End of week 2 – our meal plans

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End of week 2 – our meal plans

This topic contains 8 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  simcoeluv 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi all,
    New to the forum and just about to start week 3 on the 5:2 diet with my fiance.
    I must say, we have loved it – I think for men it helps that there is a bit of maths and theory behind it (with the extra need for an ‘app’ to help out!)

    We have actually been using the Fatsecret app, not MyFitnessPal as seems to be popular on here, and have found it has almost every food and is easy to use. We are sticking to much less than our GDI on non-fast days too. I have found that this diet is already completely changing the way I think about food, whilst not making me feel depressed that I can’t eat what I want!

    I thought I would share our fast menus from the last 2 weeks, as I am very much into cooking, and after week one of little cooking on fast days, I became more adventurous and made up some recipes. I have found it difficult to find full meal plans (as I could not leave all my calories to dinner time – I would be a monster!!)so hopefully these can be of help to some of you…

    I have included kcal content of some helpful items!


    Apple and 3 dessert spoonfuls of fat free greek yog

    2 medium carrots into sticks
    Minestrone Slim-a-soup (61 kcal)
    Babybel light (42 kcal)

    Whole red pepper, chopped and roasted (40kcal)and added to the soup
    Weight Watchers Tomato Soup (76kcal)
    Lots of lettuce
    Few raddishes
    few drops of balsamic vinegar on the salad
    2 x Mattesons turkey rashers

    FOR HIM: he has no breakfast – so got a slice of bread, 2 extra turkey rashers and a ‘Shape’ yoghurt with dinner



    Weight Watchers Chicken Noodle Soup (51 kcal)
    2 x medium carrots into sticks
    Babybel light


    Turkey Burger (126 kcal)on 1 x Warburtons Thin (100 kcal)with tomato salsa and Weight Watchers Tomato Soup and lettuce (100g = 15kcal) on the side

    Burger Patty (makes 4 – freeze others)
    400g Turkey Breast Mince
    4 x Spring Onion
    Big bunch Coriander
    Cajun Seasoning
    Egg white
    Pinch salt & pepper
    Mix it all together, divide into 4 and bake for about 15-20 mins in the oven on 180/Gas Mark 4.

    Tomato salsa (serves 2)
    6 x cherry tomatoes chopped in half
    1/2 red chilli chopped finely
    2tspn balsamic vinegar
    Mix together in a bowl – microwave for 45 seconds to develop the flavour and voila – makes a great topping for the burger!

    FOR HIM: A yoghurt and an extra babybel!


    No breakfast

    Same as fast plan 2

    Dinner: my fave so far!
    Chickpea Curry 177kcal (with salad (lettuce and raddish) and a tesco mini wholemeal pitta 75kcal

    Chickpea curry recipe (serves 2)
    2 x medium carrots
    1 x red pepper
    1 x onion
    400g Tin chopped tomatoes (68kcal)
    3 tspns Curry powder / any spice mix
    200g chickpeas
    salt and pepper to taste

    Chop and roast carrots and peppers with a little of the spices rubbed on them for 30 mins
    Fry onions (I add a little water instead of oil so they don’t stick!)
    add the rest of the spices, fry for a few seconds, then add the tomatoes, chickpeas and peppers and carrots from the oven – cook for about 5-10 minutes, then serve!

    FOR HIM: and extra mini pitta and a yoghurt

    And finally a treat I have found that I love….
    Sugar free jelly sachets – makes 4 portions @ 8 kcal a portion (there’s always room on a fast day for that!)

    Hope my recipes will give you some inspiration – I am currently researching and creating more and am happy to share if you are interested!

    Good luck all!

    Great ideas, thanks a lot 🙂

    Starting tomorrow, very helpful, thanks!

    Hi there am just about to start the diet and was so pleased to see some recipe ideas as I have no idea how to go about the fast days

    Great ideas.

    Thank you. So helpful…

    Thank you hev86 I’ll be going for the chick pea curry this week, sounds delicious
    also any supermarket own brand vegetarian soya mince is v low fat and a great replacement for meat – I made a cottage pie using soya mince(read pac for calories and weigh suitable amount) , half onion, garlic, 2 carrots, tomatoes and herbs with a root vegetable topping (carrots 1 small sweet potato or butternut squash boil till really soft then you don’t need any oil or butter ) serve with spinach, carrot and greens very filling, very yummy.

    I have just started this diet. Am sort of feeling my way so the recipes are hugely helpful. Thanks for doing it and please keep them coming.
    My husband isn’t on the diet so I’m feeling my way to find a way of cooking’ properly’ for him whilst sticking to the ‘fast’ twice a week. Am hoping for good results I’ve also just started weekly yoga.
    Fingers crossed please.
    I am no spring chicken but will be much healthier for losing about a stone.

    Hi wicken and welcome:

    There are many recipes in this forum: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/forum/food/recipes/

    Here are some tips for those just starting 5:2: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

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