might already have been found..

    Coffee and tea can be drunk with splash of milk or heavy cream…and sweeteners if needed.



    Whoo thank you Jean ❀❀❀….β˜•β˜•β˜•

    Audrey xxx

    Audrey, thanks for the hugs πŸ™‚ Sending some back! Glad you feel better after your coffee .. enjoy the tennis!

    Another one which may help..

    8 hours diet PDF…a print out


    Hi Girls. Xx

    Had a good walk.. lost the lead so had to backtrack so longer. Lol

    Sym.. hopefully Steve will feel the benefit of the antibiotics soon. Like you try to stay away from everything other than natural… I know its not possible for some people though. Hope the x-ray is ok.

    Thank you for the links Lots to read Xx

    DF.. You are most welcome. Xx

    Clare… They grow sooo quickly. Enjoy the young years although I can remember lots of times I cursed it. Would love to have those years again.. would appreciate them more. Lol Xx

    Aud and KT I reckon a little milk out side the box wont hurt.

    Just had a big omelette with peppers onion and tomatoes. A bit of very ripe brae.. and grapes. … 7pm going to have ready meal stew and 2 little dumplings fruit. … Just realised I have had about half the normal carbs I would have had in the 3 days. Maybe the secret. Lol.

    Kristy checking in with her weight tonight. Be interesting. Had to laugh got a text this morning saying. ” I am really on to this 8 hour window now”. lolol.

    Carol .. you around .. how’s it going for you. Xxx

    Sarah.. Minois and Kay… hope all is well with you.,, and anyone else in our Brit corner. Xx

    Still no progress here. Started to feel ok last evening but was up throughout the night again in so much pain. Taken 5 lots of antibiotics and called dentist to ask if I should be able to notice a difference yet. She said it will take 24-48 hours. Im alternating hot water bottle and ice pack on my face and neck. So tired as not slept in 4 nights now.

    shera, you should alternate 2 paracetamol then 2 hours later 2 ibuprofen, so you only take each every 4 hours, but keeping it topped up all the time

    really hope the pain subsides soon

    Hey KT that’s what I am doing. At times its helping but then they wear off!!

    Toothache is the worst ever… healing hugs flying your way..

    Aud x

    Jean hope you are both ok


    Hi All..

    I am feeling much better, hope it doesn’t return at 5 pm as it usually does… Steve’s had his X-ray takes about two weeks, goes to India and back…lol…wish I could take it there and back..lol

    Just cooked a doz of plain scones and 6 cheese scones for me, had a few on holiday….Steve doesn’t really do cheese so I never make them….had one each the rest going in the freezer for emergencies. πŸ˜‚

    Hoping the pain calms down soon, typical at a weekend coming on…there’s nothing like toothache.

    Let us know how Kirsty is getting on…enjoy your weekend with Mum..you seem to have had a lot to eat…hope this is the answer to maintain…

    Hoping you are having fun camping…quite hot here when the suns out..

    Nearly the end of work, hope you are feeling brighter..

    Glad you can have your tea and coffee as and when….it will be interesting to see how we go…thinking we will still do our two days fast at the moment as well…safe journey home Sunday, hope alls well.

    Getting ready for your girlie break…. have a lovely weekend..

    Have a good weekend..

    Are you about keep popping by and get back on track…

    Mrs O..
    Hope the tennis is good…one sport I hate…but enjoy..

    Are you getting ready for your holiday?…keep popping by and let us know how you are…

    Well the weekends creeping up again…have a good one everybody….hope all the missing people are ok and the holiday people all enjoying themselves…

    Jean x

    Just a share…my neighbour across the village who I lent my 5.2 book to…

    Started 5.2 in January she’s lost 30 lbs with another 14 lbs to loose…she goes on holiday in August…I am really pleased for her…she will be buying new holiday clothes…

    We used to do SW years ago together, she saw us shopping and was amazed at both our losses…her friend has now started to…

    Like Chinese whispers…lol


    Hi Girls.Xx

    Shera… Oh my god toothache is the very worst. Have you tried old fashioned clove oil.

    Hope it subsides soon… awful. Xx

    Sym… all these things tend to be worse in the evening. I suppose we are more tired and feel it more then.

    Yes… looking forward to seeing how Kristy is doing… such a shame she was looking radiant. Weight if not checked can very soon creep upon us as we know. Lolol.

    Mum and I are doing our shop tomorrow … waylaid yesterday with BT. It was a good thing and think I will do it more often as using up all stuff in the fridge. Saved a bit so will treat the garden to a few more bits tomorrow. Lol… Oh I just love my garden. Now have 10 hanging baskets, Xxx

    Take care all. Xxx

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