Fast Exercise By Dr. Mosley

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Tmadl 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I live in the U.S. I have the book on pre-order from amazon…I’ll have to wait two months until it’s released here!

    Oh well. My husband and I (classic couch potatoes) are really looking forward to its release. In the meantime, we are fasting and doing more walking.

    Hi littleflower,

    the book is really good. I’ve started doing HIT 1-2 per week (the 7min strengh one mainly). The wonderful thing is, if you can do your exercise in 10min there is no excuse because by the time you have talked yourself out of it you can already be through with it.

    Have fun!

    Am waiting for mine to get delivered. Apparently it is on its way, but that has been the case for weeks now. I live in Canada.

    Its a great little book for explaining the truth behind exercise in a great, reader friendly short book (no difficult academic journals to get your head around!)

    HIT has been around for a while but they’ve brought it to the mainstream audience to explain all that’s needed to get yourself healthier; not what gym owners want you know, they’d rather you lived in their gyms!

    Great advice sprocket!

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