Eight weeks later.

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  • Today is a fast day but I must admit I am ready to throw in the towel. Fast days are hard but I do them and it definitely gets easier as times get on. Emotionally though I am not the same as I was. I am low and the “here we go again” and my tummy is sore like uncomfortable..bloated and so like I need to go to the toilet (sorry for tmd) but I can’t go. I have lost weight but I think that is mainly due to stepping up my fitness. I am on the 5/2 Facebook page but I am getting different advice and I don’t know where I am going wrong.

    So a Sunday is my fast day. So last meal Saturday evening about 9 ( later than usual but we were out) and have a 200 calories breakfast and I don’t eat for 10 hours although I take a few raisins or cashew nuts (half a handful) if I feel dizzy or sick throughout the day. My dinner with the remainder on my 500 calories for dinner..then shower and bed an hour later. I don’t eat breakfast the next day untill the 36 hours is up which is usually about 10/11 am.
    Can someone tell me if I am doing the right thing and how I can stop from the bloated feeling and why I feel so down :(.
    Is this right


    Your fast days sound fine as far as eating goes but are you drinking enough water, feeling dizzy and constipation are both signs of insufficient water intake.
    As for bloating, what are you eating on non fast days? I’ve found if I eat a lot of bread or cake or other processed carbs on non fast days I feel bloated and lethargic so have cut them down and have noticed the difference.
    I aim to eat a healthy balance of vegetables, fruit and protein on non fast days with a small amount of bread or cake and ensure that I keep the fluid intake up.

    Hi Leeanna

    throw in the towel – then stamp on it, kick it, pick it up and throw it again!!!

    Then leave it there for a day or two, and miss a fast day.

    In a couple of days, go pick it up – its fine to throw in the towel as long as you pick it up again – one evening earlier in the year I murdered all the veggies in the kitchen – a bloody massacre, especially when I attacked the tomatoes. I got to the point where if I never saw another vegetable, it would be ok with me!!! My OH and son, just glanced in, told me they weren’t clearing the mess and ordered me a take out. Wise men.

    It gets like that. There are low times – I do get them, and then again sometimes I’m bouncing around the walls like a blummin’ duracell bunny.

    So have a couple of days off, come back and re-read Amazon’s advice – she is a wise woman. Maybe up your salt intake – and veggies all the way for easing constipation – sennakot in the short term is fine, or ask in Holland and Barratt, they have well informed staff there – and I think if you not feeling good, time to rejig what you are doing, its not written in stone. You have mastered the hard part, the fast days – so now its time for a bit of tweaking.

    I’ve been doing this for a while, only recently discovered home made soup – filling stuff, veggies and comfort food. Quick to make too, once you have made soup a few times.

    This is a journey with no end, makes it of paramount importance to enjoy the journey, so travel hopefully!

    Hi Leeana,

    I only started fasting this week so I don’t have lots of experience to go on. I thought I would read this post and find another success story to help keep me focused and although at fisrt I was sorry to hear you are struggling a bit, after reading you post again I think you should be proud of sticking to the diet 8 weeks! Seems like a big achievement to me!
    Maybe you could think about changing your fast days a bit? You said you have 200 calories for breakfast, that’s fine but if you try I bet you could get that down to more like 100 and have those extra 100 for lunch or a snack to keep you going and it still leaves enough for a nice dinner.
    Also, maybe try to have dinner a bit earlier the night before fast? I like going to bed on a fast knowing I can eat a normal breakfast when I get up! Otherwise o would feel like I was dragging it on to the next day.
    I have read lots of advise on eating bran on non fast days and keeping up fluids so I’m guessing that part must be important to do.
    I hope you find the motivation to keep going! This message board could be a helpful tool to find a fasting buddy or maybe set an achievable goal for Christmas?
    Good luck and think positive!!

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