Endless appetite on non-fast days

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Endless appetite on non-fast days

This topic contains 20 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Carolannfud 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • This is my third week on the 5:2 plan. I’ve had my ups and downs on fast days, but survived all of them! The problem is that I can’t seem to get enough of food on my feed days. Basically I could just eat all day. I’ve been eating lots of treats because I just can’t help myself. I feel really bad about it. Anyone else had this problem? I’ve lost some weight though. 2,2 kg (almost 5 pounds) during the three weeks. Is this ever going to pass? I read the book and feel quite disappointed because Michael and Mimi said that you’re automatically going to start eating less and make healthier choices.

    Please say something encouraging! 😀

    hi Barbamama!

    well done on your weight loss so far, I can relate to you because I feel the same on feed days and I have to remind myself, and put the breaks on as I tend to want to eat all the treats I couldn’t have on fast days lol!!

    so I have some treats, but not masses of them 🙂 and I think that statement form Michael and Mimi was a little idealised really, some people just fall into it but for others it isn’t that straight forward… but having said that, you only have been doing 5.2 for 3 weeks and I am sure in the long run your appetite will reduce, you will not want all those treats or overeat anymore, just give it time!

    keep going!! you are doing great 🙂

    Hi Barb, I was like that on my second day when I ate a few digestive biscuits then that ended up being ten!! :-0
    Embarrassed at my own greed I checked the calories and at 76 each. I had just consumed 760 calories. I felt bad! But if I keep over indulging like that this will never get any easier. So if I eat sensible on nf days I wont crave junk on fast days, also I keep a diary and write down what I eat, including calories, but people can see my diary. With the pressure of people being able to give me a dig when I fail, this makes me more determined.
    Anyway keep up the good work

    I had the same problem at the beginning, but now after 2 1/2 months I got it under control.

    I do not deny myself treats, or life would be horrible, but I have realized the power of sugar and how it makes cravings worse.

    Each time I feel a craving I eat FIRST a huge plate of veggies, telling myself if I still need the ice cream I can have it AFTER my veggies. Usually they fill me up and there is not much room for ice cream left.

    The other thing that helped me is to understand the difference between “good” calories with nutritional value and “bad” calories with next to no use for your body. If you eat a lot of bad calories, you might be eating tons but in effect you are starving your body and it will “scream” for food.

    Take the example of a bowl of plain pasta: tons of carbs but nothing that your body can really use, so it stores it as fat and screams for more. Eat a huge bowl of veggies and your body gets nutrition and it will be satisfied, hence no hunger for hours.

    There is a good book out there called The Calorie Myth that explains it very nicely.

    Best of luck

    Thanks for that Stef!

    For me sugar is the devil – in all it’s forms whether in the shape of cake or biscuit or ‘disguised’ as bread or pasta etc. If I start eating it I just want to keep eating. It’s definitely ‘Sweet Poison’ and highly addictive – as additive, so scientists tell us, as tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

    I try to eat as late as possible on non fast days but I know I have to eat more than on my fast days so I load my plate with veggies or have a big bowl of home made veggie soup at lunchtime then a savoury snack in the afternoon if I feel the need, then dinner.

    I have learned that, on fast days, one meal is the best way for me…just black coffee and water all day and then some protein and a pile of veggies for dinner followed by a low cal yogurt or some fruit if I want it.

    Hello Barbamama
    That is a lot to lose in 3 weeks, so you have obviously exercised a lot of self-discipline and should give yourself credit for that.
    I recommend having a really substantial breakfast the day after a fast. In the early days I had 2 eggs on toast as well as my usual muesli, now I just have one and that seems to do it. Last week the bread was mouldy so I had to sacrifice the last egg for drop scones and that really ruined my day – probably the white flour didn’t help. Anyway I think it’s good to have a specific reward the day after, but try to avoid refined carbohydrates because they will make you hungry. It’s not quite clear from your post whether hunger is your main problem, or whether you are getting obsessed with craving unhealthy food for other reasons. If it isn’t really hunger, try to find an alternative obsession – sport, singing in a choir, embroidery, woodturning.
    If it is hunger eat filling food.

