Fast day lasagne recipe, 300kcal :)

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Fast day lasagne recipe, 300kcal :)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Moogie 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Due to popular demand I’ve uploaded my fast day lasagne recipe to my blog 🙂

    I know carbs aren’t the best of things for a fast day, but this way of life has to be sustainable and I for one enjoy eating food which doesn’t taste like diet food!

    wow this recipe sounds deilicious – will definately be trying this very soon. I have relied on “ready to go” convenience meals for my fasting days too much really. But on the w.end i made a pumpkin soup from a regular recipe book i have here in my collection, which turned out to be 52 cals per serving. So I shall from now on try to make a meal each week for my 2 days fasting each week. Your lasagne will be my next one – thanks 🙂

    Thanks, hope you enjoy it!
    I always prefer to batch-cook my fasting meals and have portions ready in the freezer 🙂

    I’m thinking of planning a proper restaurant-style curry for my next batch-cook so will share the recipe if it’s any good!

    That looks lovely, sometimes you need that kind of comfort on a fast day and as you say Moogie its a way of life and you dont always feel like eating diet food. I’m definitely giving that a try, can’t wait to see your curry recipe

    cant wait to try the curry – trying to keep myself busy again today, if i have jobs to do or if i go to the gym that takes care of my afternoon. Then after teatime my fav’ programmes along with some crafting/sewing etc 🙂

    I’ve just totted up my usual curry recipe and it looks like it should easily be a fast day meal, perhaps with a little less oil in than usual and with a smaller side dish. I’ll have to try out this cauliflower rice everyone talks about. I don’t ‘do’ cauli normally but if it’s spiced up and slightly fried it might pass as food 😉

    Well tonight I’m making a curry and if my calculations are correct it should only be about 165kcal for a portion of sauce, to which one can add a nice bit of oven cooked chicken and/or chickpeas. I’ve also ordered a cauliflower with the groceries this week (first time I’ve ever bought one!) so I can experiment with cauliflower rice as a low calorie side. Will blog the recipe next week if all goes to plan 🙂

    You are obviously a cauliflower non-beliver! The cauli rice comes out just like couscous – a bit bland because you don’t add water when cooking, so there’s no salt. If you would prefer a ‘fried rice’ style of cauli, here’s a recipe (a bit over the top for a curry accompaniment, maybe) which gives an indicatioin of how versatile this very low cal alternative to rice can be.
    Enjoy your experimentation with cauli!


    Thanks for that link, it looks delicious. There is now a cauli in my fridge for the first time ever and I’m going to experiment with it tomorrow. I wonder if portions of the ‘rice’ freeze down okay for reheating?

    The curry was as tasty as ever last night and I’ve frozen some sauce in for fast days. Recipe next week!

    Hi Moogie, first of all a big THANK YOU for giving us this forum, it’s been such a big help to so many of us! Also, love your blog and your pictures are beautiful. Would you consider posting your “before and after” here? I’m sure it would be a great inspiration to many 5:2ers.
    Oh, got a bit sidetracked, the topic is lasagne. I’ll check out the recipe right away :).

    I’m not sure we can upload images with posts here, but here’s a link to my before & after photos on my forum 🙂

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