End of my first week on 5:2

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End of my first week on 5:2

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  simcoeluv 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Completed my first week and have lost 6lb (2.72 Kg), my waist and neck measurements have remained the same.
    I found the two fasting days easier than I imagined as long as I kept busy. I made sure I had a drink every hour, alternating between tea and water with one diet coke each day just to break things up. I had a slight headache on both fast days but not as bad as I imagined it would be.
    I made sure I exercised everyday by walking to and from the train station to work instead of using the tube. Also did two gym sessions of about 30-40 minutes over the seven days.
    I used the myfitnesspal app every day, this helped on non-fast days as I was still aware of what and how much I was eating. I wanted to make sure I didn’t over eat on non-fast days as a reward to myself for sticking to my 600 calories.
    Looking forward to my second week, I don’t expect to lose as much weight as I guess some of my loss was water.
    So far I would say I don’t feel as if I’m on a diet, I’m just eating sensibly and doing a bit more exercise. So far doing 5:2 does not feel like I’m on the diet/gym routine that has failed so many times in the past.

    well done – I started 3 weeks ago and had similar results, although measurements also came down pretty quickly too.
    I’ve also been using myfitnesspal to record calories on and off for around 9 months or so – it’s really helpful.
    Over-eating on non-fast days has been my biggest problem – if you’ve got that cracked you’re doing well.
    I’m now experimenting with a 1/2 fast day – not breaking fast until the pm perhaps since I tend to start eating under control and end the day hungry and needing more.
    How have your energy levels been? I’m amazed that no food = so much energy!!

    Energy levels have been ok considering I’ve been working night shift this week. Nights always plays havoc with eating and sleeping but I have survived this week ok.
    How has your weight loss been after the first week?
    myfitnesspal definitely helps, it would be easy to over eat on non-fast days without it.

    I’m coming to the view that the diet’s to be taken with a pinch of salt – in that the weight loss can be dramatic, everyone loves that of course, but the trend is somewhat slower.

    This means that you have to be ready for some reversals in what can be a bit of a roller coaster ride.

    I’ve, lost around 14lbs in 5 weeks. That’s impressive in any case but it masks the enormous losses (6lbs in one week) that have reversed and smoothed themselves out over time. Last week, for instance, and for reasons that are probably a bit predictable (2 big dinners out with work, probably more drinks than a few etc.,etc.) I discovered 2lbs on by the end of the week – with 2 fast days and a bit of exercise.

    All explainable, rational and very predictable but difficult to deal with on the day.

    Nonetheless, the plan is so easy to follow that I’ve re-doubled efforts this week, had only a mixture of fasting days and light days and it’s working again (you just know it don’t you). The ability to tune and adapt in the plan is its biggest strength.

    You have my sympathy on the nightshift thing – used to work alternate weeks on 12hr night shifts and I never adapted properly. Again, hopefully the diet’s able to tune to your working environment with some tweaking.

    Good luck!

    Hi fly and welcome:

    The average weight loss over time on 5:2 is about a pound a week. If you are looking for a quick weight loss diet, I’m afraid you will have to do complete water fasts for several weeks (not recommended).

    Here are some tips: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

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