Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hi Guys..

    Back home earlier than thought, a bit windy here and there but fine…raining quite hard now..

    We have had a lovely 15 days..only 3 hours of thunder storms one evening …good job I bought my wellies and brolly frightened the bad weather off…lol..I am as brown as a berry..😎

    First load of washing in and off to shops shortly…

    How is your fasting going…we are both OK…enjoy Mums and watch your back…we have a foot of grass on our lawn!

    Into the 10’s good you…you must be so pleased 😀…nicking chips too..lol

    Well done on the week off it does you good…it says on line we should go 2 lb under what weight we want to be as it will settle 2 or 3 pounds higher due to water when maintaining …so your 2 lbs sounds about right..

    Well done on another 2 lbs off you are on a roll…😀

    Have a good day collecting your bits from the loft for the charity shops..I like a good sort..

    Have a lovely girls weekend…a Sunday off!!

    Must dash speak later…lovely to be back on my iPad….

    Jean x

    Hi all

    Got to mum’s safely. Fast day going well only had one strawberry and 5 cherries so far… fish potatoes and peas for tea so very good hopefully today .

    Hope everyone is ok

    Audrey x

    Fish and chips??? ….lol

    Pork chop and salad for us…

    Jean x

    NOT FISH AND CHIPS….. steamed fish and 3 little steamed potatoes… plus peas… haha Naughty Jean….

    Aud x

    You got me all excited..lol ..x …enjoy..

    I am on a fd too, although having decided to do lchf, so my ‘fasting’ meal is somewhat richer than yours

    I know the evidence, I have read and watched loads
    but I am still unsure, even though I lost weight with it last year (but didn’t fast)
    goodness I feel like the naughty kid – and my usual success rate with new recipes means I will probably hate it anyway

    We have finished now for the day…not been too bad as I think it’s always hard when you have been feasting….too much.

    We are fasting again Thursday..

    I find it’s hard to get your head around low carbs high fat….we are having whole milk now and a carton of double cream per week…we are from the old school of thought and told wrong this last 50 years…hard to count calories and do high fat..I am slowly getting there..I have a hand full of nuts a day ( not FD), different seeds, trying to change a lot of food…reading up a lot..just as healthy as I can for both of us…for a long life..lol

    Did you ever do the chia jam and granola? My first jam was from frozen raspberries, I made some more from fresh raspberries while I was in the caravan…both nice but I think the fresh has the edge. My granola is coming to the end this next week so I shall be making some more…

    Nearly finished now…we have to be strong for rest of night…a small milk later for us..

    Jean x

    Hiya I don’t eat refined carbs like this pasta bread rice baked goods unless I am at The many social occasions we have had in the diary. I also have full fat milk and dairy you are so right jean it took me ages to get my head out of low fat
    When I did my obesity and diabetes diploma we were taught it’s the mix of refined carbs and fat which is lethal for insulin production and weight gain. That’s why fast foods such as mc Donald’s and pizza are so bad. I could bore you about hormones produced in the gut and tech stuff but I will spare you. A mix of protein and fat (steak and salad) increases satiety and keeps blood glucose steady.

    In the old days I thought a plate of wholewheat pasta with a tomato and veg sauce followed by a low fat yogurt was healthy, it’s just sugar on plate. Yes my thyroid contributed to a weight issue but that style of eating didn’t help x

    Mrs O..

    I think this 50..50 fat to sugar is interesting….it makes the cravings so great….when I make my scones the sugar is so low to fat…I know the carbs are there but for a treat..lol

    I really should stop counting calories but I have done it so long it’s hard to stop…maybe one day..

    Many years ago I stopped potatoes and bread, I went on to decaf coffee and no alcohol …the weight fell off without trying…I was with my ex then and we ate separately ….I find it hard now I am with Steve as we eat together, it’s hard to cut bread and potatoes out..although it’s much lower than we used to eat…we eat more of a small portion brown rice, it says you can get away with that..your thoughts? and more different types of salad.

    I just don’t like processed stuff, a odd tin of beans or peas here and there. I like to cook from scratch.

    I think if I came around again I could enjoy being a dietitian or something like that..it’s so interesting.

    Jean x

    I am so glad I left my media career to do this it doesn’t feel like work. With mark say if I cook meat or fish and give him some potatoes but I will just have extra veg. If I do a stir fry he will have noodles or rice with it, or if I want carbs I do quinoa for both of us and he will eat lentils.

