Effect of 5:2 on gut bacteria?

This topic contains 42 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Pogo1 6 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Every other day, it seems, there’s more and more fascinating information on the human microbiome and what it does – even if researchers aren’t always sure how it does certain things, or what exactly constitutes a “good” microbiome. I’m not holding out hope that one day I’ll be able get a christensenella implant (what I call the “garbage guts” bacteria, common to those horrible people who can eat vast amounts of anything, including junk food, and remain thin), and I’m not going to get maniacal about it, but I’m all for getting a happy and diverse bunch of bacteria in my gut doing what they need to do. For now, I’m happy to do things like open a window, get into the garden, eat as big a variety of plants as I can (experts say aiming for 30-40 a week, minimum, is the way to go), and have something fermented once a day.

    Now I’m wondering: does IF impact the bacteria in any way?

    Do they recuperate in the downtime, like the rest of the body does when fasting, or does fasting cause bacteria population to drop? Or neither? I’ve also read that while a high fibre diet is very important for the bacteria, it only seems to “work” when you are consuming high fibre (that’s 30g and up) every single day – no days off. This is impossible to do on 5:2 unless you’re taking fibre supplements, and no, I’m not keen.

    Thoughts? There’s very, very little information about IF and the microbiome out there – at least out in Google, where the non-scientific plebs like me hang out – and I’m hoping that some of you well-informed ones might be able to shed a little light on the subject. (Note, however, that I’m not looking for an excuse to go off 5:2 even if it’s not ideal for the bugs in my tum. It’s just been too good for me. I’m just after extra information.)

    Thanks! I look forward to your replies.

    That’s a very interesting question and I wonder along with you but, alas!, I’m not a scientist of any variety so I have nothing definitive to add.

    For myself, I take a probiotic supplement in the hope that will help promote a healthy colony of gut flora.

    Ah – no scientists required for answering this question. Just people more informed than I! πŸ™‚

    Probiotics are good, but the research that is coming out suggests that their benefits have been overestimated. Prebiotics (ie. foods that bacteria in the gut can feed on – usually high in fibre) appear to be more important. And, of course, a variety of plant foods, for a wide variety of bacteria.

    There is a lot of intensive research on this going on but the people doing it are keeping there findings very close to their chests, because if they can isolate the right bacteria and make a pharmaceutical out of it there is big big big money to be made under the label “A cure for obesity”.

    I wish some of the questions on this forum could be passed on to microbiologists willing to reply.

    I am watching this research with interest too. In the meantime I usually have 100g of symbiotic yoghurt on a FD which really fills me up. Also make sure I have some red wine on nonFD’s too as I read somewhere that this is great for gut bacteria😊.

    Ooh! The thread is alive again! Yay!

    Vero, what I’ve read so far is that they don’t want to say what constitutes a good microbiome. For example, one of the bugs they’ve isolated is christensenella: that could definitely be the “cure for obesity” you mention! But at the same time, christensenella may allow you to eat whatever you like without gaining weight, but it doesn’t guarantee overall health. So yeah. I’m not discounting that they’re waiting until they can make money from it, but I also think it’s early days and there’s not that much to tell.

    Jilly, I hadn’t read about the red wine! I’m a teetotaller but I know several people that’s going to make very happy. πŸ™‚ I’m eating a high fibre diet and striving to eat 30-40 different types of plant matter a week. I also have something fermented every day. I ferment my own veg (either as kimchi, or in milder lactofermented form) and either have a bit of that, or some miso soup, or some yoghurt. It’s pretty easy, and enjoyable.

    Still wondering about the effects that fasting has, though. The bacteria appear to react quite dramatically to sudden dietary change: I recently read a study that the weekend junk food binge (ie. three days) can decimate gut bacteria and undo all your nurturing of them through the week. But fasting isn’t the same as going nuts on junk food, is it?

    Hmmm… let’s see if someone else can enlighten us!

    A new enzyme has been discovered in leafy green vegetables particularly spinach. It is suspected to have properties to improve gut flora and possibly act as a probiotic and even antibiotic.


    Fascinating! Thank you! I love my green leafy veg. πŸ™‚

    It really is an interesting field!

    Perhaps you’re aware of the experiments in fecal donation. That ongoing research involves taking fecal matter (ugh!) from thin people with healthy metabolisms and inserting it (more ugh!) into people with various health issues that are suspected to be based on unhealthy metabolisms. Scientists are asking the question can people “catch” healthy like they “catch” disease (YIPPEE!) when their intestinal flora is properly balanced.