    My husband and I are in the first week. We actually dropped weight right away, but after our second fast day we ate too many carbs and the weight went back up. So I guess on non-fast days, moderation is the method. We’ll be better next week 🙂

    being hungry following a fast day is not something that bothers me but, for what it’s worth, here’s my take on it…..

    Is the ‘hunger’ after a fast day really hunger? I believe it’s mainly psychological ..’I didn’t eat yesterday so I have to make up for it today’.

    It’s about changing your mind set. The fact that you didn’t eat on a fast day and you haven’t dropped down from starvation shows you’re fine and your body dealt with it. So you have to ask yourself – why do you want to ruin that by eating too much the day after?


    Thanks for all the comments!

    I guess it’s not really hunger. I usually eat rather healthy meals, but the treats… Last saturday night I ate a whole pizza, about 100 g of chocolate and had three beers. On Sunday I had a bag of caramel & peanut popcorn. Went to the scales Monday morning and the number was exactly the same as day 1. Put it all back on during one weekend… I really hope I get some of it off this week. I feel really frustrated about this whole thing. Should I just go back to my normal eating habits? Should I give this way of eating another month or so to convince me?

    This might have something to do with my history of eating disorder. I haven’t really had bulimia but especially when younger I could sometimes binge and then vomit. I’ve been able to keep this under control most of the time. I avoid buying treats, especially larger amounts. If I want a treat I normally buy just one serving. I know this 5:2 plan isn’t recommended for people with eating disorder. I just figured this might help me not to think about food all the time. In a way it has helped me. Now I know I can go without eating and it won’t kill me. I still need to figure out the reason why I eat too much and all the wrong foods.

    Hi, I’ve just joined today and have just done 2 weeks and found the need to stuff my face the day after a fast day! I’m so glad it’s not just me. I’m hoping it’s a phase that will pass and become easier with time. What’s worse is that I’ve put on 2lb even though I’m eating less than 2000 calories on a normal day! (I’m using a calorie counter) so motivation is zero!

    Snacking away AND loosing weight? Hey, I wish I was that lucky! 😉

    I am three weeks into my fast. So far lost about 2 kilos. On my non fasting days I tend to eat a good breakfast of Slow Carbs (Beans or Lentils) and protein (egss or chicken breast). The slow carb will give you slow energy release. I will eat my normal intake and I am not trying to diet on the non fast day as well. The danger in that is that the metabolism might slow or that you start burning muscle instead of fat.

    On the alcohol front I stopped drinking during the week and I only treat myself fridays & saturdays a 5:2 situation as well:-)

    Advice from my personal trainer at the gym regarding hunger:

    The best way to deal with this is to eat another meal, and consume more calories in a disciplined way.

    If you usually eat a sandwich and some fruit for lunch, do this twice, say once at 11:30am and then eat again at 3:30pm and have dinner as normal.

    If you get the calories from healthy food sources, you satisfy your hunger, still lose weight and be fine. If you eat say an additional 600 calories on a day after a fast day, you are still running a 1400 calorie deficit during both days.

    I have found saturated fats (from natural sources like lamp chops or chicken legs) to be an ally, sugars and refined carbs an enemy. Crisps, chocolate, cereals and biscuit munching is a definate no.

    It also helps to drink a lot of water before eating, especially during the fast and after a fast day. A good way to check is to see if your pee pale yellow, almost clear? You get a lot of water from food, and people who can eat constantly, whenever they like often get the signals confused.

    I would down a pint of water, wait 15 – 20 mins and then eat.

    So 11:00am, large glass of water. 11:30am sandwich and fruit.
    3:00pm large glass of water. 3:30pm sandwich and fruit etc.

    If you spread the additional calories throughout the day, your body is much less likely to store it as fat.

    That seems like a good idea but I work full time and can only eat at my allocated lunch time of 12 noon. I’m just so hungry I even have a huge breakfast the next day and I’ve never eaten breakfast on a weekday only at weekends. I’m close to giving up

    Plus it makes me so tired and sluggush on a fast day. I am close to giving up.