    Good on you for no alcohol longest I have gone dry for is 6 months and it was bloody miserable. I don’t drink all the time but I love it when I do! If you can stop alcohol it will really help but if the choice is 7lb lighter without gin I will take the 7lb! It’s a balance hic……

    The no Alchol was a long time ago…but we have really cut back a lot…

    We have decided sat in the car coming home…a bottle of wine to share on a Friday night if any left Saturday but that’s it!

    I must make an effort on potatoes and bread…well for me any way..lol

    I have bought red lentils..I have found a chicken and red lentil curry….not made it yet…lentils are new to me..


    symba – I don’t count cals, or at least not at the moment
    as I said earlier I can make myself ill (mentally) stressing over weights and numbers

    my dinner was lovely although very rich (pork in cream sauce) so I only at a small amount

    so my lunch/dinner all eaten within 5 hours and I will try to do the same on thursand perhaps Saturday

    I don’t feel remotely hungry, although I know if I had biscuits I would plough throw them all

    I have been working through all 6 of the Jason Fung videos, and sending links to my ex as he is about to be put on insulin for his diabetes and I am trying to stop him

    (still waiting for my bloods as gp forgot to ring)

    Hi all

    Early start at mums….she woke me up at silly o’clock…

    I am having trouble with my mifi box so not getting vmy emails etc… my mobile WiFi is pretty bad, must be the weather so I will post as and when I can.

    Had a good fast day yesterday hope everybody is OK

    Back when I can.

    Audrey x

    Love love love my breakfast after a FD it’s the best meal ever!

    Not doing partisan politics at all just hope everyone is voting tomorrow whoever you vote for. I studied politucs at uni and last year directed a play about the suffragette movement. It makes me so sad that some women (I am sure no one here) ignore their mammoth struggle and do not vote.

    It will be another FD fir me tomo Thursday is my day off but I am doing a first aid course which starts at 8.30am and takes and hour to get there then I have rehearsal so good busy day to fast. God help you if you ever need me to e a first aider the best thing I have ever done fir the medical profession is not be a part of it! But just in case.
    Audrey when my mum used to stay with us she would wake up at 6.30am demanding breakfast it was like having a baby! X

    Morning All..

    A sunny day here…hoping it dries the grass it’s a foot tall more like a meadow…a high cut then a lower cut maybe a strim over before we start…the last thing we want to do but raining again tomorrow.

    Two very unwell people here…Steve started coughing three days ago as usual now on his chest..I think he may need antibiotics but he’s holding out…as a love he’s passed it to me but it’s in my throat and head/neck pains and I can’t talk!

    I will hit the whisky later for hot toddies it might go into my fasting period tonight but medicinal …we will be still fasting tomorrow.

    I just love Jason Fung…in many ways. Lol…I like what he says and his videos are amazing…when I found them I went through them all….these last 50 years we have been given such useless information and some still preach it now NHS for one…

    Thanks for the link I am going to read it now with my cuppa…have a good day..

    Hoping all goes well at Mums…have a relaxing day..

    Mrs O..
    Enjoy your first aid course…we did one while away, things have changed a lot since the last one I did…nearly three hours by the time we finished…then went back later in the afternoon and he showed us how to take a bikers helmet off in an emergency…you never know.

    Yes we vote, I have done since 18, only missed a couple due to holidays….We sat up for brexit till 5 am and with USA till 3.30 am ….we see a lot of the debates also… Thursday night it will be 2am at least see how it’s going…I think this last year for politics have been very interesting.

    Have a good rehearsal.

    Jean x

    hi symba

    really sorry you are both unwell

    re. Dr Fung
    yes it is so terrifying that we have been indoctrinated with such lies for the whole of our lives

    watching one of his videos, I was thinking I wonder if my dad would not have had his stroke if he had not taken statins for the last 20+ years to lower his cholesterol
    and my mum has just been put on them and her level is really not that high

    my hub saw the diabetic consultant last week and I am thinking – why the hell is this man, this specialist, not telling hub to cut carbs and fast, even just as a trial to see if he can avoid insulin – hence why I keep sending him (hub) links although he is a rule unto himself

    it is SO hard to get your head around low fat being not so good

    ed. my dad was on a drugs trial for statins, after his heart bypass in ’93 and you know when they had meetings they were given jaffacakes and garibaldi’s as ‘healthy’ biscuits
    OMG I love them both but they are full of sugar

    Morning everyone!

    Minols – have the most fabulous weekend away!

