Fasting and Licorice Root?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Matrika 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I just had a wild theory about fasting and was wondering if anyone could comment on this.

    If I am fasting and take Licorice Root during this time will it assist with weight loss? The reason I ask is that licorice root extends the half life of cortisol hormone and that is what is needed during these fasting periods to burn fat.

    Any comments, does this sound plausible?

    Hi tomydom,
    I didn’t know licorice root extends the half like of cortisol but it is interesting.

    Sounds possible to me but I don’t know enough about endocrinology to answer you … sounds like it wouldn’t hurt and it seems like someone may know if the right person reads this.

    Good luck!

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