Extremely Obese?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Tomcat 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi

    Just in the middle of reading the book.

    I am a 46 year old Male, 6 feet tall and am around 385lbs.

    Firstly has anyone my size or close tried this diet?

    Second would it be reccomended for me to perhaps start of with a 4 or 5 day fast to get me kickstarted?

    Thanks in advance



    Hi Andy and welcome yo’ve made made a good start by wanting to diet and there is plenty of advise & help here. Yes i’m obese with loads to lose should aim at 10stone ish but have set my ‘goal’ at 7stone as i believe i’ll be happy at that but who knows!! i’ve tried Every diet in the book but this is the easiest & most enjoyable ever, also it’s working lost my first stone before my holday realy chuffed about that i’m now repairing damage done last week. i started on 5.2 but quickly upped it to 4.3 coz i needed to, this week doing 4 out of 9 Try 2 or 3 at first to see how you get on and let us all know good luck. Sue

    Hi Andy! I’m extremely obese too. I’ve been doing this WOL since late March and have dropped 10 pounds. It’s so easy for me to gain weight so here’s how I look at it . . . I lost 10 lbs and I didn’t GAIN 10 lbs so that’s 20 lbs! Woo hoo! Just kidding of course, but hey, any port in a storm! I’m happy with this way of eating because I know that while I’m fasting tomorrow will be here soon and when I wake up I can have an egg sandwich or cereal or toast and jelly . . . anything I want. I admit I was skeptical and started out with a “just show me” attitude, but it’s working and it will work for you too.

    Hi Andy,

    I am 5′ 6″ and started in January at 14st 4lbs. I started with a three meal fast day as I get sick and dizzy when I’m hungry. I was having anywhere between 500 and 700 calories on my fast days and I was not worrying about it, as normally I eat horrendous amounts. I started to lose weight and when I felt more comfortable I cut out lunch and have two small meals 12 hours apart now. I have lost 18lbs in 4 months and feel much better, but still very overweight and tired a lot. My partner is 6’1″ and weighed 24st 4lbs and became diabetic in the last 2 years which is why we started the diet. You know how much food he was eating in order to get to that weight. Do you think he could have fasted for 4 or 5 days?? No he could not, and I hope you will not try this. My partner eats anywhere between 700 and 1000 calories on his fast days, it is very hard for him because he was used to eating such a lot, but still, in 4 months he has lost 13lbs and I am very proud of him. He has lost some inches because his trousers are looser and he is going for his diabetic blood test next week, we will be interested to see if the diet has had some effect. Please be realistic about what you can achieve, otherwise you will feel terrible, decide it doesn’t work and give it up. It does work, but you need to be kind to yourself. Start with three small meals and keep your fast days as far apart as possible, we do Monday and Friday, my partner started with normal food all day and a small dinner and now he only has fruit in the day and a small dinner and is doing much better. Do what you can manage and you will still lose weight if you are cutting down. Mimi Spencer thought she was fat at just over 10st which is absolutely ridiculous. I am an inch shorter than her and would be thrilled if I was 11 and a half stone even if someone else thought that was too heavy. If you can succeed at this diet, you can do it for the rest of your life, and it won’t be about weight loss, that will be a benefit, but it will be about preventing diabetes, I promise you if you don’t have it, you don’t want it, preventing heart disease and lowering your risk of stroke. It will help you avoid painful arthritis and hip and knee pain and will give you energy and help with depression and anxiety. I feel so much better than I did, yes I’m pleased with my weight loss and being able to do up my jeans is great, but for me the very best thing is that I’m sleeping better and feel more awake during the day. I was also getting quite breathless and that is improved too. Do your best but look after yourself and you will succeed. Good luck.

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