Fast Day Meal Plans

This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  ljc1011 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi….would anyone like to share there Fast Day meal plans. Just curious to see what everyone is eating.

    My 1st day meal plan was…

    B- 1 Cup of Coffee, 1/2 Glass Orange Juice, 1 Slice of Toast w/1 tspn of Country Crock & Jam

    L- Garden Salad w/1 Tbspn of Lite Italian Dressing

    D- Baked Thin Sliced Chicken Cutlet marinated in Lite Italian Dressing w/steamed carrots & a Diet Coke

    Hi Donna,

    B – Coffee

    L- Ham salad

    D – Tonight Im having chicken wrapped in bacon with veges

    I dont usually snack but if I feel a bit peckish during the day I will try chewing gum and see if the hunger passes if it doesnt after an hour I then have a can of diet coke which works well until dinner time.

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    they have 11 fastdays of meal plans so they have now started following the fastdiet

    example of 1 creative fastmeal

    After a couple of weeks of eating old favorites, our inventive spark was reignited by the challenge of doing something new with cauliflower. We decided to use it as an alternative to pastry. There are many online recipes for cauliflower crust ‘pizzas’ but our taste buds weren’t tempted. We felt that cauliflower with its slightly school dinners-y tang was more suited to quiche fillings rather than pizza toppings.

    After shredding half a cauliflower (about 350g), beat in an egg, finely chopped reduced-fat mozzarella (90g), half a teaspoon of grated nutmeg, half a cup of Marigold bouillon and microwave the mixture for two minutes. (With culinary hindsight, it’s probably better to boil or steam the florets first, then mash and mix them with the other ingredients.) Line a ceramic dish with the ‘dough’ and press it with your fingers, fork or spatula. You could lightly oil the dish first – we didn’t and it slid out quite easily. Bake the crust in the oven at gas mark 7/400 F/200 C for 10–15 minutes. Add your filling. Ours was asparagus tips, mushrooms, two eggs beaten with a splash of semi-skimmed, a scattering of reduced-fat mozzarella and fresh basil. Return to the oven for 20–25 minutes.

    Our latest creation couldn’t have been lighter or more delicious (even if we do say so)! Enough for four, each portion was no more than 125 calories. A helping of salad – leaves, cherry tomatoes, mixed sprouts and a few olives, plus a carton of coconut water added around 80 caloriesand we were both more than satisfied. Feeling virtuous, we treated ourselves to a packet of Itsu chocolate edamame (131 calories).


    Week 1 for me:
    B – low fat natural yoghurt and blueberries
    L – raw mushrooms, carrot, celery, low fat hummus
    D – poached smoked haddock, wilted spinach, poached egg, 6 almonds
    Drinks herbal tea, water and tea with milk

    B – low fat nat yog blueberries and strawberries
    L – raw mushrooms, carrots, celery and low fat hummus
    D – Ratatouille, slice rye bread, 6 almonds
    Drinks as above

    I was careful on the days in between and replaced potatoes with quinoa. Feeling better already 🙂

    Hi, Donna
    She who must be obeyed (SWMBO) and I have decided to stick to the same meals (at least for the time being) on fast days. However, I’m getting the 5:2 Cookbook, so this may change.
    Our fast day meals are :
    B (SWMBO) Low fat yoghurt and blueberries
    Half Grapefruit
    (Me) Boiled egg
    Half Grapefruit

    Nothing during the daytime

    Evening meal :
    Fast day 1 Sea Bass Fillet/some other white fish
    Roast vine tomatoes
    Green beans or Broccoli
    Fruit (to suit however many calories remain)

    Fast Day 2 Vegetarian Chilli (as in the Fast Diet Book)
    Fruit (to suit however many calories remain)

    Drinks are water, lemon tea, black coffee.

    Hope this helps

    Day 1:

    Just tea ( no milk, blech) and water in the a.m.

    L at 11: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 sliced tomato w/ s&p, 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
    D at 6:30: the Thai chicken stir fry recipe from the book

    The first day was hard. I was pretty hungry.

    Day 2:

    Same routine in a.m.

    L: 2 tilapia fillets (90 cal each) cooked in a non-stick pan with 100 g of cherry tomatoes, fresh basil, and some onion. Fruit
    D: 2 fried eggs and a cup of cabbage with lemon squeezed on it. A small plum for dessert.

    This day went better because I had my larger meal during the day. That helped a lot.

    Day 3:

    L: 1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese with 100 g of fresh mandarin orange slices on top. Large salad with romaine, tomatoes, cucumber, and celery with lemn juice as dressing. 1/2 cup of almond milk (only 15 calories!)
    D: chicken stir fry with 3.5 oz chicken breast and 100 g each of celery, tomatoes, onions. Seasoned with 1 g of cilantro and 50 ml of soy sauce. 1 cup of steamed cabbage.

    Best day so far. It does get easier.

    This week I am going to do the standard 36-hr modified (500 cal) fast on Thursday but am only going to do 24 hrs on Tuesday. My fast will start after lunch on monday. On Monday night I will eat about 200-280 calories, then play tennis, then no food until Tuesday at 10 (to get 16 hrs with no calories). I will eat a 200-cal breakfast at 10 a.m. On Tuesday, then break my fast with a normal lunch at 1:00.

    Wow…everything sounds great! Thanks so much for all the ideas! Start Week 2 on Tuesday.

    Hi there,

    B- Trim Coffee

    L- 100 gr of carrots with 2 tbsp hummus, miso soup and a mandarin

    D- Soup

    I fast on Monday and Tuesdays and try and go without any food for 17 hours in a row, apart from my coffee

    Today will be:
    breakfast: earl grey tea with skimmed milk

    lunch: orange

    mid aft: strawberries

    dinner:Quorn chilli in taco salsa green salad

    supper: baked apple with cinnamon.

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