    The way I see it, intermittent fasting may have the potential to accomplish a similar thing without the transfer of fecal matter. When we give our digestive systems some down time we may be changing our own intestinal flora.

    I know that it’s been about 9 weeks for me. In that time I have done 2 back-to-back fasts of just water each week. The totally remarkable result for me is that my appetite for food has changed in a very fundamental way. I enjoy the food I eat on my food days but, most surprisingly, I am not hounded by cravings that have plagued my 68 year life. I have very little difficulty resisting foods that are counter productive for me. For the first time in my life I feel like I actually have a *choice* as opposed to a *compulsion* about what to eat and what not to eat. It is a small miracle in my life and it feels like it’s *happening* to me rather than being a monumental struggle to master obsession.

    I’m guessing that’s about gut flora far more than it is about anything I’m consciously doing. I’m also sure, in a totally anecdotal way, that it has a tremendous amount to do with lots of veggies — leafy and more substantial — and a nearly complete avoidance of sugar and starchy carbs — in my case, including all grains.

    I look forward to what this area of research makes more clear over time.

    Hi Chubster,

    I am relieved to hear that intermittent fasting might be an alternative to fecal transfer! It seems infinitely preferable to me.
    Today is Monday so I am on my fast day. Just celery soup and a plain yoghurt. I like vegetables so it is no trouble eating those on other days too. Keep up your fecal chronicle. It is interesting.

    AMEN! MUCH better to effect this change in the gut ecosystem with veggies! πŸ˜‚

    There is an amazing book published in 1910 about how fasting cures many ailments written by Upton Sinclair, and although he had no idea why fasting seemed to work so well, I would guess that the reason was because the gut microbiota changed during the fast. He only fasted longer than 3 days, because he said that it was a waste because 3 days were the time that hunger was present, but he said that if someone was too heavy, or too skinny, the fasting seemed to ultimately reset their body weight to their ideal body weight naturally after the fast, although the focus in the book was on a lot of other benefit to fasting. The book is free now, and easy to find it as a pdf on google because it is out of copywrite. It’s called the fasting cure.

    If I had to guess though, I’d guess that fasting had some sort of profound effect on the gut microbiota. And probably intermittent fasting would have the same effect, especially if a person was eating standard American diet. (SAD)

    I’ve been diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth). There are only supposed to be small amounts of bacteria in the small intestine; they’re supposed to be mostly in the colon. There are many possible causes, including food poisoning, heartburn medications, etc.

    I read a book about it and was surprised to learn that the small intestine has cleansing waves to wash bacteria down into the colon between meals. But it can only happen after 2 or more hours of no food. The book does not recommend fasting per se but advises 3 meals a day with no snacking. I get the feeling that fasting causes an even more deep cleansing than 4 hours between meals.

    I know that my gut feels more clean when I’m fasting, and my IBS symptoms like cramps, bloating and gas go away. They return on my feeding days however, so the effect isn’t permanent. But it does make me look forward to fasting just to be free of pain and “reset” my gut.

    Anyway, here’s an interesting blog about the microbiome. This guy went lived in Africa for a while to try to diversify his gut biome. He links to studies in which they are trying to run studies of gut bacteria from as many people as possible. They have an American project and a British project. You can send in a sample (ahem) and they will let you know how your gut compares to others.


    British gut – https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/4sSf3/ab/5qJ7f

    Hi Lemna,
    yes, that was a very interesting article about that guy going to Africa. I’d do the same thing if I had the money and time for that. I think that he’s doing the right thing.

    Interesting article on fermented food benefits (microbiome) :


    Recent episode of “Trust Me I’m a Doctor” looked at pro-biotics, sort of. They discussed the merits of them but opted to do a trial of eating oatmeal every day for 6 weeks (porridge, muesli, etc, as long as the eater got 3 tablespoons of oats). DNA of gut bacteria analysed at start & finish. At end of trial the DNA of bacteria known to be beneficial to heart health & protect the linings of the intestines had the strongest signatures – they were present at start of trial but very weak.
    Good news for me as I have been eating oatmeal (rolled oats so unprocessed) for years as a method to reduce cholesterol levels (3 tablespoons rolled oats so unprocessed). I only add a bit of fruit & flax seeds so low in calories (under 200 calories according to the app I use). Occasionally add roasted rolled oats to Greek yogurt as a snack on days I don’t have porridge.