    Jean – glad you had such a lovely and sunny time away. And hope you’re both feeling better soon. About the low fat.. I switched recently as well to full fat milk and Greek yoghurt. Why did I avoid them for years when they taste this much better?! I watched a documentary two days ago saying the probiotic effect of yoghurt is enhanced in full fat yoghurt as it survives the stomach acid better and can reach your gut more than the low fat ones. Also, in September, historic correspondence was published between the sugar industry and leading scientists at Harvard, who during the 50s and 60s were investigating the link between sugar and heart disease. They were paid off huge sums of money to downplay the role of sugar and suggest fat alone was far more to blame despite not having any real evidence… this is supposedly where the whole low fat movement was born.

    Mrs O – that’s interesting about it being the combination with refined carbs being the problem. I love reading about these sorts of things and I’m really interested in doing some sort of qualification in nutrition. I’m not really sure where to start though, as I have no scientific background at all.

    Audrey – mmm that sounds a great FD menu. I love to add to some fresh mint leaves and a good pinch salt into my peas. It tastes so fresh and delicious.

    KT – keep at it. I’m sure you will find a rhythm and a way of fasting that works best for you. People do seem to have a lot of success with keto diets, but I’ve never tried so don’t know how maintainable they are long term. Let us know how you get on. Sugar definitely seems a far worse culprit.

    Hemmy – thank you for the link. Will have a read!

    FD for me today. Sipping on my coffee and trying to wake up enough to get my workout done. I’m so excited today as it’s my final day before a week’s holiday – I’m off to town later to pick up some summery clothes and currency! Tomorrow I’m leaving really early to get on a Eurostar to visit all my friends from my year abroad, and then flying off to Prague on Sunday. Absolutely can’t wait! As a bonus I woke up at my lowest weight yet this morning, and after a NFD too 💃🏼


    Have a great holiday and catch up with your friends and Prague….hope all is well with boyfriend and you both decide what’s best to do..

    Good luck on the summery clothes hunt…maybe pick up a bargain today…


    Jean x

    Hi Girls hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    Sunny here but a tad windy still.

    Just got back after hassle with BT over the last few days with Mums phone. Rings but no dialling tone. Hopefully will be my last trip tomorrow and it will be fixed. Lol

    Aud .. hope all goes well at your Mums. Xx

    Ende … Hope you find some nice clothes… have a wonderful holiday you well deserve it.

    KT… Well done you girl for getting back to it again… well done on yours loss. Xx

    MRs O…. Oh you sound such fun… the world .. especially at the moment needs more of you. Xx

    Just got this page will be back later. Hope you are all ok . Xx

    Well girls… started this 16.8 lark today. Lolol Cant believe it had a big coffee at 9am… then just at 2,30pm .. wasn’t hungry till then … had a cheese and onion mayo sandwich. … so planning on a jacket potato and big salad at 6.30 for dinner … that will only be a 4 hour window…. do you think I could have 2 glasses of cider later. Lol.

    All thoughts and suggestions greatly appreciated.. thank you. Xx

    Brit lovelies …If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results Xx

    Hemmy I don’t envy you dealing with BT they can suck the fun out of anyone!
    Just sneakily watching the tennis before I have to get motivated to teach boxing tonight the sun is coming out so we can train in the park which is much nicer than indoors.
    Will be interested to see how you all do on 16/8 what I like about 5:2 or 4:3 sometimes is I only have to plan fasting in those days. As I am in and out all of the time 16/8 woukd be technically difficult

    Hi all

    Sorry not been about much.

    I love all of those ideas (great link Hemmy) and over the 10 months I have been on 5/2, can’t count the last month really got reading about those approaches. I too am a fung devotee, won’t touch low fat etc now but try to have very little sugar and far fewer carbs.

    I have had a day of tests (which left me bright yellow and looking very, very odd for the return journey) at Moorfields today and the consultant is not going to start me on meds. Says the birdshot thing isn’t doing much. Some people are actually just monitored for a long time, even for ever. Obviously I am hoping above hope that is me. They really don’t know enough about the thing to say what it might do and most people end up having to be treated but for now he says it looks ok to just monitor. I don’t have to go back for another 4 months. So trying to put all this behind me for a while. Still very nervous and sometimes not very rational about it all and having some therapy now to try to help with that.

    I have read so much about autophagy and how that helps get rid of dodgy autoimmune cells and I can’t help wondering whether my almost zero cal fast days over so many months might have helped. All supposition I know but now I want to carry on fasting. I have decided to do a liquid only on Mondays, try to extend it as long as possible into the Tuesday and then eat more normally, heathily for the rest of the week and see if I can maintain that way as well as continue fasting. I don’t want to lose much more but neither do I want to put on.

