Exercise with an injury

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Amber8884 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I’ve introduced intermittent fasting to my diet, but have recently twisted my ankle. This has obviously limited exercise possibilities, so what is the best exercise to complement my reduction in calories?

    It entirely depends on what equipment you have access to. If you have a gym membership swimming is always great because the water supports the weight of your ankle; just don’t kick it about too much whilst you’re doing it.

    How bad is it? If it’s not great go and see someone about it; if it needs some attention injuries will heal up much faster if its treated earlier rather than later (I’ve had more than enough in my time!) Then you can get back to training again.

    If you can put a bit of weight on it then simple exercises at home like are in the Fast Exercise book would be good, and you can choose different exercises that don’t put weight on your ankle. You should be using these anyway in your training so could be just the moment you need to get stuck into circuit training based exercises!

    Hi Cyd1, I am in the same boat as you. I sprained my ankle last week so no cardio for me. I have physio this Thursday but I am lucky to have a personal trainer who gives me specific workouts to strengthen my lower back. Her advice is similar to JC. Keep the weight off it. Rest it. If you can, exercise but no cardio. Try stretches and flexibility exercises and seriously consider suitable Yoga and Pilates. Thes will get a sweat on you.
    Good luck.

    thanks JC for posting this information is very important for my and help full

    I agree with JC. If you have a gym membership talk with a personal trainer. Always ask for right exercise to avoid too much injury in your ankle.

    To help increase mobility and and reduce the pain and stiffness, focus on things that increase the blood flow (but with minimal strain). I recommend treatments that don’t require a lot of exertion in being able to do so. Things such as massage therapy, ultrasound, BFST, acupuncture, etc. These types of treatment give you the nutrients and oxygen you need to heal but reduce the risk factors involved with a lot of physical activity. It’s also very important to follow anything physical with a cold compress. If the area is inflamed it hinders the blood flow even more than it would typically. Get the inflammation down, then increase the circulation. I’ve used the BFST and was healed in a month and a half. No more limping for me.

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