    This site seems to have gone quiet, but it still seems the best place to pose my question. Over the last few years I have lost a lot of weight with 5:2, which I am now combining with limited time eating. However, in the last 18 months I have had two colonoscopies and a length of my colon removed, all of which required my gut to be thoroughly empty. I am assuming that along with every thing else, my friendly bugs went as well. So, without going to Africa, how do I get them back? Until a couple of weeks ago, when I started limited time, I ate rolled oats and I still have Greek Yoghurt. I eat a reasonably wide variety of fruit and veg ,so I may have recovered some, but how do I get more? If possible I would prefer an answer that didn’t involve buying something with the word “biotics” on the side. Next week I intend to start making Kefir, about which I have heard good reports. Any feedback about that would be useful.

    Eat fermented foods. Fermented soya milk. Eat raw veggies, don’t peel them (Id even wash the veggies sparingly). Eat whole fruit with the skin on. Natural Greek yogurt. Avoid sugar. Eat lots of soluble fibre, beans, apples. Green unripened bananas.

    Thanks bigbooty. Apart from soya milk and green bananas I am pretty much there. I am happy to eat the veg I grow unwashed and unpeeled. Soya milk will be a challenge. I went off it 50 years ago when I lived in Hong Kong -it was all we could get and it was vile. I eat a banana most days but have never eaten them green. I’ll give it a go.

    So far I have not seen fermented soya milk. However, we have a strong Polish community in this area and the local supermarket has started to stock Kefir at a very reasonable price. I have just tried my first glass (about 1230pm, I don’t do breakfast). My reading on the subject suggests that this is a very healthy thing to drink and I also found it very much to my liking. The next step is to start making my own.

    Hello Betty’s girl,

    Going back to your original post, you may find this video interesting. In it Tim Spector, from Kings College, talks extensively about gut microbiobe; touching also on the issue of fasting and it’s effect on gut flora.


    Fasting just increases akkermansia bacteria that feeds from the mucus in your gut and protects it. There are only benefits from fasting unless you are in poor health

    There is a very good book on this subject that I heard about on this forum, “10% Human” by a researcher, Alana Collen. https://www.amazon.com/10-Human-Microbes-Health-Happiness/dp/0062345990/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1502467020&sr=8-1&keywords=10%25+Human



    I’m only about halfway through it, but it’s completely fascinating.

    One thing to keep in mind about eating fermented foods is that most of what you buy in a supermarket has most of the good bacteria killed off by heating it. Sauerkraut for example, is filled with helpful strains of good things for your gut. But it would continue to ferment in the can and probably explode it if they didn’t use heat to kill most of it off. Things like yogurt and kefir are the same. These are all easy to ferment on your own at home and are full of probiotics. It’s also much more economical to do your own.

    Also very good is “The Diet Myth” by Tim Spector.

    CalifDreamer – I have just finished a home-made leek and bacon quiche with shop bought sauerkraut and pickled veg. I’m hoping some of those bugs survived! At least the evening kefir will be my own.

    Penguin, I think you may have killed off some of the strains just by cooking it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good tasting dish! The cabbage is still a heathy cruciferous vegetable. I often make sauerkraut and bratwurst cooked together. It just doesn’t taste the same with lukewarm sauerkraut.

    Penguin, I just started a big jar of goat milk fermenting. I did keep some of the grains in cow’s milk too, just in case. I rinsed off the grains that I put in the goat milk. Our water is pretty good here, so I just ran it under the tap water. I can’t remember if I did that last time I switched grains from cow to goat, but I do rinse them occasionally even when not switching. I’m being overrun with kefir! Good thing it keeps in the frig, both grains and finished.

    I have been avoiding kefir on FDs because I’m not sure of the calorie content and I’m pretty good at counting everything. At first I was using the unfermented milk measurement, but then penguin pointed out a possible lower count because of the lactose being eaten by the grains. Has anyone come up with a good count? I suppose it varies by how long it’s been fermenting and I shouldn’t be so anal about calories. 😁

    CalifDreamer. I didn’t cook either the sauerkraut or the pickled veg – ate them as a cold side. I’m getting to like them. When they are gone I will make my own – the garden is full of veg I need to do something with.