    Plus the weight loss seems to have returned the hot flushes I thought were over so I want as much stability now as possible. Jean I know you said the same thing had happened, have things settled down a bit for you?

    Off to Majorca on a family holiday in a week’s time. Ordinarily i would be delighted but still quite tense and anxious. Hopefully it will help though.

    Anyway just thought I would check in amd hope everyone is doing ok, have been reading every couple of days but lost heart about posting because was so taken over with my fears. Xx


    Things look as if it’s going good for you, not as bad as you thought….going back for checks in 4 months..that looks positive and they are keeping you under their wings.

    Go on holiday to Majorca and enjoy yourself with your family.. try and keep strong and positive.

    I think the fasting keeps your body repairing its self and on this it possibly will help you..I will continue just for that, things will happen as we get older hoping to keep things at bay. I need to keep in my maintaining mode, try harder if I put on but keep relaxed about it..

    I still have my flushes usually as going to sleep and again on waking..maybe they will stop again one day..I would rather be slim than fat so I will have to put up with them.

    Keep popping by and in touch I do think it helps even if it’s a general chat, even in maintaining mode.

    Have a really lovely relaxing holiday..😎

    Jean x

    hi sarah, I really feel for you with all that worry, but hoping now you can enjoy your time away with your family.

    re. flushes – snap, bedtime, and early morning mostly
    at night I snuggle under my duvet, count to about 10 and then have to throw it off again

    ok now my news from gp re. bloods
    last year after losing 2.5 stone, my cholesterol went up to the highest it has ever been
    and now, having put 3 stone back on and bingeing most days jan to may, my cholesterol has gone down??????????????????????????????????
    I just despair in knowing what to do
    Gp says I am still doing the right thing and we both agreed that if I continue as I was it will eventually turn into diabetes and/or heart disease etc
    so I guess I will muddle on, even though I would love to down a dozen kitkats right at this moment

    ed.oh and I also told gp about Dr Jason Fung and told him to google him, as gp has type2 diabetes and I told him Dr Fung is reversing people’s diabetes through diet/fasting

    It’s been a long day for me…still not talking, my voice has gone!!

    Steve thinks he’s gone deaf!…we have been texting each other all day…lol

    It’s hard to understand your test results I have no answer for you..you must feel better with the weight off…as for Kit Kat the plain choc ones went down very well in the caravan….lol

    Jean x

    Thanks Jean and KT.

    Jean, hope voice better soon. I am sure Steve misses it even if he won’t quite admit to it.

    KT, you made me laugh giving GP advice he clearly needs. I have done loads of reading on weight loss and health now in an increasingly obsessive way. All I can say is that it is most certainly helatgier to be slim. Plus there is good cholesterol and not so good and I know that in Scandinavian countries they don’t pay much attention to it all and don’t see it as a marker for cardiovascular disease in the way we do. I completely believe that good fats are fine including dairy and there was a really good ‘trust me I’m a doctor’ episode on this. I also looked at the link from someone maybe Hemmy or Mrs O where Robert Lustig was talking about what sugar does to us. And it wasn’t good things. Keep going with the fasting!


    Hi Girls.. Xx

    Well so far I can see what people are excited about with the 16.8 .. of course providing it works its magic tomorrow. Lol..

    Ended up with started eating at 2.30pm…. then again at 7pm… so that was a 4 and 1/2 eating window.

    Honestly girls I feel so much better than normally . 2 meals .. cheese and onion . mayo sandwich on granary bread… nectarine. Jacket potato .. baked beans ..mushrooms peppers. Didn’t fancy a salad and had stuff left over.

    Did loads in the garden .. good energy. Oh I am excited girls and cant wait to see what news tomorrows scales bring. Lolol

    Sym… cant believe I left you out this afternoon post… I was leaving you till last. Then got distracted with a phone call. Lol Xx

    Hope you feel better tomorrow. Seems lots of this virus stuff going around.

    Maybe take it easy this week and next .. get over it completely. We need some more sunshine.

    Take care of you and Steve, Xxxx

    Sarah … Think that holiday is just what the Dr ordered. A nice calming relaxing time in the sun… lovely food and wine.. Brilliant. Not having to go back for 4 months is a good sign… and keeping you on their radar.

