Fast Exercise App? Exercise without using your feet?

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Fast Exercise App? Exercise without using your feet?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  DOE 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi all, I’ve finally got around to reading the book and decided to start the 5:2 a day early! I’m 53 and need to lose about 10kg but I’m really doing this to reduce my risk of diabetes. With a strong familial history I’m hoping to stave this off.

    In the book it talks about a Fast Exercise App but I can’t find it anywhere. Does anyone know where I can find this.

    Also, I’m recovering from a foot operation (5 months ago) and subsequent stress fracture (2 months ago) so I’m trying to find some HIIT which doesn’t involve using your feet (thus, no kayaking – my passion, cycling, running etc.) Other than swimming, does anyone have any ideas?


    High intensity requires us to use as much muscle mass as possible, so whole body movements or the largest muscle groups (in thighs and buttocks).

    Swimming or aqua aerobics (using floats/ noodles/ vest/ dumbells/ flippers/ gloves for resistance rather than bouncing off the bottom of the pool) is all I can think of.

    There is a really wide variety of resistance equipment for in the water available: you should be able to include targeted movements/ exercises that help maintain your fitness for kayaking.


    Thanks Firefox7275 but I’m hoping for some non-swimming pool exercises as it’s not that easy to find space at my local pool. Any other forms of exercise out there that I may be able to do?

    Hi Jaundice, There are lots of non-swimming pool exercises available and you can say that these are alternative of swimming. and some exercises are : chin ups, squats, straight armed lat pull downs, leg curls and many more

    Before doing above mentioned exercise, you can consult your local gym instructor.

    Hi. Do a search on you tube for upper body workouts.

    Or you tube exercises from sitting.

    I do kettlebell exercises as I have trouble with my feet find them ok to do

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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