    The creamy kefir worked well – thicker and a good taste. I had intended to revert to either straight full milk or goats milk, but I had a tub of single cream going spare, so the batch currently fermenting is half cream and half full milk. Looking good. The kefir grains are now getting very plentiful – not overrun yet but getting there, they really seem to like cream.

    My weight is plateauing at my initial target but I ‘ll have a fast day tomorrow. For me FDs are usually zero cal and black coffee/green tea so the cals are not a problem if I allow myself what has become my mid-evevning habit of a glass of kefir.

    I used the nutrition panel on the kefir that I purchased as a guide to calorie count. The brand I bought was made from full fat organic non-homogonised cows milk and it says that this is 99.7% of the product. I figured if I made kefir from whole cows milk it would have a similar calorie count once fermented.

    Full fat cows milk contains 62-65 calories per 100ml, depending on brand. But the kefir I purchased contains 48 calories per 100ml. I don’t know why this happens, but I assumed the difference was due to the fermentation process as the lactose (milk sugars) are the food that the kefir grains eat during fermentation.

    I have been having kefir on FDs. Never more than 100ml and sometimes a little less if calories are tight.

    LJoyce, you know the confusing part of that is that the original full fat milk is still there, even if fermented. So where do the original calories go? You didn’t remove anything. (If, in fact you fermented it yourself) So do you go by the milk calories or the kefir calories? I suppose this is all kind of a moot point since calorie listings are at best an educated estimate on most food products. I guess I would go by the original milk calories unless I learn of a reason not to.

    Penguin, if you like sauerkraut, you must try fermenting some yourself! No staters needed, just cabbage, non-iodized salt and a jar or other vessel to ferment it in. It’s SO much better than the stuff from a can.

    Cali, Where did the calories go? I am not a food scientist, but this is what I think:
    There are a number of processes that change the nutrition in a food so I know it’s possible for a food to lose calories through a transformative process.
    For example sprouting legumes reduces the calories. I assume this because the bean/pea/lentil uses some of the stored energy to fuel the sprouting process.

    As for kefir, the only logical thing I can think of, is that some of the lactose is used by the kefir grains to multiply the bacteria and grow more grains and some is expelled as gas as part of that fermenting process. One of the things that leads me to believe this is by comparing the differences in the nutrition panel on a bottle of full cream milk and a bottle of kefir made from full cream milk. There is very little difference in the fat and protein content on both bottles. The main difference is in calories, carbs and sugars. Per 100ml, the kefir has 60kj (14cal) less than the milk and the carbs and sugar have more than halved. Both carb and sugar in the milk is 4.5g per 100ml and they are both 2.2g in the kefir.

    I could be completely on the wrong track with my thinking, I’m just trying to find an explanation for a calorie difference where you start with the same food and don’t personally remove anything. My brain does is usual thing of trying to come up with logical explanations – some of which have the definite potential to lead me up a few dead ends.

    LJoyce, that sounds completely reasonable. I wasn’t thinking of the gases expelled while the milk is fermenting, but that does happen. And the new grains that are produced are removed from the finished kefir. It’s definitely a different product than what you started with. I bet baking bread changes the calorie content of bread dough. If nothing else, the evaporation of liquids when baking would make a difference.

    Cali – This 2 things that led my thinking down that path were: the fairly recent articles that I’d read on how the human body burns energy and what is expelled on our breath; and wikipedia says that the kefir grains are made from celulose (which I think is a carbohydrate that is indigestible to humans).

    The real problem with my very logical brain is that it can reach what looks like a perfectly reasonable conclusion, but because I have no background in the field I can quite easily be making incorrect assumptions. That’s one of the reasons I’m always wary of the bulk of info on the internet – I assume that there are plenty of others out there who make the same leaps of logic and don’t necessarily land on an answer that’s accurate.

    Hi folks,

    I’ve been on 5:2 for at least 2 years. I’m losing slowly because I have trouble maintaining my discipline. Nevertheless, I’m sure 5:2 and maintaining a healthy gut biome are the way for me to go for the remaining 30-40 pounds I need to lose.

    I take a probiotic but I’ve recently become aware of the concept of PREbiotics. I’m not up to reading a technical paper and the information I’ve gotten comes — anyone surprised? — from people selling expensive supplements. Naturally I’d take what those guys have to say with a *large* grain of salt. Still, what they did say about *supporting* the healthy flora in the gut and enabling it to suppress the problematic ones that cause cravings is something I’ve seen from practical experience in my life and something I’d really like to do.

