End of week 1 – hubby finding it hard work

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End of week 1 – hubby finding it hard work

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Ianthy 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi

    Thought I would post an update – hubby and I started 5.2 last week. I found it relatively easy – I have done Lighterlife and Exante in the past, so 500 calories for 2 days a week is pretty good. In fact it did not feel like a diet at all as I had the other days to look forward to but mindful about not exceeding my daily limit.

    My hubby found it really hard – he loves sweet things and eats at will – ice cream at midnight etc., Certainly his mood was different. On both fast days he got past midnight and then had a snack as he felt too hungry to continue. I am not being hard on him as I know he will still benefit from some weight loss and the other health benefits. Is there any advice that I could pass onto him to help him stay the course, as I can see that he is finding it hard work.

    Thks for reading.

    Hi Lanthy, welcome! Does he have much to lose?

    Hi lanthy, same situation in our house. My theory is that women are forever on one diet or another and so being occasionally hungry is familiar to us. To me the fasting days are mostly ok, my partner suffers. If he’s extremely hungry in the evening he gets a slice of prosciutto (only 18 cals and lots of protein) and keeps it in his mouth like a hard candy for a while before actually swallowing it. He is very proud of his “invention” :).
    Now that he lost 16 lbs in 2 months he doesn’t complain (much). Men tend to lose faster due to their muscle mass, maybe it’ll convince your hubby it’s worth it when the weight starts dropping.
    I started 2 months earlier (mid-April) and lost 19 lbs, all in all we’re thrilled with the results. Good luck to both of you and let us know how you’re doing!

    Hi lanthy. I too am a sweets lover. I never used to think about how many sweet things I ate per day I had to start limiting myself to one serving per day. On the fast days I don’t usually have one, although I’ve been eating lots of strawberries lately and they’re sweet. I live in the USA and there is a line of products called Skinny Cow. They have Mini-fudge pops that are only 50 calories each and taste great. Maybe there’s something like that where you live. I have had one of them on a fast day when I got to feeling desperate for something. 🙂

    I’m having two sugar free popcycles for a snack on a fast day. They are only 15 calories each, and help me feel like I’m eating something.

    Hi – well Hubby would benefit from loosing 2 stones. His family have a history of heart problems and all of his fat is around his torso, so he sees the benefits of the plan. He has now gotten into the habit of having a pasta snack after midnight and says that he has done 24 hours. We weighed in after 9 days and he had lost 1.1 kgs, which was good. When I tracked his cals on a 5 days he ate 4,000 cals in one day! I think even he was surprised.

    I think Fasting in Berlin is correct – women have been on diets most of their lives. For hubby a diet is simply cutting back a bit – e.g. one less rasher of bacon, one less scoop of ice cream. I guess the main thing is that he wants to continue on and he is loosing some weight. Hopefully with time he will see it as a lifestyle change as opposed to torture.

    Thanks all for the advice.

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