Failed Fast Day HELP! :(

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  • I’m in week 2 of the diet and decided to fast on Tues & Thurs so yesterday was my 4th Fast day and I failed! I did so well all day up to 8pm only having 200 cals and saving 300 for my evening meal yet when my other half said he fancied a few drinks, I gave in and had a bottle of wine. I’m so annoyed with myself so now I’ve put pressure on myself that I need to have today (a Friday I know!)as my 2nd fast day of the week. I really don’t want to because it’s weekend and I’d planned to have a nice Chilli for dinner tonight but feel a failure if I’ve not had 2 fast days out of 7.

    Has anyone else failed a fast day and if so, what did you do about it? Fast the next day or decide to ignore it and start a fresh the following week?

    vicki – don’t panic!
    It doesn’t matter. The whole idea is not to feel guilty – why not just take it easy tomorrow and have your Friday night chilli, just don’t eat during the day until dinner, then you will still get in a 24 hour fast, even if it does include dinner on both nights.
    Many people have “failed” a fast day, it’s just a blip!
    Keep at it

    Thanks Vicki, I haven’t ate anything yet today so will wait until tonight to eat the Chilli and do the same tomorrow. I find it easier during the day at weekends because I’m always busy with the kids.

    Don’t panic or beat yourself up…most of us have been there and got the T shirt!

    No point in looking back, just forget about it and start again next week. You will probably find that you will do much better next week.

    Think about how well you did up to THAT MOMENT and be very pleased with yourself.

    It does get easier.

    “most of us have been there and got the T shirt!”

    There’s a T shirt?

    Mine is size L going to size M+

    Thanks Annette52. I was going to wait till dinner tonight but got too hungry so grabbed a chicken baguette from the works canteen. A Friday is definitely not a good day to do a fast day so I’m going to start a fresh from next week and enjoy my weekend. Have a great weekend too everyone!

    It’s all part of learning what works and what doesn’t for you.I miss breakfast on a fast day and have a small lunch and then a larger evening meal. That works for me, but might not for you. There is no way that I would be able to wait all day and eat in the evening.

    Quite a lot of us fast on a Monday(easier after the roast on Sunday) and then a Thursday.Friday doesn’t work for me either.

    My T shirt would have been a M+ and now a s!

    Gosh it’s been 2 months so I’ve well and truly been off the wagon! I hope everyone here is still doing well. I’ve had a few work issues and a redundancy to deal with so really struggled to stay positive. I’m going to start the new year positive, lose weight get a better job and feel great.

    Happy New Year! I am about to re-start next week too.Sorry to hear about the redundancy, no wonder you have struggled to stay positive.Fingers crossed for your goals.

    Happy New Year Annette! I’m hoping the redundancy is a blessing in disguise because in Nov and Dec I was working 12 hour days with no proper breaks which resulted in me scoffing bad stuff and drinking too much wine! I finish in Feb so want to get myself feeling good for going to job interviews. Fingers crossed I will stick to it this time. How long have you been off it? Just over Xmas etc

    Happy New Year Vicki, I really do hope that your redundancy will be a blessing in disguise – life is too short to spend it all working!

    Like you I was working in a job that just got bigger and bigger and more demanding – long days, continual foreign travel – to the point where work was all I thought about and I couldn’t switch off. My husband said I even had whole conversations about it in my sleep! I always seemed to be packing or unpacking and not really living. And like you I found it very difficult with the eating/drinking – although since starting the 5:2 in August I was getting this under control.

    Out of the blue I was put at risk of redundancy in November but reassured ‘unofficially’ that I was unlikely to be selected. However, after a lot of thought I decided to volunteer as the package was pretty good and it occurred to me that it gives me some time to reassess what would make me happy and apply for new things. So I leave officially at the end of January. 🙂

    I was facing a few months off from mid-January anyway as I am having a full hip replacement so my plan now is to start looking once I am on the mend.

    It is a strange time though – but a great chance to reshape both yourself and your life! In my case the main diet motivation was the impending op – but 1.5 stones down I feel much better both physically and mentally! And I am also committed to losing 2 more stones now I know I can do it.

    I really wish you the best of luck. Keep us posted on your progress, both weightwise and jobwise.

    Cath x

    Hi Vicki,
    I have had a break for 4 weeks. It was just very complicated with festive food to keep going. However, next year I will just have a break of 2 days.

    I hope as Cathy says, that the redundancy turns out to be a blessing in disguise.

    Hi all. Just had a break of 2 weeks over the holidays. Start again Monday, hope it goes well for all of us!

    Hi toms mantis
    Like you and I suspect a few others, I made a conscious decision to ditch 5:2 over the holidays rather than kid myself that I was sticking to the regime and then beat myself up because I wasn’t.

    I’ll be starting on Tuesday. Since I got back from holiday in the south of France, where I ate what I fancied and didn’t put on an ounce, I’ve been chained to the computer working on my latest MA assignment – yet another reason not to worry my already addled brain with dietary hassles. It’s gone fairly well and I have to hand it in on Monday. Hence the decision to get back on the wagon on Tuesday.J hardly dare to get on the scales, having done little or no exercise while doing the academic bit. Maybe I’ll delay my first encounter with the wee weighing machine until I’ve done a full 5:2 week.

    Ah yes, New Year is now under our belts and time to be serious again. 🙂
    Did stick with it over the holiday season but the normal days were too often real feast days! Boy were they fun!

    Now it is back to normal living and being focused once again. (And yes – doing 5:2 is normal)

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