Fasting days

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I just started the 5:2 fast and coming to the end of the 2nd day. I had downloaded an app on my cell phone that keeps track of the times I am fasting. In the app, they say to not eat anything on the fasting days except for coffee, water etc. However, on this cite, they recommend around 600 calories. Which is better. I lost around 2lbs since I started fasting on Tuesday.

    In the 5:2/Fast Diet, you consume 600 quality calories/day on 2 days each week and eat sensibly the other 5.
    In a Water Fast, you eat nothing but tea/water/coffee for as many days as you want to and eat sensibly on other days.

    On this forum, we mostly do the 5:2, tho some people do a Water Fast for 2 days/week and eat the other days.
    Decide what you want to do, then stick to it. Is the app related to the Fast Diet, or some other regime?

    What are your goals? Are your days consecutive? I Fast on Mondays and Thursdays, eating 600 calories. My husband and I have been doing this for 5.5 years and have found that it works well.
    Good luck.

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