Face fillers needed !!!!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stef. 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I absolutely love the fast diet but have to admit, after losing 18 pounds, my face looked so gaunt I had to start getting fillers to plump up !!! Once the holidays are over I will sart fasting only once a week to maintain my new 130 lb. body !! I have not weighed this little since my 20’s !!!!!


    Hi Frenchiemama, congratulations on your weight loss!!!!that is terrific! I’m old enough that I don’t worry about wrinkles.(and it’s a good thing, LOL) again, congratulations!! Phyllis

    Frenchiemama, superb news! Congrats on your weightloss! Perhaps now you need to gain a little to fill in a bit 😉 Did you reach your ideal weight or are you now under?

    Keep us posted.

    Best wishes for 2014

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