Fast Day family evening meal ideas

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Fast Day family evening meal ideas

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  natta 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I am a healthy weight with a BMI of 20, but my cholesterol is a little high, and I would like to reacquaint myself with my natural appetite, so I am trying the 5:2 fast diet, after a few months I’ll probably switch to 6:1

    My kids are young 8,7,4 and given that I am not overweight I don’t want them to see me as “dieting”. Family meal times are important to us, so I plan on eating an evening meal with them. They are at school and kinder during the day so not around to notice if I skip breakfast or lunch, so I might experiment with “saving” my calories for the evening, but at the moment I find that I need something in the early afternoon.

    We do eat healthy meals, anyway, but obviously the roast dinner risotto or pasta etc is not an option on fast days so my intention is that I will make a chicken/beef and veg stir fry and just skip the rice/noodles in my own serve.

    But I’d love some other meal ideas where I can eat pretty much the same as the family, just skip the carbs.

    What are other parents of young children doing for fast day family meals?

    Will your children eat baked salmon. I know some young kids love it. On fast days we have salmon baked in the last 20 minutes with roast carrot and squash pumpkin with broccoli for 170 cals. I coat the salmon with a teas of grated ginger and light soy sauce before I bake it. You could add potato for the kids and need know you are fasting. On our other fast day we have white filleted fish with no bones like orange roughy or John Dory with lime juice and ginger. Just an idea?

    Hi there JacqueA,
    I can relate to what you are saying.
    I will make pasta and just have the sauce.
    Stir fry, no noodles.
    A substanial main for the kids and I will eat the salad or the steam vegies that accompany it.
    Only been doing it a few weeks but all going well.
    In the arvo’s I am hungry too, especially when they come home from school so I just have herbal t and maybe a few strawberries as like you I try and eat most of my food in the evening with the family.
    All the best!

    Thanks Beavergong, that sounds delicious, the white fish would be a certain winner, not sure if they would go for the salmon, but I will give it a try. Unfortunately my husband is not a fan of seafood so will have to cook him some chicken instead.

    Thanks knic, good to know it can be done without disruption to the kids routine.


    our daughter is almost 4 and she has a father who is on fasting diet and a mother who is on a paleolithic (you say that in English?) diet. And she does not seem to bother the slightest about what we eat 🙂 – we just do not make a fuss about it but try to set as many good examples as we can. Lots of fruits and vegetables etc. Still our daughter prefers white bread and lots of meat… We are not trying to tell her what she should eat at this point and we are not detailing why we eat the way we do. It seems all natural to her. So I have never felt that we send any negative or unsuitable signals to her with our diets. We just go about it as something natural and let her eat the things she likes.

    i have to admit I did make a fuss about feeding my boys salads and fruit, and the good habits started early have continued through college. I never said “no” if they had to have the white bread/ pasta meal but I never encouraged it. White bread/pasta = sugar.

    I have started 5:2 today. Looking forward to some smoked salmon tonight!!! I could eat 400 grams with 2 cups of pasta I reckon…but I wont!!

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