Fasting and cataracts

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  RonMaiden 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • So this is a weird one. I’m 65 and in the last year have stopped driving at night- cataracts have been causing difficulties with bright headlights. So last night I went driving after dark and had no problems at all- this is 2 weeks into the 5:2 fast. Is there any research about fasting may clear cloudy lenses?

    Fasting clears lot of health problems. My friend suffered from high levels of uric acid at 11. She fasted twice in a week.
    This has lowered her levels. May be your case is similar to her.

    I have been fasting now over two years and I was told 6 months ago that I have started with cataracts …it will be interesting to see at my next check up…I am 68 years old…🤞. It works..


    This article had great information on fasting – it really helped me to understand the science behind fasting, how to get started, and products in order to help me. Great read, and I highly recommend it!

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