    Lovely to see you here .. love your posts. Take care Sarah. Xx

    KT has your Dr looked at the ratio of HDl (good cholesterol) to LDL (not so great)? I have familial high cholesterol my whole family are on statins except me even though they are slim and healthy. My old dr always told me I will end up on statins he only looked at my total cholesterol. Since hyper cholesterol was part of my medical course I asked my new dr about my ratios he was totally on board with this. It turns out that even though my total no has gone from 5.5 to 7 over ten years my hdl (good stuff) is so high they don’t need to check me for five years. Some drs still only look at total, fasting may have increased your hdl which gives a higher total but is beneficial. It’s not cut and dried.

    Sarah a lovely family holiday in the sun will be just what you need. Get away, chill, read have good food and wine ad just enjoy being fir a week. Sometimes our health benefits from a break from healthy living!

    Jean my hubby woukd be beside himself with ecstasy if I ever lost my voice! Xx

    Mrs O …Lolol Bet your hubby would hate you quiet. Lol My Andrew used to moan about my constant chatter especially on a car journey. On the odd occasion I was very quiet he would say.. ” I don’t like it when you are quiet I think there is something wrong.. rather have your chatter. Lolol

    Bet your hubby is the same really. Your personality jumps off these pages. Makes me smile in these sad times. Xx

    hi Mrs Overall
    Yes my gp looks at all the amounts and tells me them
    my ldl is over what they suggest, but my hdl is higher, and my triglycerides are lots lower than they suggest
    so he said he was ok with that

    I have just watched the ‘eat well for less’ and they (including the dietician) are still saying saturated fat is bad for you
    and go on about eating low fat and not frying etc

    it really messes with my head
    and is making me feel crazy
    just when I begin to settle on something my head is going all over the place now

    I need another dose of Dr Fung
    but he is not here, I cant talk to him and I need his reassurance

    Had toothache yesterday after being up in the night with it. Took Painkillers abd went to work. Took Painkillers throughout the day. Last night was worse. Hurts to swallow. Whole right side of face hurts now. Been up most of night in pain. Let work know I’ll be late and now waiting til 830 when dentist opens to call to try to get emergency appointment. Could cry. I am so tired. Sorry to moan. It’s a FD for me today. Anyone else?

    oh how horrible, shera, I do hope you get through to the dentist and they can help relieve the pain

    I am hoping it posts this, I am really struggling with my WiFi

    Jean and Shera feel better soon,

    Mum is OK, managed one fast day so far…. back home on Sunday I am typing this on phone, oh I hope it sends, just got all your emails through at once such a lot sorry can’t answer them all.

    KT you are doing so well keep going and stick eith us,

    Hopefully back soon will ring ee today about my mifi box again

    Have a good day all

    Audrey x

    Morning everyone!

    Hemmy – as far as I understand it, as long as the cider is within your window then you are all good! At least, that’s definitely how I would interpret it haha.

    Sarah – great to have some good news for now. The holiday will be just what you need. Time away with family to relax and think about other things.

    KT – no idea as to your test results. Seems odd but Mrs O’s suggestion seems very plausible. Either way, looking after yourself has got to be the best solution so keep going strong.

    Jean – hope your voice comes back soon. No clothes for me yesterday (tried on a lot and just wasn’t convinced) but did pick up a beautiful gold necklace for £1.80 down from £12.50. Love a bargain! And all of the holiday bits and pieces I needed too.

    Rowena – that sounds dreadful! I hope it eases up soon and the dentist can help you.

    Audrey – good luck with all your tech.

    My FD yesterday went pretty well, and I’m currently sitting on the Eurostar waiting for departure! I hope you all have wonderful weekends. I may pop by here and there but otherwise see you all in a week’s time!


    HI all – sorry I wasn’t on yesterday – got caught up, I guess.
    Anyway, botched my FD at the end, but doing quite a bit of walking today, and hoping to stay up late into the election coverage (at least until I pretty much know the result) so will just have to get onto the step machine!

    Sorry you and Steve have come back from holiday and gone sick, Jean! Never relax…that’s my motto! Just kidding, desperate to relax! 24 hours from now and I’ll be on the train…can’t wait!

    Good luck if today is your FD, anyone.


    Morning All…

    A rainy day here..

    All quiet here..still no voice we are both coughing good..I don’t think we have ever been ill together.

    Hemmy and Mrs O I have him asking if I am OK all the time again he doesn’t like me quiet….I have one clap for yes and two claps for no…or texting him…lol….it was a burst of clapping with the phone ringing and he had his head phones on listening to something…lol…all fun.