    For my whole long life when I’ve been able to maintain any degree of discipline and lose weight it has been, ironically, EFFORTLESS. I can only attribute that to the times when I’ve got a healthy population in my gut supporting my efforts. So I am rabid for all the reliable information anyone here can share with me.

    So far I’ve read off-the-deep-end things like avoiding tomatoes and all it’s relatives in the nightshade family and beans. And I’ve read that I should add difficult things like raw onions and garlic and dandelion greens to my regular diet. Anything you know that’s more reliable, complete and do-able will be MUCH appreciated.

    @la. I view those vested interest science articles with scepticism. It will take months for your gut biome to change its population composition. You may undergo some discomfort as it changes. No getting around that. If you want to effect a change you really need to base your diet on plant based whole foods PBWF. That’s not the same as being vegetarian!! Eat lots of veggies and legumes and beans, some fruit, some dairy, some meat. Do not peel your veggies and fruit!! The skin usually has the insoluble fibre and the flesh has the soluble fibre. Insoluble fibre is the cleaning brush for your intestines and the soluble fibre feeds your gut flora which is mostly located in you large intestines. Carbs locked up in fibre also delivers its caloric payload slowly which prevents insulin spikes.

    Tomatoes bad? Beans bad? Unless you have a particularly bad response to them Id keep eating them. I love beans and put tomatoes in ALL my curry dishes which I have often. Raw onions? If you can tolerate it great eat them raw. I always include onions and spring onions in my dishes. Without being too scientific if you include leafy greens and a variety of different coloured veggies in your meals you really cant go wrong. My wife started a herb bed. I always throw in fresh herbs into anything I cook. You can make scrambled eggs taste like a gourmet meal with some fresh herbs thrown in.

    Plant based whole foods that aren’t processed, throw in a little meat, fish, dairy, and you really cant go wrong.

    Thank you, bigbooty. I know that’s good advice and it’s what I try to incorporate within 5:2. And I can assure you I would NEVER take health advice from someone who’s trying to sell a product.

    But my situation requires a little more specificity. There are times when I am devoid of cravings. At those times I can follow a regime of eating healthy foods and fasting (complete water fasting) without any interference or resistance from my body. During those periods I’ve lost 50 pounds and mostly kept them off.

    When I’m in one of those grace periods I can go out to dinner and have a glass of wine and even a bite of dessert and then push it away without regret and continue to rely on my discipline and resume appropriate eating. Other times I have one tiny bite of something and I’m a gone-er for months at a time despite resolve and eating the “right” foods and following my program white knuckles and all. Still, I’ll have those insane cravings and begin to cheat and before I know it I’m back to indulgent eating for *months* at a time.

    I attribute those miraculous intervals to a healthy, well-balanced biome. During those times I eat a tremendous amount of cooked beans. They’re one of my staples. And I am not ever going to willingly give up tomatoes. I grow my own so that I can enjoy that fabulous flavor! But the thing I’ve found is I can do anything reasonable happily and without effort and I want to understand why and what are the conditions I have to achieve to stay there.

    What I’m trying to fine tune is the *real*, sensible every day, and understandable science about what foods and nutrients keep me in that zone. I’m thoroughly convinced that there is some chemistry to this. And if I can understand it, I can protect myself with it.

    Its ALL about the chemistry. But it may not necessarily be about the food alone. Stress, exercise, relationships, environment, your sense of contentment etc. play big parts to. You may have to take an AA approach of complete abstinence to certain foods if you cant tell when they will trigger a bad response and when you can just shrug it off. Good luck Im sure you’ll get there.

    If the initial question of this thread was “does Fasting change your gut biome?”, then the answer is going to be yes.

    Any time you change what you put into your mouth, you will change your gut flora. If previously you had eaten the Standard American Diet, or ate lots of processed carbs and sugar, then eating the higher quality carbs from veggies/fruit and the protein of a good Fast Day will be a surprise to your flora. This is why some fasters develop diarrhea or constipation.

    Any well-balanced diet will make the gut flora more diverse, which is the better situation. Fasting, especially not eating on a Fast Day as some do, will not change the gut biome at all. It is the combination of many diverse foods that makes the biggest impact.

    Probiotic pills or supplements don’t do much. Green smoothies do more. Not salad eating; not juicing: but ground-up greens and veggies. The macerating of the greens makes them easier for the gut flora to digest them, which boosts their population.

