Fasting Mediterranean Style

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Fasting Mediterranean Style

This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Well, I’ve decided that since I’m doing 5:2 at 800 calories, starting tomorrow I’m also diving into a Mediterranean style diet as suggested by Dr. Mosley in his 8 Week Blood Sugar Book.

    The nice thing I’m discovering about Med style eating is that it truly is a “style” and rules aren’t written in stone. For example, Dr. Mosley doesn’t like potatoes on his version, but Dr. Harvie allows them in hers (The 2 Day Diet book). Still, it’s a healthy pattern of eating, for sure.

    Anyone else eating Med style?

    Yes, what I eat fits into the Mediterranean Diet guidelines guidelines, even when I am having Asian or African dishes! Delicious and easy!

    Thanks for replying Cinque. This is the pattern of eating I will be following from now.

    Hi EllaD
    I started Dr M’s Blood Sugar Diet on 5:2 last July. I eat the recommended Mediterranean style diet everyday but only count calories on 2 days a week (usually Monday and Thursday) when I fast at 800 calories. I feel healthy and have lost an average 3 pounds a month – total loss 22 pounds at the end of December (only weigh in once a month). Really doesn’t feel like a ‘diet’ -just a healthy and sustainable way of eating. Good luck, I hope it suits you too.

    Missybear, thank you very much for your inspiring post. I have that book, and I also bought his 8 Week cookbook, which is just wonderful. I am doing the diet 2 days a week also. I was going to do them on consecutive days, as I read there are added health benefits to doing consecutive days, like better insulin sensitivity and cell rejuvenation, but it’s so wonderful to hear you are getting such great results doing non consecutive. I hope I am as successful as you. I am really committed to this. I feel it’s finally a plan I can live with.

    EllaD – I am another 5:2 faster following the Med Diet. I’ve lost over 40lbs so far – with quite a bit more still to go. This a very good pattern to follow to get into good health. I am learning about cooking Med style on Non Fast Days so that when I reach my goal weight I have a plan to stay there and not drift back into any bad habits! I do 500 cals on fast days, which I find fine, so don’t think its too hard if you want to try it.

    I have adapted the Med Diet to ‘plant-based’, so no meat and dairy. And I do limit the olive oil a bit more than recommended, mainly because it is so calorific and I need to lose weight as well as stay healthy, so it probably depends on what you are trying to do. You will find conflicting advice on eating oils (even the healthier oils like Olive Oil and Rapeseed/Canola) as some docs believe they are inflammatory and suggest excluding them, but they don’t all agree on this point!

    Let us know how you get on. And join the Feb Challenge if you want to interact with a lot of regular 5:2 fasters on here.

    Cornish-jane and EllaD! Great minds think alike! LOL! I also thought that if I am going to make this a lifestyle, I need a good plan for my eating days. The Mediterranean diet sounds great and healthy to me. I already began it and it has changed my digestive system for the better already! I don’t know about that potato thing, though! My Irish background might make that a little difficult! LOL Anyway, since I read about all the health benefits the fasting diet might have, I discovered that I find doing certain things and excluding certain foods and drinks much easier when I don’t think of it as calorie reduction but rather as a health initiative. For example, I gave up alcohol when I found that it is a trigger for some immune disorders. I only drink wine and I loved my evening drinks. Giving up that was impossible until I saw the health benefits for me and it was gone just like that! I think I will have a glass of wine when dining out after I reach my goal weight but not until then. I gave up butter when I discovered how much better my food tastes with olive oil on it instead! Because good oils are so fattening, I will have to measure carefully and count calories but I think I am on the right track. Good luck to you both!

    Ccco – good to find someone else who likes fasting, med diet, and yoga! I am really into my yoga at the moment as it makes my body feel good. I’ve even started doing some at home now. I’ll see if this is a temporary fad or lasts a few years or more!

    On potatoes – i don’t think they are all bad. I sometimes eat them but as unprocessed as possible (no chips!) and no butter or cheese. They are somehow not so tasty that way. Some foods just seem to be butter and cheese traps! I have developed a liking for sweet potatoes as they are so versatile and tasty in their own right.

    Hey, cornish-jane. I am really liking the Med diet. Why don’t you drizzle a little olive oil on them instead of butter or any other garnish. All of the sudden, I can’t stop eating olive oil, so I have to measure it, so I don’t go overboard! LOL I started to put olive oil on my veggies and now I want it on everything. Have you ever used it on bread like the Italians do? Yummy! Right now, I am not eating bread but when I do, that’s the way I will go! I am totally addicted to yoga now. I go to a class two days a week and it makes me feel so good! It’s been popular here in the States for years, so I don’t think of it as a fad. Instead, I look at it as just another exercise choice I made. Have fun and good luck with your program today!

    Hi everyone! Gone for a few days with a stomach type flu and sore throat. Man, was I wiped out! The only good thing about a stomach flu? WEIGHT LOSS! Ha ha!

    Seriously, while I was wiped out, I did lie there and read Dr. Mosley’s 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet. I know there are many versions of the Med Diet. I am sticking with Dr. M’s version. I feel it is a plan I can live with. But I’ll only be doing the 800 calories twice a week. Will be starting fasting again on Monday. His 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet Cookbook is really nice too. Now that the stomah’s better, I can finally look at the recipes!

    ccco USA FD: I am loving my Mediterranean diet. Yesterday I used a new recipe incorporating garlic into my diet. It was so good that I went over my TDEE but will be more careful next time. Currently, I am on a 36 fast keeping the dragons away from my front door! Not an easy task! Stay strong!

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