
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi

    I have not read what you all have said, so please forgive. My story in brief. I am at present fasting 16 hours per day with 8 hours off, I tried the Low Carb High Fat diet it worked for a month then I stablised, at the mean time my search for the diet to suit me I found people talking about fasting, great I though, I am an all or nothing guy. In a very short time the weight started to melt, I know realised I over did the L.C.H.F diet by having to much dietary fat, so combing the two together
    I am on a winner. Once you open the door and break down the insulin you are then into fat burning country. I must make sure I keep to whole foods when I reach my weight target and eat fats, for its fat that stops us feeling hungry.

    Hi, Rodene, and welcome to the Fasting Lifestyle.
    So glad this is working for you. Protein is one of the key factors in a fasting diet for me: I try to get 15-20 grams at breakfast and 25-30 grams at dinner. This helps to maintain muscle mass while making you feel full longer.
    good luck and keep winning.

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