Fabulous 5:2

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  HeatherFast 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • My first post. I’m finding 5:2 absolutely fabulous. Have been reading the Forums since I began in July and find the posts so friendly and supportive. (I’m from Melb, Aust and fast on Mondays and Thursdays.) I’ve read the book, watched Michael’s programs and keep up with the great links people provide here. I am so grateful to Michael for devising this strategy. Something to follow forever. I lost 12 cms (5 inches) from my waist in 12 weeks. My shape is changing all over – even my watch and rings are looser.

    In a similar way to Carolee’s post, I have now had a few comments about “not losing too much” which is hilarious yet quite telling. I know I still have a way to go, yet I’m not worried about how long it will take, which is a first.

    I choose low carbs instead of counting calories as it works better for me. And, I’m not weighing myself because I finally realised weight fluctuations have long been a big part of my yo-yo problems. I measure occasionally but find the best motivation comes from trying on smaller clothes and seeing how loose they’ve become. That’s inspiration enough.

    Three years ago I lost 14 kilos (about 30 lb) using a mind-body technique for weight loss and overcoming cravings. However after some extra stress this year I put about half back on. Thankfully not all of it. Then along came 5:2. All I was missing was a doable eating plan. The two strategies are a perfect fit. Now I’m daring to dream of being as slim as I was some thirty years ago.

    Thanks everyone.


    Have a daughter named Heather. Love that name! What is the jist of that mind-body technique? If it’s not too long to explain……..

    Thanks for your post TidyChick. How lovely that your daughter and I share the same name.

    It’s called FasterEFT which is a style of tapping on acupressure points. It uses a lot of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) to address relationship issues (so relevant with eating), plus emotional issues and limiting beliefs. Its weight loss principles recommend no diet foods (as fat is usually replaced by sugar), conscious eating etc. Earlier this year I was forgetting to eat consciously. So now having 5:2 is a perfect fit. I’d dealt with the cravings – I just needed an eating plan. On non-fast days I eat when hungry and stop at about a 7 on a scale of 0-10 (10 being too full). After fast days, like so many others here, I’m not particularly hungry, which makes it so much easier to naturally eat less, instead of “trying” to cut down. I love it.


    I’ve heard of tapping. My friend swears by it. I will check into this a bit, as it sounds very interesting. Thanks!


    Yes, tapping works really well. This one has a strong foundational belief system and a clear weight loss approach.

    Here’s a sample link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWyiXjLY6LY

    Comprehensive info here: https://sites.google.com/site/fastereftvideosguide/


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