Dry wrenching in the morning …

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Dry wrenching in the morning …

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stef. 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Is anyone else experiencing dry wrenching in the morning of a fast. It doesn’t always happen but has done 4 times since I started 4 months ago. I initially just pushed through had a coffee and managed to stay on track. Sometimes I eat a small amount of cereal to bring my blood sugar up. I’m figuring low blood sugar is my issue as if I eat something I’m fine but that means I don’t get my long fast in……anyone else experiencing this?

    Low blood sugar would not make you wrench, and unless you are diabetic or have an insulinoma you are extremely unlikely to have a truely low blood sugar.

    I have not heard about wrenching as a side effect of fasting. Bear in mind that the morning of your fast day is no different to any other day – you usually have not eaten during the night and start the day fasted.

    Its retching, not wrenching.

    I think you need to see your doctor.

    Lol, you’re right Pattience. It’s heart wrenching that I stepped into this trap.

    We’ve all done it i’m sure.

    I think asking a doctor might not harm. Better safe than sorry.
    Best of luck

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