fasting days….I just started the diet!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Is it best to do the fasting days back to back or can I spread out over the week? eg: Monday & Thursday?
    Does it make any difference to weight loss?
    Thanks Ozzie

    Do whatever is easier for you. This is not a rapid weight loss diet. I lost about 0.7-0.8 pounds per week on average but ended up losing 46 pounds, 202 down to 156 pounds. One method may yield slightly more weight loss then the other but I think you would be splitting hairs. I did back to back but only because it suited me better.

    Good luck it works no matter which method you choose.

    It makes no difference to weight loss if you don’t over-eat on non fast days. For that reason I found it more effective to split my fast days because the day after a fast I was so pleased with myself I didn’t want to undo all the good work. Five consecutive non fast days were too much of a temptation for me.

    If you’ve never fasted before it might be a good idea to start by splitting them but as BB says whatever you find suits you best is the way forward.

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