
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Adaline 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone. Have just started my first day fasting 5.2 plan. I’m an healthy weight. I’m just interested in the health aspects of it. I’m going through the menopause at the moment, mood swings and poor memory. I’m hoping this will help. Also eating healthy carbs and fats. I’m hoping to get my body to burn fat instead of sugar. Do you still need to fast but keep an eye on calories to keep your weight steady? also does fasting help to give you a clearer mind?

    Hi everyone. Have just started my first day fasting 5.2 plan. I’m an healthy weight. I’m just interested in the health aspects of it. I’m going through the menopause at the moment, mood swings and poor memory. I’m hoping this will help. Also eating healthy carbs and fats. I’m hoping to get my body to burn fat instead of sugar. Do you still need to fast but keep an eye on calories to keep your weight steady? also does fasting help to give you a clearer mind?

    For the health benefits, you could also read about Time-Restricted Eating:
    (ignore the LCHF part)

    If you eat normally (don’t overeat) in your non-fast days, there is no need to count calories. The same thing if you have a small eating window in your non-fast days. You have to test it for yourself.

    Clearer mind? For me, yes and no. If your body is adapted, yes, multiple benefits. If fasting is a stressor.. you can have a lot of problems (with overeating, with sleep, mood swings also, etc.) So I guess the answer is to take it slowly.

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