Fast days? No way this week.

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Fast days? No way this week.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Lindyw 11 years ago.

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  • After spending yesterday looking after a seriously bored 5 year old who had a vomiting bug at the weekend while his 6 year old brother was at A & E having precautionary tests because he had a rash which didn’t disappear when pressed with a glass, am far too exhausted and stressed to think about it! Mummy and daddy have the bug now, so nana is still needed. Also, have booked the theatre tonight! Feeling a teeny weeny bit cream crackered.

    oh dear, sorry to hear that Toms!

    hope you all get better soon, don’t worry about 5.2, you can pick up where you left off anytime 🙂

    all the best

    Sorry to hear all that Toms. Where would the world be without Nanas??

    Hope it all turns out well. Enjoy the theatre and we’ll help you back on the wagon when you’re ready. that’s the beauty of 5:2ing, you can stop and start again as required.

    take care


    Thanks Sylvestra and Angie. Grandsons now ok thankfully. False alarm at the hospital but always best to make sure, GP couldn’t decide. Anyway, as we all say, onwards and upwards, and hopefully after this weekend all will be back to normal. This seems to be the only place I can vent these days, OH raises his eyes to the sky! Forgetting all about fasting til Monday. Fast well all.

    Pleased to here your grandchildren have recovered. Mostly they bounce back quickly leaving the rest of the family drained and exhausted 😛
    Have a relaxing week then jump back in to IF on Monday with the rest of us 🙂

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