Exercise, for once..

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rigpig 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Had a run ashore today, in Baku. Haven’t yet managed to complete a fast day, it’s impossible on a barge. Too many stresses and distractions. Still and all, I’ve cut out the fried stuff at breakfast, now some combination of porridge (unless it’s that filthy buckwheat stuff they often serve here), scrambled eggs, beans on toast. Lunch is mainly pickles, some thin-sliced cold meat and olives, plus soup sometimes. I DO skip dinner two or three times a week, so 3/10 for that.

    I haven’t weighed myself yet because scales don’t work at sea. But I DID have a walk, about 2 hours along the front (so good to be able to walk more than 7 paces without turning a corner). So definitely feeling fitter. Coffee and a piece of Apple pie along the way, pint of cider with a sausage and some smoked cheese with some friends I met along the way and that was it fir the day.

    Sorry if this is a stupid question, but it is late and I have imbibed! Why don’t scales work at sea?

    Because vessels aren’t stationary.

    Strictly speaking, they do. There are some scales in the Admin office for weighing personnel and baggage for the chopper manifest, for example. However the actual results are more a matter of opinion than fact; this balances out over weighing a number if items but any one item may be a bit adrift.

    Plus, I don’t care to be a running joke in the Ships Office

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