
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Okay, so this was so weird. I was having a lovely deep sleep, and was dreaming I was doing my normal thing of fasting, I was at work getting a cup of tea. Then, without thinking, I grabbed a couple of chocolate biscuits and started eating. It was in my mouth, chewed and swallowed before I could stop myself. As soon as it was swallowed, I was like… Oh damn, I’m supposed to be fasting today! Thats done it, i guess I made it for half a day, I’ll do another half day fast tomorrow, I wasn’t thrilled, but I wasn’t feeling like I’d totally blown things, just a little disappointed that I’d forgotten I was fasting. When I woke up in the morning, and the brain got conscious again, and when I realized it was just a dream, i was so very happy. I hadn’t forgotten and accidentally broken my fast, AND today is a normal food day, and I can have that chocolate biscuit if I want to. Which I probably won’t.
    Has anyone else had strange or interesting fast day dreams?

    We are what we most think of.

    Our dreams may dictate even more at a subconscious level.

    I have not had dreams on fasting yet. I do wake up occasionally in the middle of the night & reflect on different thoughts.

    Currently, fasting is upper most on my mind, as I want to know all that there is about fasting, and how it impacts my life.

    Curiously, fasting is actually the absence of something. Food.

    We do react more to loss than to gain.

    Perhaps, I will have peace of mind in not having so much. Just enough is good enough.

    We may live better & longer from just enough. ➰

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