    Have a wonderful time and you can tell us all about it when back…unless you have Wi Fi…keep safe..

    Nothing worse as tooth ache..hope they can sort it for you this morning…ibuprofen and paracetamol tablets together..two of each…helps with toothache….( from my dentist)

    Have a good time at Mums..hope the wifi gets better for you..

    I was reading about the 16.8 yesterday…it said it allows cheat days…as long as you do three a week it will make a difference but of course more would be better…

    We are fasting today…thought I would have a smoothie for breakfast not as good as I have made before thought the ice might help my throat…must now add it up there’s not much in them really..I had a whisky toddy last night in fasting time..😩

    I think you find different bugs from your usual area…we were in a lot of company for 5 days…you soon pick it up….I don’t think I have been ill for at least two years…

    Enjoy your girls weekend away..you deserve it you are always work too hard.

    Have a good fasting day..

    Jean x

    Can someone send me an idiots guide to 16.8? Is it just for maintaining or instead of 5.2? What foods are we allowed and do we still count calories.

    Thanks in advance,

    Aud x

    Some of the sites say do it with 5.2 or on its own…up to you….I found yesterday you can cheat as long as 3… 16.8 days are done ( 1 lb loss a week) more is better of course, more weight lost..

    I would say it depends how much weight you have to loose….it does say it moves the last stubborn 7 lbs.

    Only time will tell..


    My WiFi is on hooray….

    So do I do 16.8 on non fast days and 5.2 for the rest? I am really confused. Also, do I still have to count calories on the 16.8 days?

    Sorry Jean it’s not sinking in…I have about 25lbs to lose…….

    Aud x

    If you go above us on this page.. ..Hemmy has done a link…it might help you understand it better.

    If you put in 16.8 diet a few come up…all a bit different..


    Sorry hadn’t seen the post from Hemmy, will have a look…

    Aud x

    Audrey I think it seems you can do whatever you wish
    some people seem to make the 5:2 fd’s as 16:8, indeed if you don’t have breakfast, you probably are

    I am trying it, and it is actually more like a 5/6 hour eating window
    but I am not counting calories, and am eating eggs/bacon/cheese/ff yog etc in the meal times (but no grains/pasta/potatoes and no sugary foods)

    this is my 3rd day in a row, I thought I would try a few together to get it started and then alternate but I will have to monitor if my throat issues begin again – so far they haven’t (touching lots of wood!!)

    I don’t think I would want to do it with low calories, not sure my will power is up to that!!

    Thanks KT

    That’s what I was asking, if you did 5.2 and 16.8 together,…..
    I may next week try 800 kcals days again or try the above but I really need to do something my weight has STUCK again….haha lol

    Let me know how you are getting on..

    Audrey x

    good luck with it Audrey, I would say cut out the carbs to get things moving again

    Morning all

    Hope everyone is well, I’ll read back when I stop for a cuppa later!

    Managed back to back fasts but yesterday was very testing as baked 2 cakes and 24 cookies, allowed myself 1 cookie before bed as had enough calories left.

    Today my boy is having 5 mates over for birthday pizza & cakes – I’ve just been melting the chocolate to go on the cake (only had a little taste so far) and later need to make the pizza dough so they can all create their own. Seems scary having so many people round when it’s just me to look after, feed & entertain them all & then all the clearing up but that’s my life now I guess & I have to get on with it.

    Must tell you about my tea last night – I have recently discovered Jack Monroe’s website full of frugal recipes and last night made kidney bean, carrot & cumin burgers, I had one in a wholemeal thin with a spread of mango chutney and it was amazing, I made 4 burger patties at just 72 calories each. Going to try some more of her recipes next week.

    Have a good day all, Clare x

    I have found this other forum chatting on 5.2 and 16 8

    Some do all 16.8.. some throw 5.2 in….some have Friday and Saturday totally off..some do it for maintenance or away on holidays…

    It might give an idea what it’s all about…


    Jean x

    Looks like you are going to have your hands full….a baking party…you need a medal..

    Well done on all the cakes and fasting..I could do to make some scones for the freezer but maybe over the weekend..fasting today..

    Good luck to your party..

    Jean x


    Have a good party, will give the website a look at, it sounds good.

    Jean, another forum?? I couldn’t cope …. haha

    Audrey x

    No I couldn’t do another forum..enough to keep up to date with our bit…lol

    Maybe just reading up…

    Hi all, quick post to me. Away camping at the moment! Weather not too bad to be fair. Not fasting I’m afraid but will get back on it on Monday 😉

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