    May have a look into the fiber content on your feed days.
    I read an article nearly 30 years ago .from a food researcher that I just cant reference , but ill give a shot at his message. Think of your intestines as a long hose. If you stuff it and then stave it creates a lumpy hose and can cause irritability and possibly issues with kinked twists.
    So he explained. What you want is a completely stuffed hose with fiber. This makes the intestine work better as some nutrients are better accessed the full tube.
    I later learn that pineapple I great for helping with fat in the intestine. Since its so high in calorie I only eat it on feed days. And I eat a chewable fiber supplement sometimes on fast days its 30 calories and comes in fruity flavors.

    Im only guessing though, a gut that has low fiber contents and poor probiotic balance may or somehow the body signals it has room for more.

    May have a look into the fiber content on your feed days.
    I read an article nearly 30 years ago .from a food researcher that I just cant reference , but ill give a shot at his message. Think of your intestines as a long hose. If you stuff it and then stave it creates a lumpy hose and can cause irritability and possibly issues with kinked twists.
    So he explained. What you want is a completely stuffed hose with fiber. This makes the intestine work better as some nutrients are better accessed the full tube. Because the its not a hose that is smooth inside. Forgive my laymen description. Its inside of the intestinal tract has more than million finger shaped tissues that sample for nutrients.
    Vegetables are great for both fiber and nutrition. I struggled with over eating on feed days till I cut the starchy carbs for fat soluble high fiber vegtables like cucumbers , but then turned to whole pickles for their probiotic properties.
    I later learn that pineapple I great for helping with fat in the intestine. Since its so high in calorie I only eat it on feed days. And I eat a chewable fiber supplement sometimes on fast days its 30 calories and comes in fruity flavors.

    Im only guessing though, a gut that has low fiber contents and poor probiotic balance may or somehow the body signals it has room for more.

    I’m also starving the day after fast day and think I’m just not eating enough protein. I think I’ll try Mrs Kents advice and have a hearty breakfast that includes some bacon or egg as well as oats instead of just oats. I’m trying so hard not to bomb out on feed days but maybe I’m restricting myself too much but am worried that I’ll consume all the calories I didn’t eat the day before. Would be good to have access to the ‘experts’ with some of these questions. MillyM are you eating enough protein? Not sure why you’re felling sluggish because I feel fine on my fast day. I don’t usually eat til late in the day and always have a few almonds with my ‘lunch’ and then usually eggs for tea. Today I had an apple, 4 strawberries and 6 almonds at lunch and then 2 eggs, a cup of mashed pumpkin and a mushroom for tea. That’s actually less than 500cals but I feel fine with that. I think it’s important to eat something raw that requires some serious chewing such as apple or carrot to help with hunger pains. Good luck!

    Just checking in down another pound scary!

    What I look for to respond to posts about feeling starved on fast day , is being starved past breakfast. So feeling staved all day, particularly for breads. One might try probiotics, try the food souce probiotics first before jumping into a bunch of pills. Like sauerkraut, and green olives. It’s an easy read on wiki.

    As much as I would like to say what sustains me is my fast day. However I get most of my nutrition from feed day. When I first started 5:2 I struggled just with the 600 calories. Then with 4:3. Then i noticed strategic foods on feed days made fast days less difficult. About 12 weeks 4:3 became regular and I so I was noticing how my diet didn’t change on feed days. Basically I ad two week days to feed . I typically eat spaghetti once a week and chicken the other as econo meals. So that didn’t change when I went 4:3.
    I decided to make those two meals as healthy as possible. I make only half the noodles now and the rest of the noodles are vegetables the size and texture of noodles. Still carbs , but a lot more vitamins and minerals. With mushrooms, spinach and onions, and roasted red peppers.
    Thursday is my chicken challenge day. I boil it. * Hears screeching. Yes I boil all the animal fat out of it and skim it of then use salty spices to make it good again.
    Woot woot g2g.

    Thanks Samm. Can I just clarify – are you saying having the spaghetti and chicken on feed days helps keep hunger away on fast days?

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