Effect of fasting on a Virus – CMV and Epstein Barr

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Effect of fasting on a Virus – CMV and Epstein Barr

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Fastinated 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I have been suffering from fatigue for about a year now. I got diagnosed this week for CMV and Epstein Barr Virus. Before I knew the diagnosis, I started a 24 hour fast, once a week because of the possible long terms benefits on mental health. I have been doing this regime for 3 months. On the fasting days, I have no fatigue – I am completely alert all day. Its a 100% result. 6 days a week I have to go to bed for a nap in the middle of the day. On the fast day I feel great (except hungry). I have discussed this with the GP – but they just kind of “hmm ahh” then move on so its obvious they don’t have any opinion. I have been tested for Gluten intolerance, Thyroid and many other things – all normal.

    I am fast coming to the conclusion that I am food intolerant and it has caused most of my pain and fatigue. I simply cannot achieve much while I am digesting food. So now I only eat once I have done what I need to do for the day and rest while my body deals with it. As a consequence I have lost lots of weight too but the main benefit has been from the timing of eating as well as the reduction in cravings. I have had fibromyalgia for years and had no stamina before I started intermittent fasting. I can do much much more these days. I still get hormonal flare ups but nothing like as bad as previously. The other thing that helps is always listening to something, music or an audio book that takes my focus out of my body and onto something interesting and or pleasant. It helps with the hunger during fasting as well as with pain and fatigue. I don’t use pain killers any more as they were causing as many problems as they solved, this works better.

    Thanks for that reply. I am also coming to the same conclusion-that one meal per day is the possible solution-or worth a go. I have been taking an anti-depressant for 18 months. One side effect is that I have a huge appetite in the evening which has caused me to gain a lot of fat so I am sure I can manage on less calories. the music idea is also good as it can be energising. Exercise as always is good- I have joined a local swimming pool and I found that I can sometimes swim through the fatigue and get over that hump. Good luck.

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