    Actually, bigbooty, although usually I agree with you 100%, a recent study showed that the biome can change in days, rather than months. A gut flora researcher stayed with the hunter-gatherers of the Kalihari for a couple of weeks and ate what they ate. He throughly mapped his gut biome first, then took more samples for mapping during and after his stay. The diversity of his biome shot up quickly then came back down after he went back to his former way of eating. Awfully interesting.


    An earlier post on this thread mentioned this already, it isn’t all about diversity of food. The following is from Clever Guts (Michael Mosley):

    “There is one species of bacteria in our gut that flourishes when we fast – Akkermansia. This lives on the mucous that lines our guts, keeping the lining of the guts in good shape and reducing inflammation.”

    So time without food is beneficial to the gut.

    I have to agree that fasting has a large impact on the gut bacteria, likely just as much as diversifying one’s diet. I’m definitely aware that my guts reactions to food vary a lot from when I’m breaking a fast to a few days later.

    The largest thing I notice is my tolerance of fruit is very high after fasting. When I wasn’t fasting in China I saw my desire and consumption of fruit dropping. I still ate a good amount but I totally avoided dried fruits wasn’t as attracted to other fruits. Instead I found myself craving onions, olives and cucumbers. I came back, fasted for about 24 hours and bam I’m back to hitting the fruit hard. Basically I think I might lose some capacity to digest the fruit when I’m not fasting.

    I’ve also done multi-day fast with 7 days being my longest. Those seem to have a far greater impact than just a 36 hour fast. I think the reactions in the gut are the hardest to adjust too on the longer fasts. I don’t think the outcome is negative, but there is certainly a lot of activity in the gut even during longer fasts.

    Is it a change in your gut or the fact that you are depleting your glycogen and sugary things are the quickest way to top it up? I tend to eat more protein after my fasts.

    Tolerance as in how my gut responds to fruit and other types of food. I’m pretty sure a lot of sugar from fruit doesn’t hit my blood, at least very quickly. Blood glucose is very easy to measure. (Just sometimes slightly painful.) Absorption rates likely has a lot to do with gut bacteria. However absorption of fructose is actually complex.

    Part of the problem with refined sugar is it generally seems to break apart into glucose and fructose quickly and absorbed from the small intestine quickly. This is probably because the ratio of fructose to glucose is about 1 to 1 and a total lack of any other nutrition. The rapid absorption of refined sugar into the blood stream has been shown in some nutritional studies. That is where the glycogen depletion is probably really important, so there is somewhere to put the sugar. However you don’t have to eat sugar to replace lost glycogen.

    There are differences between sugar in fruit and refined sugars:
    * Fruit contains more types of simple sugars
    * The ratio of fructose to glucose is often very different in fruit than refined sugars which may be a factor in fructose absorption.
    * Fruit has fiber and fiber tends to carry things deeper into the gut where there are higher populations of bacteria.
    * Fruit comes packed with many different nutrients, some of which seem to interfere with the absorption of sugar into the blood stream.

    I think that one’s diet can have a strong impact on how sugar from fruit is absorbed. If you eat a lot of processed foods then maybe sugar from fruit gets absorbed with ease. I’m not sure about it though.

    I’m leaning more and more towards a healthy gut being very protective. Brad Pilon in his “Good Belly Bad Belly” book even pushes the idea that fruit juices can even be protective when eating a heavy greasy meal. There are studies that show greatly reduced endotoxins in the blood if a greasy meal is consumed with fruit juice. However fruit juice does have much higher levels of sugars than whole fruit.

    Personally I can tell you that after fasting I don’t get a sugar rush from fruit, however there is far more gas produced. That is an indication of bacterial action. I’m at a point where I would rather have the gas issues than the high blood glucose issues.

    75 minutes after eating my very high fruit content breakfast (~6 servings of fruit) my blood glucose is 115ml/dl or 6.3 mmol/L.

    That is what I’m talking about … fruit doesn’t drive up my blood glucose the way processed foods do. If I had eaten a bunch of junk food for breakfast I would probably be looking at something in the 160ml/dl range right now.

    This response has change considerably as I’ve been fasting. I realize this isn’t any kind of real proof, I think it is because as I’ve fasted my gut bacteria has changed, hopefully for the better.

    Joining three dots. IF seems to be effective when the chemistry in the gut promotes the activity of specific bacteria that alter our response to sugar. I came across this today that might be a part of that mechanism https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/10/181029084038.htm

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