Exercise bike!! Motivated!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  ryankane 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • How is everyone doing with working out and keeping up with 5 2 plan?

    I have always had problems sticking to regular exercise regimes but after losing 28lbs and feeling so empowered following 5 2, I have felt more motivated! Has anyone else had this kind of break through?

    I also listened to a lady called Sharon Munsey on Kate Harrison’s website and it truly inspired me. I have cycled over 14km since last Friday! A little every day!! Onwards!! Pedal power!

    Hello im new–and fed up with staying indoors with my excess 2 stone–you’ve made me think–cause I need to get off my bottom and get on my bike! actually I think I will do that NOW 😀

    Nice one, Cateyann! Good for you. I have cycled 27.5km this week and feeling very energised! I have lost nearly 3 stone now and have a few more to go, but exercising and sticking to plan are easier now I am feeling lighter and more empowered! Keep on keeping on! I am getting a rowing machine too!

    Wow youv’e lost loads of weight! Thats great..
    So far i’ve lost 1kilo,but only been on the 5.2 1 week, i ate a 1kilo tub of greek yogurt in 2 days which i thought was slimming,hahaaaaa.. i should have gone to spec savers! Enjoying the bike did 13.5 miles on the Tissington trail Saturday that went well until the last 1.8 miles, but its now set me up to train for longer on the exercise bike at home which i’m loving with 10 minutes on the treadmill which i’m forcing lol~~

    Well done on your biking, j. Puff. I’m on track, lost another couple of lbs. Fasting while away last week was a bit tough but kept at it! Yes Greek yoghurt is a tricky one, there is a lovely 0% one that I use sometimes. Keep up the good work, guys!!

    Bike exercise is good but don’t forget to drink enough quantity of water after!

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