Experiencing Low blood sugar episodes after losingt 50 lbs in 7 months

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Experiencing Low blood sugar episodes after losingt 50 lbs in 7 months

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I love the Fast Diet and have been very successful, losing 50 lbs in 7 months. I have always done three fast days a week, since it fits my schedule better. But in the last couple of months I have begun experiencing episodes of very low blood sugar (30-45) after eating rather normal balanced meals. This seems to only occur on eating days and is very intermittent, but rather disturbing. My endocrinologist thinks it is just my body getting used to the diet, but I was on it for 3-4 months before this popped up.

    Has anyone experienced any symptoms like this?



    u may call me usa

    that is super scary i’m @ my 7 month

    a type2diab

    lost over 25+- lbs

    u really lost allot more mayb ur a male?

    so congraaaaaaats whoooo hooooo on ur 50 lbs lost

    serch low blood sugar in this forum & michael replies it might be there

    maybe ur not eating enough or often?

    that is usually the cause & sometimes 2 much exercise

    2 c all of mosleys videos

    if u want them i will post the links from this forum

    really wish u r ok

    Thanks for the support. Yes I would love to look at those videos if you have the links. I have not explored too much about this online. I am female, but I am quite tall (6′ 1″), not diabetic, I do exercise quite a lot and I fast three days a week rather than two.

    This has happened perhaps 5 times over a 2 month period. I am hoping that it is just a matter of my body adjusting, but if no one else has experienced this, it could be unrelated to the diet and needs to be looked at further by my Dr.

    Best wishes for your continued success with FD.

    will do all the links tomorrow
    that will help u
    i know there is a reply from dr mosley 2 a super tall woman
    i will find it
    he said her fast should be 600
    it’s 1am

    sleep well


    as promised

    Tall woman ? Can I eat more than 500 cal?


    4:25 pm
    27 May 13


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    Does being a tall woman (5 foot 11 inches) alter the amount of calories I can have on a fast day? I usually feel dizzy and have headaches. I am taller than many men who will be allowed 600 cal.

    █ Michael █

    9:53 pm
    27 May 13


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    █ Hi jcrfastdiet, the calorie intake can very reasonably adjusted to 600 calories daily for you given your height, particularly if you are feeling dizzy. Also worth checking that you are drinking enough water as this can also cause dizziness and headaches. Good luck !█

    █ as he said drinking is super important █ 🙂


    4:32 pm
    30 May 13


    Report this post
    Many thanks Michael. I’ll try eating a bit more and drinking a lot more. The diet is working well though (lost 6lb).


    12:19 pm
    18 Jul 13


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    Phew! Glad to have read this! I am female and 5’10″ and kept meaning to ask if I could eat 600 because of the height thing. Although to be honest I’ve been eating a smudge over 500 (520 or so) on my fast days, all three of them so far!


    9:15 pm
    2 Aug 13


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    Just over three months on the fast diet and my husband and I have each lost a stone and feel healthier for it. The dizziness and headaches I suffered (referred to above) have long since gone. My body seems to have adjusted to the new regime. On fast days now I don’t weigh out and count calories just guess and our weights have stabilised to a comfortable level. My husband’s nightly heartburn has also disappeared – he thinks this is due to drinking more water as well as loosing weight.


    links 2 all his replies/topics

    the replies of dr michael & other valuable insight on this forum

    michael’s replies or topics


    his dr wife clare




    Body frame size & weight chart Body Fat Content Chart 4 men and women & how 2 measure

    ur stature

    Hght Small Medium Large

    6’0” 138-163 144-175 153-190


    Hght Small Medium Large
    6’1” 152-179 158-194 169-209


    all the videos

    dr michael’s videos fasting exercising vitamins 2 the brain

    “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” 6 August 2012
    Michael J. Mosley has set himself a truly ambitious goal: he wants to live longer, stay younger and lose weight in the bargain. And he wants to make as few changes to his life as possible along the way. He discovers the powerful new science behind the ancient idea of fasting, and he thinks he’s found a way of doing it with the 5:2 diet that still allows him to enjoy his food. Michael tests out the science of fasting on himself – with life-changing results.



    “The Truth About Exercise” 28 February 2012

    Michael Mosley investigates recent scientific research that could change the way people exercise, including a study that suggests many could benefit from just three minutes of high-intensity activity a week. He also discovers the health benefits of seemingly innocuous actions, such as walking and fidgeting, and learns why some people do not respond to exercise at all.



    “The Truth About Personality” 10 July 2013
    Michael Mosley explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience to find out what factors shape people’s personalities and whether they can be changed. Michael tries two techniques in an attempt to make him worry less and become more of an optimist – with surprising results.


    Diet and Disease FIRST BROADCAST: 11 Sep 2008 BBC Four
    The lengths doctors go to to uncover connections between what we eat and what we die from.


    The Truth About Vitamins (16 Sep. 2004)

    Vitamins without doubt are vital to our health.
    And it remains possible that high dose vitamin
    supplements will one day be proven to protect
    against illnesses like heart disease and cancer.
    But so far, definitive evidence for these claims
    remains largely elusive. And as we discover more
    about some vitamins, it is increasingly clear that
    in large doses they can have unexpected,
    and sometimes dangerous consequences.


    also figure out ur tdee (what u should be eating on nonfastdays 🙂 )

    the fast diet calculator


    hope this helps

    please keep us posted

    really want

    u not 2 feel dizzy 🙁

    i think once u do all of the above

    drinking eating efficient exercising

    u should b a healthy slim self 😀

    b4 i forget if u click on my name or any other name u will c all of our topics & replies

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & atf ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ & now the 4/2/1′s or 3/3/1’s 😀


    Thanks for the Links. I have started going through them and am excited to learn more. You may be on to something with the extra calories. I started out with fast days at 500 but over several months had edged up closer to 600. Then I started plateauing and started restricting my fast days often to less than 500. This did start the weight loss back up but it may well coincide with these incidents. I never feel bad on fast days and actually find eating less easier, but it may not be the best thing. I’ll keep you posted.

    hi 3DayAtl

    so r u a small frame did u measure yet?

    i’m really hoping that this might help u

    maybe u need a low carb very high fat on nonfastdays

    after my experiment is done on type2diab


    i’m going 2 do this next mnth

    ① nonfastday moderate carb 80 gr -140 gr mediterranean

    ☆☆★1 fastday 500 /or 200★☆☆

    ① nonfastday 20gr low carb high fat no calorie restriction
    (still will count the cals)

    ① nonfastday moderate carb 80 gr -140 gr mediterranean

    ☆☆★1 fastday 500 /or 200★☆☆

    ① nonfastday 20gr low carb high fat no calorie restriction
    (still will count the cals)

    ☞1 feastday whatever i want 😀 (will count the cals) ☜

    what do u think?

    atkins was very successful 4 me but gained it all back by carbs by carbs

    so might as well smash all the scientifically proven good diets
    2gether w/ the main 1 fasting

    did i give the site i use daily?


    u can make recipes it give a nutrition of the days wks whatever u can c what is missing super easy can export all kinds of reports journal very exacting cooked food cals raw cals u can repeat copy meals 4 the future etc i never counted anything b4 but now w/ the tools u can adjust ur nutrition it is super easy

    example when u click the foods this day u click on nutrition report & voila

    Dietary Fiber 21 g 35 g OK

    Potassium 4700 mg 1367 mg Under

    so i have a correct multi that will compensate

    ur body is craving something i do not think it is cals only

    r u drinking enough 2

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays♥♫♫♫♫♫♥

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